Review Article Eyelid aging: pathophysiology and clinical management Envelhecimento palpebral: fisiopatologia e considerações clínicas RENATO WENDELL DAMASCENO1,2, GEORGIA AVGITIDOU3, RUBENS BELFORT JR.4, PAULO ELIAS CORREA DANTAS5, LEONARD M. HOLBACH6, LUDWIG M. HEINDL3 ABSTRACT RESUMO Life expectancy is increasing in most countries. With increasing age, many indi ­­­ A expectativa de vida está aumentando na maioria dos países. Com o envelheci- viduals may develop involutional ophthalmic diseases, such as eyelid aging. Der- mento, muitos indivíduos desenvolverão doenças oculares crônicas e involucionais, matochalasis, ptosis, ectropion, and entropion are common disorders in middle-aged tais como o envelhecimento palpebral. Dermatocálase, ptose, ectrópio e entrópio and older adults. This review outlines the pathophysiology and clinical manage­­ment são doenças frequentes em adultos e idosos. Esta revisão destaca a fisiopatologia of these involutional eyelid disorders. Recently, a decrease in elastic fibers with e a clínica de doenças palpebrais involucionais. Recentemente, uma diminuição ultrastructural abnormalities and an overexpression of elastin-degrading enzymes de fibras elásticas com anormalidades ultraestruturais e um aumento de enzimas have been demonstrated in involutional ectropion and entropion. This may be degradantes de elastina foram demonstrados em ectrópio e entrópio involucionais. the consequence of local ischemia, inflammation, and/or chronic mechanical Isto pode ser consequência de isquemia local, inflamação e/ou estresse mecânico stress. Eyelid aging with progressive loss of tone and laxity may affect the ocular crônico. O envelhecimento palpebral com perda progressiva de tônus e flacidez surface and adnexal tissues, resulting in different clinical symptoms and signs. pode afetar a superfície ocular e os anexos oculares, resultando em sinais e sinto- Surgical management depends on the appropriate correction of the underlying mas clínicos diferentes. O tratamento cirúrgico depende da correção apropriada do anatomical defect. defeito anatômico subjacente. Keywords: Aging; Eyelid; Eyelid diseases; Ectropion; Entropion; Extracellular matrix; Descritores: Envelhecimento; Pálpebras; Doenças palpebrais; Ectrópio; Entrópio; Matriz Elastin; Matrix metalloproteinases extracelular; Elastina; Metaloproteinase da matriz INTRODUCTION miologic studies - the Rotterdam study and the Twins UK study-dealt (9) As life expectancy increases worldwide (about 600 million people with the prevalence and risk factors for sagging eyelids . Two large are aged 60 years and older)(1), involutional and chronic eye diseases study populations were chosen for these studies: The Rotterdam study are becoming increasingly important in the spectrum of ophthalmolo- included 5578 individuals of North European origin with an average gical diseases. The involutional changes that result in eyelid pathology age of 67 years living in the periphery of Rotterdam and the UK twins include ectropion and entropion, dermatochalasis, and aponeurotic study involved 2186 twins with an average age of 53 years living in ptosis. Great Britain(8). By studying these populations, many non-genetic The advanced loss of laxity and tone, which is the characterizing fea- risk factors for sagging eyelids could be discerned, including age, ture of the aging of ocular adnexal tissue, results in sagging eyelids(2-5). high body mass index, lighter skin color, smoking, male gender, and Genetic causation, which cannot be modified by human behavior, is heritability(8). Genetic analysis showed the C allele of rs11876749 on a part of the intrinsic aging mechanism(6,7). However, extrinsic aging chromosome 18 to be a defensive risk factor for sagging eyelids(8). can be caused by parameters, such as alcohol use, chronic exposure Sufficient data are not yet available regarding the incidence of to sunlight, smoking, and nutrition(6,7). ptosis(9,10). The most prominent underlying reason for acquired ptosis The only treatment option for involutional eyelid malposition is is aponeurosis(11). surgical adjustment of the underlying anatomical involutional disor- The prevalence of involutional ectropion seems to be similar to der. This review underlines the current pathophysiology and clinical that of involutional entropion(12). The literature suggests that the pre va- management. lence of ectropion is about 4% in patients older than 49 years, not diffe- ring among the different ectropion forms or regarding the underlying EPIDEMIOLOGY etiology(12,13). This involutional malformation is the most common Dermatochalasis, ptosis, ectropion, and entropion are common form of ectropion and entropion(14). Males are more often affected by disorders in middle-aged and older adults. The overall prevalence of involutional ectropion(12). In contrast, involutional entropion is more sagging eyelids among individuals aged ≧45 years is reported to be often seen in women(12). This gender difference is caused by the diffe- 16%, comprising 19% of men and 14% of women(8). Two large epide- rence in tarsal plate size and axial ocular globe projection between Submitted for publication: February 9, 2015 Funding: No specific financial support was available for this study. Accepted for publication: July 31, 2015 Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest: None of the authors have any potential conflict of 1 Universidade Estadual de Ciências da Saúde de Alagoas, Maceió, AL, Brazil. interest to disclose. 