![MALACOLOGY) Eingewander](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
14 Spinria - Corr.-blad Ned. Malac. Ver., No. 324 (2002) Artikelen in tijdschriften (JOURNAL PAPERS: CONTINENTAL MALACOLOGY) R.A. Bank References to malacologicalarticles publishedin journals. Sorted in the followingorder ofsuccession: Faunistics/Ecology - Fossil Assemblages - Bivalvia - Gastropoda (alphabetically rubricated at the - family level) - Miscellanea - Publications in the Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature (new cases - Within each ordered on the comments on previous cases Opinions). item, papers are alphabetically name of thefirst author. * FAUNISTICS/ECOLOGY FALATURI, P. (2001): Zum Überwinte- rungsverhalten der Weinbergschnecke * ADLER, M. (2001): Stationen eingewander- Helix pomatia L.: neue Ergebnisse mittels ter SüBwassergastropoden in Württem- Mikrowellen-Telemetrie).- Mitteilungen 3 berg. - Heidia, (2-3): 93-94. München. der Deutschen Malakozoologischen Ge- * BERRY, F. (2001): Mollusca from the sellschaft, 66: 27-31. Frankfurt am Main. * P. Chichester Canal and a small freshwater FALATURI, (2001): Einzelne Befunde - der pearl. The Conchologists' Newsletter, zur Trockenruhe Weinbergschnecke 158: 58-60. Helix pomaria L. mittels Mikrowellen- * BERTRAND, A. (2001): Quelques récoltes Telemetrie. - Mitteleilungen der Deut- de mollusques continentaux de la faune de schen Malakozoologischen, 66: 33-35. France. - Documents Malacologiques, 2: Frankfurt am Main. * 21-25. Boussenac. FEU, C. DU (2001): How to record slug * BOYKO, C.B. & J.R. CORDETRO (2001): abundance? - The Conchologists' News- The terrestrial Mollusca of Easter Island letter, 159: 81-89. * (Gastropoda, Pulmonata). - Basteria, 65 FUXITA, T. (2001): Chapter 20. Benthic (1-3): 17-25. Leiden. fauna. b. Mollusca. - In: Y. SAIJO & H. * CAMERON, R.A.D. & L.M. COOK (2001): HAYASHI (eds.), Lake Kizaki. Limnology (ROSSMÄSSLER, 1837) - Madeiran snails: faunal differentiation on and ecology of a Japanese lake. Leiden 2000. & - GERBER, J., (afb. Kerney a small island. Journal ofMolluscan Stu- (BACKHUYS Publishers): 318-324. ISBN Field dies, 67 (3): 257-267. London. 90-5782-092-7. Cameron, 1979, guide: 76) * * CHAO, D., C.-L. WU& C.-C. CHEN (1999): GERBER, J. (2001): Orcula gularis (Ross- Land and freshwater mollusks in Tung- MASSLER 1837) am Obersee bei Berchtes- * D. HERBERT, (2000): Dwesa - a high diver- kang, Pingtung, Taiwan. - Bulletin of Ma- gaden wiedergefunden. - Heidia, 3 (2-3): sity site for land snails. - The Strandloper, lacology, 23: 55-60. Taiwan. [Chinese]. 67-68, pl. 10a. München. * * 262: 3-4. CHASE, R. & D.G. ROBINSON (2001): The GLOËR, P. & B. HAUSDORF (2001): Erst- * KRAMARENKO, S.S. & N.V. SVERLOVA uncertain history of land snails on Barba- nachweise von Marstoniopsis scholtzi (A. (2001): Terrestrial malakofauna (Gastro- dos: implications for conservation. - Mala- SCHMIDT 1856) und Deroceras panormita- poda, Pulmonata) of Mykolayiv region. - cologia, 43 (1-2): 33-57. Philadelphia. num (LESSONA & POLLONERA 1882) für * Vestnik Zoologii, 35 (2): 75-78. [Russian] DECET, F. & I. FOSSA (2001): Catalogo dei Hamburg. - Mitteilungen der Deutschen * KUROZUMI, T. (2000): study molluschi terrestri e d'acqua dolce del Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft, 66: 9- Preliminary of the spatial distribution of non-marine Bellunese. - Bollettino del Museo Civico 12. Frankfurt am Main. in * molluscs the Kamchatka Peninsula. - In: di Storia Naturale di Venezia, 51 [2000]: HABERLEHNER-KÖHLER, E. (2001): Die T. KOMAI Results of research 39-117. Venezia. Molluskenfauna der Alten Donau bei (ed.), recent on northeast Asian biota (published in: Wien. - Heidia, 3 (2-3): 71-76. München. Spirula - Corr.