HRVATSKE AUTOCESTE PROFIL TVRTKE COMPANY PROFILE CROATIAN MOTORWAYS Republika Hrvatska REFORMA Ministarstvo mora, CESTOVNOG prometa i infrastrukture SEKTORA RH Europska unija 1 HRVATSKA CROATIAN MREŽA AUTOCESTA MOTORWAY NETWORK Hrvatske autoceste (HAC) najveći su upravitelj mreže autocesta u Republici With a motorway network of 918.5 km under its competence Hrvatske Autoceste Hrvatskoj. Društvo upravlja mrežom od 918,5 kilometara autocesta, a s krajem (HAC) is the largest motorway operator in the Republic of Croatia. As of the end 2017. godine HAC je preuzeo i poslove održavanja i naplate za 187 kilometara of 2017, HAC has taken over maintenance and toll collection on 187 km long dionice koncesionara Autocesta Rijeka - Zagreb d.d. (ARZ). Hrvatske autoceste network of the Concessionaire Rijeka - Zagreb d.d. (ARZ). Hrvatske Autoceste osnovane su 2000. godine, u vrijeme snažnog investicijskog ciklusa na prijelazu d.o.o. company was established in 2000 at the time of a strong investment cycle stoljeća kada su uz postojeću autocestu A3 (Zagreb – Lipovac) izgrađeni glavni when a motorway network that had previously consisted of Zagreb – Lipovac turistički i tranzitni pravci prema Jadranu, autocesta A6 (tzv. Goranka) prema motorway route (A3) was extended and new major tourist routes were added in Rijeci i A1 (tzv. Dalmatina) prema Splitu i Dubrovniku. direction to the Adriatic: A6 motorway to Rijeka that runs through the mountainous region and is popularly called “Goranka“ and A1 route in direction of Split and Hrvatska danas ima 1.306,53 kilometara autocesta i poluautocesta od čega Dubrovnik also known as Dalmatina. se većina (1.105,5 km) nalazi pod upravljanjem društava (HAC i ARZ) u 100% vlasništvu države. Izgrađenost i kvaliteta nacionalne cestovne mreže Today the motorway network in Croatia comprises 1,306.53 km of motorways izravno utječe i na turizam, jednu od najvažnijih grana nacionalne ekonomije. and single carriageways with 1,105.5 km of them under the competence of Uz kontinuirani rast broja noćenja i prihoda, Hrvatska je danas popularna state-owned companies HAC and ARZ. Development and quality of the national road network has a direct impact on tourism which is one of the most important turistička destinacija do koje se prvenstveno stiže cestovnim putem. Tako branches of the country’s economy. With a continuous increase of overnight stays je od 18,5 milijuna gostiju koliko je 2017. posjetilo Hrvatsku njih 85% došlo and the resulting income, Croatia today is a popular tourist destination that is cestovnim putem. primarily reached by road. In 2017 there were 18.5 million visitors to the country U strukturi prometa prevladava putnički prijevoz (I kategorija) što uz visoku and 85% of them arrived by car. sezonalnost tijekom turističke sezone pred Hrvatske autoceste postavlja Passenger traffic (I category) is the most prevailing category in the overall brojne izazove u smislu planiranja radova i regulacije prometa. Premda prihodi Republika Hrvatska Mreža autocesta traffic structure which along with the high seasonality in tourist season imposes od naplate cestarine tijekom svih mjeseci rastu iz godine u godinu, najveći Republic of Croatia