R&S®RAMON Radiomonitoring Software Open Source Acknowledgement (NMáV2) 3029.8338.02 ─ 03 Monitoring and Network Testing Open Source Acknowledgement R&S®RAMON Contents How to obtain the source code Contents 1 Introduction............................................................................................ 2 2 Software Packages................................................................................ 3 3 Verbatim license texts......................................................................... 15 4 Copyrights.......................................................................................... 446 1 Introduction This product uses a number of open source software packages which are listed below. The open source software is provided free of charge. You are entitled to use the open source software in accordance with the respective license conditions as provided in the following chapters. Rohde & Schwarz would like to thank the open source community for their valuable contribution to embedded computing. 1.1 Disclaimer The open source software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PUR- POSE. The respective licenses may contain more details. 1.2 How to obtain the source code The software included in this product may contain copyrighted software that is licensed under a license requiring us to provide the source code of that software, such as the GPL or LGPL. You may obtain the complete corresponding source code for such copy- righted software from us for an unlimited period of time and at no charge. In this case, please contact: Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG Mühldorfstr. 15, 81671 München, Germany Phone: +49 89 41 29 - 12345 Email: [email protected] Internet: www.customersupport.rohde-schwarz.com Open Source Acknowledgement 3029.8338.02 ─ 03 2 R&S®RAMON Software Packages This offer is valid to anyone in receipt of this information. 2 Software Packages The software contained in this product makes use of the following open source soft- ware packages. Package Chapter 7-zip 16.04 7-zip 16.04, unRar 7za 9.04 GNU LGPL 2.1 7za 9.20 GNU LGPL 2.1 Akka slf4j 2.0.3 Apache License 2.0 AngularJS 1.3.0 Creative Commons By 3.0 antlr (Lexer/Parser) 3.0.1 ANTLR 3 AOP Alliance 1.0 SpringSource AOP 1.0 Apache Extras Companion for log4j 1.0 Apache License 2.0, Apache log4j extras 1.0 Apache FtpServer Core 1.0.5 Apache License 2.0, Apache ftpserver core 1.0.5 Apache Servicemix Bundle xmlpull Apache License 2.0, Apache servicemix xmlpull Apache Servicemix Bundle xpp3 1.1.4 Apache License 2.0, Apache servicemix xpp3 1.1.4 Apache Servicemix Bundle xstream 1.4.8 Apache License 2.0, Apache servicemix xstream 1.4.8 Apache Tomcat 7.0.37 Apache License 2.0, Apache tomcat 7.0.37 argparser 0.2.1 argparser 0.2 ASM 1.5.3 ASM 1.5 async 0.1.22 Async 0 async.js 0.2.5 Async 0 backbone.js 0.9.2 Backbone JS 0 backbone.js 1.0.0 Backbone JS 1 BeanShell (bsh) 2.0b4 GNU LGPL 3.0 bootbox.js 4.4.0 bootbox.js 4.4 bootstrap-sass 3.2.0 bootstrap-sass 3.2 bootstrap-switch 3.0.2 Apache License 2.0 bootstrap.js 3.3 bootstrap.js 3.3 buffer-crc32 0.1.1 buffer-crc32 0.1 c3p0 0.9.1 GNU LGPL 2.1 cglib 2.1.3 Apache License 2.0, cglib 2.1.3 