雪蛤膏 Hasma / Hashima Snow Jelly 雪蛤膏的營養價值 1.雪蛤含有大量的蛋白質、氨基酸、各種微量元素動物多肽物質,尤其適合作為日常滋補之品。 2.雪蛤油,又稱林蛙油,含有4種激素、9種維生素、13種微量元素和18種氨基酸及多種酮類、 醇類、多肽生物活性因子。 雪蛤的功效与作用 1.雪蛤性味咸平,不燥不火,具有降血脂、抗疲劳、增强机体免疫力、提高机体耐力、镇静、 抗焦虑、提高脑组织细胞的供氧及利用氧能力、增强性功能等功效。 2.“雪蛤补肾益精、养阴润肺,用于身体虚弱、病后失调、神疲乏力、肾亏精神不足,心悸失眠、 盗汗不止,痨嗽咳血。” 如何鉴别雪蛤? 真雪蛤:优质雪蛤膏呈不规则片状,弯曲重叠,长1.5—2厘米,厚1.5—5毫米。表面黄白, 蜡质状,微透明,有脂肪样光泽,偶带有灰白色薄膜状干皮。摸有滑腻感,在温水中浸泡 ,体积可膨胀10—15倍。气腥、味微甘,嚼有粘滑感。以片状多而粒状少的为佳。 假雪蛤:多用普通青蛙或者蟾蜍的卵巢;呈不规则条形状,排列成螺旋形,表面呈蛋黄色加浅青色, 无脂肪样光泽,有明显纤维膜贯穿其中,油性小,微腥无香味,味微苦,发涩。 雪蛤的做法大全 1、椰青黑豆炖雪蛤膏 原料:嫩椰1个黑豆20克,莲子20克,雪蛤膏10克,红枣3粒,姜2片, 糖适量。 做法: I. 用清水浸雪蛤膏5小时,拣去杂物洗干净。将雪蛤膏和姜片放入滚水内煮15分钟,然后取 出洗干净,沥干水分,姜片除去。 II. 黑豆和莲子洗干净。 III. 红枣去核洗干净。 IV. 把嫩椰水煲滚,放入黑豆、莲子、雪蛤膏、红枣,滚片刻,加糖调味。 V. 把所有材料连同嫩椰水倒回椰壳内,加盖,隔水以猛火炖2小时即成。 2、雪蛤红莲鹌鹑 原料:雪蛤膏15克,红枣15枚,莲子肉50克,陈皮适量,鹌鹑2只。 做法: I. 先将鹌鹑剖洗干净,去毛、去内藏;雪蛤膏预先用清水浸透使发开,拣去残质;莲子肉和陈 皮分别用清水浸透,洗干净;红枣洗净,去核。 II. 煲内加入适量清水,先用猛火煲至水滚,然后放入以上全部材料,等水再滚起,改用中 火继续煲至莲子肉黏熟,加入少许盐调味即可。 3、雪梨炖雪蛤 原料:雪蛤、雪梨、白木耳、冰糖水。 做法: I. 梨子去皮,中间挖空,用盐水洗一下以防发黄。 II. 雪蛤发好后,把杂质挑净,放入中空的雪梨中,加白木耳和冰糖水一起炖至熟。 藥用價值 李時珍《本草綱目》記載:林蛙油具有“解虛勞發熱,利水消腫、補虛損。尤益產婦。” 《中藥大詞典》指出:林蛙油具有“堅益腎陽、化精添髓、澤潤肺臟,胃虛寒,氣不化精之 藥”。 《中華人民共和國藥典》(1995年版):林蛙油的功效是“補腎益精,養陰潤肺。用於身體 虛弱,病後失調,精神不足,心悸失眠,盜汗不止,勞嗽咳血” 。哈士蟆油的主要有效成分 為蛙醇,具有“補腎益精、潤肺養陰”的功效。專治腎虛氣弱、精力耗損、記憶力減退、婦 產出血、產後出血、產後缺乳及神經衰弱等症。中醫認為,可治療“小兒赤血、腫瘡臍傷、 止痛、氣不足、去勞劣、解勢毒、利水消腫、虛癆咳嗽”,具有養肺滋腎之功效。 如有任何疑問,歡迎致電或發郵件查詢 Winner Trading 文華藥業 批發零售 Address: 53-59 Chelmsford St, Kensington, Melbourne, 地 道 藥 材 Trading Hours: Mon to Sat 10am to 5:30pm Phone: 03 93760088 / 9376 5288 參 茸 海 味 Email: [email protected] www.chineseherbsonline.com.au Hasma Snow Jelly / Hashima Health Benefits of Hasma Snow Jelly / Hashima . The product has been tested and found to contain high levels of protein (amino acids), minerals such as iron, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium as well as vitamins B1 and B2. Best of all, its cholesterol-free! Snow Jelly or “Hashima" is traditionally served as imperial cuisine of the Chinese courts. The benefits of consuming Snow Jelly is to strengthen the internal organs especially the lungs and also for a healthier skin complexion. The benefits derived are similar to consuming bird's nest except that Snow Jelly is available at a fraction of the cost. Why do nutritionists often compare the benefits of Snow Jelly and Bird's nest? . Snow Jelly and Bird's Nest both contain the same form of effective glycoproteins that are rich in Mitogenic Stimulation Factor and Epidermnic growth Factor. These natural substances penetrate deep into skin to moisturize and stimulate skin cells to improve skin conditions and provide beautifying effects. Snow Jelly is able to provide these same effects at a much more affordable price than Bird's nest. How to Cook Hasma . Hasma serves the role of providing texture to tong sui, or sweet soups, as well as increasing the perceived luxuriousness of the soup. These soups are usually flavoured with rock sugar. For the uninitiated, this relatively accessible eating experience belies the exotic sounding nature of the dessert. Hasma is widely featured in dessert dishes in high class restaurants in Hong Kong. Hasma is most commonly paired in sweet soups with: . Jujubes (Chinese: 紅棗; pinyin: hóng zǎo; literally: "red date") . Dried longan fruits (Chinese: 龍眼; pinyin: lóng yǎn; literally: "dragon eye") . Lotus seeds (Chinese: 蓮子; pinyin: lían zĭ) It is also a key ingredient in making "Three snow soup" (Chinese: 三雪湯; pinyin: sān xuě tāng), which consists of: . Chinese pear (Chinese: 雪梨; pinyin: xuě lí; literally: "snow pear") . Snow fungus (Chinese: 雪耳; pinyin: xuě ěr; literally: "snow ear") . Hasma can also be included in more exotic versions of shark fin soup. Feel free to contact us, email or visit us at the following venue: Wholesales & Retails Winner Trading 文華藥業 地 道 藥 材 Address: 53-59 Chelmsford St, Kensington, Melbourne, 參 茸 海 味 Trading Hours: Mon to Sat 10am to 5:30pm Phone: 03 93760088 / 9376 5288 Email: [email protected] www.chineseherbsonline.com.au .
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