![Volum[ 16 NOVE]IIBER I9?1 NU BER 191](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
i- OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE UN]TED STATES TRACK AND FIELD FEDERATION voLUM[ 16 NOVE]IIBER I9?1 NU BER 191 l:: i A graphic poltrayal of the }lawaiian mix of runners THE UNITED STATES TBACK AND FIELD FEDERATI()N PR()GRAMS OF Tt|E EXECUTIUE ()FFICE CROSS COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS INDOOR MEETS DECATHLON MEETS MARATHONS TRACK AND FIELD CLINICS POSTAL COMPETITION TRACK AND FIELD COACHING SCHOOLS LONG DISTANCE LOG MAGAZINE NATIONAL JUNIOR CHAMP INVITATIONAL MEETS PU BLICATIONS DECATHLON CLUB COACH OF THE YEAR AWARDS HALL OF FAME 1972 OLYMPIC TOUR TRACK AND FIELD OFFICIALS CERTIFICATION USTFF MEDALS, RIBBONS, POCKET PATCHES REGISTRATION OF TRACK AND FIELD CLUBS MEET SANCTIONING NATIONAL OUTDOOR CHAMPIONSHIP STATE ASSOCIATIONS OF USTFF AND MANY MORE PROGRAMS For inlormation on any ot these ptogtams wttle to: Co W. Coopel Execvlive Dirc.tot, United Stdfes lrcck ond Field Federction, 1225 Nofih l0rh Avenue, f!.son, Atizond 857Os THE LONG DISTANCE LOG 1. Frank Sho"ter, Floriila TC, 29:l9.Zt 2. Stey. L A PUBLICATION FOR RUNNERS BY RUNNDRS Stageberg, Georgetown AA, 29:40; 3. Taxly Harri6on, Volue 16, No, 191, November 1971 Club West, 29:.15j 4, Tracy Sdith, LAPD, 29:.,16; 5. Published monthty under the auspices of rhc Unite.l Tom Von Ruden, Pacific Coasr Club, 29:5,1i 6, Ken Srates Track & Field Iedeiation, 1225 N. loth Avenue, Mooie, Oregon TC, 29.57t 7- Don Katdang, We6t Vat- Tucson, Aaizona 8570 5. ley TC,l0:05; 8. Tom HoI{tuan, UCTC, 30r08; 9_ Ken Annual Subscrittioa Raie6r $5.00. Add $3.00 Jor ist Misner, florida TC, 30:lZ' 10, cerry caicia, Atomic CLa6s Mail or $5.00 Io! Ai. Mail in U.S.A. & Ca.ada. City TC, N.M., 30:12; ll. JohnCa6so, CaliI.TC,3O:1.1; single copies ald back issues - 50f. 12. Alvaro Mejia, VTC/Colohbia, 30:15; t3. Johnny Please send race results and articles loa publication to Halberstadr, Okla,South Africa, 30r16; 14. Jcfl Calloway Editor: H, 81o\hirg Ros€, 301i W6st Center St., Florida :fc, 30:1?; 15. lvarae Badgl.y, WvTc, 3o:19; Woodbury, N.J. 0 8096 It,. Cli{I Clark, USAF, CaliJ., 30:22t l?. John Lawson, PCC, 30:21i 18, A!t Coo1i.1ge, Oregon 1C, 3O:30; 19. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEIVIENTS - Advertise youl K€ith Munson, StaLers TC, Ore,! 30:31; 20, Jack Bache- ev€nl lo i4crease entries, or your product to increase 1€r, Florida'tc,, 3At37t 2\. Je{f Lough, PCC, 30:38j 22. saies. ($3.00 per insertion). Fu11 or l/2 pase adverris- Mike Mahley, Oregon TC, 30:,,14; 23. Bilt Scoley, WV- lng rates sent upon request- Tc, 3At5I,21. Sam Bair, Florida TC, 3A.52.,2a. Jim Backus, ANNOUNCINq - USTFF DENTON MAIATHON, Denton, SC Striders, 30:53; 26, Mike cregorio, San Diego TC, 30:5,1j 27. Duncan Te:as, Jahuary 22, 1972. For entry blank6 & informat- MacDohaLd, W1rTC, 3l]:55i 26. Greg Brock, SC 30:561 ion write: Mr. Terry Holbrook, Asst. Track Coach, Stridcrs, 29. Ffed Ritcher- son, USC, 30:57; 30. Peter D!