TOWN The Wilbraham-Hampden PRSRT STD Cooling U.S. POSTAGE off from PAID the heat PALMER, MA PERMIT NO. 22 Page 9 SPORTS ECR-WSS Lacrosse LOCAL POSTAL CUSTOMER teams in playoffs Page 11 Dedicated to Improving the Quality of Life in the Communities We Serve A TURLEY PUBLICATION ❙ www.turley.comTIMESJULY 8, 2021 www.wilbrahamhampdentimes.turley.com Hampden officials express disappointment in PERAC report on county retirement board By Dalton Zbierski Editor HAMPDEN – Hampden town officials are none too pleased with a recent progress report released by the Public Employment Retire- ment Administration regarding potentially Photo by Dalton Zbierski fraudulent actions taken Hampden County On June 24, during a meeting of Regional Retirement Board of Retirement. the Hampden-Wilbraham School Earlier this year, PERAC identified a District School Committee, the range of issues stemming from an audit con- Wilbraham-Hampden Academic ducted on the retirement board between Jan. Trust updated the community on 1, 2014 and Dec. 31, 2017. Hundreds of thou- various matters. sands of dollars were unaccounted for. Three of the nine areas flagged in the county’s retirement system have been re- Academic solved, said the commission that oversees the state’s public pensions. PERAC Executive Director John Parsons Trust secures informed retirement board Chairman Richard Theroux on June 24 that the retirement board grants, has thus far been found to be cooperative and genuine in its attempts to reconcile mistakes schedules that were identified by the audit. During the June 28 meeting of the Hamp- den Board of Selectman, Chair Donald Dav- annual gala enport did not hesitate to share his thoughts. By Dalton Zbierski He offered a scathing critique of the PERAC Editor report and Theroux. “There was a intro report filed by PERAC. WILBRAHAM, HAMPDEN The report left a lot of items and issues par- – During the June 24 meeting tially resolved. Mr. Theroux was very happy of the Hampden-Wilbraham with the report,” said Davenport. “I wouldn’t School District School Com- be happy if I was running an agency that had mittee, members of the Wilbra- a state regulatory board come in and have ham-Hampden Academic Trust to oversee it, straighten out a mess from six updated the community on grants years and also have three investigations with and scheduled events. the Attorney General, the Ethics Committee Established in 2003, WHAT and the Inspector General.” is a non-profit organization that The investigations mentioned by Daven- provides community-funded port occurred after the original audit reported grants to educators, fostering that the retirement board spent $234,000 on creative academic opportunities 119 invoices for services never rendered or for students that extend beyond documented. Photo by Dalton Zbierski the limitations of traditional On June 28, the Hampden Board of Selectmen discussed the ongoing saga involving the Please see PERAC, page 5 Hampden County Board of Retirement. Please see SCHOOL, page 5 HISTORICAL WILBRAHAM Looking back 60 years ago communism. James according to church histori- ‘Roaming’ dogs and We were the young generation an Mrs. Harold Swetland. At that ‘Chaug grads in the of the 1950s that was being pre- time Wilbraham was one of the first pared for a very possi- towns to start a church federation. news ble nuclear holocaust. Deemed Nuisance Our elementary teach- The Board of Selectmen, under By Charles F. Bennett ers at Memorial School the leadership of Jesse L. Rice of Times Editor Emeritus trained us to take shelter Rice’s Fruit Farm, apparently lost under our desks, using its temper in July. They voted an his month we are the phrase “duck and order to go into effect to immedi- looking back to July cover” as if that would ately restrain all dogs reported to be Tof 1961 to review prevent our annihila- a “nuisance.” Wilbraham news writ- tion! Rice said such reports had to ten by my mother, Ethel United Church Ob- be given to the dog officer David M. Bennett, who was the serves 50th Anniver- Brehaut. Names would be held town correspondent for the sary confidential, “and will not be dis- Springfield daily newspaper The cussed,” he added. The selectmen Morning Union from the 1940’s It was billed as the largest at- tended church function ever to take told Brehaut that the dogs must be through 1970’s. th restrained for a period of 30 days. My high school class, the first place in Wilbraham: The 50 Anni- versary of United Church. The First “When a dog bites someone, he will class to graduate from Minnechaug not be allowed to roam at will,” said Regional High School, had gradu- Congregational Church, built in ated the month before, but some of 1741 and the Memorial Methodist Please see HISTORICAL, page 7 my classmates were still making