Iqr:. } ~ ( \ o VETERAN AND VINTAGE I), , • ".. r> MOTORING SEPTEMBER 1958 / ; L 1 i ~ I - k)r _ ) I', Whether VETERAN, EDWARDIAN, VI NTAGE or MODERN ­ they all need The LESCO POUR. A- CAN Stand It Up or Lay It Flat It Will Not Leak or Smell Made in Avc ilc b le Sho rt ly from Your Garage or One Gallon Se rvice Station. and Iioo Gallon Manufa c tu red Und er A LLBOY Licen ce by Capacities SOUTHWARD ENGINEERING CO. LTD. Gracefie ld, Lower Hut t HAMPTON TYRE COMPANY LTO 126 OXFORD TERRACE, CHRISTCHURCH N.Z/s Tyres Leading Supplied Tyre For All Stockists Vehicles Phone 77-296 From Scooters to P.O. Box 1803 Earth Movers BEADED EDGE TYRES STOCKED OR INDENTED FOR YOU!! Beaded Wheels is the voice of the Vintage ami Veteran Car M ov ement in New Zealand and of the Clubs whose efforts .are fostering and el'er widening the interest in this movement and form rallying points for that ever tncreastng band of enthusiasts. The fascination of age itself or revulsion from the flashy mediocrity of our present day is drawing an increasing number of motorists back to the individuality, solid worth, and [unc­ tional elegance that was demanded by a more discriminating generation and it is to these that we dedicate- L VOL. IV, No. 15 SEPTEMBER, 1958 Beaded Wheels is Published Quarterly by the f..-Jitotia~ VI NTAG E CAR C LUB OF N. Z. INC, 20 HACKTHORNE ROAD CHRISTCHURCH. s.2 The foundations of a new service to owner members are NEW ZEALAND being laid by the National Executive as the result of sug­ * * Yearly Subscription 10f- post free. gestions from members that a scrutineering panel be estab­ ** lished. The Club Captain, Leon Witte, has been appointed Individual copies 2/6 each. as Chief Scrutineer and it is hoped that Branch appoint­ ** ments will be made shortly. Eclitor: MRS M. J. AND ERSON It should be made clear at this stage that the appoint­ ** ment of a scrutineer or a scrutineering panel for lack of Assistant Editor: R. PORTER, a better term, is something which has been imminent for Andersons Line. Carterton some time but so far the occasion or need has not arisen. * * In a Club such as ours which caters for both veteran and Copy must be typed on one side of paper vintage owners and has branches throughout botb islands, and sent to the Editor, 20 Hackthorne it is becoming increasingly difficult for organisers of events Road, Christchurch. to set a standard of turnout for competitors especially ** when an event caters for both veteran and vintage entries. COPY FOR DECEMBER ISSUECLOSES NOV EMB ER 15TH This was witnessed particularly at The Picton when cars from as far apart as Wanganui and Invercargill took part, IN THIS ISSUE in most cases having been scrutineered by a locally­ Page appointed panel. It was a credit to the branches that the Editorial 1 standard of turnout at The Picton was so good. However, Northern Natter 2 it was felt by some that there should have been a more Photo Quiz 3 The Intrepid Vintage concentrated and better defined effort at scrutineering on Cadillac Collector 5 the part of the organisers. and National Executive. This Road Test No. 15 6 point must be conceded, because in the regulations it was Restoring a Vintage Motor. 8 provided that scrutineering would be carried out by the Rare Ones and Rum 'Uns 10 Club but this was in fact not done due to lack of the Steaming in 1906 15 necessary organisation and shortage of time. Camera Review. 16,17 It should be made clear to members, however, that the A Marlborough Stutz 18 scrutineering service which is envisaged is something far Book Review 21 more than a checking of cars before an event. The inten­ Wellington Notes 23 Canterbury Notes 24 tion behind the scheme is to provide a continuous service Waikato Notes . 25 to members by means of articles in Beaded Wheels and Hints for Beginners in the by personal calls and recommendations from the Chief Gentle Art of Motoring 27 Scrutineer or from the Scrutineering Panels which are to Letters to the Editor 29 be appointed by Branch Committees. Classified Advertisements 32 The scheme is intended to be of particular assistance to owners of vintage cars who use them as a means of every­ COVER PHOTO day transport and to whom it must be conceded that of A very well preserved Stutz belong­ necessity they can never attain in the turnout of their cars ing to Noel Sprosen of Blenheim .