{lt, !\VTC/CB, :10:58 Athl€tic Dett., North Texas State University, Box 1391i *Rcsults alrer loth nla.e unollicial pending Denroa, lexas ? 6 203. reriew oI Iilhs an.l .ther .lara.. - 31. Toni Laris, NyAC; 32. l1th ANNUAL WASHINGTONIS BIRTHDAY Jih MARATIION Gofhan, Or.igoh TCj 33, creg Carlberg, Elmqoo.l TCI Sunday, February 2A, 1972 I:AA P.\4, Sponsorcd by: 3,!, Skyler Jon.,s, Arizonaj 15. Bo! lvilliams, Orc. TC; Beltsvi11c, Md. Jay.ees. Newly .ertilied luU marathon 3b. Notman Higgins, Ag. (lroup AAi 37, Byron Lowry, course, three loops through agriculiural area. Trophies SIOCj 38. Brook Thomas, SC a, - -.r1" SLriders; 39- Ron Perti- gr€w, SCS; ,10. Chris Hoflman, CaliI. TCj +1. Bob Price availablc fion: Bill Mish, 5615 Duchaine Daive, Lan- AIAi .,12. Jarret SLaveh, Fla. TCi 43. tlike weaver, SD hae, Md. 20801. Phone (301) 459 52,17. $2.00 .:ntry {ee. State TCi .1.1. lvilliam R. Broq,n, Arlzonar ,t5, Jerry Dire.tions: 12 ail€s ENE 1!.aBhingron, D. C. Takc cxjt Job6ki, PCCi 45, John Lesch, UCTC; .17. Clint Chan- 27 lror l\rashington Capital Belrway (,195J, North on berlain, Ouantico Maaih€sj 48. lvlike Mitllesraedt, QM; Route 1, 1.6 mil€6, right on Powder Mill Road rwo .r9. HoNe1l Michael, QMj a0. Oary Bertsch, 51. mit.s to Log Cabin U.S, Farm. QMi or Agricultulat Chuck Sdead, I\-VTC; 52. Dale Ileet, San Diego TCj ANNOUNCING - USTFF ARIZONA ADMISSIONS DAY 53. John J, Luhn, Colorado TC; 5.1. Spencer Lyman, MARATHON, Tucson, Arizoaa, F€bruart lZ, 19?2. Stat€rs TCi 55. All€n Rude, Oxy; 56, Reubch Chaplins, Age Group Divi6iohs, outstandihg awards, Jlat coufsc, SCS; 57. Doug Schmchli, Calil. TCi 56. Iim Tubb, Calil, relleshhents and thrcc &an ream chamliohship. For '|Ci 59, Vern Craham, Quantico Marincst 60. Ceorge 1! information eore and entry loxbs, rriter J, Mccee Stcrart Jr., Mid-Amer. TC; 61, Joh CollcL, UCTCj 62. Evans, 400 Norrh Znd Avenu€, Tucsod, Arizona 85?05, Mark Covert, Ca1if. TCr 63, Kctry }rearce, pCC; 6,1. Dave FRANK SHORTER WINS SR. NATIONAL AAU X-C Harper, SDTCj 65, Charli€ Harris, UVTC; 66. Ron rrCC; San Diego, Calif., Sat., Nov,2?, l9?t Frank Shorrer Kuarte, 6?. Dave Taytor, Ca1it.; 68. Juris - Luzins, 69. Dave White, Calif. TCj scored a fast but casy victory (216 ov€r znd place Sreve QMj ?0. Steve Sav- age, Ore. TC; ?1, \4€b Loudat, Stageberg) to releat a6 AAU x-c champion over the ce- Atomic City TCt ?2, Dan Cloeter, Con.Coll.,73. Colehour, nessee Hi1ls m€sa southca6t oJ the Univer6ity of Calif. crant UCTC; ?4. Don Daris, OMj ?5. Eric Thornton, UCTCr l-eonard aL San Diego cahlus. The Florida rC ace clilped olJ 76. Hi11, Stater6 'fCt 77. Ba.D cray, UCTC; ?8. fanta6tically fasr miles al +:25, 13i50, 18:48 a6 he Rich Woelk, 9:\6, SCS; Fhil Ryan, Oolden gradually xork€d up th"orgh the field, Attcr br€aking 79. W€st AA; 80, J€romce Lie- b€aberg, Cali{,; 81. Dave Rohaho, Ore. clear at three miles & stretchilg his l€ad Lo 100t, TCj 82. I4ark ove. Elias, CWAAj 