YWr and (Ughtly colder tonight. Saturday fair. MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM VOL. Lvn., NO. 107 fCSaasUed Adverlising oa Page 18) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1938 (EIGH TEEN PAGES) . c-- PRICE THREE CENTS I: a Connecticut River Romance AIR BOMBERS OVER 1,500 WOMEN i OLD MAN RUNS AMOK SINK ANOTHER AT FINAL HERALD BRimHSHIP IN STATE INFIRMARY; COOKING SESSION Freighter Sent To Bottom By 4- Maflorca Planes; British ord Attendance Today KILLS 3 AND INJURES 2 MAY CUT HALF ■ . ' f Crew And Observer Are At State Theater As liM .. i Rescue From Ragring River Makes Sodden Attack With BILUON FROM m-r Saved By Loyalist Vessels In Series Is Held; Grand . <■ Pistol In Ward While In- IR W ' Prixes Awarded Today. FUNDJF WPA Barcelona, Feb. 4— (A P )—The British freighter Alcira, trying to mates Were Sleeping; Ar* run the Spanish Insurgent blockade, Completing a busy but an In- Pressore Pot On Officials To waa bombed by two planes and sunk rested Three Miles From tensely interesting week of dally today 20 miles southeast o f Barce- courses In home management and lona. Her crew of 25 and an ob- Ask For BiDion Instead Of modern cookery, Miaa Edna M. Fer- server for the Non-intervention Con- Institotion; Tells Police guson. The Herald's culinary expert trol, all British, were rescued by a Billion And Half B ebg Spanish government sloop and fish- He Kflled Me n Became bade farewell to her Snal Manches- ing vessels and brought to Barce- ter audience of the current aeries at lona. A Barcelona communique the State theater this noon. One of Spent In Cnrrent Year. aald the planes came from the di- They CaBed Ifim Names. rection of Palma, Mallorca, Insur- the largest crowds ever to attend a* Herald Cooking school 1,580 per- gent naval and air base. Washington, Feb. 4.— (A P ) — sons Jammed the theater for the Like the British freight Bndy- Tewksbury, Mass., Feb. 4,— final appearance of this talented Works Progress Administration of- mlon, sunk by an unidentified sub- (A P )— A 79-year-old muscular lecturer. ficials, It waa learned today, have marine off the Spanish east coast Monday, the Alcira was trying to Aa early as j;30 women assembled suggested informally to Congres- ^ant ran amok with a blazing In the theater lobby anticipating carry a cargo of coal to a govern- pistol early today, polica sional leaders a $1,100,000,000 re- ment port. the heavy demand for seats at the charged, and slew three fellow lief appropriation for the year start- The Alcira, 1,387 tons, left Gibral- closing session and Herald workers inmates in the state infirmary ing July 1. Administration lieu- tar for Barcelona Jan. 31, under were put to the test In distributing tenants at the capitol have advised command of Captain M. McCracken because they called him “bad the printed recipe forms to the big them to aak for only 81,000,000. a throng crowding through the lobby of Glasgow. names.’’ reduction of one-third from the 81,- Ownera Get No Word for over an hour before the lecture 500.000. 000 appropriation for the Two other inmates lay in began. London, Feb. 4— (A P )—A Reu- current fiscal year. ters (British newa agency) Dispatch a critical condition with buOat School Appreciated "I think they can get along on John J. Lorendk, 22-year-old Farmington, Conn., farmer, and hia Aside from the purely material from Barcelona today said the wounds in the chest and abdo- that,” said one Democratic chief- fiancee, Miss Henrietta Pleper, 70-year-old practical nurse. Both fond gains afforded all those that attend- of boating and awimmlng. they met In the summer of 1036 when the Spanish government Defense Minia- men, victims of a sudden ab* tain. “ Personally, I don't want to t e announced that the British ed the current aesalons of the cook' have to go to bat for any larger river separating their homes ran low and they had to get out in the tack in a darkened ward whera steamer Alcira had been bombed Ing school, a definitely closer bond figure. middle of the stream to enjoy their favorite recreation. 80 elderly men cringed in ter- and aunk by two Insurgent planea between the sponsoring agent, the Legislators do not expect a defi- ror. Manchester Evening Herald and the nite relief recommendation from about 20 miles southwest of Bar- celona. homemakers of Manchester has been the President until spring. They John Mack, bald-headed end The entire crew and an observer ma>2 through the opportunity at' aald It had not been determined six feet three inches talL waa of the non-intervention committee forded so many to profit by anoth- whether a supplementary fund arrested in Lowell, three m ilM would be needed for the present ‘UTILE FELLOWS’ PRESENT were rescued and were being er’s expert training and knowledge. brought to Barcelona. The an- from the institution, and This fact waa emphasised by one year. nouncement said: women attendant today. She said: With five months to go, some charged with murder. He ad- "A t 8:45 a.m. (1:45 a.m. en.L) " I am confident that the women ot 8450.00. 