County of Mariposa California Environmental Quality Act Initial Study Project Title: Mariposa Biomass Project Conditional Use Permit CUP 2017-117 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PROJECT INFORMATION 1.1 Project Description 1.2 Notable Environmental and/or Regulatory Setting Aesthetics/Visual quality Agriculture/Forestry Air Quality Biological Resources Cultural Resources Geology/Soils Greenhouse Gas Emissions Hazards/Hazardous Waste Materials Hydrology Land Use/Planning Mineral Resources Noise Transportation/Traffic Utilities/Services/Solid Waste 2.0 DETERMINATION 3.0 POTENTIALLY SIGNIFICANT EFFECTS CHECKLIST 4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS List of Attachments: Attachment A - Vicinity Map Attachment B - Site Survey Attachment C - Site Plan Attachment D - The Facility Elevation Illustration Attachment E - The Preliminary Grading Plan Attachment F - Airport Approach, stamped Attachment G - Mariposa Tree Mortality Maps and Data Attachment H- Mariposa Tree Removal Plan Attachment I - The Air Quality Study Attachment J - The Biological Study Attachment K -The Botanical Study Conditional Use Permit Application No. 2017-117 Mariposa Biomass Project Jay Johnson, Applicant. Initial Study, 2018 Attachment L - The Cultural Resources Assessment (Confidential-Not included available at the Mariposa Planning Department Upon Request) Attachment M - The Hydrology Study Attachment N - The Noise Study Attachment O - Correspondence from Cal Trans Attachment P - Traffic Study Attachment Q - Technology Sludge Assessment Attachment R - Woody Biomass Feedstock Assessment Attachment S - Guidelines for Log Storage Attachment T - Septic easement relocation Attachment U- Draft letter to adjoining property owners List of Figures: Figure 1: Vicinity Map (is also Attachment A) Figure 2: Facility Elevation (is also Attachment D) Figure 3: Woodroll Gasification Illustration Figure 4: Photo of the site Figure 5: Tree Mortality Flyer Figure 6: GIS Tree Mortality Image from Cal Fire Figure 7: Photoshop depiction of facility at site location Figure 8: Photoshop depiction of facility at site location Figure 9: AERMOD Grid (Figure 2 within the Air Study) Figure 10: HARP Impacts (Figure 3 within the Air Study) Figure 11: Map location of the Project in proximity to the airport. Figure 12: Linear and Conical Surface Map Figure 13: Airport Elevation (is also Attachment F) List of Tables: Table A: MCAPCD Significance Thresholds Table B: Special-Status Plant Species Occurring within 5 miles of Study Area Table C: Stationary Source Emission Estimates Table D: Construction Emissions Estimates Table E: Operational Mobile and Temporary Source Emission Estimates Table F: MCAPCD Significance Thresholds Table G: Pile and Burn Emission Factors Table H: Operational Emissions from proposed Project Table I: Optimized Feedstock Blend Table J: Year one Feedstock Procurement Forecast Table K: Modeling Parameters Table L: Exposure Pathways Table M: Mariposa Biomass Health Risk Assessment Table N: Construction GHG 2 Conditional Use Permit Application No. 2017-117 Mariposa Biomass Project Jay Johnson, Applicant. Initial Study, 2018 List of Tables Continued: Table O: Mobile GHG Emissions Table P: Facility GHG Burden Table Q: The Translocation of Minerals in Trees Table R: Wood Ash Composition Table S: Low Temperature Ash Content of Different Wood Species Table T: Chemical Composition of Sludge List of Acronyms: AB Assembly Bill AERMAP AERMOD Terrain Preprocessor AERMOD Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling System APCD Air Pollution Control District APN Assessor Parcel Number AQMD Air Quality Management District ARB Air Resources Board BAC Bollard and Associates BDT or bdt Bone Dry Tons BioMAT Bioenergy Market Adjusting Tariff CalEEMod California Emissions Estimator Model CALFIRE California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection CAPCOA California Air Pollution Control Officer's Association CARB California Air Resources Board CCAA California Clean Air Act CCR California Code of Regulations CDFG California Department of Fish and Game CDFW California Department of Fish and Wildlife CEC California Energy Commission CEQA California Environmental Quality Act CESA California Endangered Species Act CNDDB California Natural Diversity Database CNPS California Native Plant Society CO Carbon Monoxide CO2 Carbon Dioxide CPUC California Public Utilities Commission CRHR California Register of Historic Places CUP Conditional Use Permit CUPA Unified Program Consolidated dBA A-weighted decibels EIR Environmental Impact Report 3 Conditional Use Permit Application No. 2017-117 Mariposa Biomass Project Jay Johnson, Applicant. Initial Study, 2018 EPA Environmental Protection Agency EPS Emissions Performance Standard EPIC Electric Program Investment Charge FCAA Federal Clean Air Act