33rd National Convention and National Conference on ‘Climate Responsive Technologies vis-a-vis Iron and Steel Production Scenario’ January 17-18, 2020 33 rd National Convention of Metallurgical and Materials Engineers & NNaattiioonnaall CCoonnffeerreennccee oonn CClliimmaattee RReessppoonnssiivvee TTeecchhnnoollooggiieess vviiss--aa--vviiss IIrroonn aanndd SStteeeell PPrroodduuccttiioonn SScceennaarriioo OOrrggaanniisseedd BByy The Institution of Engineers (India) Durgapur Local Centre SSppoonnssoorreedd BByy 1 33rd National Convention and National Conference on ‘Climate Responsive Technologies vis-a-vis Iron and Steel Production Scenario’ January 17-18, 2020 National Advisory Committee Chairman Dr T M Gunaraja, FIE, President, IEI Co-Chairman Prof N R Bandyopadhyay, FIE, Chairman, MMDB, IEI Convenor Dr.Debasish Ghosh, FIE ,Sr. Principal Scientist, CSIR-CMERI, Durgapur Members : Mr K KMehrotra, FIE, Member, MMDB, IEI Mr V Parthasarathy, FIE, Member, MMDB, IEI Mr Asish Gupta, FIE, Member, MMDB, IEI Mr. P. K. Pradhan, FIE, Executive Director, SAIL- DSP , Durgapur Mr. M K Biswal,Honorary Secretary, IEI, Durgapur Local Centre Technical Committee Chairman Prof. H.B. Goswami, FIE, Council Member, IEI Convenor Mr.Lohitendu Badu, General Manager, SAIL-DSP, Durgapur Jt. Convenor Mr. P. S. Banerjee, MIE, Committee Member, IEI, Durgapur Local Centre Technical Advisors Dr. Amit Ganguly, Former Steel Chair Professor Mr Rajeev Kumar, Chief General Manager, SAIL-DSP, Durgapur Mr R K Bhattacharyya, Jt. General Manager, MECON Limited, Durgapur Shri B BMajumder,GeneralManager,MECON Ltd., Burnpur Dr Siddhartha Mukherjee, Former Director, School of Mines & Metallurgy, KNU Dr. P. K. Sinha, Principal, DIATM, Durgapur Members Mr. R K Roy, FIE, IEI, Durgapur Local Centre Dr P Adhvaryyu, FIE, Principal, SIT, Techno India Group Dr. C Bhattacharya, Dy. Director, NPTI (ER) Mr.Tilok Roy, FIE, Past Chairman, IEI, Durgapur Local Centre Dr.Abhiram Hens, MIE, Asst Professor, NIT, Durgapur Dr.Samik Dutta, AMIE, Sr. Scientist, CSIR-CMERI, Durgapur Mr.RajatMalakar, AMIE, Executive, SAIL-DSP, Durgapur Mr. S K Thakur, AMIE, Executive, DVC, Durgapur Organising Committee Chairman Prof K C Ghanta, FIE, Chairman, IEI, Durgapur Local Centre Organising Secretary Mr. Safikul Islam, MIE, Member, IEI-WBSC Jt.Organising Secretary Mr. M.K. Biswal, MIE, Hony. Secretary, IEI, Durgapur Local Centre Members Mr. P. Shaw, FIE, IEI-DLC Mr. A. K. Mukherjee, FIE, Member, IEI-WBSC Mr. M. N. Bandyopadhyay, MIE, IEI-DLC Mr M Majumder, FIE, IEI-DLC Mr M Nandi, MIE, IEI-DLC Dr N B Hui, MIE, IEI-DLC Mr SurajitDey, AMIE, IEI-DLC Mr B N Sain, AMIE, IEI-DLC Mr R Bhattacharjee, AMIE, IEI-DLC Mr S K Dey, FIE, IEI-DLC Mr D P Das, MIE, IEI-DLC Mr B B Das, MIE, IEI-DLC Mr. S. Sikdar, AMIE, IEI-DLC Mr.SarojSahoo, AMIE Mr.RajibChakrborty, MIE Mr. P.K. Roy, MIE Mr.Arun Kr Mukhopadhyay, FIE Mr. S K Bhakat, AMIE Mr. Amit Pal, AMIE Mr.IshanChattaraj, AMIE Mr.KoushikChaterjee,AMIE 1 33rd National Convention and National Conference on ‘Climate Responsive Technologies vis-a-vis Iron and Steel Production Scenario’ January 17-18, 2020 INDEX Sl. No Details Author /Speaker Page Messages No. 1 Message from President IE(I) Er. NarendraSingh,FIE 4 2 Message from