22152 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS SALUTE TO STEVE wrr'I'MAN In 1931 Wittman went to Oshkosh to take Many of the committee members were ac­ over the airport there and managed it until tive in the promotion. of ai:r s~ows her~ in his retirement this spring. the 1950's, and some, like Rutledge, are well HON. WILLIAM A. STEIGER S. J. Wittman was born in Byron April remembered for the job they did in promot­ OF WISCONSIN 5, 1904, and attended grade schools at Byron ing the 1953 City of Oshkosh centennial and Lomira. He was graduated from Fond celebration. · IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES du Lac High School. So, he has fl.rm roots When they speak, then, of drawing 100,000 Monday, August. 4, 1969 in Fond du Lac County and has many friends spectators to their show, or plan a banquet here. Certainly, many a local resident took with an attendance limited to 1,000 persons, Mr. STEIGER of Wisconsin. - Mr. to the air for the :first time in an open cock­ it seems to be no wishful thinking. Speaker, S. J. Wittman is one of tfie au­ pit, wooden "prop," strutted biplane with The renown of Wittman perhaps makes it thentic aviation leaders of our Nation. Steve Wittman at the controls. easier to put on a show of the magnitude the Steve has more hours in the air zoom­ Steve gained his national reputation pilot­ committee envisions. His friends in avia­ ing around the pylon in air races than ing aircraft in races all around the country. tion-who fully appreciate his contributions But, he is an inventor, builder and designer to their field-have been eager to take part. any other pilot in the world. Steve Witt­ as well. His great little racer, "Buster," is in Those who have ever gone to the Mn.:. man is an airport manager, flight in­ the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, waukee air show may recall that some of the structor, test pilot, aeronautics designer D.C., not far from Lindbergh's "Spirit of St. most internsting displays there have been and mechanic, holder of a number of Louis." the antique and home-crafted planes, an ar­ patents on aviation devices, experimental The magazine, "Sport Aviation," in its ray of unusual and intriguing machines. aircraft builder, barnstormer, and avia­ July issue, carries a two-page "Salute to Steve These are from members of the Experi­ tion pioneer. Wittman" and calls him "one of America's mental Aircraft Association. This year, most great aviation personalities. Steve entered his of the EAA ~embers are forsaking the Mil­ Steve Wittman retired last week after :first race in 1926. Not until he began to de­ waukee show (which occurs on the same 45 years of flying, 43 years of air racing, sign and build his own racing aircraft did he weekend) to come to Oshkosh. Just one indi­ and 38 years as the manager of the Osh­ really become established in the game. He cation of the esteem aviation has for kosh Airport. At age 65, Steve is build­ participated every year in almost every pylon Wittman. ing his seventh airplane. One of his most (tower) race and garnered more wins than It is an esteem which Oshkosh shares, al­ famous planes, "Buster," hangs in the perhaps any other race pilot. He never though not with the full knowledge which Smithsonian Institution besides Charles stopped scoring in races and his name has they have. Lindbergh's "Spirit of St. Louis." His become synonymous with the sport," the ar­ The Daily Northwestern is gratified that its ticle says. editorial suggestion, when Wittman an­ first pilot's license was signed by Orville The S. J. Wittman Airport Committee Inc. nounced his intention to retire, that the air­ Wright. of Oshkosh has planned a tremendous three­ port be renamed in his honor is- bearing Steve Wittman was honored last week­ day tribute which will be the highlight o! such magnificent fruit and pledges to co­ end by people from throughout the Na­ Steve's life. They are calling it "Wittman operate fully in making it a :fitting tribute tion when thousands turned out for Weekend" for Steve and Dorothy Wittman to the man who made aviation history in "Wittman Weekend." The Winnebago because the flyer holds a very special place Oshkosh. in the hearts of residents of Winnebagoland. This community's opportunity to pay County Airport, over which Steve Witt­ Steve Wittman is the kind of man and the Wittman honor is a rare opportunity, · a man presided for 38 years, will hereafter kind of flyer who deserves this type of trib­ chance to thank