FESA Federal Endangered Species Act FHWA Federal Highway Administration FICON Federal Interagency Committee on Noise FIT Feed-In-Tariff FSA Forest Service Area GHG Greenhouse Gas GIS Geographic Information System HARP Hotspots Analysis Reporting Program HCP Habitat Conservation Plan HRA Health Risk Assessment Kw Kilowatt LDA MND Land Division 2004-185 MBP Mariposa Biomass Project MCAPCD Mariposa County Air Pollution Control District MCAPCO Mariposa County Air Pollution Control Officer MCRCD Mariposa County Resource Conservation District MEIR Maximally Exposed Individual Residence MEIW Maximally Exposed Individual Worker MLD Most Likely Descendent MRR Mandatory Reporting Regulation MT Metric Tons MW Megawatts NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Building Standards NAHC Native American Heritage Commission NCCP Natural Community Conservation Plan NEPA National Environmental Policy Act NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide NOX Nitric Oxide NPS National Park Service NRHP National Register of Historic Places NRCS Natural Resources Conservation District NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory O3 Ozone OEHHA Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment ORC Organic Rankine Cycle Pb Lead PDZ Planned Development Zone 4 Conditional Use Permit Application No. 2017-117 Mariposa Biomass Project Jay Johnson, Applicant. Initial Study, 2018 PG&E Pacific Gas & Electric PM Particulate Matter PMI Point of maximum Impact PPA Power Purchase Agreement PRC Public Resources Code RCNM Roadway Construction Noise Model ROG Reactive Organic Gases RPS Renewable Portfolio Standard SB State Bill SCE Southern California Edison SCR Selective Catalytic Reduction SDG&E San Diego Gas & Electric SO2 Sulfur Dioxide TAC Toxic Air Contaminants THP Timber Harvest Plan TPY Tons Per Year UCMERCED University of California at Merced USDA US Department of Agriculture USFWS US Fish and Wildlife Service VOC Volatile Organic Compounds WFM Wood Waste from Forest Management WHR World Health Report 5 Conditional Use Permit Application No. 2017-117 Mariposa Biomass Project Jay Johnson, Applicant. Initial Study, 2018 PROJECT INFORMATION: Project Title: Mariposa Biomass Project Conditional Use Permit CUP No. 2017-117 Lead Agency Name and Address Mariposa County 5100 Bullion Street, P.O Box 2039 Mariposa, CA 95338 Contact Person and Phone Number Jay Johnson Mariposa Biomass Project 5039 Fairgrounds Road Mariposa, CA 95338 (559) 580-5793 [email protected] Christiana Darlington, Counsel CLERE Inc. 530-305-4433 [email protected] Project Location Assessor Parcel Numbers: 015-012-066 and 015-012- 067 5673 Copper Leaf Dr. Mariposa, CA 95338 Projected Sections 9, Rancho Las Mariposas Township 5 South, Range 18 East, MDB&M Bear Valley USGS 7.5' Quadrangle map. (120°0'46.679"W 37°30'19.397"N). Project Sponsor’s Name and Address Mariposa Biomass Project 5039 Fairgrounds Road Mariposa, CA 95338 CEQA Initial Study Preparation: CLERE Inc., Christiana Darlington, Counsel- Draft Submittal 1130 Diablo Court Auburn, CA 95603 530-305-4433 [email protected] Mariposa County Planning- Review, Amendments Final Preparation Steve Engfer Associate Planner (209) 742-1250 [email protected] 6 Conditional Use Permit Application No. 2017-117 Mariposa Biomass Project Jay Johnson, Applicant. Initial Study, 2018 1.0 Project Description The Property The Project is located just southerly of the intersection of Highway 49 North and Gold Leaf Drive at 5673 Copper Leaf Drive, Mariposa. The Project parcels are within the Mariposa Industrial Park that was approved by the County in 1987 through Subdivision, No. 1259 and a Planned Development Zone PDZ 87-1. The PDZ 87-1 (Mariposa Industrial Park) established uncodified zoning that provides the range of allowed industrial uses and prescribes development standards applicable to projects proposed within PDZ 87-1 as is the case for the Mariposa Biomass project. This Initial study takes into account the previous findings that were made when Subdivision No. 1259, the Mariposa Industrial Park Plan and PDZ 87-1 were approved, including the environmental review that was done at the time. Subsequently some lots within the Mariposa Industrial Park were subdivided. This Project is made up of two of four parcels that that were part of Subdivision No. 2004-185 that was completed and recorded in November of 2007. The project was a 9.74 acre parcel that was subdivided into four parcels and a remainder: (Parcel 1, 1.93 net acres; Parcel 2, 1.40 net acres; Parcel 3, 2.0 net acres; and Parcel 4, 2.0 net acres) and a Remainder of 1.33 net acres. The Mariposa Biomass project parcels are Parcel 3 of the subdivision Assessor Parcel Number APN 012-050-066 and Parcel 4 of the Subdivision APN 012-050-067. (For ease of reference the project
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