BOXHOLDER PO BOX SEAGRAVES, TX 79359 FREE U.S. POSTAGE PAID SEAGR AV ES, T X PERMIT No. 577 ZIP CODE 79359 TheServing Our Community,Talon Parents, Students and Staff Working together...Lifting up…Creating hope…one Student at a time. email: [email protected] Vol. 7 September 8, 2016 Issue 1 By Paulina Carrillo am very thankfulHomecoming that I get will be Eli Gonzales, 2 0 1 6 to experience this beauti- Daniel Pinon, and Cristian The 2016 Homecom- ful opportunity.” Blanco. ing Court will be Senior Franziska’s senior Karisa Minjarez is the Jasmine Alonzo, Junior escorts will be Quashus Freshman Class Princess. foreign exchange student Williams, Evan Anderson, She is the daughter of Franziska Weiser, Sopho- and Diante Lott. Elisa and Armando Min- more Ayzlen Prieto, and Ayzlen Prieto is the jarez. Freshman Karisa Min- Sophomore Class Prin- Minjarez is involved in jarez. cess. Prieto is the daughter cheerleading, cross coun- Jasmine Alonzo is the of Banesa Bejavano and try, basketball, track, and Senior Queen. She is the Alexis Prieto. powerlifting. daughter of Joe Alonso Prieto is involved in “I feel thankful and and Maricruz DeLeon. softball. honored,” said Minjarez. Alonzo is involved in “It makes me feel “I believe I was chosen basketball, softball, FCA, nervous to be nominated because I am a likeable and student council. because I don’t like to be person,” said Minjarez. “It was certainly an in front of people, but I’m Minjarez’s senior es- honor being chosen,” said excited to do something corts will be Will Wilkins, C Alonzo. M different,” said Prieto Cody Soto, and Honathan Y Alonzo’s senior escorts K Prietos senior escorts Nicolas will be Eric Granillo, Richard Longoria, and Raymon Aranda. Franziska is the Junior Class Princess. Wieser is the daughter of Hanne and Jurgen Wieser. Her host parents are Carey and Leslie McConal. Wieser is part of the Talon Media and plans on running track in the spring. “I feel very excited about being the junior class princess,” said Wi- eser. “We have no home- coming in Germany so I Louisiana Flood Relief By Sirena Minjarez homes and businesses event for everyone in- is willing to help them reality of a life changing need of food and water destroyed. volved in Louisiana. The out, or even living in the event such as this. to help get through this On August 11, 2016 a Due to the warning families that are in need of shelter that is provided for According to Teddy obstacle in life. severe flood took place in that was put out to the help are fighting to follow the families at different Duncan, several families Please keep these Louisiana leaving many people in Louisiana before through with their strug- locations in the communi- are in need of toilet paper, Louisiana families in your families homeless and the flood, several of the gles that were caused by ties.” paper towels, cleaning thoughts and prayers, as without many essentials families were able to load this devastating flood. There is much more that supplies, hand soap, and some individuals are just needed for their everyday up some their valuables “Several family mem- is in need to help these many other toiletries used now getting back on their living. The flood consisted into their cars and escape bers lost everything,” said members of these strug- in everyday life. feet after Hurricane Ka- of more than 20 inches the floods before Mother Teddy Duncan. “Things gling communities that Also, these families and trina in 2005. of rain, a total of 13 lives Nature hit. It was a tragic such as clothes, personal are still trying to grasp the communities are in dear were lost and 40,000 belongings, and dam- age to their vehicles are just a few materialistic things lost, not to men- tion the emotional as- pect of going through a tragic event like this in life. The families that have lost everything are currently living with other family members or with another family in the community that Page 2 September 8, 2016 The Talon I’m Just Sayin’... by Nikki Wilson, Journalism Advisor/ Newspaper Editor Responsibility. In a little pain (sometimes a today’s culture, the word lot of pain) to make any is something too many of progress. The only way we us run from. We see it as can ever build the muscle it a burden, a weight that we takes to carry responsibili- shouldn’t have to carry. ty is to take the plunge and Our intention is to stay sign up for some! Scary? light and free with no ties Yes. Necessary to growth? to anyone or anything. Absolutely. There are several problems