HIGHBRIDGE STREET - WALTHAM ABBEY PHASE 1 DESK STUDY HIGHBRIDGE STREET - WALTHAM ABBEY PHASE 1 DESK STUDY NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY This Phase 1 Desk Study has been prepared for the additional development of new residential properties in a site located at 31 Highbridge Street, in Waltham Abbey, Essex, EN9 1BZ by Lustre Consulting Limited (Lustre) for Mr. J Blok. The site currently comprises of a residential property with private gardens and disused private garage, located within a mixed commercial and residential land use area. The site was developed by the 1860s, comprising a listed building within north-east corner of the site (a former Courthouse) and a yard area across eastern half of the site. The western section of the site was predominantly occupied by a single structure, which was demolished in the 1980s, prior to the construction of the existing garage. The historical construction and demolition works, particularly over the western section of the site have the potential to have generated Anthropogenic Ground across the site. Although, not evidenced on the historical mapping records, initial information provided to the client by Epping Forest District Council, suggests that historically the yard area to the rear of the Old Courthouse building (now comprising a residential garden) formed part of Abbey Forge, which extended off-site to the east. In addition, the western section of the site, where the proposed new residential dwellings are to be constructed, may also have been used as an engineering works. Both of these land uses also have the potential to generate and impact Anthropogenic Ground across the site. The site is located within a mixed residential and commercial setting, with multiple former industrial buildings within the immediate area, however by the 2010s most of these buildings had been redeveloped for commercial / residential use. Several historic landfill sites are also present within the surrounding area. The site is shown to be directly underlain by superficial deposits of Alluvium comprising soft to firm consolidated, compressible silty clay, but can contain layers of silt, sand, peat and basal gravel. This overlies bedrock geology of the London Clay Formation, comprising poorly laminated, blue-grey or grey- brown, silty to very silty clay. The Alluvium is listed as being a Secondary A aquifer while the London Clay Formation is listed as being unproductive strata. Deeper geology is anticipated to comprise of the Lambeth Group, over Thanet Sand Formation and Upper Chalk Group. Shallow groundwater is anticipated on site at approximately 3m bgl within the Alluvium. This Phase 1 Desk Study has determined that there is a moderate / low potential for contamination to be present on site. The proposed end uses of the site (comprising residential development with soft landscaping and private gardens), where potential exposure pathways between the identified potential sources of contamination and future site users are likely have also been taken into consideration. Based on the findings of this Phase 1 Desk Study, there is now a clear understanding of the potential sources of contamination at the site and the risks posed to identified receptors. The anticipated contaminative status of the site is not considered, in our opinion, to be prohibitive to the proposed redevelopment scheme. A Phase 2 Investigation is recommended to investigate the shallow soils, understand the local hydrogeological conditions/groundwater quality, the potential for hazardous gases/vapours and geotechnical considerations for foundations. © Copyright Lustre Consulting Limited The contents of this document must not be copied or reproduced in w hole or part without the written consent of Lustre Consulting. HIGHBRIDGE STREET - WALTHAM ABBEY PHASE 1 DESK STUDY PROJECT RECORD PROJECT NAME HIGHBRIDGE STREET - WALTHAM ABBEY CLIENT MR J BLOK REPORT DETAILS TYPE PHASE 1 DESK STUDY REFERENCE 2038_FP01.0-2018 ISSUE DATE APRIL 2018 SAMARA HYDE AUTHOR BSc (Hons) MSc FGS CONSULTANT GEMMA HEYWORTH REVIEWER BSc (Hons) SENIOR CONSULTANT Admirals Offices t 01634 757 705 The Historic Dockyard e [email protected] Chatham Kent, ME4 4TZ w lustreconsulting.com RELIANCE AND LIMITATIONS This report has been prepared using published information and information provided by the Client made available at the time of w riting only. Lustre Consulting accepts no liability for any information w hich has become available since this time. Lustre Consulting ow es no duty of care and has no liability to any Third Party w ho is not authorised by Lustre Consulting to use this report. Any unauthorised Third parties using information contained in this report do so at their ow n risk. © Copyright Lustre Consulting Limited The contents of this document must not be copied or reproduced in w hole or part without the written consent of Lustre Consulting. HIGHBRIDGE STREET - WALTHAM ABBEY PHASE 1 DESK STUDY CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................5 2.0 LAND USE .........................................................................................................................9 3.0 SENSITIVITY & ANTHROPOLOGY ................................................................................... 