TlWi^woather MosUy sunny today with high in up- Inside today per SOs and low 60s. Qear. coid tonight. l>ow In ws. Increasing cloudiness Area news • • 8-9 F a m ily .................7 Saturday with chance of rain by aassified . 12-16 H. S. W orld........6 evening. High Saturday 55^. Nationai Comics ... .. 17 Obituaries ......... 18 weather map on Paqe 12. o/rf;mi»4Shiirm Dear Abby . .17 S p o rts.............10-11 Editorial . 4 l7,Hp,-^yOL No 8 President tells Democratic Committee ‘I don’t intend to WASHINGTON (UPI) - President hitting speech, but "there is no doubt Senate Finance ComiAittee has killed cent U.S. understanding with the Carter said today his battles with in my mind that bur country’s best most of them in order to allow a Soviet Union had ended a period of Congress over energy, the Panama interests will be served by these House-Senate conference committee disruptive Russian actions in the Canal and other issues "are not a treaties.” to hash out the differences. area. sign of failure” by bis administra­ Carter, who reiterated the United “What we don’t get this year, we’ll tion. The administration policy, he said, States has not lessened its support of be back for next year,” said Carter, is "treating fairly all parties” and "I don’t intend to fail,” he told the Israel, said the clashes between his who has hinted strongly that he that has resulted “in a much more Democratic National Committee. administration and the Democratic would veto an energy package not to flexible and accommodating attitude And with his energy program in Congress "are not a sign of failure... his liking. “I don’t intend to fail.” by the Arabs'and Israelis.” tatters on Capitol Hill, he promised but a s ip that we as Democrats in­ He said his energy proposals were Again charging that “our present to go back to Congress again next tend to carry out our commitments framed in an effort “to avoid an income tax structure is a disgrace,” year for any needed energy legisla­ to the people.” almost inevitable crisis,’’ and Carter said his long awaited package tion. “Many of these issues have been reminded his audience that “the for overhauling the tax system would Carter conceded “the matter is in avoided for years, for decades, shadow of the oil lobby hovers over be polished and ready early next doubt” on whether the Senate will ap­ because of a fear of controversy,” Capitol Hill.” week. prove the Canal treaties, but he Carter said. “But they can’t be Carter specifically reasserted U.S. He promised it would include "a appealed for support. avoided any longer.” commitment to the "strength, in­ substantial reduction in the over-all “ Misrepresentation will be The House passed a number of the dependence, freedom and peace of tax burden of the American people.” presented to you,” he said in a hard­ F’resident’s energy proposals, but the the people of Israel” and said the re- In part, the depressed stock market has been traced to cautious investors — hesitant because of un­ Jrt industrial park trial certainty over Carter’s tax policies. One of the targets of the proposals is expected to be business tox breaks. In using the term /' "misrepresenation” on the canal Judge questioning treaties,'Carter may have referred to this week’s leak of a State Depart­ ment cable from Pancuna indicating the Panamanians are still against any U.S. intervention in a canal direction of case emergency. ‘"rhe matter is in doubt. It is not By GREG PEARSON gathering of automobiles at a par­ that?" Judge Hull asked Sharpless. going to be easy,” he said. But he Herald Reporter ticular site. The witness said that there are no again stressed “trade, commerce Superior Court Judge T. Clark Hull "The Danbury Fair will attract 70,- such regulations. and ‘mutual defense will all be 000 automobiles. Are there any this morning raised questions about Pagano said that the Connecticut enhanced” by Senate approval of the the direction of the case affecting the regulations that say you can’t do See Page Eighteen. treaties. proposed industrial park in Manchester. The case —The Manchester En­ vironmental Coalition vs. Eldward Labor scores two big wins Stockton et al—involves the claim by the plaintiffs that the state com­ WASHINGTON (UPI) - Orpnized bill passed earlier by the House. Jan.l; $2.90 in 1979; $3.15 in 1980, and merce commissioner, did not weigh labor now has its first big victories The House plan for $3.05 by 1980 $3.40 in 1981. properly the environmental effect on Capitol Hill this year with House was rejected in the Senate, and the ’The labor bill approved, 257-163, by when approving the proposed J.C. passage of a bill to overhaul the labor bigger increase was adopted, 76 to 14. the House Thursday would