him ·for the honor which, be known as Wittman Field. An appro­ ute. for nearly two score years, he has brought to priate tribute to a man who truly had a Fond du Lac joins with its neighboring Oshkosh. vision of the future. city; all of the Fox River Valley and all of I include in the RECORD at this point Wisconsin in saying, "Congratula,tions, Steve the following editorials: Wittman." As an added testimonial, 100,000 persons BUCKSKIN BILL [From the Fond du Lac (Wis.) Common­ are expected for the two days of the air show. wealth Reporter, July 19, 1969) · It should be well worth seeing. SALUTE TO STEVE WITTMAN HON. ·FRANK CHURCH One of Fond du Lac· County's most famous - (From the Oshkosh (Wis.) Daily North­ OF mA~O native sons, Steve J. Wittman, will be hon­ western, June 16, 1969] IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES ored at Oshkosh Friday, Saturday and Sun­ HONOR TO CITIZEN Monday, August 4, 1969 day, July 25-27, for his many contributions Seldom does a community have the oppor­ to aviation in the Fox River Valley, for his tunity-or take the opportunity-to honor Mr. CHURCH. Mr. President, some 30 years as manager of the Winnebago County one of its illustrious citizens during his life­ years ago a man by the name of Sylvan Airport, for his daring racing exploits in tiny, time. Hart gave up the comforts of civiliza­ home-built aircraft and for bringing honor But Oshkosh will not be remiss this sum­ tion for the solitary life of a mountain and fame to Oshkosh and to the State o! mer, thanks to the hard work of a committee man in Idaho's wilderness. Wisconsin. planning the "S. J. Wittman Airport Dedica­ During the celebration, the airport at Osh­ Buckskin Bill, as he is now known, has tion." fashioned a remarkable life for himself kosh which he managed for 38 years will be The group unveiled some of its plans last renamed S. J. Wittman Field in his honor. week and the fact that stood out more than in the mountains of our State. He makes Saturday and Sunday Wittman's friends, the anything was that it will truly be a com­ his own clothes and his own shelter, City of Oshkosh, Winnebago County and munity-wide homage to Steve Wittman. grows his own food, and fashions his own many organizations have planned one of the The committee is headed by Wesley Schnei­ dishes, tools, and even guns f:;:om the re­ most outstanding air shows ever to be seen der and Leo Muza, and Richard C. Rutledge sources of hi1:1 lonely retreat. in this region. The show each day will run is in charge of the promotional end of the He is altogether a remarkable individ­ from noon to 4: 30 p.m. and offer every type planning. of skyway thrill from an opening "fly-by" of ual, a hearty adventurer, who has proved It is Rutledge who graphically presents the once again that man, alone in a vast 40 war-bird aircraft to a flight by Wittman case for the opportunity Oshkosh and Win­ himself in his famed "Bonzo" to aerobatics nebago County have in paying due honor to primitive area, can survive-indeed and an air race. its own aviation pioneer. thrive-on what nature provides. Th.ere also will be parties, dinners and The community,· he feels, has not fully Buckskin Bill is the subject of a new special honors for Steve. grasped the stature of Wittman in the avia­ book entitled. "The Last of the Moun­ But · most important, many of his flying tion world. But it will know through the tain Men/' written by Harold ·Peterson. "cronies" from all over the world will be efforts of this committee between now and A review of the book was published in back to help honor him. July 26-27 when the airport which Wittman Wittman learned to fly at the old Fond du the Washington Post book supplement, nurtured from .a pasture-type landing field 1969. l Lac Airport in 1924 and from 1925-27 he op­ to a jet-age airport is renamed in his honor. Book World of August . 3, ask erated a small flying service here giving rides, Behind these prime movers, scores of com­ unanimous consent that it be printed in flying at county fairs and doing general barn­ munity leaders· are working on.various facets the Extensions of Remarks. storming. In addition, he was a test pilot of the two-day event, and every civic orga­ There· being no objection, the review for the · Pheasant Aircraft Co. of Fo'nd du nization in the country will have a chance was orde1~ed to be p'rinted in the REcoJin, Lac, a. pioneer in the business. to .take ·some p~rt in the prograim.
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