a ■,v - ' :J\y . : / . » v NKt PRESS RUN AVERAGE DAELV'’CIRCUI/ATIOX THE WEATHER, . OP THE EVEXIXG HERALD FotecMt by V. S. Weather Bareaa, for the month of April, 1027 K err H aren Ubrav: Probably local showers tonl^t 4,984 and Friday. VOL. XLL, NO. 196. Classified adrertlsing on page 12 MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1927. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS U COLLEGE BOYS “KID” ENEMY” LANDS SON OF PRESIDENT BYRD AND LINDBERGH SPREAD THEIR WINGS S. EMIL JOHNSON Amherst, Mass., May 19.— John CoolidJge, son of the pres­ ident smiled today as he read ITS TROOPS ON the Amherst college year book. RESIGNS TODAY He was pictured as “the re­ ------ cipient of scented mash notes,” FORCES THOUSANDS AMERICAN SOIL because of his reported “affair or the heart” w’ith Miss Flor­ ASAN_^ESSOR ence Trumbull, daughter of the s governor of (Jlonnecticut. > MORE TO EVACUATE He received the monicker Break Through Defense On “Butch” because of his prowess ^ V \ ^ ' Chairman of Board With­ -<s>. with boxing gloves. Twenty Mile Front From John’s “schoolgirl complex­ draws As Result of Dis­ Twenty-Seven Towns and ion” and his economical “pea- SACCO W EL KNOWN s Jacket” came in for a bit of raz­ Sakonnet Point to South zing. agreement With Select­ Amherst undergraduate said Villages Abandoned as John was a “good sport” be­ TO LOCAL PERSONS Dartmouth. cause as one of the editors', of men— Salaries the Cause. Flood Approaches—Sec. the year book, he allowed the Jokes on himself to appear. Camp Adams, Newport, R. I-. The Herald learned today that Pal of Vanzetti Has Cousin Hoover Changes Head­ May 19.— “Enemy” troops were to­ ' N.W ' •■•'ve.ySi.w v 'SBQfiMMBOO0BM0&OM6' Emil Johnson, chairman of the day landed on American soil. Part Manchester Board of Assessors, has Living Here—Those Who quarters Base to Baton of a liilge expeditionary force was DRYS MAKE PU N S •A m tendered his resignation as an- as­ put ashore by the Black Araniada sessor to take effect at once. When Know Sacco. Rouge. under heavy fire along a strip it asked by a Herald representative the beach running from Sakonnet TO BATTLE SMITH today about the resignation, Mr. Johnson said he had nothing to say, Point, R. I., to South Dartmouth, but intimated that he would make With the eyes of the world foc­ Baton Rouge, La., May 19.— Mass. This front is about twenty a statement later. He did not deny ussed on Governor Alvan T. Ful­ ■With five weeks’ disaster behind miles long. Anti-Saloon League Generals ^ that he had resigned. Upon further ler .of Massachusetts, to see what and ten days more ahead, the flood Heavy Figlitiiig On 1 . ' inquiry TJJe Herald learned from a acUpn he-will take regarding the waters of the Mississippi drove Most ot the invading troops were r ^ reliable source that Mr. Johnson Hood of protests he has received added thousands from the farms landed near Sakonnet Point. Mean­ J y n has positively withdrawn as a mem­ To Fight Wet Candidates against th e' execution of Nicolo and homes today in the rich Atcha- time heavy fighting was in pro­ \ < ' ^ ^ J ber of the local assessment board. gress between the ships and forts i •'•^SSs'S'.’A v.v Samuel Nelson Jr., who had been Sacfo and Barthlomew Vanzetti, al­ falaya basin of Southern Louisiana. all along the coastline, particularly At Election. acting as clerk of the asse^prs leged rnur^derers of a paymaster More than 400 square miles are near Point Judith, R. I., where the tendered his resignation.. q.e.veral and' hl3~guajd in'_;South Braintree, being • evacuated unddr orders broadcast last night from the office enemy destroyers had opened fire months ago leaving('-J’oha« Mass., seyen years ago, Manchester at 6:05 a. m. ■Washington, May 10.—Ttfe pro­ the only member of tbe' board. of State Relief Director John M. .........r i S a i ’ ’ ' ..................... m Parker. Twenty-seven towns and Black battleships off Point hibition generals of the country, On Three Y'ear Term Judith were moving into Narra- Commander Richard E. Byrd (left) and Captain Charles A. Lindbergh (right), and their machines Mr. Johnson was elected last.Jall villages and hundreds of miles o1 gansett bay although up to nine a. comprising the e.xecutive committee Here you see their planes in flight over Long Island; Lindbergh’s “Spirit of St. Louis” monoplane in which for a period of three years. Mr. farming country in St. Martin, m., no troops had been landed at of the Anti-Saloon League, went lie will take off alone (above) and Byrd’s big triple-motored ‘‘America” below. Nelson would have come up for re- Evangeline, and Iberville parishes into conference today to make "war are being abandoned ' before the this point. election in two years and MJr. Jen­ flood waters rolling down behind plans” on all wet candidacies and sen’s term expires this year. ■ ’ the west levees of the Atchafala.va The resignations of two members GUNS BOOMING wet platforms In the 1928 presi­ from the Bayou Des Glaises sec­ dential race. cf the Board of Assessors within tion. such a short time is the result of a Big Rescue Machine. Camp Adams, Newport, R. I., The Big Target School Blast Death Toll 48 disagreement between the present May 19.