22 4.0 CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................... 29 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ..................................................................................................... 32 RISK TABLE APPENDICES APPENDIX A: CONTAMINATED LAND NOTES APPENDIX B: ENVIROCHECK REPORT APPENDIX C: HISTORICAL MAPS APPENDIX D: HISTORIC BOREHOLE LOGS APPENDIX E: NOTES ON LIMITATIONS REGISTRATION OF AMENDMENTS Revision Revision Revision Amendment Details and Date Author Reviewer Lustre Consulting Limited Report Ref: 2038_FP01.0-2018 Page No. 4 HIGHBRIDGE STREET - WALTHAM ABBEY PHASE 1 DESK STUDY 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 This Phase 1 Desk Study has been prepared for the additional development of new residential properties at 31 Highbridge Street, in Waltham Abbey, Essex, EN9 1BZ by Lustre Consulting Limited (Lustre) for Mr. J Blok. The assessment has been undertaken in accordance with our fee proposal dated 08/01/2018, which was formally approved by Mr. J Blok on 08/01/2018. 1.2 The site, typically rectangular in plan, is centered at National Grid Reference 537930, 200590, and occupies an approximate area of 0.14ha as shown in Figure 1. The site currently comprises of a residential property with private gardens and disused private garage and is located within a mixed commercial and residential land use area. Mr. J Blok requires this Phase 1 Desk Study to support the proposed development relating to the construction of additional buildings comprising a low rise residential housing development with private gardens and communal soft landscaping. Figure 2 illustrates the proposed development scheme. Figure 1: Site Location Plan Lustre Consulting Limited Report Ref: 2038_FP01.0-2018 Page No. 5 HIGHBRIDGE STREET - WALTHAM ABBEY PHASE 1 DESK STUDY Figure 2: Proposed Site Layout Objective 1.3 The objective of this Phase 1 Desk Study (also known as a Contaminated Land Assessment) is to determine the contaminative status of the site and to provide a general indication of the likely geoenvironmental issues which may be present on site or affect the site, as well as to provide guidance on any resultant liabilities. Information on likely geotechnical conditions and hazards is also to be assessed. Scope of Works 1.4 The scope of works for the desk study is summarised below: Lustre Consulting Limited Report Ref: 2038_FP01.0-2018 Page No. 6 HIGHBRIDGE STREET - WALTHAM ABBEY PHASE 1 DESK STUDY • Review of available historical Ordnance Survey maps (dating back to the mid-1800s) of the site and surrounding areas to identify current or former potential sources of contamination both on-site and within the immediate surrounds; • Review of published geological, hydrogeological and hydrological records to assess the environmental setting of the site and surrounding areas; • Review of available public information and up-to-date regulatory information from relevant authorities to identify any potentially significant environmental issues at the site and surrounding areas; • Review of any existing information and reports relating to the site and surrounding area, including any available plans, development layouts etc; and • Development of a conceptual site model and risk assessment following the source- pathway-receptor pollution linkage. 1.5 The Phase 1 Desk Study has been prepared in keeping with best practice and current planning guidance. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)1 advises regulatory consultees to ensure that adequate site investigation information is provided at the initial planning stage, whilst the Environment Agency’s Model Procedures for the Management of Land Contamination (CLR112) requires a phased, risk based approach when dealing with land affected by contamination in the UK. 1.6 This Phase 1 Desk Study forms the first stage of an iterative contaminated land assessment, to identify any potential sources of contamination before undertaking any further intrusive Phase 2 investigation works or remedial action, if required. The methodology adopted in this Phase 1 Desk Study is based on the source-pathway-receptor model as set out in CLR112. More information on Lustre’s approach to such assessments can be found at the following link:
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