great challenges on HAC in the sense of planning works and traffic regulation. pritisak na cestovnu infrastrukturu odvija se upravo u ljetnim mjesecima Motorway network Although toll collection income is in constant rise every year, the greatest traffic dok je razmjerno kratko razdoblje proljeća i rane jeseni vrijeme u kojem se Naplatne postaje load is in summer months while a short period of spring and early autumn is odvijaju radovi održavanja i sanacije. Pojedine dionice A6 i A1 uz zahtjevnu Toll plazas when maintenance and rehabilitation works take place. In addition to some infrastrukturu (velik broj vijadukata i tunela na području Gorskog kotara i Dionice autocesta HAC-a i ARZ-a demanding infrastructure (a series of viaducts and tunnels in the mountainous Dinarida) iziskuju i dobro opremljenu i organiziranu zimsku službu. Naposljetku, Motorway sections of HAC and ARZ Ostale autoceste regions of Gorski Kotar and Dinarides) some sections of A6 and A1 motorways Republika Hrvatska je glavninu cestovnih pravaca izgradila ili obnovila u Other motorways require well equipped and organised winter service. After all, the Republic of razmjerno kratkom razdoblju što je za državni proračun i cestarske tvrtke Croatia built or rehabilitated most of the routes in a fairly short period of time, iziskivalo značajna ulaganja i financijske aranžmane pod često nepovoljnim which required major investment for the state budget and the road companies uvjetima. Od 2017. godine Republika Hrvatska provodi Reformu cestovnog and financial arrangements that were often less than favourable. As of 2017 the sektora koja ima za cilj ostvariti dugoročnu poslovnu održivost i profitabilnost cestovnog sektora kao jednog od Republic of Croatia has been introducing the reform of the road sector with the purpose of achieving a lasting business ključnih nacionalnih resursa. sustainability and profitability of the road sector as one of the key national resources. Usprkos brojnim izazovima, danas je hrvatska cestovna mreža među najboljim europskimh i svjetskim cestovnim In spite of many challenges today the country’s road network is among the best in Europe and the world. In the report infrastrukturama. Tako je u izvješću svjetskog ekonomskog foruma za 2018. hrvatska cestovna infrastruktura from the World Economic Forum in 2018 Croatia’s road infrastructure was ranked highly and shares the 13th place ocijenjena visokom ocjenom, te u društvu s Danskom, Omanom, Njemačkom, Španjolskom, Katarom, Švedskom i with Denmark, Oman, Germany, Spain, Qatar, Sweden and Luxemburg in the list of 137 world countries. The study Luxembourgom dijeli 13. mjesto na listi 137 zemalja svijeta. I studija Prometnog fakulteta u Zagrebu o sigurnosti of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences in Zagreb on traffic safety on motorways in 2018 shows that 96% of na autocestama 2018. pokazuje da 96% autocesta u Hrvatskoj ima nisku i srednje nisku stopu prometnih nesreća, motorways in the country has low and low medium traffic accident rate, with only 4% of sections having medium rate. dok samo 4% dionica ima srednju stopu. Pritom srednje i visoku stopu rizika nema niti jedna dionica. No section has average and high risk rate. 2 3 KLJUČNI POKAZATELJI KEY PERFORMANCE 2,89 POSLOVANJA INDICATORS 2,75 2,44 2,25 57,1 58,7 54,3 50,0 PROMET I PRIHODI OD CESTARINA PO GODINAMA TRAFFIC AND TOLL REVENUE PER YEARS Prihod u milijardama kuna / Revenue in billions of kunas Promet u milijunima vozila / Traffic in millions of vehicles 2015. 