Volume 3, Issue 1, June 2020 Page 27–42 Abstentions in 2014 and 2019 Indonesian elections: Case study of pro-democracy activists M. Syaeful Anam1*, Gumilar Rusliwa Somantri2 1&2Department of Sociology, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia *Corresponding author E-mail address: [email protected] DOI: https://doi.org/10.21107/sml.v3i1.7307 Article Info Abstract Keywords: This article discusses how the dynamics of the abstentions phenomenon Abstentions among pro-democracy activists in the 2014-2019 general election in Indonesia. While pro-democracy activists have increasingly chosen “struggle within”, Pro-democracy activists there are still critical groups that have voted for abstentions in 2014-2019 general election. Charles Tilly’s concept of collective action and contentious Elections politics is used in this study. This study uses a qualitative approach to the Collective action type of case study research. Researchers explore data through in-depth Contentious interviews as primary data and secondary data is extracted through library politics research. The analysis is carried out with the abstractive inductive logic. This research shows that abstentions are contentious collective actions. The abstentions movement was born from a network of pro-democracy activists who have been engaged in advocacy work. Abstentions carried out in protest against the authorities and the boycott of the election. The boycott choice is contentious politics. Citation suggestion: Anam, M. S., & Somantri, G. R. (2020). Abstentions in 2014 and 2019 Indonesian elections: Case study of pro- democracy activists. Simulacra, 3(1), 27–42. https://doi.org/10.21107/sml.v3i1.7307 Received 18 May 2020; Received in revised form 28 May 2020; Accepted 2 June 2020; Published online 25 June 2020. M. Syaeful Anam, Gumilar Rusliwa Somantri Introduction The basis of the abstentions movement is ‘protest’ - criticism of the political behavior Abstentions as a political movement in of politicians that harm the people, and a democratic climate, is considered highly considers alienation. The critical group plays necessary. The democratic system still needs an essential component of participation in and even fosters social movements. The a democratic society. This phenomenon democratic system itself does not guarantee is known as ‘democracy from below.’ The economic distribution and access to justice course of contemporary democracy is elite to all (Amenta, 2005). Abstentions in all democracy, with elections as merely a five- forms of articulation are also part of political year procedural political mechanism to participation. Huntington and Nelson (1980: maintain the circulation of elite groups. 6) defined political participation as “citizen Elections should open the way for the activities aimed at influencing government betterment of life, as Lane (2014) stated. decision making.” ‘Democracy’ and prosperity are seen as The abstentions movement or Golput the same thing, and in many ways, for the (golongan putih) first appeared in the 1971 people, both must be combined. Abstentions Election and was led by Arief Budiman. movements in Indonesia in the 2014 and The target of the abstentions movement 2019 elections could not be separated from at that time was the Golongan Karya democratic actors. Abstentions are defined Party (Golkar). The prefix ‘gol-‘ on golput as active and critical actions in assessing deliberately took the prefix of the Golkar social and political events that occur. Party name. Not just the name, the Golput There have been many studies of logo also copied the Golkar party logo. The abstentions. Abstentions were defined as Golput propaganda logo also used a similar political expressions and resistance to the pentagon logo. However, the middle was ruling regime (Obradovic-Wochnik and blank and white (Heryanto, 2019). At that Wochnik 2014; Superti 2015; Superti 2016). time, golput propaganda was disseminated Protests were made when the government in in public places and with the slogan ‘pick the power was less than optimal in performance. white color.’ That way, the vote could not Some scholars, such as Fachichini and Jaeck be counted as a valid vote. The abstentions (2019) and Plane and Gershtenson (2004), movement was also caused by the dominance focused their work more on the study of of the authority, which was supported voter behavior by explaining the causes of by the Indonesian Armed Forces (ABRI). abstentions’ decisions. Abstentions were also The limitation of political parties as to the expected when the existence of a political three main axes at that time was also seen system and political parties carry more elite as a barrier to democracy. In a structured, interests (Kang 2004; Birch and Dennison, systematic and massive way, the authorities 2017). Some research also stated that ensured victory for Golkar Party. As for abstentions were chosen because the reality Sanit (1992: 190), the abstentions movement was getting further away from democratic was considered as an act of political protest ideals (Blais et al. 2019; Katz and Levin, 2018; based on national issues. The demands of Powert and Roberts, 1995). In addition, the the abstentions movement were aimed at reason for abstentions was also associated the essence of the election as a medium to with political education, especially political achieve the dream of independence. knowledge and information (Feddenser and Pesendorfer, 1999; Almlund, 2018). 