February 26, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E189 After his tenure at North Side, Mr. Terrell of enormous change within this self-described HONORING FORMER 16TH HOUSE continued his role as an exceptional adminis- Industrial City. DISTRICT DELEGATE CLIFTON trator. He went on to make significant con- One hundred years ago, South San Fran- ALEXANDER ‘‘CHIP’’ WOODRUM tributions to Prairie View Normal College, now cisco had approximately 4,000 residents. Its III known as Prairie View A&M University. Mr. founders were ranchers, meat packers, and Terrell also helped to raise funds for the es- stockyard owners, but the remaining popu- HON. H. MORGAN GRIFFITH tablishment of Houston Negro Hospital, later lation included laborers, lumber yard owners, OF VIRGINIA known as the Riverside General Hospital in dry good merchants, bar owners, and all of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Houston, Texas. the other entrepreneurs of an early 20th cen- Tuesday, February 26, 2013 In 1921, North Side High school was re- tury, developing community. It was from this named a final time, in the namesake of its rich mix of Americana that the Chamber of Mr. GRIFFITH of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, on great principal, I.M. Terrell High School. Commerce sprang, and it has been devoted to behalf of myself and Representative BOB I.M. Terrell High School was truly a second the success of the community ever since. GOODLATTE, I am saddened to report the home for the students and faculty who met World War II brought enormous changes to passing of a former colleague in the Virginia there from cities like Arlington, Bedford, the Industrial City. Steel mills sprang up and General Assembly and the grandson of a Benbrook, Burleson, Roanoke and Weather- labor poured into South San Francisco to former Member of this body. On February 19, ford. In all, the high school took in students meet the demands of shipbuilding around San 2013, former 16th House District Delegate from 16 cities where African Americans were Francisco Bay. After the war, neighborhoods Clifton Alexander ‘‘Chip’’ Woodrum III passed not allowed to attend school. followed as the steel mills switched to non-war away in Naples, FL. A man who was dedi- Although its students, teachers, and faculty production and the middle class found new cated to serving the Commonwealth and the came from diverse backgrounds and environ- homes and new jobs. Food processors, Roanoke Valley. Virginia has lost a great pub- ments they entered the halls of I.M. Terrell warehousing and services related to nearby lic servant. Born on July 23, 1938, in Washington, DC, with one common goal: to achieve excellence. San Francisco airport, such as freight for- Chip graduated from Episcopal High School in I.M. Terrell High School has become a symbol warding, flourished. Both during this period Alexandria, Va., in 1957. He graduated from of pride and a beacon of hope for Fort Worth. and since this time, the Chamber of Com- the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill When African Americans were struggling for merce represented business before the City in 1961 before returning home to the Com- human dignity and civil rights, the teachers Council, and many Chamber members served monwealth to graduate from the University of and administrators at I.M. Terrell used edu- in positions of leadership throughout the city. The transformation of South San Francisco Virginia Law School in 1964. cation as a way to lead our youth on a path The grandson of former 6th District Con- began with the birth of the biotechnology in- to righteousness. They knew that education gressman Clifton A. Woodrum, Chip was a dustry in the 1980s. The dormant steel mills was the great equalizer and when applied cor- longtime, loyal activist of the Democratic were torn down, and new offices and labora- rectly, it would always lead to success. What Party, which included serving as chairman of I.M. Terrell High School has done for the tories sprouted like daisies across the eastern the 6th District Democratic Committee from North Texas community will never be forgot- side of the city. This renaissance was sup- 1972–1976 and as a delegate to the 1972 ten. The mark left on all of our lives is too ported by an active business community led Democratic National Convention in Miami, great to measure. by the Chamber of Commerce. Before the Florida. Mr. Speaker, it has been said that the most council and before the citizens of South San Chip was elected to the Virginia House of important subject we can study to preserve Francisco, the Chamber made the case that Delegates in 1979 and served in Richmond the progress of any culture, and any nation, is the future of the city was in science and tech- until 2003. He represented the 16th House history. So today, during the month of Feb- nology. The Chamber also urged renovations District, which included Roanoke City and Ro- ruary when we celebrate Black History Month of Grand Avenue, the building of public im- anoke County. Among Chip’s accomplish- in our country, I stand to honor a rich history provements, and encouraged city leaders to ments in the House of Delegates, he was that has instilled important values into the Fort rebuild South San Francisco as a cosmopoli- most proud of legislation he sponsored in Worth community, including education, knowl- tan community. 