2016. 2017. 2018.† KUMULATIVNI PODACI O REALIZIRANOM PRIHODU/PRILJEVU (BEZ PDV-A) PO SREDSTVIMA PLAĆANJA CUMULATIVE DATA ABOUT REALISED INCOME/INFLOW (WITHOUT VAT) PER MEANS OF PAYMENT SIJEČANJ - PROSINAC SIJEČANJ - PROSINAC SIJEČANJ - PROSINAC SIJEČANJ - KOLOVOZ 2015. JANUARY - DECEMBER 2016. JANUARY - DECEMBER 2017. JANUARY - DECEMBER 2018. JANUARY - AUGUST OSTALO / OTHER OSTALO / OTHER OSTALO / OTHER OSTALO / OTHER 18,4 17,0 17,3 12,2 0,82% 0,70% 0,63% 0,60% GOTOVINA / CASH GOTOVINA / CASH GOTOVINA / CASH GOTOVINA / CASH 656,8 678,2 717,4 522,2 ENC 29,17% ENC 27,82% ENC 26,13% ENC 25,58% 874,9 UKUPNO / TOTAL 1 002,2 UKUPNO / TOTAL 874,9 UKUPNO / TOTAL 874,9 UKUPNO / TOTAL 38,86% 2 251,5 41,11% 2 437,5 38,86% 2 745,8 38,86% 2 041,8 DEVIZE / DEVIZE / DEVIZE / DEVIZE / FOREIGN CURRENCY FOREIGN CURRENCY FOREIGN CURRENCY FOREIGN CURRENCY 312,0 KRED. KARTICE / 394,9 KRED. KARTICE / 387,3 KRED. KARTICE / 422,0 KRED. KARTICE / CREDIT CARDS CREDIT CARDS 15,89% CREDIT CARDS 15,37% CREDIT CARDS 15,28% 306,4 17,54% 353,1 424,9 348,9 13,61% 14,48% 15,48% 17,09% *iznosi iskazani su u milijunima i milijardama kuna (1 EUR = 7,4 HRK); **iznosi i prikazi su informativni; †procjena *amounts expressed are in millions and billions of kunas (€1 = HRK 7,4); **numbers are indicative; †estimate 4 5 PROMET I PRIHOD OD CESTARINA PO AUTOCESTAMA ZA SIJEČANJ - KOLOVOZ 2017. I 2018. GODINE RAST PROMETA I PRIHODA NA AUTOCESTAMA U ODNOSU NA 2017. PO SKUPINAMA (SIJEČANJ - KOLOVOZ) TRAFFIC AND TOLL REVENUE ON MOTORWAYS FOR JANUARY TO AUGUST 2017 AND 2018 INCREASE OF TRAFFIC AND REVENUE ON MOTORWAYS COMPARED TO 2017 (JANUARY TO AUGUST) Broj vozila u milijunima Rast prometa na autocestama u odnosu na 2017. po skupinama vozila Number of vehicles in millions Increase of traffic on motorways compared to 2017 per vehicle categories 6% 11,9 4% 2017. 1-8 11,2 2017. 1-8 3% 10,3 2018. 1-8 9,97 2018. 1-8 7% 8,2 8,5 40,6 40,6 -0,8% 5% 7% 4% 4,5% 5% 4,2 13% 5% 3,7% 3,7% 38,8 3,9 7,3% 2,22 2,20 38,8 UKUPNO / TOTAL 1,60 1,66 UKUPNO / TOTAL 0,96 1,09 0,53 0,64 IA I II III IV 2017. 2018. 2017. 2018. 2017. 2018. 2017. 2018. 2017. 2018. 2017. 2018. 2017. 2018. 2017. 2018. A1 BREGANA- A4 A5 A11 A1, A6 A7 D102 BOSILJEVO ZAGREB- GORIČAN- B.MANASTIR- ZAGREB- ZAGREB- RUPA- MOST / BRIDGE -SPLIT-PLOČE LIPOVAC ZAGREB OSIJEK-SVILAJ SISAK RIJEKA RIJEKA KRK Naplaćena cestarina po autocestama Rast prihoda na autocestama u odnosu na 2017. po skupinama vozila Collected toll per motorways Increase of revenue on motorways compared to 2017 per vehicle categories 8% 5% 2017. 1-8 5,6% 638 2017. 1-8 595 628 533 600 2018. 1-8 505 2018. 1-8 8% 2,041 0% 2,041 6% 8,6% 6% 20 20 4% 4% 4% 115 6,3% 105 9,6% 20% 52 56 6,3% 1,921 1,921 36 40 9 UKUPNO / TOTAL 8 UKUPNO / TOTAL 2017. 2018. 2017. 2018. 2017. 2018. 2017. 2018. 2017. 2018. 2017.
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