F ro n tmp i ec e n r o d P hoto :U n d e rwo od 8 U d e w o . - - S ATE To o LT . C OL . A B S - L C O L . G R . , T . O T Kw . N . C . o LT . C O L . , . B a n . D . S . O B m C o m d . 2n d n ‘ 3 r d a t . C o m d g . g l s t B a rt n . C om dg . N O T E P en d i n i e - be g the full p war history , which is to written by better hands , the very sketchy outline in Part I . is given in order to form the connecting link between the Regiment in peace , since its formation , and the present time . It does not attempt to give the smallest idea of the hard work , often accomplished under disadvantageous t circums ances , carried out by all ranks , which made possible the work done in the war . That the Regi m ent even now exists is solely due to Lieu t - Colonel Lord Bingham (now Brigadier m General the Earl of Lucan) , whose cheery opti ism through the dark times previous to the birth of the T erritorial Force was such a great tower of strength . Any profits which may accrue from this pamphlet ’ will be given to the London Rifle Brigade P risoners Aid Fund . ct ober 6 . O , 1 91 C O N T E N T S Pa rt I Pa rt l l S eco nd Ba tt alion Third Ba t ta lion Ad m ini st ra t ive C e n t re Appen d ix A Appe n dix B Append ix C App en d ix D Appe n dix E Appendix F SH ORT H I ST O R Y O F T H E L ON D ON RI FL E BR I G AD E PART I . “ t l s F o r m a t lo n . The London Rifle Brigade , formerly the London Volunteer Rifle Corps (City of London o fli ci Rifle Volunteer Brigade) , and now , ally, the 5th (City of London) Battalion The m London Regi ent , London Rifle Brigade , familiarly known to its members and the public generally by the sub - title or the abbreviation 2 rd 18 was founded July 3 , 5 9, at a m eeting convened by the Lord Mayor . It has always been intimately associated with the City i t s of London , companies being under the patronage of the various Wards . Within a week of its form ation the muster of the Regiment exceeded two battalions were form ed and headquart ers were taken at 8 e . r No , Great Winchester Street , where they m ained for 34 years , and subsequently in Finsbury Pavement . In 1893 the Regim ent entered its present T headquarters in Bun hill Row . hese were de 3 - signed by the late Lieut . Colonel Boyes, erected entirely from regimental funds , supplemented by contributions from members of the Brigade , from various City Com panies and other frien ds m n of the Regi ent , and constitute the fi est build ing of its kind in London . Since the formation of the Territorial Force these headquarters have been shared wi th the Post Office Rifles . H o n o a r fi r y Mr . Alderman Carter was at rst appointed C o o n e . l l 1860 s e Honorary Colonel , but in it was sugge t d that a military Honorary Colonel would be more appropriate than a civilian one , and Mr. Carter H . H . (then Lord Mayor) approached R . the Duke of Cambridge , who , in response to the unanimous wish of the Regiment , accepted the appointment , which he held until his death in a t 1904 . During this period he rarely missed tending the annual inspection . C o m m a n d In 1862 a resolution was passed at a meeting i n g o m oor e u that Regimental Commanding O fli ce rs should now and always be Offi cers of professional ex e ri e n e p c and ability. This tradition has been departed from on only two occasions prior to the war , as shown in the list given on the following page . 4 Colonel Cholmondeley was appointed to com mand the Mounted Infantry Section of the to which regi m ent the London Rifle Brigade contributed 2 officers (Captain C . G . R . Matthey and Lieutenant the Hon . Schomberg M D n n e ll 8 . K . c o ) and 7 other ranks When the Volunteer Active Service Com 1 m panics were raised , 7 embers were accepted for service with the Royal Fusiliers, and an additional 7 6 joined the I m perial Yeom anry and T he total death roll of the Regiment was seven . Colonel Cholmondeley , Lieutenant E . D . m m - Johnson (I perial Yeo anry) , and Colour Ser geant T . G . Beeton Infantry) were men t i on e d in despatches . m G B . G R O U P S . Colonel Chol ondeley received the for his services in South Africa, and Lieutenant the . m M . G . Hon Rupert Guinness was ade a C . for his work with the Irish Hospital . When the Coronation honours were a n n o un ce d 1 02 in 9 , Colonel Edward Matthey , D . V . O R , received the , a fitting award for his long services to the Volunteer Force . Before L . n R B . 1 joi ing the . in 873 as a private he had 1 already been 3 years in the Victoria Rifles . He 1 0 1 retired in 9 , having served in every rank . t he His interest in Regiment has been , and still is , without limit . The work he has done for its wel fare , while 4 To fa c e p a g e . T H E C ON VEN T . St !:t o 16 01 N ove m b e r 1 1 . , 9 4 6 T ournament and in the competitions of the Metropolitan Territorial School of Arm s Asso ci a t i on . t h lot los . T he Battalion always took part in the various contests between the Territorial Regiments with considerable success . The most notable of late were the following - The Marathon Race in the Territorial Championship of the London 1 1 H use District , 9 3, when Captain y and the London Rifle Brigade team won it in the record 12 1 . time of hr . 33 min 37 sec the distance was m . miles , fro Ewell to Stamford Bridge The national contest at Newport did not pro duce such a good time , the London Rifle Brigade 1 1 sec . team winning it in hr . 48min . 4 The m arch to Brighton of 5 2 } miles for a team of sixty of all ranks , in full marching 1 1 order , was accomplished in 9 4 by a London fl H use Ri e Brigade team , under Captain y and 1 . Lieutenant Large , in the record time of 4 hrs 2 3 min . The war has not given any other battalion a chance to lower the latter record . and it will assuredly take some doing . PART II . The Battalion m obilised on the outbreak of war . It had actually gone into camp at East W bourne , but was brought back to London ithin a few hours of its arrival . A second and third Battalion were soon 0 formed . (See pp . 3 , R AL N FI ST BATT IO . Making stays of varying duration en route at m Wimbledon , Hersha , and Bisley (for three weeks) , the I st Battalion finally reached Crow borough , where it remained under canvas until ordered abroad . N t h 1 1 . It embarked on ovember 4 , 9 4 The following were the officers - Lieut . Col . W . D . Earl Cairns (Commanding) . - Lieut . Col . (Hon . Col . ) C . G . R . Matthey , - - V . D i n . (Second Command) — T D r N . Majo C King , — A . s . Captain S Bates , M H Soames , R H H e . us . y, C H F Thompson , H F - A. Ma cGea h . m g , J R Somers S ith , L L i t t . n t o . , and Hon Major C D Burnell — . R . O . Lieutenants E tter, J G Robinson , G H . Slessor . Morrison , E . L . Large , P . A , H B e ho le . C lm Price , A G Kirby , G H . y 8 — — . K . Second Lieutenants Forbes, G H G M Cartwright , W. L . Willett , H . L . Johnston , . T . C . W . revelyan , H G Vincent , G E S Fursdon , G . C . Kitchin . — t . m Adjutan Captain A C Oppenhei , — m . Quarter aster . Lieutenant J R S Petersen — D T . Ffice r . Medical O . Maj or A D Ducat , T he following short account is writt en in constant rem em brance of the censorship regu la t i o n s , and with a view to giving a faint outline of its doings to those who were not out with the I st Battalion in France . It will be an aid to m me ory to those who were with it , and are fortunate in being able to look back on a tim e when the I st Battalion undoubtedly reached its zenith . Never can any Battalion of the Regi m ent be better than was the l st London Rifle Brigade in — 19 14 1 5 .
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