IT PAYS - . THE TO ADVERTISE FAMILY -IN THE TiMES NEWSPAPER 1NI> TUB. NEPTUNE T1MEP — and ot the Independence c? Use SEVEN CENTS OCEAN GROVE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY. FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1961 Bnltefl Btatgg >Dl Amairics the 18!itt» ye« Symphony Orchestra 111 Auditorium Saturday Night Spread Payment Easton, Pa., Coach SELECT ARCHITECTS New Jersey OtSewier Costs Hired By Neptune FOR SCHOOL PROPOSALS NEPTUNE TWP. — The board of education Wednesday Shuffleboard Over Ten Years John P. Bednarik Suc­ night selected the achitectural ceeds Joseph Vetrano As firm of Ketehum. and Sharp. Somerville, to aid in planning Municipal Committee Football Mentor Here future school .needs.; The archi­ Tournament Amends Ordinance; Of­ tects will meet with the board, ....NEPTUNE TWP.—John P. with Township Attorney Rieh- fers National Code For ard W. Stout and with Super­ ,2 6 ,2 7 Construction Ir Neptune Bednarik, line coach at Eas­ intendent of Schools Victor J. ton. Pa., High School, was ;W. Christie next Thursday to NEPTUNE TWP. — The hireid Wednesday night as discuss contract terms. The future planning commit*, OCEAN GROVE—The first municipal committee.amended head football coach of Nep­ tee of the board has already ... annual New Jersey State its new sewer ordinance Tues­ tune High School, replacing submitted two proposals for day night, spreading pay­ needed classroom expansion— Shuffleboard Tournament is Joseph Vetrano, who quit last ments by property owners a new 10-to-12 classroom ele­ to be played at the Ocean month to return to California. mentary school in the western , who benefit over a 10-year section of the township and Grove shuffleboard courts, period rather than five years The board also Voted to a Mew 30-classroom intermedi­ Broadway and Central .Ave­ as spelled out in the first in­ hire Frank A. Ruggiero, of ate sehool adjacent to' the pres­ troduction. Neptune and a member of the ent high school. ■ . nue, next week, July 25, 26, Mayor Shafto explained that tli* coaching staff at Orange High Ail studies of future growth ' and 27. -sewer line,- costing an stimated School, as assistant football and;present needs will be sub­ $100,000 of which $95,000' will be mitted- to the architects for i Art Gregory, of the Mirror subscribed by bonds, will serve ap­ coach for the new school year. their recommendations. (Lake Club, St. Petersburg, proximately i50 homes in the Mep- ;Fla. and,Ocean Grove, will try .tune Gardens-Mnnor area north.of to annex another singles title. Highway 33 and along Wayside ; Mr. Gregory has already won Road. Assessments against these properties will be based on front Supt Calls For | the Florida State Singles and footage. The line will feed into a .the National Singles Cham­ new $36,000 pumping station, to be pionship. constructed near the end of Maple Parental Control Street, and sewer will be lifted Claire Whyte of the Little there into the main township sys­ River Club, Miami, Fla., and tem. : THE LAKEWOOD CIVIC SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, with Heinz Riivald as. tenor (soloist, will Dismayed At Vandal- an Ocean Grove Club member, present a classical musical program tomorrow (Saturday) night in the Ocean Grove 'Auditorium, Property owners will have h low­ ' ism And Littering Of was rated number 7th "hy the sponsored-by St- Paul’s Methodist Church. The amial cultural program, known to thousands of .resi­ er annual charge on the 10-year School Bldgs. & Grounds St. Petersburg Times as a plan. The. ordinance also states dents and vacationists as St. Paul’s Night, will benefit “the fast growing program in St. Paul’s player in I960; Mrs. Whyte, -hat property owners may pay up Church,” reports the Rev. Albert S. Layton, minister. Members of the committee arq Ruthelaine their assessments at any time in NEPTUNE TWP.—Dis­ has won the Florida State. advance, avoiding the interest that J. Barnes, director of. music; Miss Bessie A. Down. Mrs. Roberta Thatcher, Mrs. Reba .Wielert, Johis Ladies Doubles Championship normally accrues on unpaid bal- Owen,. Mrs. Freeman ShotwcH, Mrs. E. Hill, Frank L, Wilgus, V. Donald Sherwood, Edward Wal­ traught by the littering of as Well as several other titles lace, Mrs. Stanley H. Jones, Robert. Wodd, Harvey Downing, Mrs. Bleecke; Stirling, Mrs. George- school grounds and. damage to in Florida. Mrs. Whyte will In other action Tuesday, the'com-the com­ Barnes, Miss Janet Roessler, Everett M. Browning, Charles E. Blanchard, Mrs. Vivian Kubler and buildings during the summer compete for the Ladies State mitteemittco voted to modernizemoder - its Clinton Cordray. The public is urged to attend; admission is,50c donation. building code, based on currentcut and m o n t h s., Superintendent of Singles crown this year. changing construction procedures Schools Victor J. W. Christie