Open Source Acknowledgement 3029.8338.02 ─ 03 3 R&S®RAMON Software Packages Package Chapter Check_cisco GNU GPL 2.0 Check_cisco 6010487 GNU GPL 2.0 Check_esxi_hardware.py 20130725 Check esxi hardware, GNU GPL 3.0 Check_hp_bladechassis 1.0.1 check hp blade chassis 1.0.1, GNU GPL 3.0 Check_ilo2_health 1.58 check ilo2 health 1.58, GNU GPL 3.0 Check_interfaces 1.2 check interfaces 1.2, GNU GPL 2.0 Check_ipmi_sensor 3.1 2012-05-24 check ipmi sensor 3.1, GNU GPL 3.0 Check_lm_sensors 3.1.1 check lm sensors 3.1, GNU GPL 3.0 Check_modbus 0.47 check modbus 0.47, GNU GPL 3.0 check_nwc_health GNU GPL 2.0 check_smartmontools n/a check smartmon tools, GNU GPL 2.0 Check_snmp_hp_procurve.sh 0.1a GNU GPL 3.0 Check_snmp_load 1.3.3 GNU GPL 3.0 Check_snmp_process 1.10 GNU GPL 3.0 Check_snmp_storage 1.3.3 GNU GPL 3.0 Check_snmp_time 1.1 GNU GPL 3.0 Check_ups_pow 1.0 check ups pow 1.0, GNU GPL 2.0 Check_vmware_api 0.7.0 check vmware api 0.7.0, GNU GPL 2.0 Check_xen.py 0.1.0 GNU GPL 2.0 chosen.js 0.10.1 chosen 0.10 Chromium 21.0.1136.0 Chromium 21 Chromium 40.0.2196.0 Chromium 40 Chromium 41.0.2272.76 Chromium 41 Chromium 50.0.2645.0 Chromium 50 Chromium 54.0.2840.59 Chromium 54 coffescript 1.8.0 Coffee Script 1.8 commander.js 0.6.1 Commander 0.6 Commons BeanUtils 1.8.0 Apache License 2.0, Commons Beanutils 1.8.0 Commons Collections 3.2 Apache License 2.0, Commons Collections 3.2 Commons DBCP 1.2.1 Apache License 2.0, Commons DBCP 1.2.1 Commons Digester 1.7 Apache License 2.0, Commons Digester 1.7 Commons EL 1.0 Apache License 1.1 Commons FIleupload 1.2.2 Apache License 2.0, Commons Fileupload 1.2.2 Open Source Acknowledgement 3029.8338.02 ─ 03 4 R&S®RAMON Software Packages Package Chapter Commons io 1.4 Apache License 2.0, Commons IO 1.4 Commons IO 2.5 Apache License 2.0, Commons IO 2.5 Commons Lang 2.3 Apache License 2.0, Commons Lang 2.3 Commons Lang 2.4.0 Apache License 2.0, Commons Lang 2.4 Commons Lang 3.6 Apache License 2.0, Commons Lang 3.6 Commons Logging 1.1 Apache License 2.0, Commons Logging 1.1 Commons Logging 1.1.1 Apache License 2.0, Commons Logging 1.1 Commons Net 1.4.1 Apache License 2.0, Commons Net 1.4.1 Commons Validator 1.1.4 Apache License 2.0 connect 2.12.0 Connect 2.12 connect 2.7.2 Connect 2.7 cppzmq 1F05E0D111 cppzmq csso 1.2.18 csso 1.2 curl 7.46.0 curl 7.46.0 cycle.js 1.0.3 cycle.js 1.0 cygwin 1.7.17 GNU GPL 1.0 d3.js 3.4.2 d3.js 3.4 date.js 1.1 date.js 1.1 Debian 7.6 3.2.57-3 GNU GPL 2.0 Debian 8.4 3.2.57-3 GNU GPL 2.0 Derby 10.4 Apache License 2.0, derby 10.4 device.js 0.1.59 device.js 0.1 dom4j 1.4.0 dom4j 1.4 dom4j 1.6.1 dom4j 1.6 Dozer 4.4.1 Apache License 2.0 earcut 0.11 earcut 0.11 Eclipse RCP Platform 3.6.0 EPL 1.0 Ehcache 2.3.2 Apache License 2.0 EJB3 Persistence 3.0 EJB3 3.0 ejs 0.8.3 ejs 0.8 expat 2.0.1 expat 2.0 express-partials 0.0.6 express-partials 0.0 expressjs 3.1.0 expressjs 3.1 Open Source Acknowledgement 3029.8338.02 ─ 03 5 R&S®RAMON Software Packages Package Chapter expressjs 3.4.8 expressjs 3.4 eyes.js 0.1.8 eyes.js 0.1 fontawesome 3.0.2 fontawesome 3 fontawesome 3.2.1 fontawesome 3 GDAL 1.11.1 GDAL 1.11 GDAL 1.8.1 GDAL 1.8 GDAL 2.0.1 GDAL 2.0.1 Gearman 1.5.2 Gearman 1.5.2, GNU GPL 2.0, GNU GPL 3.0 