28 Simulacra 3(1), June 2020 This paper discussed the dynamics of Results and Discussion the abstentions phenomenon among pro- democracy activists in the 2014 and 2019 Abstentions Movement in 2014-2019 General Elections in Indonesia. The dynamics General Election of abstentions were reviewed through the In the 2014 elections, abstentions thoughts of Charles Tilly (2008), ranging movements were present to alternative voice from collective action to contentious politics. narratives by progressive pro-democracy Thus, this research could provide a complete leftists. Abstentions movement were understanding of the abstentions movement, disseminated through the main channel namely as part of political participation and of Komite Politik Alternatif (Alternative alternative paths of struggle in order to Political Committee). The main slogan at the achieve a substantial democracy. time was “Lawan Pemilu 2014, Bangun Partai Alternatif!” (Opposing the 2014 Elections, Method Building an Alternative Party). The network was built by several organizations including This research used a qualitative KP SBGN, KP SGMK, SMI, GSPB, PPR, PPI, approach to case study research. The study KPO PRP, FPBI, SBMI, Pembebasan, LIPS, focused on the case studies of Abstentions PPBI Jatim, Mahardhika Mojokerto, SBM, in the Indonesian General Elections (2014 Frontjak, Sebumi, GRI, and SPRI (Arahjuang. and 2019) which started from the case of com, 2014). According to them, the candidates Pro-Democracy Activists. Pro-democracy of the 2014 election were essentially the same. activists who were studied in the research There were no candidates who provided were involved in the abstentions movement, answers to the real problems of the people. whose primary campaign was ‘SayaGolput.’ In addition, promises and welfare programs The purpose of this study was to explore and from political elites in the previous election understand the phenomenon of abstentions also failed to be realized. Thus, there needed in the General Elections in Indonesia in to be an alternative movement on a national greater depth. scale with a firm attitude and position in the Primary data were collected through 2014 elections. The movement was expected in-depth interviews and secondary data to encourage the people’s struggle. West in the form of a literature study related Papua National Committee Abstentions to abstentions. The informants in this (KNPB) also decided to abstain from the study were the abstentions actors. These election. They stated that they would make actors became key informants in the study no compromise with various products and were selected using the purposive from the Indonesian colonial state. KNPB sampling method. Four informants were remained in the position of abstentions or did selected purposively. Then, the researcher not participate in the 2014 elections. They did got the other informant with the snowball not compromise with any programs carried method. Finally, the researchers found three out by the Republic of Indonesia, especially more informants who contributed to the the presidential election (Suarapapua.com, abstentions movement. Transcript and data 2014). coding was done using Nvivo 12 software. There were three main ideas presented The data analysis approach used abstractive by the Alternative Politics Committee. First, inductive logic from exclusive to general. the 2014 election did not favor the people because of the absence vision and program 29 M. Syaeful Anam, Gumilar Rusliwa Somantri that favors the people and brings alternative generals who have violated human rights. In politics to the candidates. Second, democracy the context of the 2019 elections, there was had not been sufficiently implemented. a war of discourse as disagreements about As a result, elections did not lead to the abstentions emerged the media. transformation of people’s lives. Third, the alternative party vision indeed presented Pro-Democracy Activists’ Vote Not to alternative programs that favor the people. Vote Fourth, the alternative party appealed and invited all people’s movement to unite and The
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