:"01:73:"N.~~:." ..~.' Mr· .'.' ..~:ttaW., ... ".(.'. ·...·7· ..... <. :~~:,;aLa.. , 6 '199'·S· ..- . DSSGElect~~~~.·•.·.-4~-~7 _.-.:"-~ ,--~.- ~,. By Chan-joo Moon' ..... ."" '.. ..... ....... ...,... w_ -:-:"':'" •• .... .. •. -. ... Thisyear's.DaySession Student Government (DSSG) election is a choice between the BEST party, which emphasizes campus issues ....... -". ~,,~ "'.', ' -.. such as the quality ofstudents' so­ cial lives, and the STAR party, which has a more activist stance on issues such as Open Admis­ sions. The Bringing Every Student To­ gether party has members from current DSSG staff, and the Stu­ dents Together Achieve Reform party heavily criticizesthecurrent DSSG for not being active enough in working for students. Reannah Ramsingh, BEST presi­ dential candidate, is currently the Reannah Ramsingb (BEST·-(.arty>,Lennox' Henry (STBparty> executive treasurer of DSSG and brings the experience of having Romana Ali, secretary. hensive Action Plan. He had said worked in the student government The STAR party candidates are that he would only take part ifthe for an academic year. Lennox Henry, president,Omar majority of the student· body Lennox'Henry, STAR presiden- Morales, vice president; Anthon wanted him to, and then cited a ~U~11 tial candidate; says that he will Grant, treasurer; and Simone. De. DSSG..SurYey, which s.hQ~~ that.~~~;; change the way'DSSG works. He Suze, secretary. only 8 per cent of the participants ltl~mt has directly taken part in protests Ramsingh said that she did not wanted DSSG to take a parlin it. againsttheComprehensiveAction participate in the protests at 80 "We areconcemed with Baruch Plan and states that under his street, despite statinga concern for as part of a larger spectrum of leadership, DSSGwill be active in OpenAdmissions on herplatform, things, of course, but we're more promoting students'rights,both on because"youhave toget a consen- . concerned with the issues that'sf- .....iiIiiiiiiiliiIIiIii.iiIII....... .. ~--_~ ~~IIS apR C~wjd~( .~__.._~u§." This is ~he s~~~~!i_~~~tl?:at .-fe:~ B~c:~ ~t~~~~~_~ir~!ly, ~_~~_id. InternMakes Do . ~i-::~:::::~ BES'fLparty candidates:-are·· -ZeshaB-·Hamid,-Qla"~nt.p~dent_.__ Ramsmgh _._ .. ~_....._. .. '.. .. '. ._-_._ _..- _, ~._- .. Reannah Ramsingh, president; of DSSG, has given as his reason Ramsinghhas statedthatBaruch By Vanessa Singh ... Jamie Berguido, vice president; for not actively participating in lacks a school spirit, a "sense of Like many graduating students, Joshua Kurtz, treasurer; and student protests of the Compre- continued on page 5 Julie Christie imagined that her . last semester would be rather lei- surely. However, things have Job S.earch Hindered by Reality turned out ditTerently from what she had expected. She is taking ByEJaineWu don't have time. on a full course load this semes­ John Hunting (not his real name) Internships have be­ ter, an internship, and is working walkedthroughthedoorsofthegolden comeoneoftheimportant part-time as well. arches selling hash browns 'and eggs items that recruiters look It has been along and winding in the morning and strolled through for when they review re­ academic road for her to obtainher the revolvingdoors of'Baruch College sumes. Theyprovideprac­ degree. She started at the Bor­ at nights. EveIy da~ he commuted tical experience for stu­ ough of Manhattan Community from home toworkhopingto obtain a dentsandoftentimes lead College (BMCC), where she was a collegedegree whilehesupportedhim­ to full-time positions. As cheerleader for the Men's basket­ self with money he made at MarkChadwin,directorof' ball team for a briefperiodoftime McDonald·s. the Weissman Center for before quitting because it inter­ A few years later,hefinallyobtained International Business fered with her studies. After the degree but was not able to Start describes, aninternshipis graduating from BMCC in 1993, the career that he had wanted. He a "lineon a resume, a foot she transferred to Baruch and at­ lackedthepracticaljobexperienceand - in the door, and a trial tended part-time while working.. internships he needed, which most marriage,"givingthe stu­ This is the only semester which companiesrequired. Even thoughhe itioD andotherexpenses,full-time stu­ dent an opportunitY to gainhands-on sheisattendingfull-time. Shehas had a grade point average in good dents have to work part-time. And experienceonthejobandtheemployer an internshipatAmerican Health standing, bewas not oonsidered tobe oftentimes, thesejobs are not related a chanceto seetheperfonnanceofthe for Women magazine, which she qualifiedfor thejobofhis choice, to their DU\iors. Many cannot afford student. loves. "It's a nice and supportive This.is a problemthatmanyBaruch to takenon-payingintemshipsjustfor Many of these internship positions studentsface, Inorderto