—“Black” and “Blue” Their big target is Gov. A1 Smith Beard of Selectmen and the asses­ While the great rescue machine forces, fighting “The Battle of New of New York, the outstanding Dem­ sors. The assessors felt that they which has held loss of life to a England.” were at close grips to­ ocratic candidate at this time, but deserved, an dnerease in salary be­ minimum during the overwhelm­ day with the result hanging in the their plans embrace as well the cause of the increase in work the ing rush of water through Louisi­ balance. scuttling of every candidate who is ana during the last ten days con­ Over 75 Injured— Building now Linder system gave them. The centrated today upon the southern, Guns boomed from both sides, on suspected of the slightest degree of HEARING OF CLINE DISPUTE SETTLED Selectmen maintained that the as­ sea and on land. From less than dampness. end of the state .thousands of un­ sessors knew what the work and conquerable citizens of ■ Pointe twenty miles at sea the invading Bishop A. J. Barton of Nashville, Dynamited For Revenge salary amounted to before seeking Black armada, which is attempting presided. Others attending were HAS BEEN DEAYED Coupe parish still fought off the Wayne B. Wheeler, generalissimo BETWEEN FLYERS election, and that the members Mississippi and Atchafalaya at half to land an expeditionary force of should at least serve out their 75,000 men on the shores of New of. the league; and Bishop Thomas By Farmer Who Is Also a dozen points within a fifty mile Nicholson of Detroit. terms under the salaries they are radius of Baton Rouge, Torres, England, was raking the forts no-.v- receiving, $500 a year. Woodside, McCrea, Morgansea and along the coast. The land batteries. Matters Discussed The collapse of the McAdoo can­ To^Be Held on Saturday Be­ KiUed; Unexploded Charge Several errors in assessments Plaquemine Point are threatened In return, were firing shot for shot- Bertaud and Levine Friends with a crevasse of serious propor­ Newport Under Fire didacy and the reported steady arose after the'bSbkV SUlf^eeb, &e- growth of Smith’s candidacy in the dared closed by tbe assessors and tions. , Newport, famous playgrounds of fore the Mansfield Justice Would Have Killed Rest of I in attempting to have these mis- To Shift Base. American millionaires, was in the south was discussed and measures Again— Weather Again considered for the checking of the J takes cleared up the question of So threatening are the Atchafa- very center of the enemy’s gunfire. latter. Of the Peace. 325 Children In School. |v/ho should do the work bobbed up. Nicola Sacco laya danger spot? that plans to The crucial stage of the Army- The league will strongly oppose Holds Up Flight. ' 'fhe Selectmen maintained that the shift the operating base of t'qe Navy war game, which has for its any wet proposals in either major office of assessor was an all year is probably more interested in the Bayou Des Glaises rescue fleet from purpose the testing of the defen­ platform. The league officiaU will one and h outcome of the the Oldriver _tp Baton Rouge were sive strength of New EnglatW; has Mich,, May 19.— An­ mous case than mp^^TaceS^JT’or vabandoiKtf ' Secretary of Com­ be satisfied. It was Indicated; ....^^OlUm^tlct Conn.. Mineola, N. Y., May 19.—Settle­ tasks that-twriqgtthe been reached. drew Kelioe, madinan-tnii^er- Sacco is related to a^^lVIancnefFer' merce HCWer; Today Hoover i.s the prohibition plans In the 1924 Leopard Cline, playwright in whose ment of the differences between year. Conferences were held but no touring the extreme southern end Both sides have scored brilliant platforms repeated in 1928. Both satisfactory results were.obtained. woman and. Is also well known by victories, but neither the Blacks home on Wormwood Hill, Mans-i er, killed his wife, Nellie, with nearly a dozen local persons. He of the state to get that section pre­ these planks "straddled” the. issue. field, his friend Wilfred Irwin was J Lloyd W. BertaUd, suspended navi­ Troubles Increase nor the Blues held a decided ad­ his own hands and stuffed her gator and co-pilot of the Columbia has also visited friends here sever­ pared for the avalanche of water' shot and fatally InJured Sunday- At a meeting of the Board of al years ago, it was learned today.
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