83, Barry spectatoas tutned their arrerrion to the barfle lor rop Erown, Fla. TCj 8,4, Ben Mar- tinez, SDTC, places among the 321 entrie6. Stageberg 85. Ray Darrvii, CCAC; 86. Larry Swan lini6h€d a sotid son, ucTc; secohd to gain a ttip to the San Syive6tre 8?. creg T€bb€tts, scsi 88, Tom Bache, Nev Yeal,s SDTCi Eve race in Sao Paulo, Brazil with Shorter. Tairy Har- 89. Mike Wagenbach, Calil. TC; 90. Fritz Sclne, Switzerland; ri6on, l€ader at two mil€s in a blaziag ider, 91. Rich Delgado, WVTC; 92. Dave 9:12, linished Roberi6on, third ahead ol Tracy Smith, running hi6 Iirst national RC Stride!s; 93- Jim Da!e, USN; 94. Rot Johnson, SCS; Berthiaume, race since i968. The coua6e consisted of thr.e two-mit€ 95, caly WVTC; 96, JolD Co1.on, AIA; 97. Blair John6on, Atomic City TCI roLgld'fr pa.h piI o LEdo,,oBsd d 98. Bob Stagsdiu, Oxyj Bob lopes fol it6 eatir€ l€ngth. The Jinish was monitored by 99. Messina, SCS; tOO. Bob vidio tape recorder. Darling, RC Striders' l0l. Rick Roja6, Atomic City TC; l0Z. Ahtbony Risby, U.N€vada; 103, Dick Florida TC captured the team title as expected with 4? Endris, F1a, TC; Todd points de6pile numerou€ physical problems- Jack L€y- 104. aerguson, AIA; 105, Bill cookin, SDTC; 106. Leon Garcia, Aromic City 1Cj lO?. Fansrino Sala- digr6 West Valiey TC finished a distant second with 60 zat, Atomic TC; points. Shorter & Moor€ lett the next day lo! rhe Fukuo- City 108. c€orge Minalik, SCSi IO9. Bill Seavet, SFVS TC; ll0. Dan SDTC. ka oaiathon in Japan wbere Shorter became lhe {i!st Orcomor, American to win the lahed race as he clock€d 2rl2:50,4 LATE NEWS - Eill Scobey woa the \tesrern Ileoi€phere to linish a minute ahead ol Iavored Akio U6ami. Marathon in Culver City, Calif. in 2:15:21. Cheryl Brid- g€s,23, set a wome4'6 marathon mark oI 2:49:,t0. Deltitt Paul, unat., 3:10: -NIAYFIELD REPEAT W1NNER IN MARATHON wiec, Shore AC, 3:10:39; 63. Phila,, Pa., Ssday, Nov, 28- Moses Mayfield' Penn .19; 6,{, Tom Barfr, shore AC, 3:10:55: 65- Jim Latz, AC, w6n the second annual Fhiladelphia Marathon in uat,, Ventnor, N. J. , 3:11:08; 56, BiU McNulty, Bos- 2tz6t44.A oret a fLat ihlee-lap sidewalk cour6e in Fair- ton AA, 3:U:18; 6?. Don Dar!e11, unat., 3:11:Z3i 68. Mike Birnbar]m, Lakeland AA, 3t12t31t 69, Joe Pickett, The 26-year-old metal chedical Iinishel won by more unat., 3:12:53;70, Jack McM€naman, Shore AC, 3:13:20 than a mioute over Norh Patenaud€, 26, of Sudbury, ?r. Kay Campbeu, CJTC, 3:13:29i ?2. Dennis weidlex, Ontario, MayIleld won last y€arrs tace iL z.z4tz9. 6at. , 3:13i38; ?3. Kevin Catlahan, uat., 3:13:'lI; 7'1. A Iierd ol 215 started the competition sponsoled by the Tom BieniuseL, Drex€l Univ. AA, 3:l'!:18; ?5. Nick Penn Atl etic Club. NataLe, DaereL Unlv. AA, 3tl4t25, 76- Maaty Sullivan, Penn AC woo the team trophy with 8 Point6 on the vic- uaf., D. C., 3tI5'.21, 77. P. Neweil, uat,, 3:15:53, tory of MayIield, the eighth-place {ini6h o{ Neil wey- 78.
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