pay tor tu- .: work ~ while others just contitwed on]XJ6e 9 continued. on page 8 "-' .. .. NEWS. MAY 6, 1998 TIC.KER NEWS MAY-6, 1998 cific" experience. "Seniors Sophomores and- juniors ing skills constantly updated. should haunt this place," should consult with student "We looked over 500 resumes Imbimbo said. counselors regarding intern­ this semester," said Hiba Nancy Leighton, the Intern­ ships, part-time jobs and ac­ Shariet, a student counselor. ship Coordinator of CDC, ad­ quiring career specific knowl­ Student counselors who have vises students to inform them­ edge. Internships are encour­ successfully 'completed the In- selves about career possibilities aged b-ecause relevant experi­ 'terview Training program con­ and then research companies ence in the student's field of duct videotaped mock inter­ that they are interested in. study weigh heavily on whether views to help students hone "Looking for an int ernship. is a the student lands a job after their interviewing skills. These learning experience in itself," graduation, according to interviews are held four nights said Leighton. Imbimbo. However, since in­ a week and interview-practicing Many of the services provided terns perform entry-level tasks, students must bring their own by CDC are conducted by Peers she said that internships are videotape. At the end of the in­ for Careers, who are under­ more suited to sophomores and terview, student counselors pro­ graduate students trained to junrors. vide feedback, suggestions and serve as peer counselors to as­ Resumes, cover letters and referrals. Ifthe peer counselor sist fellow students on all mat­ thank you notes are reviewed in deems it necessary to do more ters related to career develop­ 20 minute first come first serve than two follow up interviews ment, according to Ellen B. basis four times a week, Mon­ with the same student, that stu­ Adelman, Career Advisor and day through Wednesday 11AM­ dent will be referred to a pro­ Coordinator of Peers for Ca­ 2PM and Thursdays 3PM- 6PM fessional career counselor. reers in CDC. Peers for Careers through the Walk-in Resume was modeled after other peer Review Service. Student coun­ programs to do student out­ selors keep their resume writ- reach, according to Adelman. "Our mission is to Baruch Celebrates Israel's 5 provide comprehen­ sive services for un­ dergraduate stu­ dents" These student counselors visit freshmen classes to speak about choosing a major and ex­ ploring career options. One ses­ sion in Freshmen Orientation is ··~~~r-~~ior.an infi-.odiictiori~t.o-_.- career development topics. All students are advised to attend a Choosing a Major workshop before declaring a major. The Contents: CUNYTeacher Education Improves counselors also assist students in using DISCOVER, a career guidance computer program in A student at the poster exhibition commemoratingIsrael's Baruch Scores Rise the office of CDC, according to 50th anniversary at 15thfioor ofthe 360 PAS buiIdiJig By Elizabeth Villegas College, 80; and Brooklyn Col­ eluded in the studies, the scores Adelman. News: fron City University of New York lege, 78. were lower. When you remove (CUNY) Teacher Education stu­ Four out of nine colleges these students, Nina said, the dents improved their pass rate achieved a pass rate equal to or number went up significantly. Three Cheers for Peers for Careers Editorial.....12 on certification examinations, above the state-wide average of Professor Jeff Golland, Chair­ according to a report by the 83 on the Assessment of Teach­ person for the Department of By Hwan-joo Moon informa­ mately 5 hours per week; along State Education Department, ing Skills Tests. They are Baruch Education, said studies showed It takes a well-motivated stu­ tion. Ac­ with a 1 to 2 ltour supervisory Letters /Op- The scores at CUNY were 7 per College, 94; Queens College, 93; that when students who were dent with a commitment to eordingto consultation with a coordinator, cent higher overall in the 1998 Hunter College, 91; and the Col­ enrolled in a matriculated serve Baruch community to be­ Imbimbo, according to Adelman. Ed~: JL~ examinations th an they were lege of Staten Island, 83. teacher education program took come a member of the Peers for the staff The minimum-working-hour last year. the test, they did better than Careers but the perks ofgetting. at CDC requirement may be short but The low scores on the teacher non-matriculated students. involved is impressive also. are trying it isn't easy for a student to join certification exams had been N ina and Galland echoed a These student counselors, by to build Peers for Careers. First, the Business:.....19 cited by critics of CUNY, who CUNY press release, which the time they are about to an auto­ student must
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