30AG AND SONS BOOK BINDERS 112th Year, No. 42 ST. JOHNS, MICH. — THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1968 2 SECTIONS - 30 PAGES 15 Cents fc>: Income tax boon at Lapeer Frost rehired But fiscal background differences make St. Johns, comparison difficult as county | • By LOWELL G. RINKER, Editor surplus this 'year. With this surplus I expect to reduce property taxes again next year. §• The city and people of Lapeer seem to be reaping "... It looks like we may be able to go to 8 mills. :•:• the rewards of a city income tax this year, but the sit- This depends on salaries, but the new (state) gas and ;•:• uation under which the tax is working is a far cry from weight tax package should offset this. :§. the current situation in St. Johns. , "If our economy keeps coming up the way it has, CD director :•::: While Lapeer and St. Johns have similar charac- we should'be able to drop that (millage) even farther in future years." Charles Frost, who resigned last September as Clinton :•:•: teristics such as size and type of community, the dif- County civil defense director, was rehired by the board of super­ Whitney said the Lapeer City Commission decided :•:•: ferences in their current fiscal status is enough to make visors Monday. on the income tax almost solely for local tax reform, .•:•: a comparison of the effect of an Income tax rather dif- And he'll get an increase in salary above what he was get­ although more money was needed. g ficult. ting when he left his post in protest of what he said was poor - "Our feeling when we went for the income tax was ;§: The Lapeer city income tax is still in its infancy. assistance and interest in his programs by the board. ; that we were not actually going for more money. What :j:: It was approved by their city commission April 18f 1966, The salary and clerk hire committee, in talking over the we were going for was a change in our collections. :••:; following a public advisory vote in which it passed 3-1. situation, set his salary at $6,000 a year, $500 more than what •£ It took effect Jan. 1, 1967, and first collections under the "We didn't feel and do not feel that the property he was getting at the time of •:$ income tax are still being made. tax is equitable today. There are so many exemptions his resignation. •:•: As of Feb. 1, Lapeer City Manager Arnold Whitney given to so many individuals who have a lobbyist strong enough to get their desires through. So now there're just Frost was one of two candi­ iji- estimated that $120,000 has been collected in city income dates who had applied for the :$ tax, and before the April deadline the amount could go to a few of us property owners who are paying the total tax load. _ position. The civil defense'com­ •ji; $136,000 to $138,000. mittee, headed by Supervisor William Hufnagel of Dallas *BY SHIFTING THIS OVER to the income tax, every­ i$ "WE WILL BRING IN ROUGHLY the equivalent of Township, had delayed making a IS 12 mills from income tax, and this will be spread over body who uses the facilities has the opportunity to help recommendation for several l|:| the entir*e community rather than a few-property owners," support It." months while allowing time for :•:; Whitney said. Lapeer had no big money problems when they enacted other possible applicants. ••i* In 1966 Lapeer was assessing 18 mills in property the income tax. St. Johns, by comparison, has a $300,000 New supervisors seated for the first time Mon­ :|:| tax, including 14 for operations, and expected to go higher problem area with the water department fund, and the day by the Clinton County Board of Super­ THE COMMITTEE Monday i-i- to meet operational costs. The city in 1967 dropped St. Johns commission passed the income tax ordinance recommended that Frost be re­ ;•:• the operating millage to 10 mills and expects to go even with the thought in mind of using the revenue to settle visors were Herman Open lander (seated) of hired, retroactive to Feb, l.The :•:• farther. this problem. Watertown Township and Gerald Lankford of t original motion during the morn­ :!• - ' "With the income tax and 10 mills of property tax The commission did, however, pass an ordinance re­ the City of DeWitt. Open lander replaces Er­ ing session of the board's meet­ •:• we will receive the equivalent of about 22 mills for op- ducing property taxes "at least" 2 mills this year. Op- ing was tabled until the afternoon cj: eratlng," Whitney said. "Therefore, we expect to have a (See LAPEER LIKES, Page 3-A) nest Carter who.is now clerk, and Lankford to allow the salary and clerk replaces Ray Price. hire committee to discuss a CHARLES FROST &S%*:::V:f:::::¥:::::^ possible salary. J ^^^w*^anssss5 £ - The committee, headed by and officially received^the ap­ pointment. ,n4^f *.. ' _ Maurice Gove of BinghamTown- f* . J^^ * * - I - ' «.