Chapter 4.0 Environmental Resources, Impacts, and Mitigation Chapter 4.0 assesses the impacts of the Preferred Alternative and the No Build Alternative upon the built and natural environment within the Purple Line study area. The No Build Alternative is the future condition of transportation facilities and services in 2040 within the corridor if the Purple Line is not implemented. The Preferred Alternative is the future of transportation facilities and services in 2040 within the corridor if the Purple Line is implemented. The Preferred Alternative and the No Build Alternative assume the implementation of the funded transportation improvement projects, excluding the Purple Line in the No Build Alternative, that are included in the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board’s (TPB) Financially Constrained Long-Range Transportation Plan (CLRP) for implementation by 2040 within the Purple Line corridor. The No Build Alternative provides the basis against which the Preferred Alternative is compared. A consolidated discussion of the effects of the No Build Alternative is presented in Section 4.1.2. The findings in this discussion are based on the information available about the planned projects at the time of this writing. Detailed assessment of the effects of the No Build Alternative projects will be the responsibility of each project sponsor at the time each project design is developed sufficiently to complete such an assessment. MTA compared the effects of the No Build and Preferred Alternatives where reasonably feasible. Additional discussion of the No Build Alternative is presented in Sections 4.10 and 4.17 in which quantitative comparisons of air quality effects and energy use are made by MTA. 4.1 Overview and Summary of Effects disturbance (LOD). The LOD is the boundary within which construction, materials storage, Chapter 4.0 assesses long-term operational impacts grading, landscaping, and related activities would and short-term construction-related impacts. occur. Sections 4.2 through 4.19 describe these effects to individual resources. Each section identifies the Each section also describes the work the Maryland regulatory context and methodologies for assess- Transit Administration (MTA) has done to avoid or ment of a resource and describes the effects of the minimize impacts, MTA’s commitments to further Preferred Alternative on the resource within a study minimize impacts where possible as the project area appropriate to that resource. advances, and its commitments to mitigate impacts. Definitions of the study area vary according to the Section 4.20 provides a summary of these commit- environmental resource evaluated. For some ments. Section 4.21 describes the irreversible and impacts, the study area extends a specified distance irretrievable commitment of resources, and Sec- from the centerline (e.g., 500 feet), while for others tion 4.22 lists anticipated permits and approvals the study area is confined to the project’s limit of needed to build and operate the Preferred Alternative. Purple Line Final Environmental Impact Statement and Draft Section 4(f) Evaluation 4-1 4.0 Environmental Resources, Impacts, and Mitigation August 2013 Transportation The following terms are used frequently in The transportation projects in the No Build this FEIS: Alternative would provide some transportation Adverse: A negative or unfavorable system benefits, including benefits for public transit condition. users from the two transit center projects and the Avoidance: The act of avoiding impacts to, enhanced bus projects. Also, the No Build Alterna- or keeping away from, something or tive would include improvements to the trail system someone. within the corridor; improve traffic operations on Minimization: Measures taken to reduce US 1, Kenilworth Avenue, and Dale Drive; and the severity of adverse impacts. increase the parking inventory in downtown Mitigation: Measures taken to alleviate Bethesda. In the No Build Alternative, however, adverse impacts that remain after MTA determined through quantitative analysis that minimization. overall traffic volumes, roadway congestion, and delays would continue to increase, as would transit travel times (see Chapter 3.0). Therefore, the No 4.1.1 No Build Alternative Build Alternative would not provide faster, more direct and reliable east-west transit service in the The No Build Alternative is the future condition of corridor; it would not connect major activity transportation facilities and services in 2040 within centers, better connect to Metrorail services, or the corridor if the Purple Line is not implemented; improve connectivity to the communities between it provides the basis against which the Preferred the Metrorail lines. Alternative is compared. While the Preferred Alternative assumes the implementation of the Land Use, Public Policy and Zoning, Economics funded transportation improvement projects The projects in the No Build Alternative would included in the National Capital Region Transpor- generate some short-term economic activity. The tation Planning Board’s CLRP for implementation transit center projects would complement transit- by 2040 within the Purple Line corridor, the No oriented development initiatives in downtown Build Alternative assumes all the projects in the Silver Spring and the Takoma Park/Langley Park CLRP except the Purple Line. The list of No Build area. Also, the improvements to US 1 would com- Alternative projects has been updated since the plement the planned development of the East publication of the Alternatives Analysis/Draft Campus of the University of Maryland (UMD). In Environmental Impact Statement (AA/DEIS) in the absence of the Preferred Alternative, however, 2008. Section 2.3.1 provides details on the 12 development would not capitalize fully upon the projects included in the No Build Alternative, transportation-land use interrelationships built into including five transit projects, three roadway state, regional, and local plans that were developed projects, three bicycle-pedestrian projects, and a based on an assumption that the Preferred new public parking facility as part of a mixed-use Alternative would be implemented. Furthermore, development project. the corridor and region would not be likely to realize the economic development potential that it 4.1.2 Impacts of No Build Alternative could under the Preferred Alternative. The following is a summary assessment of the Neighborhoods and Community Facilities potential effects of the No Build Alternative projects The No Build Alternative projects are not antici- on the natural and built environment. The sponsors pated to affect neighborhood cohesion and of these projects will be responsible for addressing community facilities as the proposed improvements impacts and providing mitigation as appropriate. to existing transit, roadway and pedestrian facilities are intended to improve access and connectivity. 4-2 Purple Line Final Environmental Impact Statement and Draft Section 4(f) Evaluation August 2013 4.0 Environmental Resources, Impacts, and Mitigation Property Acquisition and Displacements Air Quality, Noise and Vibration The sponsors of the No Build Alternative projects MTA determined through quantitative air quality may seek to acquire small strips of land alongside analyses that by 2040, the No Build Alternative is existing transit, roadway and pedestrian facilities to predicted to cause slightly higher mesoscale pollu- implement some planned improvements, such as tant levels compared to the Preferred Alternative sidewalks, trails, and roadway widening if insuf- within the study area. MTA’s microscale analysis of ficient land area occurs within existing public air quality determined that no violations of the rights-of-way. Larger site development projects National Ambient Air Quality Standards are pre- such as Takoma/Langley Transit Center and the dicted for either the Preferred Alternative or the No Bethesda Lot 31 Parking garage may require Build Alternative (see Section 4.10). relocation of existing users of the affected No Build Alternative projects such as the Takoma/ properties. However, where reasonably feasible, Langley Transit Center, the Silver Spring Transit project sponsors would design planned facilities to Center, and the Bethesda Lot 31 Parking Garage, avoid or minimize property acquisition and may affect localized noise and vibration levels by displacements by using existing public rights-of- changing bus and traffic operations on and near way. existing roadways. Parks, Recreational Land, Open Space, Historic and Habitat and Wildlife, Water Resources, Topography, Archeological Properties Geology and Soils Where reasonably feasible, project sponsors of No The No Build Alternative projects are planned Build Alternative projects would design planned primarily on sites already in transportation use, facilities to avoid or minimize acquisition of land thereby minimizing impacts to the natural environ- within parks, recreational land, open space, and ment. Nonetheless, the No Build Alternative historic and archeological properties by using potentially would result in some impacts. Right-of- existing public rights-of-way. When land acquisi- way acquisition, if needed, could remove portions tion cannot be avoided, the sponsors may seek to of existing wildlife habitat and/or encroach upon acquire small strips of land alongside existing wetlands and waterways. Stormwater run-off could transit, roadway and pedestrian facilities to be caused by new impervious surfaces and
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