Church built in 1791 joined in fel- news in the Morning Union even lowship as the Wilbraham United From a July 1961 Morning Union though some of them were now Church in 1911. photo: Fire Department awards in far flung places in a world em- Fifty years later the 1961 cele- scholarships. broiled in The Cold War fighting brations were led by Dr. Walter T. PHOTO FROM MORNING UNIION Page 2 The Wilbraham-Hampden TIMES July 8, 2021 NEWS ABOUT TOWN Residents propose improvements to town’s website, request more communication By Cara McCarthy town’s website to better inform Blackboard Connect. Staff Writer residents or having a weekly press “It’s another version of reverse release published in The Wilbra- 9-1-1 or code red,” Andrews said. WILBRAHAM - The Wilbra- ham-Hampden Times. “You can register for notifications ham Selectboard listened to con- Chair for the Board of Select- on the town website with multiple cerns from Wilbraham residents men, Robert Boilard said, “Infor- phone numbers, emails, or text mes- about the town’s website and acces- mation is always key. We don’t like sages.” sibility during its June 28 meeting. misinformation out there.” The Board of Selectmen also Wilbraham resident Dave Sand- He added all Board of Selectmen approved the resignation of Steven ers said there have been a lot of meetings are open to the public and Wickman from the Playground & concerns from Wilbraham residents he agreed with Sanders that there is Recreation Commission and retire- not knowing about the projects and room for improvement in regards to ment notices from health inspector issues within the town. keeping residents better informed. Lorri McCool and dispatcher Mark Sanders proposed that the Wil- Another Wilbraham resident, Duclos. Meet Cara, the newest braham town website “has potential Lisa Andre, said when she moved McCool has been a health in- for being an information media,” but back to Wilbraham two years ago, spector for Wilbraham for approxi- member of the Times added “It would take a lot of work to she relied on the website for infor- mately 30 years, according to Town revamp it.” mation and “got frustrated” because Administrator Nick Breault. My name is Cara McCarthy and I am joining the Wil- Sanders referenced the Wilbra- things were “not easy to find.” Duclos has been a dispatcher for braham-Hampden Times as a Staff Writer. I graduated ham MA Open Forum Facebook Andre also asked what system Wilbraham for 31 years, according this spring from Framingham State University as an En- page as the site where he has seen was in place in the event there is to Anthony Gentile, Communication glish major with a journalism concentration. these concerns. a town-wide emergency such as Supervisor for Central Dispatch. I spent all four years of college working for my school Some of the “hot button” issues someone going missing or a “bad The Board also approved six newspaper, The Gatepost. I knew once I stepped into the Sanders mentioned to the Select- man or woman” in the area. one-day entertainment licenses for office, I was in the right place. I got the opportunity to board included the recycling center, Boilard responded and said, “We the Wilbraham Nature and Cultural cover so many aspects of college, such as student govern- senior center, a business develop- do have a system in place that does Council for its Summer Series Con- ment meetings, public events, and even a concert. ment in the center of Wilbraham, notify the public of hazardous situ- cert. My favorite part of being a journalist is the different sidewalks, town website, solar ations.” Those dates include July 8, July people I get to meet and make connections with, whether fields, town water quality and prop- Wilbraham Fire Chief Michael 15, July 22, July 29, Aug. 5, and they are a member of town government or an everyday erty taxes, among others. Andrews, who was in the meeting Aug. 12. resident. I love being able to meet people and connect Sanders brought two possible for other reasons, told the resident The licenses were approved by with the area I am covering. solutions to the Board: Using the the town uses a program called unanimous vote. I grew up in Millis, a small town in eastern Massa- chusetts, and have been a Massachusetts resident since I was born. I am especially excited to join the Wilbra- ham-Hampden Times because it gives me an opportunity Public Service announcement to learn more about my field and more about my state as regarding submissions a whole, as this is a side of Massachusetts I’ve never had the pleasure of seeing before. Please submit all press releases, photos and other information to be published to Dalton Zbierski at [email protected]. Emails sent to other accounts may not be received.
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