Priacanthidae Günther 1859 [=Priacanthina, Pseudopriacanthinae] Notes: Priacanthina Günther 1859:215 [Ref

Priacanthidae Günther 1859 [=Priacanthina, Pseudopriacanthinae] Notes: Priacanthina Günther 1859:215 [Ref

FAMILY Priacanthidae Günther 1859 [=Priacanthina, Pseudopriacanthinae] Notes: Priacanthina Günther 1859:215 [ref. 1961] (group) Priacanthus Pseudopriacanthinae Cockerell 1913a:160 [ref. 870] (subfamily) Pseudopriacanthus GENUS Cookeolus Fowler, 1928 [=Cookeolus (subgenus of Priacanthus) Fowler [H. W.] 1928:190] Notes: [ref. 5596]. Masc. Anthias boops Forster 1801. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Based on a misidentified type species, and a petition to ICZN was planned but not yet submitted to designate Priacanthus japonicus Cuvier 1829 as the type to preserve current usage (see Starnes 1988:142-143 [ref. 6978]). Current usage (sensu Starnes) as a valid genus distinct from Heteropriacanthus Fitch & Crooke 1984. •Valid as Cookeolus Fowler 1928 -- (Fitch & Crooke 1984 [ref. 4950], Yoshino in Masuda et al. 1984:143 [ref. 6441], Heemstra 1986:544 [ref. 5660], Starnes 1988:142 [ref. 6978], Paxton et al. 1989:542 [ref. 12442], Kon & Yoshino 1997:351 [ref. 23368], Starnes 1999:2592 [ref. 24834], Starnes 2003:1381 [ref. 27084], Parin 2003:S4 [ref. 28536], Paxton et al. 2006:1117 [ref. 28995], Shinohara et al. 2011:49 [ref. 31715]). Current status: Valid as Cookeolus Fowler 1928. Priacanthidae. Species Cookeolus japonicus (Cuvier, in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829) [=Priacanthus japonicus Cuvier [G.] (ex Langsdorff) in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1829:106, Pl. 50, Priacanthus macropterus Valenciennes [A.] (ex Quoy & Gaimard) in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1831:471, Priacanthus macropus Valenciennes [A.] (ex Quoy & Gaimard) in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1831:469, Priacanthus supraarmatus Hilgendorf [F. M.] 1879:79, Priacanthus velabundus McCulloch [A. R.] 1915:114, Pl. 19] Notes: [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 3; ref. 4879] Japan. Current status: Valid as Cookeolus japonicus (Cuvier 1829). Priacanthidae. Distribution: Circumglobal in tropical and subtropical seas, including Hawaiian Islands. Habitat: marine. (macropterus) [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 7; ref. 4881] No locality [St. Helena Island]. Current status: Synonym of Cookeolus japonicus (Cuvier 1829). Priacanthidae. Habitat: marine. (macropus) [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 7; ref. 4881] St. Helena Island, South Atlantic. Current status: Synonym of Cookeolus japonicus (Cuvier 1829). Priacanthidae. Habitat: marine. (supraarmatus) [Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin 1879; ref. 18288] Enoshima, Japan. Current status: Synonym of Cookeolus japonicus (Cuvier 1829). Priacanthidae. Habitat: marine. (velabundus) [Biological Results Endeavour v. 3 (pt 3); ref. 2941] Off Burrewarra Point, near Bateman's Bay, 35°50'S, New South Wales, Australia, depth 60 fathoms. Current status: Synonym of Cookeolus japonicus (Cuvier 1829). Priacanthidae. Habitat: marine. GENUS Heteropriacanthus Fitch & Crooke, 1984 [=Heteropriacanthus Fitch [J. E.] & Crooke [S. J.] 1984:310] Notes: [ref. 4950]. Masc. Labrus cruentatus Lacepède 1801. