THE BEST OF MINIMUM FAX SPRING RIGHTS LIST 2017 THE BEST OF MINIMUM FAX 2018 FBF NEW TITLE FICTION november 2018 150 pages The last resort in via Veneto and a man wearing his coat in every season (Vincenzo Cardarelli). A concert of sparrows on a window edge and an unsuccessful baritone (Eugenio Montale). The rail yard at the mouth of a river and a voice tuner (Salvatore Quasimodo). A middle-class living room in a house on the hill and a collector of butterflies (Guido Gozzano). An Ash Wednesday and an old captain in exile (Gabriele D’Annunzio). The shooting gallery in a marquee and the man of woods (Dino Campana). The backroom of an antiquarian bookshop and a son of the wind (Umberto Saba). A collection of stamps and a lonely and me- lancholic funambulist (Aldo Palazzeschi). A bossanova concert and an eighty years old child with Omero’s voice (Giuseppe Ungaretti). An invective against the moon and a woman who pays her coffees with verses (Alda Merini). Fabio Stassi tributes the Nineteenth Cen- FABIO STASSI tury and its poetry, the most forgotten genre of the Italian literary scene, with a With The Taste of brave mimetic and fantastic adventure. He repatriates to the world these ten authors, the World In My he photographs them in a particular ge- sture, makes them speak in first person, Mouth after their death and behond their death, from that suspended point of the space and time in which the voice of all poets survi- FABIO STASSI / 1962 ves. A vivid narration of their lives, of what published three books with minimum fax: Our Carnival they thought of writing, of their idiosyncra- Is Over (2007), The Revenge of Raúl Capablanca (2008) sies, obsessions, desires, joys is revealed in and A Pocket Encyclopedia of Novel Characters (2015). this work. With Sellerio he published Charlot’s last dance (2012, Ten moving and engaging monologues, a an international bestseller), Like an interrupted breath declaration of love. (2014), Fumisteria (2015), La lettrice scomparsa (2016) and Angelica and the comets (2017). He is the Italian TEN ALMOST REAL LIVES OF NINETEENTH editor of The Novel Cure by Ella Berthoud and Susan El- CENTURY ITALIAN POETS. TEN POETS NARRATE derkin (Sellerio 2017). He won many prizes, like Selezione THEIR LIVES, THEIR WRITING, THE MOMENT IN Campiello, Alassio, Vittorini Opera Prima, Sciascia, Scer- WHICH THEY RECONGNIZED THEMSELVES AS banenco and Arpino. POETS. NOVITÀNEW TITLE FICTION - NOVEL giugnooctober 2017 2018 173 pages NelleIn the sue western storie, part cesellate of Sicily, con atla thefinezza end diof CarverFifties, Irene,e Salinger, a preadolescent Paolo Cognetti girl, findsha sem in- preher saputoalmond rappresentare groves a young con yellow-skinned sorprendente intensitàman: he’s nakedl’universo and seemsfemminile. he is sleeping.Ed è an- coraHe has una come donna out lafrom protagonista nowhere. He di doesn’tSofia si vestehave semprepast, nor di neromemory., un romanzo composto da dieci racconti autonomi che la accom- pagnanoIrene’s family lungo – trent’anniher father, di a photographer,storia: dall’in- fanziaand her in old una very famiglia rich grandmother borghese apparente – accepts- mentehim in normale, their home ma in percorsa Settecannelle da sotterranee and gi- tensioni,ves him the all’adolescenza name Italo, but tormentata he brings da luck di- sturbiand disruption psicologici, in alla return. liberatoria He transforms scoperta deleverything sesso e dellahe touches, passione he per lights il teatro, a fire inal momentoa blocked dellachimney, maturità he brings e dei bilanci. electric Con li- laght sua and scrittura running precisa water, ehe intensa, finds disappe che na- scondeared water dietro sources. l’apparente He gradually semplicità extends una straordinariahis gifts to the potenza nearby emotiva,farmhouses. Cognetti Chil- cidren regala run ilafter ritratto him, di having un personaggio being seduced fem- minileby his playful indimenticabile: energy, because una donna he plays, torbida he edoes inquieta, nothing capace but play. di sopravvivere alle pro- prieBut whonevrosi really e di is sfruttare Italo Orlando? improvvisi People attimi say dithat illuminazione there is something fino aof trovare, disturbing, faticosa dark,- NOME AUTORE mente,threatening la propria in him. strada. In the Un meanwhile, libro avvin in- centethat town, in cui oil ciascun has been lettore discovered, troverà so mothe- CAROLATitolo libro SUSANI mentiforgetful di bellezzaman joins e di the dolore, engineers di ansia and e tedi- riscatto,chnicians che that riconoscerà have come di to aver find vissuto the black an- The First Life of chegold. sulla sua stessa pelle. Is there a relation between Italo’s appe- Italo Orlando PAOLOarance COGNETTIand the changes / 1978 that are going to happen?