Chairman,MMDB, IE(I) Prof N R Bandyopadhyay 5 3 Message from Director, CSIR-CMERI-Durgapur Prof.Harish Hirani 6 Message from Chief Executive officer, SAIL -ISCO, Mr.A.V.Kamlakar 4 DSP&ASP 7 Message from Chief Engineer & Head of Project, DVC - Mr.Manabendra Debdas 5 Durgapur Steel Thermal Power Station 8 6 Programme Schedule 09-10 Mr A V Kamlakar Mr Kanak Kumar Ghosh 7 Bio-data of Eminent Engineering Personalities Prof B K Mishra 12-14 Dr Aritra Sarkar Mr K Prakash 8 Bio-data of Young Engineers Dr (Ms) Indu Elizabeth 15-16 Shri V Subramony Memorial Lecture Dr Debasis Mukherjee, Steel ChairProfessor, “Options for Lowering Carbon Footprint and NIFFT Ranchi 18-19 9 Improving Sustainability in Indian Steel Plants”. 10 Bio -data of Dr Debasis Mukherjee 20 11 Improved Understanding On Steel Quality Prof. Santanu K. Ray, Former Steel Chair Professor , IIT Madras 21-25 Climate Responsive Technologies vis -a-vis Iron and Mr Birupakshya Sanyal, Consultant, Steel Production Scenario an Approach towards M.N.Dastur& Co(P) Ltd,Kolkata 12 Pollution and Waste Management 26 Prof Amit Ganguly, Ex. Chief of Business 13 Clean Development Mechanism for The Steel Sector Excellence- Mukand Group 27 Some glimpses on the developments of advanced 14 steels for reducing CO2 emission Prof K K Ray, Former Professor , IIT Kharagapur 28 Waste To Wealth - Recycle Steel Plant Waste Er. Pawan Verma, CEO, The Deailed Study On Application Of Ld Sludge + Mill Techno Enviro Services Pvt Ltd 29-33 15 Scale Briquettes Use In Convertor 16 Advertisement 34 Papers Development of amorphous Mg -Ca -Zn a lloys by Melt Sudeep Paul& Others 17 spinning route CSIR-CGCRI,Kolkata &, NIT-Durgapur 36 18 Improvement in balling efficiency of mixing and S Sudershan, M Roy, SA Balaji, Dr. SK Dhua,RDCIS nodulizing drum for sinter making Burnpur Centre, SAIL, INDIA. 37-42 19 Global Steel industry scenario in the face of new Lohitendu Badu, General Manager, DSP -SAIL challenges 43 Butt friction stir welding of aluminium to steel - a AbhijitDatta, Dr.Sitanshu Shekhar Chakraborty 20 review ,CSIR -CMERI, Durgapur 713209 44-49 21 Effect of Molasses and Lime on Strengthening Soumya Mukherjee & Siddhartha Mukherjee Property of Chromite Briquettes KaziNazrul University & M. N. Dastur School of Materials Science and Engg., IIEST 50 AbdurRouf, Dr. S K Dhua, Kumar Abhishek and B 22 Improvement in steel ladle life at ISP: A case study K Sinhamahapatra ; RDCIS, Burnpur 51-56 Refractories Engineering Department, IISCO Steel Plant, Burnpur 2 33rd National Convention and National Conference on ‘Climate Responsive Technologies vis-a-vis Iron and Steel Production Scenario’ January 17-18, 2020 S Ray ,Sr.Technical Officer ,ISR group, CMERI, Non Destructive testing( NDT) a useful tool for Durgapur-713209 23 damage assessment of industrial Component 57 Role of in-situ Metallography for damage assessment A.Mondal, H Roy and D Ghosh of critical high temperature thermal power plant CSIR-CMERI 24 components 58 Cleaner S teel Making Technology for Green House D Ghosh and U Bhattacharyya 25 Gas Emission Reduction – a review CSIR-CMERI, and SAIL- DSP, Durgapur 59 Development of High Speed Wheel & Axle a Make in 26 India Approach at WAP, SAIL, DSP S K Behera, DGM, SAIL, Durgapur Steel