m**m**m 985 $»!>«,*«» CifflmmilMtloo Coffer alios. All Rfjatt RNcnrd argue I M right to veto in court By 8andra Armbruater council honestly feels that the mayor veto would stultlfy.clty business, could editor has violated the charter on internal af­ lead to a dictatorship and violates the faire." ; separation of powers doctrine. The,dispute over the appointment of Some council members, critical of an A. Kent Herbert to the city council be­ opinion Issued by City Attorney Jeff PICKERING, however, contends comes a legal battle this week. Mayor Jahr that supports the mayor's posi­ that the council appointment of Her­ Charles Pickering said he will chal­ tion, got an outside opinion from Wil­ bert Is an "external matter concerning lenge the appointment by filing suit in liam P. Hampton of a Farmington Hills the whole city," not an internal affair. Circuit Court. law firm. ' "I don't agree this violates separation Meanwhile, council President Thom­ "Jahr's opinion doesn't hold water of powers. There definitely should be as Artley is asking the state attorney with regard to internal affairs and ap­ separation of powers, but there are general for an emergency opinion on pointments," said Artley. "They don't checks and balances In all areas," he the Issue. address the separation of powers." said. "The council can override a veto Herbert, who was fired as the city's In his opinion, Jahr cited several sec­ and has the right to confirm my ap­ finance director when Pickering took tions of the city charter and a Livonia pointments. office in 1982, was appointed by the case In which the courts upheld that "Each charter is different, and I be­ council last month to fill a seat left va­ city's charter which prohibited such a lieve It (Westland charter) includes the cant when Justine Barns became a veto. ' right to veto appointments," Pickering state representative. "It (the opinion) proves that Jahr lsv continued. Pickering vetoed that appointment. no longer the city attorney," said coun­ N; Pickering said the "problem" with "It's unfortunate that It has come to cilman Robert Wagner getting an attorney general's opinion is this point, but there are no exceptions "That's the fear the council had and that he "doesn't get the full story, he to the right to veto council resolutions that's the definite conclusion with to­ doesn't get the full facts. and ordinances," said Pickering. day's opinion," said Artley. "The Issue Is the right to veto. The He said he would ask the courts for a The councH had objected to4he may­ Issue Is no longer a personality one," he declaratory judgment on his right to or's appointment of Jahr as city attor­ said. veto and would seek a restraining or­ ney, worrying that he would only do the Acknowledging there may be some der to prevent Herbert from partici­ mayors bidding and that he lacked ex­ concern about the council becoming a pating in council business. perience In municipal law. "rubber stamp" for the mayor, Picker­ Pickering said he didn't have an esti­ "If-the mayor had the right to veto, ing said, "Understand, I don't make the mate en what the cost of his court chal­ then the council wouldn't be an Inde­ .appointments. It's not going to do me lenge would be. pendent legislative branch of govern­ any good to veto an appointment ff ment,"* added councilman Charles Grif­ ART EMANUELE/slaff photogfaphor there are five votes in favor." Getting ready for the 1983 Westland Youth Athlet- Splsak. 5. who will h*> plflylng-J^hAiy-ftllA^rt-lA^ COUNCIL MEMBERS believe the fin. He said that the councH Isn't al­ Herbert was appointed by a 4-2 vote, -veto-eaB-be-oveFturoedr-^ lowed to appoint someone to become with Ben DeHart and Nancy Neal vot- c Association baseball season and the obser- the first time this year; the others are Lance "The council continues to feel there mayor. ing no. It takes five votes to override a vance of the organization's 25th anniversary, are Shema, 13, (from left), Susie Tachar, 11, Mike Dan­ Is no veto existing," said Artley. "The Hampton's opinion says that such a veto. these five young ball players. In front is Scottie iels, 12, and Michael Splsak, 11. years q in city The year 1958 was a big one for That spring the Little League ex­ and must be accompanied by a parent, sports enthusiasts. On Jan. 21 of that panded to three leagues when the Cen­ said Mike Splsak, board member of the year, the Westland Youth Athletic As­ tral League was added. WYAA. sociation was formed by 32 civic-mind­ The Meteor Football Unit was start­ "Ages for T-ball are 5-8. For base­ ed Nankin residents. ed In the fall of 1967. The following ball, age requirements are 8-12, for the In the fall of that year, the organiza­ spring, the Central Leagud was divided Babe Ruth division 13-15, and for the tion fielded Its first football teams. into the East and West Central senior Babe Ruth division ages are 16- Today, 25 years later, the organiza­ Leagues. 