* ! ship, recommended $6,000 as the Platte's term will run until Nursing home here fr salary. Supervisors preferred Dec. 31, 1970, filling out Zeeb's \ t • ' ..'. not to make it part of their unexpired term. The board motion to hire Frost, however, passed a resolution commending a * Tt 5*;. - ' 'ON^*** -.«* and after the motion was passed Zeeb for his years of service to "T* on a voice vote (with some op­ the people of the county through still awaiting word position) the matter of salary his work on the road commission. was left to that committee. Supervisor Derrlll Shinabery By SANDI RATHBUN an optional state program. It ment of Public Health before of Greenbush Township, who was passed at the same time as they can receive any medicaid The board of supervisors made served as chairman of the board Mrs Beatrice Rlvard of Rl- the medicare program but re­ payments. several other appointments Mon­ of'supervisors in 1966-67, was day. vard Nursing Home, Inc. of St. ceived little publicity. The medi­ The Department of Public reappointed to that position for Johns Is still waiting for word caid program is by far the most Health sets the minimum stan­ Marvin Platte, 37, Westphalia the next two months, filling the from the State Department of costly program of the two. dards for home management, tile contractor and surveyor, was unexpired term of Ernest Car­ Public Health to find out whether appointed to the Clinton County ter, who is now county clerk. Medicaid payments are made medical supervision, patient or not her home will be able Road Commission replacing Shinabery will serve until April, by the State Department of Social care, food service, physical to continue operations under Bernard Zeeb who submitted his when the board normally elects Services at the rate of 10, 12, plant, maintenance and person­ existing conditions. resignation last month. The a new chairman. 14 and 16 dollars per day ac­ nel. The health depatment is supervisors formally accepted it Shinabery, however, passed on cording the four levels of pa-^ When a nursing home meets working on a revision of the Monday and picked Platte from some of that duty for next month. tient care, from ambulatory to these standards it is licensed. rules and regulations which are among five nominees for the He introduced a resolution mak­ intensive care. The level of care Only licensed homes are cer­ to be used as minimum stan­ job. ing March 4 (the next meeting in which a patient is placed is tified to the Department of Social dards to. qualify Michigan nurs­ date) John Setterington Day in decided upon by a physician, Services. ing homes for licenses and even­ honor of the Essex Township county nurse and social worker. THE APPOINTMENT came tual certification for medicaid supervisor's 36 years on the WITH THE REGULATIONS set after some spirited discussion payments. The payments were set by the and voting on the candidates county board, and making him With about three-quarters of legislature in conference with by the Public Health Department honorary acting chairman for last year, Rivard's would have -Platte, Robert Zeeb of DeWitt the patients at Rivard Nursing the Michigan Nursing Home Assn. Township, Drain Commissioner Marcht r \ Home recipients of medicaid pay­ had to cut their patient load by one half in order to comply with Ernest Carter (right) is using the same desk but a different chair in Dale Chapman of Lebanon Town­ ments, the eligibility of the home TWO NEW MEMBERS of the IN MICHIGAN THE federal the space per bed requirement. ship, Russell Morrison of Bing­ for payments is essential. participation in the costs totals switching positions from chairman of the Clinton County Board of Super­ ham and Stanley Morrill of Vic­ board of supervisors — Gerald 50 per cent. According to Mrs Beatrice Ri­ visors last month to county clerk this month. Greenbush Township Super­ tor. Two ballots were takenj Lankford of the City of DeWitt MEDICAID WAS adopted by Rivard Nursing Home, Inc., vard, administrator of Rivard Platte won on both of them but and Herm Openlander of Water- the federal government in 1965 as well as others In Michigan have Nursing Home, Inc., If the pres- visor Derrilh Shinabery (left) became board chairman until the next re­ didn't have a majority on the town — were given committee under Title 19 and was made to be certified by ihe Depart­ (See RIVARD'S, Page 2-A) organization of the board in April. first one. He did on the second (See FROST, Page 2-A) Work plan off to Washington New occupants for east wing :•:• HIRE'S A CROP TO REAP THAT'S SURE TO ;::; Courthouse offices shuffle !;!; BRING IN A GIG PROFIT') £: Maple River project rolling I THE I I fclinton County News | approved by supervisors The Upper Maple River Water­ Sleepy Hollow State Park site in and carry the flow above normal County and will permit improved shed project is on its way to Ovid and Victor Townships.
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