Opening Ceremonies will and material, by adopting the. Basic Building Code of the Building Of­ called on “all citizens to tight­ start Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. Purchase Ocean View Hotel MEMORIALS with a welcoming address giv­ ficials Conference of America, Inc., en up; on parental control.” commonly known as the B.O.C.A, en by K. N. Merritt, president Code and Abridged Building Code, . OCEAN GROVE—The Ocean John P. Bednarik He also received support from of the Ocean Grove Camp together with any • subsequent Grove sign on the roof of the the board of education Wed­ amendment,'change or supplement. Mr, Bednarik has been a member Meeting Association. Tourna­ Auditorium will be lighted the of,- the physical education and ■ Highlights of the new code, in week of July 22 to 29 in mem­ nesday night to prosecute of­ ment play will start fit 10:00 health department of the Easton a.m. addition to basic construction re ory of Mr. Otto G. Stoll. Sr., . school system for the past six fenders “to the limit of the quirements say that.no building or by Mrs. Otto G. Stoll, Sr. and years. During the summer months law.” The tournament will be in house shall be used without a Cer­ family,. 119 Central Avenue, he is employed by the Edston bu­ charge of William Clayton, tificate of Occupancy from tlie Ocean Grove. reau of recreation as supervisor of Supt. Christie pointed out that township; that whenever a regis­ The memorial cross on the all midget activities. ■ garbage has been (lumped and beer S t a t e Tournament Director. tered architect does not prepare cans.thrown on the school grounds, front of the Auditorium will be He attended Perkiomen Prepar­ There will, be five events, plans of alterations or new con­ lighted the same week in mem­ 43 windows. have been broken in Men’s Singles, Ladles’ Singles, struction the building inspecto>- atory School at Pennsburg, Pa,; ory of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel where he was varsity fullback un one school alpne and iron, railings Men’s Doubles, Ladies’ Dou­ way have the plans approved and P. YeO, by ithe- fttmilv, Mr. havevbeei destroyed, The buildings the work progress inspected by the John S Yc-o, 1817 Callowhill til, a - knee, injury forced hini to ana grounds are»not.owned by prin­ bles a n (1 Mixed Doubles; municipal engineer .with owner Street, Philadelphia 30, Pa. transfer to Moravian Preparatory cipals, teachers or .the .board of Luncheon will be served to paying the expense; that if a build­ school,' where he captained the bas­ educatfon, but bj»' the).community, rhe, players- opening day. ing is not structurally completed ketball team He earned his B.S. and hence this problem concerns within one year, extension for a degree, in health and physical edu­ the entire community, ho added. The public is invited to at­ period not to exceed GO days-must cation at the College of William ‘•There is nothing more frustrat­ tend- these matches. Gi’and- be received from thr- building in- and. Mary, Williamsburg, Va., ing or, demoralizing than to im stand seating, for all specta­ ; ’ rase eight, please THE GO-ROOM OCEAN VIEW HOTEL at the corner of Broadway Asbury Book Fair where he received All-American prove buildings and- grounds and and Central Avenue has been purchased b.v Elizabeth Marin, Marie mention as a football tackle during then to walk up !o a ' school on a tors .willbe available. O’Hagan and Dieter Tippe, all of Closter, Bergen County, from his junior year and end during his Monday morning and find 27 beer Next summer, the Ocean Mrs. Grace E. Bcidlcr, of Springfield, Delaware County; Pa., who In Convention Hall senior .year. He was also voted to cans on the lawn,” he continued. Lutherans Meet the first.team in the Al! Big Six ‘‘It is not bur intent to interfere Grove Shuffleboard Club ivill operated the-hotel for the past 26 years. be host , to the National Sin­ First Annual Event ir. Virginia and the Al! Southern with sunfmer fun, but- rather to In Fire House The new owners have added a dining room for serving break­ Conference. prevent further nuisance to and gles Tournament, July 24, 25 fast from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. They are also planning other improve­ To Be Staged Aug. 31- Auer college he reported to the destruction of citizen-owned prop­ and 26th, 1962. Thi:: will be erty.”... He then asked the board’s ments and redecorating. The hotel overlooks Fletcher" Lake and Sept. 3 As Season Finale Baltimore Colts but his career as a the 63rd Semi-Annual Nation­ Redeemer Church Congre. professional football player was policy committee to consider an an­ the shuffleboard courts. suddenly ended when his old knee nounced curfew of grounds during al Tournament. gation, Hamilton, To Con ASBURY PARK—A colorful cli­ injury returned.
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