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Technically a synonym of Cookeolus Fowler 1928, but petition was being prepared for submission to ICZN (see Starnes 1988:145 [ref. 6978]). Current usage (sensu Starnes) as a valid genus distinct from Cookeolus Fowler 1928. •Valid as Heteropriacanthus Fitch & Crooke 1984 -- (Starnes 1988:149 [ref. 6978], Paxton et al. 1989:542 [ref. 12442], Kon & Yoshino 1997:351 [ref. 23368], Starnes 1999:2592 [ref. 24834], Starnes 2003:1381 [ref. 27084], Paxton et al. 2006:1117 [ref. 28995], Gomon 2008:556 [ref. 30616], Iwatsuki 2009:100 [ref. 30433], Parin et al. 2014:357 [ref. 33547]). Current status: Valid as Heteropriacanthus Fitch & Crooke 1984. Priacanthidae. Species Heteropriacanthus carolinus (Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1829) [=Priacanthus carolinus Cuvier [G.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1829:105, Priacanthus argenteus Cuvier [G.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1829:109, Priacanthus bleekeri Castelnau [F. L.] 1873:100] Notes: [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 3; ref. 4879] Oualan, Caroline Islands, western Pacific. Current status: Valid as Heteropriacanthus carolinus (Cuvier 1829). Priacanthidae. Distribution: Indo-Pacific Ocean: South and East Africa, Madagascar and Mascarenes east to Hawaiian Islands; Galapagos Islands, tropical eastern Pacific islands and Panama. Habitat: marine. (argenteus) [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 3; ref. 4879] Molucca Islands, Indonesia. Current status: Synonym of Heteropriacanthus carolinus (Cuvier 1829). Priacanthidae. Habitat: marine. (bleekeri) [Proceedings of the Zoological and Acclimatisation Society of Victoria, Melbourne v. 2; ref. 758] Noble Island, Torres Strait, Queensland, Australia. Current status: Synonym of Heteropriacanthus carolinus (Cuvier 1829). Priacanthidae. Habitat: marine. Species Heteropriacanthus cruentatus (Lacepede, 1801) [=Labrus cruentatus Lacepède [B. G. E.] (ex Plumier) 1801:452, 522, Pl. 2 (fig. 3), Priacanthus alticlarens Valenciennes [A.] 1862:1168 [4], Priacanthus bonariensis Cuvier [G.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1829:105, Anthias boops Forster [J. R.] in Bloch & Schneider 1801:308, Priacanthus cepedianus Desmarest [A. G.] 1823:169 [9], Pl. 1 (fig. 2) of separate, Serranus rufus Bowdich [S. L.] 1825:122] Notes: [Histoire naturelle des poissons (Lacepéde) v. 3; ref. 2710] General area south of Scotts Head, Dominica, Lesser Antilles [Western Atlantic]. Current status: Valid as Heteropriacanthus cruentatus (Lacepède 1801). Priacanthidae. Distribution: Circumglobal in temperate and tropical seas, including Red Sea, Hawaiian Islands. Habitat: marine. (alticlarens) [Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences v. 54; ref. 4506] Réunion, western Mascarenes, southwestern Indian Ocean. Current status: Synonym of Heteropriacanthus cruentatus (Lacepède 1801). Priacanthidae. Habitat: marine. (bonariensis) [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 3; ref. 4879] Buenos Aires, Argentina. Current status: Synonym of Heteropriacanthus cruentatus (Lacepède 1801). Priacanthidae. Habitat: marine. (boops) [M. E. Blochii, Systema Ichthyologiae; ref. 471] Atlantic near St. Helena. Current status: Synonym of Heteropriacanthus cruentatus (Lacepède 1801). Priacanthidae. Habitat: marine. (cepedianus) [Mémoires de la Société linnéenne de Paris v. 2; ref. 1120] Havana, Cuba. Current