M 56 CBC for Sustarnable Production Forestry — Annual Report 2001/02 Publications Genetic Improvement Program McGowen MH, Wiltshire RJ, Potts BM, Vaillancourt RE (2001). The origin of Eucalyptus vernicosa, a Books and book chapters unique shrub eucalypt. Biological Journal of the Auckland LD, Bui T, Zhou Y, Shepherd M, Williams CG Linnean Society 74, 397-405. (2002). Transpecific recovery of pine microsatellite. In ‘Conifer Microsatellite Handbook’. (Eds CG Williams McKinnon GE, Vaillancourt RE, Tilyard PA, Potts BM and LD Auckland) pp. 27-28. (Texas A & M University: (2001). Maternal inheritance of the chloroplast genome College Station, Texas, USA) in Eucalyptus globulus and interspecific hybrids, Genome 44, 831-835. Refereed publications Costa e Silva J, Dutkowski GW, Gilmour AR (2001). Patterson B, Vaillancourt RE, Potts BM (2001). Analysis of early tree height in forest genetic trials is Eucalypt seed collectors: beware of sampling seedlots enhanced by including a spatially correlated residual. from low in the canopy! Australian Forestry 64, 139- Canadian Journal of Forest Research 31, 1887-1893. 142. Dungey HS, Potts BM (2002). Susceptibility of Potts BM, Potts WC, Kantvilas G (2001). The Miena some Eucalyptus species and their hybrids to possum cider gum, Eucalyptus gunnii subsp. (livaricata damage. Australian Forestry 65, 16-23. (Myrtaceae): a taxon in rapid decline. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 135, 57-6l. Freeman JS, Jackson HD, Steane DA, McKinnon GE, Dutkowski GW, Potts BM, Vaillancourt RE (2001). Pound LM, Wallwork MAB, Potts BM, Sedgley M _iii_.-_,_ Chloroplast DNA phylogeography of Eucalyptus (2002). Self-incompatibility in Eucalyptus globulus globulus. Australian Journal ofBotany 49, 585-589. ssp. globulus (Myrtaceae). Australian Journal of Botany 50, 365-372. Glaubitz JC, Emebiri L, Moran GE (2002). Dinucleotide microsatellites in Eucalyptus sieberi: Pound LM, Wallwork MAB, Potts BM, Sedgley M Inheritance, diversity and improved scoring of single (2002). Early ovule development following self- and base differences. Genome 44, l04l-1045. cross-pollinations in Eucalyptus glolaulus Labill. ssp. globulus. Annals of Botany 89, 613-620. Jones ME, Stokoe RL, Cross MJ, Scott LJ, Maguire TL, Shepherd M (2001). Isolation of microsatellite loci Raymond CA, Schimleck LR, Muneri A, Michell from Spotted Gum (Corymbia variegata) and cross- AJ (2001). Genetic parameters and genotype by species amplification in Corymbia and Eucalyptus. environment interactions for pulp yield predicted using Molecular Ecology Notes 1, 276-278. near infrared reflectance analysis and pulp productivity in Eucalyptus globulus. Forest Genetics 8, 2l3-224. Jones RC, Steane DA, Potts BM, Vaillancourt RE (2002). Microsatellite and morphological analysis of Raymond CA, Schimleck LR (2002). Development Eucalyptus globulus populations. Canadian Journal of of near infrared reflectance analysis calibrations for Forest Research 32, 59-66. estimating genetic parameters for cellulose content in Eucalyptus globulus. Canadian Journal of ForeS1‘ Jordan GJ, Potts BM, Clarke AR (2002). Susceptibility Research 32, 170-176. of Eucalyptus globulus ssp. globulus to sawfly (Perga aflinis ssp. insularis) attack and its potential impact Raymond CA, Bradley AD (2002). Assessment Of on plantation productivity. Forest Ecology and wood colour in Eucalyptus nitens. Appita Journal 55» Management 160, l89—l99. ll8-122. Kube PD, Raymond CA, Banham PW (2001). Genetic Shepherd M, Cross MJ, Maguire TL, Dieters parameters for diameter, basic density, fibre properties MJ, Williams GC, Henry RJ (2002). Transpecific and cellulose content for Eucalyptus nitens. Forest microsatellites for hard pines. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 8, 285-294. \_ Genetics 104, 819-827. Kube PD, Raymond CA (2002). Prediction of whole tree Steane DA, Vaillancourt RE, Russell J, Powell W, basic density and pulp yield using wood core samples in Marshall D, Potts BM (2001). Development and Eucalyptus nitens. Appita Journal 55, 43-48. CHO for Sustainable Production Forestry - Annual Fieport 2001/02 57 characterisation of microsatellite loci in Eucalyptus Lawrence R, Potts BM, Whitham, TG (2002). Relative globulus (Myrtaceae). Silvae Genetica 50, 89-91. importance of plant ontogeny, host genetic variation, and leaf age for a common herbivore. Ecology. Steane DA, Nicolle D, McKinnon GE, Vaillancourt RE, Potts BM (2002). Higher-level relationships among Moran GF, Thamarus KA, Raymond CA, Deyou Q, the eucalypts are resolved by ITS-sequence data. Uren T, Southerton SG (2002). Genomics of Eucalyptus Australian Systematic Botany 15, 49-62. wood traits. Annals of Forest Science. Stokoe RL, Shepherd M, Lee D, Nikles G, Henry RJ Raymond CA (2002). Genetics of Eucalyptus wood (2001). Natural inter-subgeneric hybridisation between properties. Annals of Forest Science. Eucalyptus acmenoides Schauer and Eucalyptus cloeziana F. Muell (Myrtaceae) in southeast Scott LJ, Shepherd M, Henry RJ (2002). Queensland. Annals of Botany 88, 563-570. Characterisation of highly conserved microsatellite loci in Araucaria cunninghamii and related species. Thamarus KA, Groom K, Murrell JC, Byrne M, Moran Plant Systernics and Evolution. GF (2002). A genetic linkage map for Eucalyptus globulus with candidate loci for wood, fibre, and floral Shepherd M, Cross MJ, Dieters MJ, Henry RJ (2002). traits. