Rear View Home security In the light of recent police announcements that they no longer MORRISMORRIS MINORMINOR OWNERSOWNERS CLUBCLUB consider it necessary to aend the scene of domes+c ,urglaries, I ha.e taken down the t. /eorge0s 1ag from ,eside the house and peeled the ,urglar alarm s+cker o2 the front door. 3e0.e disconnected our home alarm system and 4uit our Neigh,ourhood 3atch. I0.e ,ought two Pakistani 1ags on eBay and raised them in the front garden, one at each corner, plus a ,lack 1ag of I I in the centre. Now the local police, CID, MI8, A and oth- er UK Counter Terrorism agencies are all watching the house 24/7. 3e0.e ne.er felt safer and we0re sa.ing #24.A8 a month. NEWSLETTER BO CH coils 5 5 5 5 1 1 NOW Bnleaded 109Ccc 1 1 0 0 0 0 recondi,oned 2 2 2 2 cylinder .eads C C ONLA C C O O now a ailable. O O M M £23.50 £210 e)c.ange. M M M M (Stud pac0s £10 M M (were #30 each from Recondi,oned 8etrol h h and gas0et set h h c c Branch pumps at £55 eac.. c c n n EXCHANGE (plus £10 £10.75) n n a a a a r r pares) refundable surc.arge on (Branc. Spares) r r B B old unit). B B t t ( t t e e e e s s s s r r r r o o o o D D D D MORRIS MINOR REGALIA - DORSET BRANCH © © Our Branch Regalia stock is managed by Dave & Jackie Walker and is available at clubnights and our © © outdoor events. (The illustrated stock list is shown on the website www.dorsetmmoc.co.uk) Model small cars £3.75 8laying cards £1.00 Model vans 1/26 scale £3.50 Clot. caps wit. Dorset logo £12.50 Money box vans £12.50 Sweat s.irts £14.00 Club DVD £1.00 :leeces £20.00 Gree,ng cards eac. £1.35 Hoodie ;eece £20.00 6 pac0 gree,ng cards £7.00 Waterproofs £15.00 1ey .angers in s.ape of cars, made in steel 8olo s.irts wit. logo £15.00 £9.00 Caps wit. LED in pea0 £12.50 Same as abo e wit. 2 cars £15.00 Beaulieu cloc0 £5.00 Ice scrapers £ 0.50p 1ey rings/bo=le openers £3.50 Printed by: Adding Value Solutions Limited November 2015 2 Friars Workshop, The Friars, Jedburgh, Roxburghshire, TD8 6BN M : 07768 653017 T : 0870 360 7000 F : 0870 360 7001 E : [email protected] - W : www.addingvaluesolutions.co.uk Volume 19 Page 16 hp://wwwdorsetmmoc.co.uk Vol.18 www.dorsetmmoc.co.ukwww.dorsetmmoc.co.ukDOR ET BRANCH 77OC NE3 CETTER No.em,er 2018 IssuePage 1 1 The MMOC Dorset Branch was founded in 1977 by Graham Melly and chaired in the early days by Aubrey Ba. It is a Branch of the Na+onal 7orris 7inor Owners Clu, ,ut has its own accounts and organisa+on (see Cons+- tu+on for further details) We meet on the first Wednesday of every month (7:30 for 8:00) at the Bournemouth Electric Club, Broadway Lane, BH8 0AA . 3e ha.e an ac+.e calendar of e.ents throughout the year D par+cularly in the ummer months when we aend many rallies and other shows. The monthly Clu,night is an opportunity to meet the other enthusiasts and enEoy a presen- ta+on or other ac+.ity organised ,y the Commiee. Please note that the Dorset Branch 77OC will accept no lia,ility in respect of goods or ser.ices pro.ided ,y ad.er+sers. No recommenda+on is implied. Membership currently costs £10 per year,£12.50 for joint membership. Please ask Branch ecretary if you re4uire a copy of the Dorset Branch Cons+tu+on. (Also a.aila,le on we,site.) For more details contact Caurie Blewer on 01202 822673 or Gohn Genkinson on 01202 8766A0 Ad.er+sing: Cars or spares for sale or wanted #8 per entry (Free to mem,ers). Traders ad.er+sements: #30 per year. COMMITTEE MEMBERS 2014-2015 (01425 476634) Newsletter /Website Editor: Brian Wood President: Graham Jarvis (07914 637429) (01202 573501) Chairman: John Jenkinson (01202 576690) ( [email protected] ) Secretary: Laurie Blewer (01202 522673, Non Committee posts: 07947 525884) Raffle Coordinators: Chris Tilly and Margaret Treasurer: Jacky Wood (01202 573501). Pateman Forthcoming E.ents (see also www.dorsetmmoc.co.uk) Membership Secretary – Des Waller (01202 Spares Manager: Brian Wood 573403) (07411 116336) 4th November Clubnight—Reverend Timbrell Events Organiser/H&S Supervisor – Neville Regalia : Dave & Jackie Walker 2nd December—Clubnight—’Noggin and Natter’ Gerry (01202 747687) Catering Executives: -Sue Blewer, Lyn Gerry 28th December —Mistletoe Meander Product Development Mgr: Brian Ford Welfare/Technical Adviser: Eddie Pateman 2016 