-blad Ned. Malac. Ver., No. 324 (2002) 15 * Natural History Research, Special Issue, Gesellschaft, 66: 1-8. Frankfurt am Main. BEASLY, C.R. (2001): The impact of * Number 7): 57-66. Chiba. ROLAN, E. (2001): Resistencia a la deseca- exploitation on freshwater mussels (Bival- * ción moluscos de dulce. - via: in the Tocantins Bra- LABAUNE, C. & F. MAONIN (2001): Land de algunos agua Hyriidae) River, Noticiario de la Sociedad de zil. - Studies Fauna and snail communities in mediterranean up- Espanola on Neotropical land grasslands: the relative importance of Malacologia,35: 36-39. Environment, 36 (2): 159-165. * * four sets of environmental and spatial SANTOS, S.B. DOS & D.P. MONTEIRO BERAN, L. (2000): First record of Corbicu- in variables. - Journal of Molluscan Studies, (2001): Composipao de gastrópodes ter- la fluminea (Mollusca: Bivalvia) the 67 (4): 463-474. London. restres em duas areas do Centro de Estu- Czech Republic. - Acta Societatis Zoolo- * LILL, K. (2001): Zur Entwicklung der dos Ambientais e Desenvolvimento Sus- gicae Bohemicae, 64 (1): 1-2. Praha. * Landschneckenfauna auf der niedersach- tentado (CEADS), Vila Dois Rios, Ilha BURG, W.J. VAN DER (2001): The removal - sichen Düneninsel Baltrum. - Heidia, 3 (2- Grande, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil um estu- of manganese dioxide incrustations from 3): 95-96. München. do-piloto. - Revista Brasileira de Zoolo- the freshwater mollusc Pisidium persona- * MALM - LtNDLEY, D. (2001): Field meeting to the gia, 18 (Supplement 1): 181-190. Curitiba. tum 1855. Heidia, 3 (2-3): 69-70, * - M. H.A. RUTJES Yorkshire Dales on 12-14 May 2000. SCHILTHUIZEN, & (2001): pl. 10B. München. * Land snail in kilometre J.W. A.C. MILLER & The Conchologists' Newsletter, 159: 90- diversity a square HART, R.A., GRIER, 94. of tropical rainforest in Sabah, Malaysian M. DAvis (2001): Empirically derived sur- * MAASSEN, W.J.M. (2001): Nachtrage zur Borneo. - Journal of Molluscan Studies, vival rates of a native mussel, Amblema Helicidenfauna der Insel Rhodos (Gastro- 67 (3): 417-423. London. plicata, in the Mississippi and Otter Tail * poda, Pulmonata, Helicidae). - Basteria, SCHLÜPMANN, M. (2001): Mollusken in Rivers, Minnesota. - The American Mid- 65(4-6): 151. Leiden. einigen Untersuchungsgebieten des nord- land Naturalist, 146 (2): 254-263. Notre * MASHIO, K. (2001): Non-marine molluscs westlichen Sauerlandes (Westfalen) und Dame, Indiana. * collected in Luzon Is., the Philippines. - der Niederrheinischen Bucht. Teil II: ITUARTE, C.F. (2001): Pisidium chiquita- The Chiribotan, 31 (4): 98-105. Tokyo. Kommentierte Artenliste. - Decheniana, num new species from Santa Cruz de la [Japanese]. 