18. tion has grown to Include numerous The Babe Ruth unit was divided Into "For girls' softball, age requirements football as well as baseball, softball two leagues, north and central, in 1970. are 8-13, for the Intermediate division and basketball groups. The following year, a division of the ages 13-15, and for the senior division Meteor Football unit was made and the 16-18," he said. LAST YEAR, some 3,000 boys and Comets were added to the growing or­ The season Is expected to get under girls were registered in all programs ganization. way the latter part of April. offered by the WYAA. _The. WYAA rnay-be-playing-^an-ever— ^*We operate-underthe-princIplSTRaT"~^THE~SENIO R Babe 'Ruth League expandlng role in the city's sports any boy or girl who wants to play was added In the spring of 1972. leagues. Due tobudgef deficits, the city sports, can play sports, regardless of But It wasn't until spring 1974 that has cut its parks and recreation budget, race, creed, sex, handicap or financial girls' junior and Intermediate softball laying off the director, closing the ice circumstance, ail under adult supervi­ programs were initiated. That was arena, and requiring groups to pay for sion In organized sports," Dunlgan said. shortly after the federal Title IX ruling night use of lighted fields. The anniversary will be observed began to require equality In school Newly elected officers of the organi­ Saturday, Feb. 12, at the annual board sports. In 1975 the senior girls softball zation are Dunigan, president; Earl banquet which Is open to thejmbllc. program was added. Lamp, executive vice president; Jerry Tickets for the banquet, RFbe held at lnU979, the Rockets and Jets foot­ Caudill, financial vice president; Barb St Simon and Jude Church on Palmer, ball units were combined to form the Strahl, treasurer, and Rose Bird, secre­ east of Venoy>are $12.50 per person Northstars fooball units. tary. and may be purchased at the door. The WYAA added boys' and girls' A buffet dinner will be served at 7 basketball in the fall of 1981 and senior p.m. followed by an awards presenta­ boys'football that same year. tion prior to dancing.^ This year, T-ball for boys and girls Induatrial/dlgital/electronlcs students at the Wil­ Starlght (left) and Ryan Smith put theory into Tom*EDunlgan,- newly elected presi­ Is being added to the program. what's inside liam D. Ford Vocational/Technical Center are practice as they construct and lest an electronics dent of the WYAA, said there will be a During the past 25 years, the WYAA busy performing a digital logic experiment. Ken circuit. raffle the night of the banquet. >. has operated as a non-profit organiza­ "Any person bringing food for the tion using all volunteer help from the Calendar . 9A mayor's Operation Bread Basket, will Westland area. Classified. Sections C,D' receive a free raffle ticket," Dunlgan "Our program Is completely fi­ Editorials . .... .10A said. nanced through registration, fund-ra­ Entertainment . 6B.5-6C Check it out isers by our boys and girls, fund-raisers Letters .... 4A THE WYAA'S first football teams by the adult volunteers in the program Obituaries . 9A consisted of the Rocket Varsity and and by sponsorship of the Westland Religion. 7B Junior Varsity squads. area merchants," Dunlgan said. In the spring of 1959, Little League Sports . 1C open house Suburban life . ..... 18 Baseball was added. That fall, the Jet GETTING READY for the upcoming Football Unit joined the organlzatfon. baseball season, Xittle League signups Travel ...: 8A •If you've even thought about becom­ a film charge the only fee, and free tors and business/industry personnel The Babe Ruth program was added will be held at Bailey Recreation Cen­ ing a vocational student and wanted to desserts vrith lunch or dinner in the who_Cooperate with the schools by em­ to the baseball lineup (n the spring of . Police .... 722-9600 r ter from 10 a.m. to noon on Feb. 12,19, learn what U s all about, here Is ydur Marquette room. - ploying graduates of vocational train­ 1960. and in 1963 the program was ex­ 26 and March 5. Fire, rescue. -. 721-2000 chance. ;; " ' During the open house there will be a ing programs, and serve on program panded to Include Connie Mack Base­ Persons signing up for baseball are City Hall .
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