-See that standard of excellence achieved by carefully nurtured article. Photo by Studio "Selecto" and seldom used veterans. It sho uld be the aim o f every member who not be a standard which fosters dull med iocrity ; dr ives a veteran or vintage car be it da ily or that is something whic h is for eign to the ve ry weekly to tak e a pr ide in the turnout of his car nature of our beliefs in thoroughbred ca rs. on eac h and every occ asion when it is pre sented T he task which faces all entrusted with the job to the public gaze. Ther e is no need for the ca r of the scru tineers is tremendou s, but not insur­ to be in co nco urs co nditio n, but ther e is a need mountabl e providing eve ry me mber gives these fo r it to be neat and tidy, to hav e no vital part peopl e his suppo rt and enco urageme nt. Mistakes miss ing, nor to p resent a dilapidated or unt id y may be mad e and perha ps some mem ber s may appearance, mak e an unnecessary am ount of feel so mew ha t affronte d if polit ely told that their noise or genera lly not co nform to the sta ndard mount is not all that is des ired. Every effort will requ ired to be met by a warrant of fitne ss test. be mad e so that the scru tinee rs will not ap pear Mem bers need not fea r that the Scrutineering as a sort of co mmittee of vigilantes even though Officers will set an unattain a ble sta nda rd. Rather. their task is to be one of co ntinuo us watchf ulness the sta nda rd to be set, in the beginn ing at any and supervisio n of C lub Me m bers in the turnout rate, will be one measured aga inst the less elegant of their car s. T he success of the scheme depen ds and o rnate vehicles among us. Ever y effort will be on yo u; if yo u wa nt to criticize or make useful made to set a sta nda rd which will give enco urage­ suggestions then Bead ed Wh eels is the med ium of me nt to the novice. Ye t by the same token it mu st your expression. Northern Natter Chet Parker Vintage and Veteran Car Club (Auckland lnc.) President: B. McGinn Hon. Secretary: N . Adams Auckland Editor: P. V. Maxwell, 38 Golf Avenue, Otahuhu, Auckland. T wo pleasant Sundays' run s have kept the which was the Alexa nder Redoubt near T uakau whee ls turning since we last wrot e of Auc kla nd - an histor ic Maori War location . A picnic , affairs and eac h bro ught its share of int eresting impro mptu soccer and a natt er. A grand day . car types and restor ation jobs. The Mystery Trial Mos t of the cars atte ndi ng these run s were in wit h its com bination of infuriating confusion in goo d co nditio n and reflected the new pride that its instructions an d ingenio us clu es for the think­ members have in the appearance of their ca rs. ers bro ught bo th acclaim and abuse to those two Nota ble apa rt from the well known ca rs was hold ers of the than kless orga nising job . Cl ub Ca p­ the Willys Kn ight tourer driven by Ph il Jon es and tain and Vice Club Ca ptai n Chet Parker and John needing a new top, the Roy Co pe Su nbeam in its Irvine are now getti ng immune to the cri es of the resplendent glory and Miels' sparkling Buick 4 witless who insist on getti ng lost or otherwise tourer. Roy Headfor ds' Fo rd T, Killgours' Chrys­ fo uled up in their instructions and on the other ler 4, Seccombes' Bentley an d Brickells' Rh ode hand tendi ng to admi re that majority who find give a brief idea of the var iety of the assembly their way quite eas ily to eac h of the check points. on these runs. Mu st be too easy . Members are aware that this The publicit y peopl e of the sho w "Around the di ab olical pair are keen to lose them in the hinter­ Wo rld in 80 Days" approached the club re ca rs land but we mu st sa lute those whose patience and for the prem iere parad e and after inves tiga tio n co rnrnonsense helps them top the results lists. this pr oved to be wort hwhile as a p rocession fo r T he Myster y Run ably won by Norm Adams, volunteer club members and in fact provided a in his im mac ula te Sunbeam sal oon was followed most heartening array o f beauti ful mo de ls for the by a new item ca lled the " Piglrirns Rally " a few evening th ro ngs to gaze up on in Queen Street.
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