1985 to establish the Virginia Birth-Related edge, and perseverance. I.M. Terrell’s legacy As I can attest from personal experience, Neurological Injury Compensation Program, is profound: as a school that was founded less the schools of South San Francisco are cen- which covered medical bills and other ex- than 20 years after the civil war, in a commu- tral to the community. The South San Fran- penses for children who suffer from neuro- nity that knew the next great battlefield would cisco Chamber of Commerce for many years logical injuries at birth. He also was an advo- be the classroom; a community that proudly has organized generous scholarships for grad- cate for openness and transparency in govern- fought for equal education, a right that for cen- uating high school seniors and assisted in ment by increasing access to government turies had been withheld from African Ameri- raising funds for special school events. meetings and public records as the head of cans; and an institution whose doors have Today, the South San Francisco Chamber the Virginia Freedom of Information Advisory been closed for almost 40 years, but whose of Commerce is a key point of contact in the Council. Providing a voice for low income fam- legacy is still alive. economic life of the city. Developers, inves- ilies, Chip also was a fierce opponent of any Today, I proclaim that education is the path tors, and existing businesses appreciate deregulation of Virginia’s electric utilities. we must take to achieve social, economic and Chamber support before the city council and Upon his retirement from the House of Dele- cultural progress necessary for success in the state and federal officeholders. The impor- gates in 2003, he remained active in his com- 21st century and beyond. Let us use the les- tance of the Chamber can be seen by the lon- munity and state by serving on the boards of sons learned from this great institution as a gevity of some of its most prominent mem- the Library of Virginia, the Virginia Historical guiding light for success, and follow the path bers, including the California Water Service Society, the Educational Foundation of Virginia pioneered by visionaries who began at I.M. Company, 67 years; Pacific Gas & Electric Western Community College, and Home Town Terrell High School. Company, 67 years; Poetsch & Peterson, 67 Bank. Chip also remained very active in the f years; Galli’s Sanitary Bakery, 67 years; South Democratic Party of Roanoke and regularly City Lumber & Supply, 67 years; Bronstein appeared at campaign events in the city. IN RECOGNITION OF THE 100TH AN- Music, 65 years; Kaiser Permanente, 64 Chip was a skilled, effective, and accom- NIVERSARY OF THE FOUNDING years; Giffra Enterprises, 64 years; Giorgi plished legislator. Beginning in 1994, I had the OF THE SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO Brothers, 64 years; Clearlite Trophies, 57 pleasure of serving with Chip in the Virginia CHAMBER OF COMMERCE years; and Poletti Realty, 57 years. House of Delegates and working with him on Mr. Speaker, I ask that the House of Rep- many important matters impacting our neigh- HON. JACKIE SPEIER resentatives join with me today to celebrate boring constituencies in the Roanoke Valley. OF CALIFORNIA one hundred years of leadership by the South While we served together on opposite sides of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES San Francisco Chamber of Commerce. While the aisle, I fondly remember Chip’s sharp wit there have been many physical changes to and our many spirited exchanges debating Tuesday, February 26, 2013 the city during this time, the Chamber is an legislation in the House of Delegates. He is a Ms. SPEIER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recog- example of the most enduring characteristic of good man and will be missed. nize the one hundredth birthday of the South South San Francisco—it is welcoming. We As Representative GOODLATTE said, Chip’s San Francisco Chamber of Commerce. It has honor this tradition and hope for the Cham- contributions to the Virginia House of Dele- a remarkable record of leadership during times ber’s continued success in the years ahead. gates are storied and will not be forgotten. VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:37 Feb 27, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A26FE8.006 E26FEPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E190 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 26, 2013 The Roanoke Valley’s many citizens and insti- and related genres including Hard Bop, Soul- at a number of schools including North Caro- tutions are thankful that he chose public serv- Jazz, Fusion and Hip-Bop.
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