The Grappling Times _________________________________________________________________ ANDRE BAKER TALKS TO sometimes Peter Szakacs Some may say that THE GRAPPLING TIMES who was a former the golden boy of by Dean Baker: Fresh off Hungarian champion would Hammerlock is Gary Steele, announcing a massive do some coaching, some of someone that went to television deal, opening a the guys training there then America and became the new training centre and were John Hall, John first British (NWA) World bringing through new faces Ritchie, Lenny Hurst, Dave Heavyweight Champion (a into the British wrestling Bond, Lee Bronson, Wolf title currently held by Jeff scene Hammerlock from Gladiators, they would Jarrett), Steele also Promoter and the National also invite down various top appeared on a Zero-One Wrestling Alliance European shooters from time to time to pay per view but over the Consultant Andre Baker tune us up a bit, in a nut past year Gary has been took some time out of his shell a painful but suspicious from his absence busy schedule to talk to us. worthwhile experience that “In a nutshell Gary is Before opening strangely enough I look spending a bit of time with Hammerlock Jay back on fondly.” his family, he has been quite ‘Sledgehammer’ Baker was Known as the busy with his commitments a well known name on the sledgehammer for his to Hammerlock, trips to British circuit and on other powerful forearm smashes Japan and America, foreign venues. Like many today, this has not always spending many hours a of his time he got involved at been the case “When I first week working out, on top of a very young age “I began began appearing on shows I all that he holds down a full at The Lions Amateur club had very technical wrestling time job so all in all he has when I was eight years old, I style because that was what spent quite a bit of time wanted to get in to pro I knew best, as I was a away from home so he is wrestling after having been youngster I was normally doing a bit of catching up, to a live event but there used as a babyface so it additionally he will at the were no such facilities fitted in well with that same time get a chance to available at that time, I then scenario, despite the fact re-charge his battery a bit got involved with Judo at 11 that I did not try to model my rather than keep going and years of age which lead me style around anyone as burn himself out. Expect to in to various other martial such I think that having see Gary back in arts, my first proper crack at spent so much time training Hammerlock rings in the not pro wrestling training came with Mike Marino it is to distant future.” when I was fifteen and I was inevitable that my style If you can name a invited up to the Dale Martin would be influenced by Martial Art then there is a promotions gym at Brixton Mike's style.” good chance that Andre is by Peter Szakacs, it was a Since it was not only a belt holder but totally different environment announced the Hammerlock also a trained instructor, to how things are these TV deal has been the most even being able to compete days, you had to fight to get talked about topic on the against Dan Severn when in the business then, one of internet and at shows, but it he was unbeaten and at the the reasons was because at doesn’t look like Andre will time of the fight Andre that time British wrestlers let slip anymore details lasted longer than any could work seven nights a anytime soon “Sorry, I can't previous opponent. “To be week basically make a living tell you anything at this honest I did not get involved from it and so some of them stage, believe I am busting in Martial Arts to benefit were not keen to see new to tell you but I have signed anything I might do in faces coming in to the a legal binding agreement professional wrestling, I business because they were with the people concerned began Judo at an early age concerned that they new that restricts me from doing then when I came into the faces might get work they so at this stage, but would business I had to train in could have had, I spent the like I always say submission wrestling first six months doing Hammerlock never whether I liked it or not, as it nothing but submission announces something it happens I liked it and picked wrestling, getting beaten cant follow up with, so for it up pretty quickly, in fact I black and blue every week, anyone that may have any enjoyed it to the extent that I this was standard procedure doubts about our TV deal I found myself going along to then, once you had done would like to add that firstly I various Martial Arts and your so called don’t care whether you submission wrestling clubs apprenticeship then and believe it of not, this is not all over the place including only then were you let in on because I am being the infamous Wigan gym, anything, I had to lie about arrogant but because it is all hence I spent a lot of time my age to get in so I had to on the level and I really can't training, competing and take the adults treatment, be doing with childish title gaining grades and the main trainer there was tattle from idiots who do not qualifications, however I feel Mike Marino, although have a clue.” that it is good for credibility Issue 4 1/17 January 2003 The Grappling Times _________________________________________________________________ when someone decides to program, wrestlers such as name a few they gain knock the business.” Robbie Brookside and Flash versatility from wrestling Anyone who has Barker “We will look at different people with seen a Hammerlock show anybody with the required different styles, they get the will know just how hard qualities eg talent, look etc, chance to showcase hitting or ‘stiff’ their work it is not our aim just to themselves and gain a good rate is, many compare it to produce a television reputation, they make great the old All Japan style, programme to showcase or contacts whilst doing so, it “Well firstly different people benefit of Hammerlock or educates them about the have different definitions of the NWA, we intend to many things to do with the stiff, you can work stiff produce a top quality business in and out of the without getting injured if you television production of ring.” know what you are doing, international wrestling, we With the NWA someone being clumsy gets will do what we have too having over 20 members it you injured, the problems and employ whoever we means a lot of networking come when someone who have to in order to achieve has to be done, but Andre does not know what they this.” keeps in contact with as are doing tries to copy you Hammerlock is many of the other promoters and works like you look like also looking to put on more as possible so he can use you are working as opposed shows in Ireland “We have the contacts to the best of to how you are actually already been involved in his advantage. “Obviously I working.” shows in Dublin and Cork as know some members better Hammerlock far back as last November than others but we are on started as a training school including one submission good terms with all of the and turned into a promotion, wrestling tournament, we membership and keep in now it has training schools will be back in Ireland this regular contact, as for the in Kent, Sheffield, Coventry, Saturday with a show in other board members I am Dublin, Cork and Cumbria, Cork.” in touch with them every day meaning that there is plenty On being a at very least.” of talent on the way through member of the NWA Board All Star promotions “Its always good to put new of Directors and what it promote more live wrestling faces on the shows, keeps it means to his work schedule than anyone in the UK, they fresh and interesting for the “More work!” usually promote 5 shows a fans especially when they The hottest thing in week, compared to are mixed in with some Japan at the moment in the Hammerlocks usual 4 a established wrestlers and last few years is PRIDE a month, Andre knows scenarios, fortunately for us mixed martial arts fighting Hammerlock is not always our training facility is has promotion that has done considered a full time been and continues to be worked shoot fights, promotion “Despite my very busy and as such we something I suggested to many commitments to have the plenty of new Andre “It is possible, we Hammerlock which are very trainees coming through.” have already run an open time consuming I do have Something that has submission wrestling several other business been talked about on these championship back in interests.” pages a lot and on the August, also a second While booking internet is the Universal tournament was held in shows, running them and British Heavyweight Title Cork, Ireland.” making sure everything between WAW, All Star, Hammerlock has goes well at venues it is not TWA and FWA, a title that been part of the National the only thing Andre enjoys, then later went on to only Wrestling Alliance for a few the original purpose of appear on TWA shows and years know, this allows Hammerlock is not forgotten become a reason All Star Hammerlock to send “Definitely training, I have and TWA relations where wrestlers to work in the got more into the training strained even more.
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