AccEss This REPORT ONLiNE Wintec is one of the first organisations in the country to utilise QR codes – a type of barcode that gives quick and easy access to information via mobile. Our emerging technologies centre is championing the use of QR codes as part of our mobile learning strategy. Wintec Private Bag 3086, Waikato Mail Centre, Hamilton 3240 07 834 8800, www.wintec.ac.nz 2 Annual Report 2010 cONTENTs OVERViEW OF WiNTEc 5 sTRATEGic DiREcTiON 8 MEMBERs OF cOUNciL 10 chAiR’s & chiEF ExEcUTiVE’s REPORT 11 hiGhLiGhTs 17 EQUAL OPPORTUNiTiEs 25 FiNANciAL PERFORMANcE 29 – statement OF REsPONsiBiLiTy 30 – AUDiT REPORT 31 AcKNOWLEDGEMENTs 88 www.wintec.ac.nz 3 OUR MissiON tO Build A stROngeR COMMunity tHROugH eduCAtiOn, ReseARCH And CAReeR develOPMent. Ma¯ te ma¯tauranga, te rangahau, me te whai mahi e ora ai te iwi. 4 Annual Report 2010 OVERViEW www.wintec.ac.nz 5 As an award-winning institute of technology with more than 80 years experience providing quality education and training, we are proud to be an integral part of the region, serving the needs of students, employers and the wider community. 86 yEARs OF iNNOVATiON AND GROWTh 1990s Following government tertiary reforms, the institute becomes a 1968 body corporate with name changes to a Chief executive and Waikato technical Council. A range of 1994 institute, with 1987 degrees in nursing, innovative a wide range of name changes midwifery, business, Artechmobile is programmes in to the Waikato sport and exercise built and hits the engineering, science, Polytechnic science, information road to provide accountancy, to reflect the technology and media mobile computer business widening scope of arts are developed in education management and our educational response to changing to regional building trades. activities. employment needs. communities. 1924 1985 1992 Hamilton technical Horticulture 1990 First degree College is founded to teaching begins at satellite (Bachelor of provide technical and Hamilton gardens. campuses opened Business) trades training in the in te Kuiti is offered. Waikato region. and thames. 6 Annual Report 2010 2009 Wintec wins three national tertiary education awards for its global role (particularly its partnerships in China), innovative support services (for its creative industries business incubator sOdA inc.) and relevant learning (for its employer partnership groups). 2000 First postgraduate Wintec receives government funding to develop qualification an agritechnology educational centre in is offered 2003 Waikato, in partnership with world-renowned (Postgraduate Wintec opens AgResearch, AgitO, innovation Waikato and the diploma in nursing). Beijing office. Coalition of 21st Century schools. 1995 2001 2007 2010 land is purchased name changes to Award-winning Wintec opens a hub at its Avalon on Avalon drive to the Waikato institute gallagher Hub campus and this quickly becomes establish a campus of technology and opens and is a central studying and social space with ample space for two years later, swiftly adopted by for students, staff and visitors. trades, sports and the Wintec brand students as their hospitality training. is adopted. space for studying Wintec House, the historical corner and recreation. brick building on the city campus is re-opened after a $17 million refurbishment. Wintec House boasts educational facilities, quality events spaces and a business hub, opening up Wintec to the heart of Hamilton’s CBd. www.wintec.ac.nz 7 sTRATEGic DiREcTiON sTRATEGic DiREcTiON OuR stRAtegiC diReCtiOn FLExiBLE DELiVERy AND MA¯ORi AchiEVEMENT LEARNiNG TEchNOLOGiEs is Best desCRiBed Our aim is to maintain a focus on tHROugH OuR Our aim is to have flexibility for providing teaching, learning and stRAtegiC PRiORities. student learning, utilising a range of social environments, facilities, delivery options. We will increasingly and student support services that tHe PRiORities paint tHe adopt new learning technologies address Ma¯ori students’ needs and PiCtuRe OF WHO We ARe to enhance the effectiveness, and aspirations. And WHAt We want tO Be. students’ experience, of study. this increased flexibility will also OuR CHAnge PROgRAMMe, InternatiONALisatiON be a major contributor to our goal PROjeCt COnneCt, is AlsO of meeting employer requirements Our aim is to ensure we are a key part A Key stRAtegiC dRiveR for flexible, on and off-job training of new Zealand’s diverse, globally- FOR OuR ORgAnisAtiOn. opportunities. connected education system, and further strengthen our capability in, TERTiARy sEcTOR collaboratiON and capacity for, export education. Our strategic priorities underpin our planning process and guide our Our aim is to develop relationships direction and decision making. within the tertiary sector to improve they are: outcomes, create efficiencies, and