154: 37-49. Bonn. Siërra, Bolivia (Bivalvia: Sphaeriidae). - * * MAQBOUI, A., R. AOUJDAD, M. FADLI & TATTERSFIELD, P., C.M. WARUI, M.B. The Nautilus, 115 (2): 50-54. * AHAMI des & J.W. KIRINGE Land- B. The first of A.T. (2001): Dynamique popu- SEDDON (2001): JALZIC, (2001): fïnding a live bivalve in the lations de la fauna malacologique dulci- snail faunas of affomontane forests of stygobiont Congeria cole de la Merja du Fouarate (Plaine du Mount Kenya, Kenya: ecology, diversity Lika region, Croatia. - Natura Croatica, 10 Gharb, Maroc). - Rivista di Idrobiologia, and distribution patterns. - Journal of (3): 213-220. Zagreb. * 39 (1-3) [2000]: 241-262. Perugia. Biogeography, 28 (7): 843-861. KANDL, K.L., H.-P. Liu, R.S. BUTLER, * * M. A MIENIS, H.K. & R. ORTAL (2001): The THIENGO, S.C., M.A. FERNANDEZ, M.F. W.R. HOEH & MULVEY (2001): gene- mollusc fauna of the Na'aman catchment BOAVENTURA, C.A. GRAULT, H.F.R. SILVA, tic approach to resolving taxonomie ambi- A records of A.C. MATTOS & S.B. SANTOS Pleurobema Unio- area, Israël 1. review of the (2001): guity among (Bivalvia: eastem Gulf coast. - the inland molluscs. - Triton, 4: 27-41. Freshwater snails and Schistosomiasis nidae) of the Malaco- in the State of Rio de 43 87-101. Rehovot. mansoni Janeiro, logia, (1-2): Philadelphia. * * MIENIS, H.K. (2001): Enkele notities over Brazil: I - Metropolitan Mesoregion. - KORNIUSHIN, A.V. & M. GLAUBRECHT Annotated of land- en zoetwatermollusken van Ter- Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 96 (2001): catalogue type speci- Rio de schelling. - De Kreukel, 37 (6): 103-107. (Suppl.): 177-184. Janeiro. mens of Sphaeridae (Bivalvia, Heterodon- * Diemen. WARUI, C.M., P. TATTERSFIELD & M.B. ta, Veneroida) in the Mollusc collection of * MIENIS, H.K. (2001): Een eerste poging SEDDON (2001): Annotated checklist of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, with a molluscs of current taxonomie status. - tot inventarisatie van de landslakken van the non-marine Mount Kenya, review of their De Museum het Hemmeland, Monnickendam. - Kenya. - Journal of Conchology, 37 (3): Mitteilungenaus dem für Natur- Kreukel, 37 (7-8): 123-124. Diemen. 291-300. London. kunde in Berlin, 77 (1): 131-152. Berlin. * * NECKHEIM, C.M. (2001): Vindplaatsen van KORNIUSHIN, A.V., I.A. GRIGOROVICH & mollusken in Amsterdam (1). - De Kreu- FOSSIL ASSEMBLAGES G.L. MACKIE (2001): Taxonomie revision kel, 119-120. Diemen. of Pisidium punctatum STERKI, 1895 * * D. & - NECKHEIM, C.M. (2001): Land- en zoet- Esu, O. GIROTTI (2001): The genus (Bivalvia: Sphaeriidae). Malacologia, 43 water mollusken verzamelen in Noord- Prososthenia NEUMAYR in Italy (Gastro- (1-2): 337-347. Philadelphia. * Brabant, Moergestel.- De Kreukel, 37 (7- poda: Prosobranchia: Hydrobiidae). - Bol- MANTECCA, P., G. VAILATI & R. BACCHET- 8): 121-122. Diemen. lettino della Societa Paleontologica Ita- TA (2001): Studio del ciclo riproduttivo di * PELBART, J. (2000): Data to the mollusc liana, 40 (2): 179-184. Modena. Dreissena polymorpha (Mollusca; Bival- * fauna of the Carpathian Biosphere Re- FOKÖH, L. (2001): Kvartermalakológiai via) nel Lago di Como e nel Fiume Adda serve, Ukraine (Mollusca). - Miscellanea vizsgalatol a Kis-Balaton II. viztarozó mediante 1'analisi istologica delle gonadi. Zoologica Hungarica, 13: 85-90. Buda- területén. - Folia Historico Naturalia - Rivista
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