è autore di alcuni Is he documentari, maybe a mercurial, tra cui Vietato fatal scappare god, “In Carola Susani you feel the creatural ofIsbam changement, La notte del that leone will e, prodotti erase theda minimum old world fax lesson«Nell Zinkof Pasolini è immediatamente and Morante.” diventata inmedia, the Scrivere/New name of the York ambiguous e Il lato sbagliato metamorpho del ponte-. launa Repubblica delle voci più originali e innovative sisPer minimumof present fax hadays? pubblicato Surely Una his cosa arrival piccola and che della narrativa contemporanea». Slate hissta per terrible esplodere legacy (2007), will vincitore, mark tra the gli passagealtri, del Pre of- CAROLA SUSANI / 1965 Irenemio Fucini, to adult del Premio age. Settembrini e finalista al Premio writesFICTION for adults and children. She collaborated with Lo Stra- Chiara, Sofia si veste sempre di nero (2012) e A pesca nierocollana, Gli SOTTERRANEIAsini and Repubblica; she leads seminars on rea- Thenelle Firstpozze piùLife profonde of Italo (2014), Orlando affascinante is the riflessione first ding and writing. She published Pecore vive (2006, shortlisted novelsull’arte ofdel a racconto. trilogy which will see the return for18 the euro Strega - 340 Prize) pagine and Eravamo bambini abbastanza (2012, Lo of this fascinating character in three key Stranieroformato Prize) 14,7 with X 21 Minimum cm Fax. moments of our national history. isbn 978-88-7521-692-4 3 NEW TITLE FICTION - NOVEL september 2018 248 pages In the story of Simone, a teenage affected by muscular dystrophy, everything seems to be unlikely and almost exotic, but page after page the protagonist’s condition reveals all its painful limitations and contrasts: his forced inertia and his desire of growing up, his need of being loved and his difficulty of expressing himself, his innocence and the weight of the fractures caused to his fami- liar relations. His illness isolates and divides, makes the movements of those who surrounds him ni- cer, pollutes the dynamics of feelings. His mother has a tired, neurotic and hysteric voice, the voice of those who would like to go on living but can’t do so. Pierotta is the depressed and unstable little girl with whom Simone duets. A professor of quantum physics, Filippo Pit- tari, is the brilliant baritone who strives to keep a message of balance and hope, perfor- ming a parental role. EDOARDO SAVARESE In this little solar system that obeys only to laws of science, there is a real soprano, the As Before famous Lea Hertsbush, the only one to bla- tantly sing off-key in public. CAN A MELODRAMA BE STILL WRITTEN? IS IT POSSIBLE TO ADAPT THE MUSICAL STRUCTURE AND THE LANGUAGE Simone hasn’t stopped to chase the hug of OF OTHER TIMES TO A NOVEL? THIS IS THE CORAGEOUS Thomas, his father of Syrian origin who BET ATTEMPTED BY EDOARDO SAVARESE. abandoned him. He wants to know if he is a deserter or a hero, and if it’s true that no one of us is able to escape our fate. The final EDOARDO SAVARESE / 1979 act is reserved to the two of them, with the lives in Naples, is a magistrate and an expert of interna- background of a snowy Jerusalem. tional legislation. With edizioni e/o he published his no- vels: Non passare per il sangue (2012) and Le inutili Because, like Julian Barnes wrote, only the vergogne (2014), and the short-story-essay Lettera di un melodrama goes straight to the aim. And omosessuale alla Chiesa di Roma (2015). it reminds us of the essentiality of life. NEW TITLE FICTION september 2018 100 pages Dear friend, I’ll try to truthfully explain why these 30 rhyming stories could interest you: - It took me 20 years to write them, doing it only when I felt very inspired; - I got very involved; equally, I saw that they touched deep inside even the readers; - I’ve been carrying them around and I’ll keep doing so, live, on the stage: the audience wants to have them, they asked me if they have been published; - They are not rhymes, but real short stories, melancholic and funny: with characters, plot, unexpected turns; - They often narrate the story of someone (an animal, a tree, a man or a woman) who feels alone and unlike others, and pays the conse- quences of this; - Some examples: an elephant searching for a soul mate; a painter of secret self-portraits; the adventure of a postman who has to deliver a telegram in a wood; a juggler killer; a bache- lor who gives birth to a child on his own; a dis- TIZIANO SCARPA sident moth attracted by the darkness; a mi- santhrope who lives in a floating lighthouse; A City Dragonfly a traveler who goes across the world on foot; the entire life of a dragonfly, from morning and Other till night... This is my most private book, written to Rhyming Stories touch the souls. Tiziano Scarpa THE NEW BOOK BY THE AUHTOR WINNER TIZIANA SCARPA / 1979 OF THE STREGA PRIZE. THIRTY RHYMING was born in Venice.
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