REsEARch, DEVELOPMENT, improve performance. TRANsFER (RDT) AND QUALiTy AND sTUDENT OUTcOMEs cOMMERciALisatiON Our aim is regional, national and “OuR AiM is tO HAve Our aim is to promote a strong international recognition of the eFFeCtive engAgeMent alignment between our applied quality of our graduates, educational WitH eMPlOyeRs, research activity and the needs of products, and related services. industry for practical solutions to industRy And their ‘real-world’ problems. the MODERNisatiON, capabiLiTy COMMunities aim is to help drive productivity AND sUstaiNABiLiTy ACROss tHe RegiOn.” and development and encourage greater technology transfer between Our aim is to modernise our ourselves and industry. facilities, infrastructure, business EMPLOyER AND processes and work practices to cOMMUNiTy ENGAGEMENT reflect an efficient, effective, and Our aim is to have effective modern organisation with a level of engagement with employers, industry technological capability appropriate and communities across the region. to a leading institute of technology. this is central to ensuring that our provision of education and services is driven by the needs of employers and the region. 8 Annual Report 2010 sTRATEGic DiREcTiON PROjEcT cONNEcT - the projects ensure that we bring “using A PROjeCt DRiViNG ThE chANGEs the right people from across the MAnAgeMent organisation together with the focus Wintec is a complex organisation, and and resources required to implement MetHOdOlOgy, OuR we have ambitious objectives. the step changes we seek. CHAnge PROgRAMMe they will present challenges to us, is As MuCH ABOut hOW the disciplines of good project and a great deal of organisational We WORK tOgetHeR As management ensure the projects change is required to achieve them. operate on time, on budget, and with it is ABOut What We to succeed we will continue to use the appropriate risk management, ARe WORKing On.” the project management concepts communication and coordination and disciplines developed through to deliver the best outcomes Project Connect - our integrated to the organisation. change programme which began in 2003. Project Connect initiatives are strategically relevant, institution- this is a mechanism for translating wide and cross-disciplinary projects our strategic intent into practice. designed to improve our business and education practices and using a project management introduce positive changes in methodology, our change programme organisational behaviour. is as much about how we work together as it is about what we are working on. Project Connect currently comprises some 16 key projects and 60 work streams. these are organised around our major change areas: continuous quality improvement; flexible work practice; effective utilisation of leading edge technology; building relationships and connections; increasing research development and transfer capability; increased commercialisation activity; and embedding internationalisation. www.wintec.ac.nz 9 MEMBERs OF cOUNciL MEMBERs OF cOUNciL APPOiNTED By: cURRENT TERM ENDs: Members of Waikato gordon Chesterman Chairperson Minister for tertiary education 30/04/2012 institute of Technology Clint Baddeley Chair – Building and Wintec Council 30/04/2012 council as at Assets Committee 31 December 2010: Mary Cave-Palmer deputy Chairperson, Minister for tertiary education 30/04/2012 Chair – Finance and Audit Committee Bryce Cooper Wintec Council 30/04/2015 Rahui Papa Minister for tertiary education 30/04/2013 Aaron Rink Wintec Council 30/04/2014 steve tucker Minister for tertiary education 30/04/2014 dianne yates Wintec Council 30/04/2013 APPOiNTED/ELEcTED By: Members who left james Bennett Minister of education council during the year: Kristi Bernards general staff, Waikato institute of technology Mark Flowers* sam Mackenzie students’ Association of Waikato institute of technology deniss yeung Academic staff, Waikato institute of technology *Prior to 2010 the education Act 1989 required that Councils of an institution should include the Chief executive of the institution but this was repealed in March and the Chief executive is no longer required to be a member of the Council. 10 Annual Report 2010 chAiR’s AND chiEF ExEcUTiVE’s REPORT www.wintec.ac.nz 11 chAiR’s & chiEF ExEcUTiVE’s REPORT chAiR’s & chiEF ExEcUTiVE’s REPORT tHe PROgRess OF ReCent levels of study (level 4 and above), AN internatiONAL FOcUs to over 75% in 2010. this means, for yeARs in Building tHe Our relationships with leading example, that in 2010 over 1100 more, institutions around the world continue PROFile And RePutAtiOn predominantly young, students from to develop. We have increased our OF OuR ORgAnisAtiOn this region were actively engaged in partnerships in China, adding a further higher levels
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