Plant 60 27 Li ion batteries (LIBs): Technology of the Green World Dr.Indu Elizabeth, CSIR-NPL, Delhi 61 Molecular Dynamics Based Design And Development D. Banerjee and M.M. Ghosh Of Surface Nanostructured Ti-Al Alloy For Advanced Department of Metallurgical and Material 28 Structural Applications Engineering,NIT-Durgapur 62 Crack propagation and fracture characteristics of Ajay Kumar Mishra, Krishnan Bandyopadhya y copper-nickel single crystal alloy nano-particles: A and M.M. Ghosh, NIT-Durgapur 29 molecular dynamics study 63 Design of tungsten nanoparticles with enhanced Krishnan Bandyopadhyay, S. Banerjee, H. nano-mechanical properties for advanced structural Kumar, A.K. Mishra, K.S. Ghosh and M.M. Ghosh 30 applications using MD based modelling approaches , NIT-Durgapur 64 Development of Welding Procedure for High Strength Suvam Chatterjee, Pawan Agrawal C-Mn-Si (SA299 Gr.B) Steel through Optimization of GE Power , Durgapur 31 Normalizing and PWHT Cycles 65 Use of Fly Ash and Flue Du st in Agglomeration: A Ritwik Das, Manas Kumar Mondal, Susanta 32 Sustainable Technology for Waste Recycling Pramanik ; NIT-Durgapur 66 Mechanical, Degradation, Biocompatibility study of Sudeep Paul, Ramasa my Parthiban, Mitun Das, Mg-Ca-Zn alloys prepared by Melt spinning route Durbadal Mandal, Mariana Calin, 33 Jürgen.Eckert,, Supriya Bera 67 34 Extraction of Metals from Industrial Wastes by Using Ramesh Kumar Mittal, Arup Kumar Mandal, Transferred Arc Plasma Om Prakash Sinha NIT Durgapur IIT(BHU), Varanasi 68 3 33rd National Convention and National Conference on ‘Climate Responsive Technologies vis-a-vis Iron and Steel Production Scenario’ January 17-18, 2020 4 33rd National Convention and National Conference on ‘Climate Responsive Technologies vis-a-vis Iron and Steel Production Scenario’ January 17-18, 2020 The Institution of Engineers (India) (ESTABLISHED 1920, INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER 1935) 8, GOKHALE ROAD, KOLKATA – 700020 “““100“100 Years of Relentless Journey Towards Engineering Advancement for NationBuilding” Professor N. R. Bandyopadhyay, FIE, FAScT Telephone: 40106299 + 91-33- 2223-8311/14/15/33/34 Chairman, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Chairman, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Fax: + 91-33-2223 8345 Division Board (MMDB) Telegram: ENJOIND Web : http://www.ieindia.org Ref: Date: December 20,2019 M e s s a g e I am glad to know that The Institution of Engineers (India), Durgapur Local Center is organizing 33rd National Convention of Metallurgical and Materials Engineers and National Conference on ‘Climate RResponsiveesponsive Technologies visvis----aaaa----visvis Iron and Steel Production Scenario’ during January 17-18, 2020 at IEI, at Durgapur, under the aegis of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Division Board (MMDB) of IEI I appreciate the move taken by the organizer to address such an important topic of contemporary and societal interest. I sincerely believe that all the relevant and pertaining issues will be discussed in the National Conference in its right perspective and this conference will facilitate professionals & experts, researchers,
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