January 6th—Clubnight—Wimborne Town Crier January 9th—Dinner and Dance, Liston Hotel, Boscombe Feburary 3rd—Clubnight—Blind Auction FRONT COVER March 2nd—Clubnight—Feely Bag competition April 6th—Clubnight Talk on ‘History of Bournemouth Gardens’ 3 shades of ,lue -Trafalgar, Clipper and moke (OK, the last one is technically- May 4th—Clugnight—Call my Bluff /rey). This was the Burley team Fair held on 11th Octo,er. 3e wanted to see 29th May—Pecorama Rally what 7orris 7inors looked like on this site - in prepara+on for next yearIs rally. June 1st—Clubnight—Cake Competition July 6th—Clubnight—Out and About July 10th—’CLASSICS IN THE FOREST’ (incorporating Annual Branch Rally) 3rd August—Clubnight—Gardening Competition Dorset Branch of the Morris Minor Owners Club 7th September—Clubnight– Speaker (TBA) 5th October— Clubnight—AGM Helping to preserve the post war Morris Minor in the Dorset area and beyond Page 2 hp://wwwdorsetmmoc.co.uk Vol.18 DOR ET BRANCH 77OC NE3 CETTER No.em,er 2018 Page 18 For ale J 3anted J Clu, No+ces Please mention where you saw the ad when you respond, thanks No.em,er 2018 MORRIS MINOR OWNERS CLUB Volume 19 Issue 1 CCUBNI/HT ACTIVITY : Talk ,y Re. Tim,rell FOR SALE: Ford ,ased disc ,rake con.ersion c/w kingpin and ,raided hoses. #428 InsideInside thisthis issue….issue…. Front an+-roll ,ar c/w ,rackets #78 Pair telescopic front shock a,sor,ers c/w ,rackets Editorial 4 EditorIs In-Box 5 ecretaryIs Report 6 PAIR OF AAB A000 CEATHER EAT IN DARK /REY ( AC7O T BCACK ) ON GCH 7OTOR- PORT EAT FRA7E , READY TO BOCT A-P of Industrial CegaciesOFisher and Cudlow 7 TRAI/HT IN TO ANY 7INOR - #328 ( te.e Coder) 2016 Dinner Dance 7enu and ,ooking details 11 ChairmanIs Report 12 For ale and 3anted (and Clu, No+ces) 14 01202 300339 Forthcoming E.ents 15 www.travellinkuk.net Rear View J Branch Regalia 16 New Morris Minor Spares BCACK DOUBCE DUCK CANVA HOOD AND are available through the club. The HOODBA/ ( CO T OVER #600 ) , HA GU T current list is posted on the website NENT CCUBNI/HT O Noggin and Naer under the ‘New Spares’ tab. We can BEEN FITTED BUT CU TOMER 3ANT RED also order other items for youyou———— HOOD IN TEAD NO3L TICC IN A NE3 usually saving the postage cost. CONDITION - #428. NE3 HOODFRAME The Dorset Branch Newsleer is pu,lished on the Mrst 3ednesday of the month and sent ,y Brian. 07411 116336 AC O AVAICABCE #228 ( te.e Coder) post to paid-up mem,ers. It is also a.aila,le for download from the Internet usually a,out 10 days ,efore the clu,night. te.e Coder 01202 6A4828 07748 184474 Page 14 hp://wwwdorsetmmoc.co.uk Vol.18 DOR ET BRANCH 77OC NE3 CETTER No.em,er 2018 Page 3 Editorial Hello e.eryone and welcome to QVolume 1AI. 3inter draws on, clocks gone ,ack, Christ- mas stu2 star+ng to appear in the shops. ( omeone e.en wished me QHappy ChristmasI a couple of weeks ,ackL). 3ith not so many car shows to go to, I suppose the winter months are ,eer for geRng those lile Eo,s done on the car which you keep puRng o2 in the summer. In my case, I suppose that will ,e geRng a colour coat on the con.er+,le (not such a QlileI Eo,). Despite appearances, progress is ,eing madeOhampered only slightly ,y me ,eing tempted ,ack into the world of work. I succum,ed to an o2er of some QcontractI work from my last Eo,, from which I re+red in 2010. It was in the wonder- ful world of insurance, more speciMcally Coss AdEus+ng domes+c damage claims (mostly the peril of Qsu,sidenceI). o hopefully, that will go wellOI donIt expect to spend a lot of +me on that, so should ,e a,le to keep the pressure up on the QproEectI. 3e ha.e o,tained some new 7inor 1000 door pares sales seem to ,e fairly ,risk recently, helped, no dou,t, ,y the new discount of pulls for sale to Branch 7em,ers at the fa.oura- 10S to Branch mem,ers. o donIt forget to gi.e me a shout if you want to order anything. I can get larger items sent directly to you if you like. ,le introductory price of only £7.50 each. 3e went to a team Fair at Burley a few weeks ago. It was an opportunity to ha.e a look at how the show was These are a.aila,le in four colours: /reen, Blue, set out and chat with some of the traders in prepara+on for our new QClassics in the ForestI there next Guly.
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