r.(lrs) National Highway Authority :a.:a';''' '!l 'i.lE::. ri$r.a.Ars Frifxo'v ti:: ,= ivir,+ "':::::l' ::t:A! ";:aii. rllll tjii ,::::.:,,:.i' .::::!:::.\ '.ilti J. :lt - ^ REQUESTFOR?{OPOSAL ' i!:ta *.',#Fi;:|'t.- '= 1:. t ;. .: = . IOrn^j .i_'" "; ,t' .. ConsultancyServices .-' for Feasibility Stfiffi"''-ndDetailed Design for Construction of Farooqatad interchangeon Motorway M-2 in NA- a===r134 District sheikhupura 'nf*tl:t:# ,_il.rrglr,,,,..j Pages(1 to 111) October,2016 I Table of Contents I I Tableof Contents I PAGE NO. I DESCRIPTION LETTER OF INVTTATION (LOD 1 -:,,..iLS.,. tl$ ATTACHMENTS tu==-* 2 I t, * i ::t iu TNSTRUCTIONSTO CONSULTAi\TS (rTC) 3 't I .t- DATA SHEET (DS) 9 '':t.. ''":t+;,. rri::.: ,,r:a TECHNICAL PROPOSAL FORMS :' t1 +i.' ,. I .nr, ttiii- ,+;il \?.rr *o*tr PROPOSAL FORMS ,.,,,.. - 30 FTNANCTAL j,n..:r.riii: !,:i f" \ .F I APPENDIX A ,' i:g.isti!" 39 IIii E I TERMS OF REFERENCE tx,". iii: 39 APPENDTX B *{"'n""'rL 7l '*+ it . MAN-MONTH AND ACTIVITY SE+{EDULE 7T t ;ll/.!:tt,... J APPENDIX C 1) CLIENT' S REQUIREMFNTS.EROM THE CONSULTANTS 72 I '+' .P APPENDIX D Li, 74 I PERSONNEL,EQ.UIF'foNT, FACILITIES AND OTHERSSERVICES TO BE PROVIDEDBY TFIECLIENT 74 I APPENDIX E /J ,;1,.11|a!l t COPY OF MODEL AGREEMENT 75 I I I ConsultancyServices for FeasibilityStudy and Detailed Design for Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange on I Motorway M-2 in NA-134 District Sheikhupura I I I Letter of Invitation I I GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN I NATIONAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY 27-MauveArea, G-911, I PostBox No. 1205. t ISLAMABAD -,1:,'1i;r,,\ I ,Y::;utu,':1i::{i" LET TER OF INVITAU.6AI.:ft,O I To, All prospectiveconsultants t Gentlemen! We extendwarrn welcometg,you and invite you for participatingin this project. We hope that you will live up to your repufdtibnand provide us accurateinformation so that the I evaluationis caried out 'Just and traniparent".Please understand that the contentsof this RFP, where applicable,shall be deemeda,g,A&S,thecontract agreement. An exampleto this affect can be the contentsof your work plan and mefhodologywhich you shallbe submittingin your technical I proposal.Since that is the bapisq! the selection,therefore, it shall becomepart of the contract agreementsubject to approvallfg_v$ionsof the sameby NHA duringthe negotiations.Similarly, all other servicesand the.,c.opie4Ldontributing to services shall be deemedpart of the contract I agreementunless it is specifiedfor any particularitem up-front in your technicalproposal which obviouslywill makeyour pioposala conditionalproposal whereby, authorizing NHA to may or may not considerto"9v'8.{yate your proposal.Please understand that if no suchmention appears up- t front (i.e. on fronq:4gd"ti'?...1,1echnical proposal) then it shall be deemedthat the consultantis in 100% agreementto the abo*e Y6u are alsoadvised to kindly readthe RFPthoroughly as it can drastically affectthe pric_q.structurefor variousservices which may not be appearingdirectly in the termsof I reference.Ih t{9 end,we appreciateyour participationand hopethat you will feed a good proposal to meritconsid6ration bv NHA. I GeneralManager(P&CA) I Telephone: +92-5 I -90327 27, Fax:+92-51-9260419 E-maiI : gmpga.4ha@g$ai-1.co!q, I Website:www.nha. gov.pk t ConsultancyServices for FeasibilityStudy andDetailed Design for Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange on I MotorwavM-2 in NA-134District Sheikhupura I t I ATTACHMENTS Instructionsto Consultants(Annex A) Data Sheet(Annex B) TechnicalProposal Forms FinancialProposal Forms AppendixA (Termsof Reference) AppendixB (Person-Monthsand Activity Schedule) I =,1 AppendixC (Client'sRequirements from the Consultants)= Appendix D (Personnel,Equipment, Facilities and other servicesto be providedby the Client). AppendixE (Copyof Model Agreement),... 4 * a-' . .,.:tllt:j,....! jv":4:- 1tl ",:4 \lr. li == '{;i; 'ql . ..|:::. '... .':: ConsultancyServices for FeasibilityStudy and DetailedDesign for ConstructionofFarooqabad Interchange on MotorwayM-2 in NA-134 DistrictSheikhupura ^/l::: '::::::,\.,. I lnstructionsto Consultants AnnexA I TNSTRUCTIONSTO CONSULTANTS I 1. INTRODUCTION t.l You are herebyinvited to submita technicaland a financialproposal for consultingservices I requiredfor the assignmentnamed in the attachedData Sheet(referred to as "Data Sheet" hereafter) annexed with this letter. Your proposal could form the basis for future negotiationsand ultimately a Contractbetween your firm and the Client namedin the Data I Sheet. t.2 A brief descriptionof the assignmentand its objectives^;&^ in the Data Sheet. I Details are provided in the attachedRFP for designservie€S:'.3ftvided in the Documents, andwill becomepart of agreementsubsequently =,(# : .:::!:i I 1.3 The assignment shall be implemented in accordag€'Ola#drthe phasing specified in the DataSheet. ,orp*rj! 