status: Synonym of Heteropriacanthus cruentatus (Lacepède 1801). Priacanthidae. Habitat: marine. (rufus) [Fishes of Madeira; ref. 590] Madeira. Current status: Synonym of Heteropriacanthus cruentatus (Lacepède 1801). Priacanthidae. Habitat: marine. Species Heteropriacanthus fulgens (Lowe, 1838) [=Priacanthus fulgens Lowe [R. T.] 1838:174] Notes: [Transactions of the Zoological Society of London v. 2 (pt 3, art. 14); ref. 2831] Original locality: Off Madeira. Current status: Valid as Heteropriacanthus fulgens (Lowe 1838). Priacanthidae. Distribution: Northeastern Atlantic: Canary Islands, Madeiro and Cape Verde Islands. Habitat: marine. GENUS Priacanthus Oken, 1817 [=Priacanthus Oken [L.] (ex Cuvier) 1817:1182, Abuhamrur (subgenus of Sciaena) Forsskål [P. S.] 1775:44, Bogoda Blyth [E.] 1860:139, Boops Gronow [L. T.] in Gray 1854:58] Notes: [ref. 3303]. Masc. Anthias macrophthalmus Bloch 1792. Type by subsequent designation. Based on "Les Priacanthes" of Cuvier 1816:281 [ref. 993] (see Gill 1903:966 [ref. 5768]) and possibly Cuvier 1814:90. Cuvier included 2 species in a footnote; earliest subsequent designation appears to be Jordan & Evermann 1896:1237 [ref. 2443]. •Valid as Priacanthus Oken 1817 -- (Hureau 1973:364 [ref. 7197], Yoshino in Masuda et al. 1984:143 [ref. 6441], Hureau in Whitehead et al. 1986:799 [ref. 13676], Heemstra 1986:545 [ref. 5660], Starnes 1988:154 [ref. 6978], Paxton et al. 1989:543 [ref. 12442], Kon & Yoshino 1997:351 [ref. 23368], Starnes 1999:2592 [ref. 24834], Starnes 2003:1381 [ref. 27084], Parin 2003:S5 [ref. 28536], Paxton et al. 2006:1118 [ref. 28995], Iwatsuki 2009:101 [ref. 30433], Shinohara et al. 2011:49 [ref. 31715], Iwatsuki et al. 2012:54 [ref. 31809], Parin et al. 2014:357 [ref. 33547], Trnski 2015:1233 [ref. 34198]) Current status: Valid as Priacanthus Oken 1817. Priacanthidae. (Abuhamrur) [ref. 1351]. Masc. Sciaena hamrur Forsskål 1775. Appeared as Abu hamrur, a subgroup of Sciaena and tied to the species Sciaena hamrur. Not available; regarded as non-latinized Arabic name (see Jordan 1917:33-34 [ref. 2407]) but that is incorrect under the current code. Not available as it was written in two words. •Synonym of Priacanthus Oken 1817. Current status: Synonym of Priacanthus Oken 1817. Priacanthidae. (Bogoda) [ref. 477]. Fem. Not an original description, Blyth merely referred his new species infuscata to Bleeker's genus Bogoda; treated as an original description by Jordan but misspelled Bogota. •In the synonymy of Priacanthus Oken 1817. Current status: Synonym of Priacanthus Oken 1817. Priacanthidae. (Boops) [ref. 1911]. Masc. Boops asper Gronow 1854. Type by monotypy. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Boops Cuvier 1814 in fishes, not replaced. •Synonym of Priacanthus Oken 1817 -- (Starnes 1988:154 [ref. 6978]). Current status: Synonym of Priacanthus Oken 1817. Priacanthidae. Species Priacanthus alalaua Jordan & Evermann, 1903 [=Priacanthus alalaua Jordan [D. S.] & Evermann [B. W.] 1903:181] Notes: [Bulletin of the U. S. Fish Commission v. 22 (1902); ref. 2450] Honolulu, Oahu Island, Hawaiian Islands. Current status: Valid as Priacanthus alalaua Jordan & Evermann 1903. Priacanthidae. Distribution: Pacific: Guam; Johnston Atoll, Hawaiian Islands; Revillagigedo Islands and Baja California (Mexico). Habitat: marine. Species Priacanthus

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