generic-pool 2.0.2 generic-pool 2.0 geoext geoext 1.0 Geoserver 2.8.4 GNU GPL 2.0, geoserver 2-8-4 gmock 1.7.0 gmock 1.7 gnuplot 4.2.2 Gnuplot 4.0 Google Guice Core Library 4.1.0 Apache License 2.0, google guice 4.1.0 Gson 2.2.4 Apache License 2.0, google gson 2.2.4 Guava 19.0 Apache License 2.0, google guava 19.0 gxp 4.7 GNU GPL 3.0, gxp 4.7 Hamcrest Core 1.3 hamcrest 1.3 hammer.js 2.0.2 hammer.js 2.0 handlebars.js 1.0.0 handlebars.js 1.0 handsontable 0.12.3 handsontable 0.12.3 health_monitoring_plugins 0.0.6 GNU GPL 2.0 Hibernate Annotations 3.4.0.GA GNU LGPL 2.1 Hibernate Commons Annotations 3.1.0.GA GNU LGPL 2.1 Hibernate Core 3.3.1.GA Hibernate 3.3.1, GNU LGPL 2.1 Hibernate Search 3.0.1.GA GNU LGPL 2.1 hidapi 0.7.0 hidapi 0.7 HTTPUnit 1.6.2 HTTPUnit 1.6 icinga 1.10.2 icinga 1.10.2, GNU GPL 2.0 ICU4J 4.2.1 EPL 1.0 ini.js 1.1.0 ini.js 1.1 Jade 0.26.3 jade 0.26 Jakarta ORO 2.0.8 Apache License 1.1 Open Source Acknowledgement 3029.8338.02 ─ 03 6 R&S®RAMON Software Packages Package Chapter Jasper / Tomcat lib 5.5.17 Apache License 2.0 Java Servlet API 3.1.0 CDDL 1.1, CDDL 1.1 note, Classpath exception, GNU GPL 2.0 Javassist 3.4.GA Mozilla Public License 1.1 Javax.inject 1 Apache License 2.0, javax.inject 1.0 Jaxen 1.1.2 Jaxen 1.1 jcifs 1.3.17 GNU LGPL 2.1 jcommon 1.0.10 jcommons 1.0.10, GNU LGPL 2.1 Jetty 9.4.4.v20170414 Apache License 2.0, jetty server 9.4.4 Jetty Server 6.1.23 Apache License 2.0, jetty server 6.1.23 Jetty Util 6.1.23 Apache License 2.0, jetty util 6.1.23 JFreechart 1.0.6 Jfreechart 1.0.6, GNU LGPL 2.1 jgrowl.js 1.2.10 jgrowl.js 1.2 jquery 1.11.3 MIT jQuery, jquery-1.11.3 jQuery 1.7.2 jquery 1.7 jQuery 2.0.3 jquery 2.0 jquery 2.1.0 MIT jQuery, jquery-2.1.0 jQuery 2.1.1 jquery 2.1 jquery ui 1.11.4 MIT jQuery, jquery.ui-1.1.4 jquery-file-upload 9.5.6 jquery-fileupload 9.5 jquery-keyboard 1.18.12 jquery-keyboard 1.18 jquery-mobile 1.2.0 jquery-mobile 1.2 jquery-mousewheel 3.1.6 jquery-mousewheel 3.1 jquery-transit 0.1.3 jquery-transit 0.1 jquery-transit 0.9.9 jquery-transit 0.9 jquery-UI 1.10.3 jquery-UI 1.10 jquery.blockUI 2.53 jquery.blockUI 2.5 JScience 4.3.0 JScience 4.3 JScience 4.3.1 JScience 4.3 jsdiff 1.0.2 jsdiff 1.0 jsoncpp 0.6.0 jsoncpp 0.6 jstree 3.3.3 jstree 3.3.3 JTS Topology Suite 1.13 GNU LGPL 2.1 kineticJS 4.5.3 kineticJS 4.5 Open Source Acknowledgement 3029.8338.02 ─ 03 7 R&S®RAMON Software Packages Package Chapter knockout-mapping.js 2.4.1 knockout-mapping.js 2.4 knockout.js 2.2.0 knockout.js 2.2 knockout.js 2.2.1 knockout.js 2.2 libmodbus 3.0.3 GNU LGPL 2.1 libogg 1.2.2 libogg 1.2 libopus 1.0.1 libopus 1.0 libpng 1.4.5rc03 libpng 1 4 libssh2 1.2.6 libssh2 1.2 libtorrent 0.16.10 libtorrent 0.16 log4j 1.2.15 Apache License 2.0, log4j 1.2.15 log4j 1.2.17 Apache License 2.0, log4j 1.2.17 Log4j2 2.6.2 Apache License 2.0, log4j 2.6.2 log4net 1.2.15 Apache License 2.0, log4net 1.2.15 log4net 2.0.8 Apache License 2.0, log4net 2.0.8 Lucene 1.9.1 Apache License 2.0 Lucene Core 2.3.0 Apache License 2.0, Lucene Core 2.3.0 Marblewidget 1.3.0 GNU LGPL 2.1 Mina Core 2.0.4 Apache License 2.0, Mina Core 2.0.4 mkdirp 0.3.0 mkdirp 0.3 mkdirp 0.3.3 mkdirp 0.3 mkdirp 0.3.4
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