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 104, 379-387. Branch architecture QTL for Pinus elliottii var. elliottii X R caribaea var. hondurensis hybrids. Annals of Forest Science. In press Alzamora RM, Apiolaza LA, Ide S (2002). Evaluacion Stokoe RL, McKinnon GE, Shepherd M, Lee D, ffsica y economica de pérdidas en volumen debido al Nikles DG, Henry RJ (2002). Chloroplast diversity dafio de Rhyacionia buoliana (Shiff.) en plantaciones within Eucalyptus cloeziana and eastern Monocalyptus de Pinus radiata D. Don en la IX y X regiones de species (Myrtaceae). Australian Journal of Botany. Chile. Bosque 23. Tibbits WN, Hodge GR (2002). Utilising genetic Barbour RC, Potts BM, Vaillancourt RE, Tibbits WN, variation for cold hardiness in Eucalyptus nitens. Wiltshire RJ (2002). Gene flow between introduced Silvae Genetica. and native Eucalyptus species. New Forests. Burczyk J, Adams WT, Moran GF, Griffin AR (2002). Unrefereed publications Complex patterns of mating revealed in a Eucalyptus Apiolaza LA, Greaves BL (2001). Why are most regnans seed orchard. Molecular Ecology. breeders not using economic breeding objectives? In ‘Developing the Eucalypt of the Future’. 10-l5 Dutkowski GW, Costa e Silva J, Gilmour AR, Lopez September, Valdivia, Chile. p. 75. (Instituto Forestal: GA (2002). Spatial analysis methods for forest genetic Chile) trials. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. Apiolaza LA, Potts BM, Gore PL (2001). Genetic Johnston AJ, Dieters MJ, Dungey HS, Nikles DG control of peak flowering time of Eucalyptus globulus. (2002). Intraspecific hybridisation in Pinus caribaea In ‘Developing the Eucalypt of the Future’. l0-15 var. hondurensis II. Genetic parameters. Euphytica. September, Valdivia, Chile. p. 155. (Instituto Forestal: Chile) Johnston AJ, Dieters MJ, Dungey HS, Wallace HM (2002). Intraspecific hybridisation in Pinus caribaea Dieters MJ, Zheng Y (2001). Variation among natural var. hondurensis I. Performance and heterosis. and domesticated populations of Pinus caribaea Euphytica. var. bahamensis when grown in Queensland and south China. In ‘26th Biennial Southern Forest Tree Jones TH, Potts BM, Vaillancourt RE, Davies NW Improvement Conference’. 26-29 June, Athens, (2002). Genetic resistance of Eucalyptus globulus to Georgia, USA. pp. 63-73. (National Information Autumn Gum Moth defoliation and the role of foliar Service: Springfield, Virginia, USA) waxes. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. Dutkowski GW, Raymond CA (2001). A decision support tool for expensive to measure traits in progeny 58 CFlC for Sustainable Production Forestry — Annual Report 2001/02 trials. In ‘Developing the Eucalypt of the Future’. Jones TH, Potts BM, Vaillancourt RE, Davies NW 10-15 September, Valdivia, Chile. p. 72. (Instituto (2001). Using F2 families to search for genetic based Forestal: Chile) pest resistance in Eucalyptus globulus. In ‘Developing the Eucalypt of the Future’. 10- 1 5 September, Valdivia, Dutkowski GW, Gilmour AR (2001). Modification of Chile. p. 81. (Instituto Forestal: Chile) the additive relationship matrix for open pollinated trials. In ‘Developing the Eucalypt of the Future’. Kube PD, Raymond CA, Banham PW (2001). 10-15 September, Valdivia, Chile. p. 71. (Instituto Breeding Eucalyptus nitens to improve wood quality Forestal: Chile) and profitability. In ‘Developing the Eucalypt of the Future’. 10-15 September, Valdivia, Chile. p. 99. Dutkowski GW, Potts BM, Williams DR, Kube PD, (Instituto Forestal: Chile) McArthur C (2001). Geographic genetic variation in Central Victorian Eucalyptus nitens. In ‘Developing Lopez GA, Potts BM, Rodriguez Traverso JM, Gelid the Eucalypt of the Future’. 10-15 September, Valdivia, P (2001). The performance of Eucalyptus rnaidenii Chile. p. 39. (Instituto Forestal: Chile) provences in Argentina. In ‘Developing the Eucalypt of the Future’. 10-15 September, Valdivia, Chile. p. 40. Dutkowski GW, Costa e Silva J, Gilmour AR (2001). (Instituto Forestal: Chile) Spatial analysis of forest genetic trials. I11 ‘Developing the Eucalypt of the Future’. 10-15 September, Valdivia, Lopez GA, Potts BM, Dutkowski GW, Rodriguez Chile. p. 141. (Instituto Forestal: Chile) Traverso JM, Gelid P (2001). Quantitative genetic affinities
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