2 Centro de Reabilitação Visual, Maceió, AL, Brazil. 3 Corresponding author: Renato W. Damasceno. Centro de Reabilitação Visual - Rua Dr. Albino Department of Ophthalmology, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany. Magalhães, 135 - Maceió, AL - 57050-080 - Brazil - E-mail: [email protected] 4 Department of Ophthalmology, Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM), Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), São Paulo, SP, Brazil. 5 Department of Ophthalmology, Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. 6 Department of Ophthalmology, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany. 328 Arq Bras Oftalmol. 2015;78(5):328-31 http://dx.doi.org/10.5935/0004-2749.20150087 Damasceno RW, et al. the two genders(12,15,16). The involutional forms of ectropion and in areas with and without inflammatory cell infiltration and may be entropion affect whites more often than blacks(17,18). The prevalence induced by a local ischemic lesion, inflammation, and/or repeated of involutional ectropion and entropion increases with the patient’s mechanical trauma(27,38). Atherosclerosis of the eyelid marginal artery, age(12), which is the logical order for involutional malformations to reported in patients with involutional ectropion(21), chronic blepha- increase with age(13). ritis, and eye rubbing, is an example of such predisposing factors(27). Additionally, upregulation of MMP-7 and MMP-9 by mechanical stress PATHOGENESIS AND PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS has been demonstrated(30,35,37). In involutional ectropion and entro- The advanced loss of laxity and tone, which is a characteristic fea ture pion, there is a significant negative correlation between horizontal of aging ocular adnexal tissue, results in sagging eyelids(2-5). His tologic eyelid laxity and extracellular matrix components, including collagen examination of dermatochalasis specimens shows an increased and elastic fibers, so that both components are affected by degenera- number and dilation of lymphatic vessels in conjunction with widely tion (Figure 1)(21,22,39-41). Aging skin is characterized by increasing laxity spaced collagen bundles. A reduction in elastic fibers, which are and decreasing numbers of collagen and elastic fibers(39,42-44). Collagen essential components of the function and structure of the lymphatic and elastic fibers are essential components of the extracellular matrix system, has also been demonstrated(5,19). The pathogenesis of der- of the eyelid and are responsible for its function(6,7,39). Collagen fibers matochalasis may begin with subclinical inflammation and lead to are liable for the tensile strength; elastic fibers responsible for the elastolysis and secondary lymphostasis(5,9). flexibility and resiliency(6,7,39). The most common pathogenesis for ptosis is aponeurotic ptosis(12). The levator muscle starts thinning and begins to lose muscle tone. As a result, it is not able to keep the upper lid in the correct position above the eye and ptosis ensues(9). Disinsertion or dehiscence of the (9) levator aponeurosis can also cause ptosis . Other risk factors for ptosis A B include intraocular surgery and chronic inflammatory diseases that disinsert the levator aponeurosis from the tarsal plate(9). In conclusion, patients wearing hard contact lens or suffering from eye infections and those having undergone ocular surgery or (peri-)ocular trauma are more likely to develop involutional ptosis(9). Considering the underlying pa­­­thogenesis of age-related aponeurotic blepharoptosis, a recent histopathological study revealed that oxidative stress of the levator aponeurosis also plays a potential role in its pathogenesis(20). The lateral laxity of the canthal tendon is the most important reason for the appearance of involutional ectropion and entropion. Laxity of C D the medial canthal tendon as well as false insertion of the lower re- tractors are also conductive parameters(12,21-26). Age-related decrease and atrophy of the orbital fat as well as the relaxation of the ligamen- tous support lead to an increasing eyelid-globe disparity
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