000 remains. Congressmen PROPOSALS TO PRESIDENT mitted, police Captain Jaitiea J. about 20 miles southwest of Bar- Manchester now feel a closer bond noted, however, that February and Kennedy aaid, he shot the men March usually put the heaviest celona the British ship Alcira waa with The Herald and firms co- strain on relief funds. attacked and sunk by two seaplanes as they slept. operating to present these free Booght Yeen Age Fkrmer Relief Problem. coming from the cUrectlon of Palme, classes each year. They are o f great A pick-up In bUBlneia, they said, Chief Executive Says After- Mallorca.” The weapon; Kennedy quoted . benefit to me and to many of my A Coastguard breechea buoy waa brought Into play to save Edward Mack saying, had been purchM- would lighten the relief burden and The Alcira, 1,387 tons, left Gib- Giblin, 30,~from a rock In the Ice-awept Merrimack river, below Paw- frienda.” might make It necessary for WPA LATE NEWS ed two years ago from a mall order wards Most Of The Ideas raltar Jan. 81. Neither her owners, tucket Falls, Lowell. Mass., after bo had been marooned fo r eight hours. A fter clearing up points about to aak for additional money for this the Moasgell Steamship Company of bouse and kept buried In a tin cea , Giblin, almost dead from exposure, was given a ctionce to recover. troublesome cooking questions. Miss year. Glasgow, nor the London admiralty oa the epacknia tnflrmary gtouads. ’ Ferguson today again laid the foun- CMptaln John F. Stokes, riilef o t Secretory Morgentbau aald yes- Were Constructive And FLASHES! had word of the sinking. dation of the dolly lecture by read- terday that no addltiona] WPA The' Defense Ministry oommunb Maaaachuaetto state detectlvae, die*' ing a short poem o f inspirational funds would be needed before July, que added: closed Mack had related he toq^ the plat^fobm Its Hiding'piece character. She then began- the but that a special appropriation Can Be'M ade Operative. OANOtAND MURDER. "They (the planes) twice flew demonatratlon, preparing orange might bo required tor needy farm- night after the victlihs bed been N ew York, Fbb. 4.— (A P ) — Hie over the sliip, dropping three bomba ASK GRAND JURY PROBE doughnuts, a unique and tasty salad ers. calling him bad names. brain drilled by a aiiqrie bullet, the the first time end two the second Mack discarded the weapon, of- loaf, a pie and demonstrated the Agriculture Department officiala Washiqgton, Feb. 4.— (A P ) — time. The ship sank immediately. declared an emergency aa well as body o f a man identified by police flciale asserted, while walking to. proper method of preparing a fowl ’Twenty-three recommendationa to Crew All Britisb for roasting. The latter Item waa a possible long-time relief problem as Joseph Dnrkin, 85, an akxtbol ward Lowell because "it was too racketeer and racing bookmaker, ’*The crew of 25 are all British, as OF BRASS CITY FINANCES especially interesting to those pres- waa developing in the Great Plains combat the recession were placed heavy.” Asked where he was going was found in an abandoned automo- also is the observer of the non-in- ent. The emergency needs, they said, before President Roosevelt today Mack aaeertedly replied, would be at least 825.000.000. by a committee representing the bile today on the lower west sida tervention control. " 1 would like to aay before tak- Poltre questioned a blonde model These officials explained that un small buslnesamen’s conference. “A ll the crew and the observer The dead inmates were Michael ing leave o f these fine pupils of of 25, Blixabeth Conety, who said State’s Attorney Also Re- less rains fall soon In the winter White Houae officials declared after- were rescued by the government PLACE IN CHURCH O’Keefe, 70; EMward Merrier, 70,. mine In Manchester," aald Miss Fer- Durkin had been missing from his sloop "B ” of the coastguard service wheat belt—particularly In the ward the President thought a large and James Magee, 78. The woUBd- guson after the last session o f the apartment near Central Perk since and a fishing boat." school closed, “ that I have never ap- “Dust Bowl" area o f Kansas, Colo- majority of them were constructive qnests Appointment By ed were Joseph ODonnell, SS, and last week.
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