'ti 'tl * . I t.4 The Client has been entrustedthe duty to implementthe Project as ExecutingAgency by Governmentof Pakistan(GoP) and funds foliftrezp;ojectshall be anangedby the Client. 1.5 To obtain first-hand information on=rfr$urrigfr..nt and on the local conditions,you are I encouragedto pay a visit to the Clien{before submittinga proposaland attenda pre- proposalconference if specifiedin the.ubataSheet. Your representativeshall meet the namedofficials on the date and time spEcifiedin the Data Sheet. Pleaseensure that these I officials are advised of the f+iiilh,+:inadvance to allow adequatetime for them to make appropriatearrangements. Yoii 00I$tfully inform yourselfof local conditionsand take them I into accountin preparingyoiiftproposal. I 1.6 1.7 Pleasenote that:ii. .,i lt iili itrii:iiii:, t ,j i. Th,pco$J of preparing the proposal and of negotiatingthe Contract, including a visit to the Client, are not reimbursableas a direct cost of the Assignment,and illl:'r I _,.,i ii. Th€"' ient is not bound to accept any of the proposals submitted' I 1.8 The names of the invited consultantsare given in the Data Sheet. T t.9 We wish to remind you that in order to avoid conflicts of interest: a. Any firm providing goods, works, or services with which you are affiliated or associatedis not eligible to participate in bidding for any goods, works, or services (other than the services and any continuation thereof) resulting from or associatedwith I the project of which this assignmentforms apart; and t b. Any previous or ongoing participation in relation with the project by your firm, its ConsultancyService;.fg1_f.gasibiiity Study and Detailed Design for Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange on MotorwayV-Z,rn$frJ:Sf Pits.Fict Sheikhupura 3 I ff',Y-"*"{(*il, I ol I I Instructionsto Consultants professionalstaf{ its affiliatesor associatesunder a Contractmay result in rejectionof I your p.oposal.You shouldclarifu your situationin that respectwith the Clientbefore preparingthe proposal. I ., DOCUMENTS t 2.1 To preparea proposal,please use the Documentsspecified in the DataSheet. 2.2 Consultantsrequiring a clarification of the Documentsmust notify the Client, in writing, not laterthan twenty one (21) daysbefore the proposalsubmission date. Any requestfor I clarificationin writing, or by cable,telex or tele-faxshall be sentto the Client's address specifiedin the Data Sheet. The Client shall respondby cabfe,utelex or tele-fax to such requestsand copies of the responseshall be sentto all invited ants Qdtf3-r4l I ^a whetherat L.J At any time beforethe submissionof proposals,the C!ipnt.:.{l *, for anYreason, its own initiative or in responseto a clarlficationreqg.gsted bf an invited consultingfirm, modiff the Documentsby imendment. The amenOm.re1rj.s!r,...t be sent in writing or by cable, I telexor tele-faxto all invitedconsulting firms andwill'be bindingon them. The Clientmay at its discretionextend the deadlinesfor the submisg proposals. .'t+;'.. 'a:- I 3. PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL I 3.1 3.1.1 The Technical proposal should U.lteb*itt.d using the format specified and shall include I duly signed and stamped forms'aplended with the RFP. This is a mandatory requirement for eval-uationof proposalYnd needsto be filled up carefully. :,;:::.. :. I 3.1.2For Technical Proposal,lhe general approach and methodology which you propose for you carrving out the servic€-sCqvered in the TOR, including such detailed information as de"nr ,ieuunt, togethf"*. your appreciation of the Project from provided details and I t. a. A detailed;bv',9iittwork programto be providedwith timing of the_assignmentof eachexprrt oi1th". staffmernber assigned to the project.This will alsoprovide the t CI ienl',g[ o pportunity to effectivelymonitor work progress' .. ir perTOR' b. .J&q|numder of man-monthsand project duration as 'tf""..,*:i,ri . "lll:13 I description of the responsibilities of each expert staff member within the derall work program. I d. The Curriculum Vitae (CV) of all Key Staff members and an affidavit that proposed staff shall be availabli zu ttt. assignment during the project duration and their present place of duty may also be specified. The Consultants are advised to suggest I iuch namesthat shall be availablefor the Assignment. The technical proposalshall include duly filled in forms provided with this RFP. to The name, background and professionalexperience of each expert staff -member I be assigned to tf,e project, with particular reference to his experience of work of a nature similar to that of the proposedassignment. I Current commitmentsand past performanceare the basic of technical peaiiUitity Designfor Constructionof FarooqabadInterchange on I C*r"ttr*y Sb^*es tor Study andDetailed I t I Instructionsto Consultants proposal.You arerequired
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