severely Penney Co. project in Manchester. law and Senate approval of a $3.40 The vote indicated labor had the penalize employers, who violate Penney would be the major tenant in minimum wage by 1981. power to fend off other conservative labor laws, and help unions in the town’s proposed industrial park. Neither issue was settled finally by proposals, including a lower organizing campaigns — particularly the votes ’Thursday. But AFL-CIO of­ minimum for teen-agers. against staunchly anti-union Judge Hull’s questioning of Atty. ficials were overjoyed by their abili­ Restaurant help and other workers employers like J.P. Stevens and Co. Anthony Pagano, who represents the ty to reverse labor’s record of who depend on tips, also got a better Rep. Frank Thompson, D-N.J., plaintiffs, came after Pagano called defeats in legislative battles against deal in the Senate. Tipped workers, floor leader for the bill, described it another expert witness on air big business. who now receive 50 per cent of the as a “tremendous” victory for labor pollutants. A final vote was expected today on minimum wage, would get 70 per — producing "easily the most pro­ The judge asked the witness. Dr. the Senate’s minimum wage cent by 1981. The House had rejected labor bill since the Wagner Act” Thomas Sbarpless, an associate proposal, which would raise the any improvement. more than 40 years ago. professor of chemistry, at the current $2.30 wage floor by $1.10 over Some 4.7 million workers would Opponents agreed. “It’s 97 per cent University of Hartford, if the state the next four years — providing a benefit from the Senate plan to raise of what labor wanted,” said Rep. has any regulations controlling the more generous raise than a similar the minimum wage to $2.65 next John Ashbrook, R-Ohio. A business Does a kick turn coalition declared it "the most out­ rageous demonstration of unchecked The challenge of skateboarding continues to fascinate the union power ever witnessed on young. Here Eric Trudon, 12, of 11 Richard Rd. does a kick turn Capitol Hill.” at the top of the homemade ramp in his yard. (Herald photo by United Way helping Beth Republican supporters of business, Dunn) who tried unsuccessfully for three days to drastically weaken the House bill, promised to fight harder — with a filibuster if necessary — when the through health service measure comes up in the Senate next year. News summary Little Beth Reitberg used to stum­ vice. the kitchens of Manchester The labor bill would hasten union ble and fall a great deal. Her friends Services to the Reitberg family are Memorial Hospital. representation elections; revoke Complied from United Press International at school would tease her about this typical of the many services offered In addition to the delicious meals federal contracts of labor law and often she was a very unhappy lit­ the community under the umbrella of they bring, the volunteers provide violators for up to three years, and tle girl. River East Homemaker-Home the clients with friendship, concern provide as much as double back pay State Atlantic in a balloon. Thursday's The doctors at Newington Health Aide Service, Inc. and a daily check on the condition of to workers dismissed for union activi­ launch was postponed to today, HARTFORD — State Banking Children’s Hospital told Beth’s Another homemaker service is the the lonely shut-ins. but weather forecasts indicate ty- Commissioner David H. Neiditz parents that she had a congenital hip Meals on Wheels program which Further information about the ser­ Both victories Thursday required that Monday is a more likely plans to approve regulations disease, and that only surgery, a brings to every client two meals, a vices of River East Homemaker- some compromises by labor. Lost in takeoff time. making it illegal for banks to total replacement of the hip socket, hot nourishing main meal and a tas­ Home Health Aide Services, Inc., the battle was labor’s plan for future refuse mortgages to home buyers would prevent Beth from burning, ty, cold supper, Monday through call 643-9511. automatic minimum wage raises, in inner city areas. He plans to National in time, unable to walk at all. Beth Friday. ’These meals are prepared in United Way helps make it work. which the House rejected. submit the new rules, which would hisve to be in a body cast for at MIAMI — A jury has found Ron- define and prohibit so-called least six weeks. ny Zamora, 15, guilty of first- redlining by lending institutions, The overwhelming problem facing degree murder. His attorney to the Legislature’s Regulations attempted to convince the jury Beth’s parents was how to be able to Review Committee Tuesday.
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