Third, if not me, then with that. who? If more and more of First, giving away us continue to avoid taking responsibility also gives responsibilities, then inevi- away power. Responsibility tably, important things will literally means the ability not get done. And is that to respond. It’s perhaps an not already true? More and unfortunate commentary more, we see mothers and on our society that too fathers who think nothing many of us grow up with a of living a life a part from negative perception of the their children. We then see word. We see responsibil- children who care nothing ity as “stuff we have to for taking ownership of do but don’t want to do” their grades at school, their not as an opportunity to behavior in the classroom. grow, to make a difference, It’s always someone else’s or to have some power. fault. How then, in the The word implies that the future, will we have a pro- bearer of that responsibili- ductive world where cities ty has a certain power and/ run well, medical needs or skill. To happily give are met, and families are Old Faces New Places that away means that we’re whole? It starts with each By Gazmynn Rodriguez One of Davilas goals this Brown will deal with stu- math,” said Wilkins. giving some of our power of us. It starts with the year is to do her best in dents who have a problem Mary Heryford is the away. little things. If you open This year at SISD, we her new position and to handling their business in new testing coordinator Second, responsibility it, close it. If you break it, had several teachers move have a great year. school. and instructional technol- is a kind of weight, and fix it. Basically, if you….. to another campus to teach Coach Humphries is “I’m looking forward ogy specialist. She is look- it’s not surprising that the then you. Take care of your there. weaker among us some- things. Take care of your also the new Athletic to having fewer students ing forward to being able Our new principal at times cringe at the thought people. And in doing so, Director. than what we’ve have had to help more people. Seagraves High School of carrying extra weight. you’ll do your part to take “I am enjoying a in the past,” said Brown. “My new position al- is former Junior High Like any kind of weight care of the world. new challenge,” said Mr. David Fratto is the lows me to interact with principal, Josh Goen. The training, though, it takes Humphries. “After being new special education more teachers,” said Mary. secretary for High School a classroom teacher for teacher for both Junior The elementary’s new is former Junior High sec- eighteen years, it brings a High and High School. He full time P.E. teacher is retary, Michelle Davila. new level of excitement.” will also be teaching Driv- Randy Ter r y. This year, we have added Humphries also said ers Ed. “I truly love kids and a vice principal to High that his new position is a “I am looking forward the ability to help them School, which will be much more visible posi- to helping the students the succeed at things that may Coach Jamie Humphries. tion. He is looking for- best I can to make them be difficult for them,” said In Junior High, former ward to getting the oppor- successful,” said Fratto. Ter r y. vice principal at the El- tunity to work with great Fratto is also looking Terry began 10 years ementary, Glenn Thomp- people and to improve forward to the challenges ago teaching only Pre-K son, is the principal. There academically and athleti- that will be coming his through a grant and now, are many teachers with cally. way. he loves it and will be new positions. “I am building on the The new Algebra 1, a full time teacher/ P.E. “I am excited about the accomplishments of last Honors Algebra 1, Honors instructor. opportunity to work with year and the challenge of Pre-calculus, and assistant “I love that I have a many new and familiar getting the most out of our track coach is Mrs. Kim chance to be a positive faces,” said Goen. “My staff and students,” said Wilkins. influence on the younger number one goal is to set Mr. Thompson. His goal She is looking forward generation,” said Terry. the staff and students of this year is to increase the to working with high Steve Heryford will Seagraves High School up participants in the UIL school students since she now be teaching 7th grade for success.” competition. only worked with fourth science and will remain Goen is loving his new The new ISS instruc- graders in the past.
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