Index of Astronomical Objects Constellations M33, 746, 747 Aquila, 115, 433, 488 M51 (NGC 5194), 26, 737, 752, 755 Auriga, 11 M82, 753 Chamaeleon, 103 NGC 185, 747, 748 Crux, 119 NGC 1300, 760 Cygnus, 509, 545, 547 NGC 1569, 750 Lupus, 101 NGC 4111, 739 Monoceros, 63, 104 NGC 4472, 736 Orion, 2 Small Magellanic Cloud, 746, 747 Perseus, 495 Taurus, 10 HII Regions λ Orionis, 668 Embedded Clusters 30 Doradus (Tarantula Nebula), 97, 417, 745, ρ Ophiuchi, 94, 98, 106, 411, 415 750, 758, 764 30 Doradus, 97 G192.16−3.82, 544 Arches Cluster, 734 G29.96−0.02, 534 Central Cluster, 734 G34.26+0.15, 531 IC 348, 91, 98, 109, 447 G43.18−0.52, 531 Kleinman-Low (KL) Nebula, 10, 138, 226, G5.89−0.39, 530 229, 233, 237, 455, 508, 513, 535 M8 (Lagoon Nebula), 686 NGC 2023, 96 M16 (Eagle Nebula), 126, 528, 555 NGC 2024, 96 NGC 1999, 428 NGC 2068, 96 NGC 3603, 97, 417 NGC 2071, 96 NGC 6334F, 493, 496, 512, 531 NGC 2244, 63, 67, 109, 385 NGC 7538, 97, 454 NGC 2264, 104, 107, 109, 121, 363, 686 Orion Bar, 7, 523 NGC 3603, 97, 689 Orion Nebula (M42, NGC 1976), 7, 37, 38, NGC 7538, 97 496, 552, 555 Quintuplet Cluster, 734 Rosette Nebula, 63, 556 R136, 417, 745, 750 S106, 547 S106, 96, 121, 257 S199, 560 S255 / S257, 96 S254 / S255 / S257, 96 S88B, 525 Galaxies W3(OH), 492, 507, 513 Arp 220, 753, 754, 770 W49, 115, 488, 491, 493, 512, 513 Arp 244 (The Antennae), 755 W49N, 488, 507, 509, 514, 515 Large Magellanic Cloud, 97, 417, 736, 744, W75N, 257, 509 747 VLA 1, 509 Leo I, 747 VLA 2, 509 M31 (Andromeda Galaxy), 746, 747, 749 VLA 3, 509 836 Index of Astronomical Objects Molecular Clouds B2/Middle, 139 ρ Ophiuchi Complex, 73, 92, 110, 358, 560, B2/North, 515 567, 637 Serpens Molecular Cloud, 98 ζ Ophiuchi, 60 L572, 98 B5, 12 Taurus-Auriga Complex, 11, 60, 73, 358, 414 B33 (Horsehead), 222 L1434, 12 B35, 668 L1459, 12 B68, 84 L1489, 76, 78, 173, 359 B335, 60, 84, 215, 362, 363, 446, 454 L1495, 12 Cepheus Molecular Cloud, 348 L1521, 12 Chamaeleon Molecular Cloud, 103, 676 L1544, 366 Corona Australis Complex, 73, 390 L1551, 15, 444, 452, 453 Cygnus Molecular Cloud, 98, 509 TMC-1, 12, 60, 137, 454 L63, 80 TMC-1C, 15 L260, 75 TMC-2, 12 L984, 98 Ursa Major, 257 L988, 98 Molecular Outflows L1251A, 82 BN-KL, 10 Gum Nebula, 430, 540 DR 21, 545 L204, 257 HH 211, 447, 486 L1688, 81, 92, 359 HH 212, 510, 512 L1709, 81 IRAS 03282, 446 L1712, 81 L1448/mm, 93, 512 L1729, 81 L1551/IRS 5, 444, 446, 448, 452, 545 L1755, 81 L1557, 454 Lupus Molecular Cloud, 101, 110 NGC 2071, 450 B228, 101 OMC-1, 455, 545 M17 (Omega Nebula), 222, 223 VLA 1623, 448 Maddalena Cloud, 272 Monoceros Molecular Cloud, 63, 104, 687 OB Associations Orion Molecular Cloud, 2, 60, 63, 115, 222, α Persei (Per OB3), 110, 423 348 θ1 Orionis, 7 L1617, 430 Cassiopeia OB2, 97, 454 L1630, 4, 96, 107, 226, 439, 450 Cassiopeia-Taurus, 110, 423, 567 L1641, 4, 114, 432 Cepheus OB1, 109 NGC 2024, 181, 257 Cepheus OB2, 110, 117, 687 OMC-1, 9 Cepheus OB6, 110 Orion 1.5 South, 138 Collinder 121, 110 Orion A, 4, 113, 251, 348, 428, 432, 455 Cygnus OB2, 569 Orion B, 4, 5, 348 Cygnus OB7, 569 Perseus Molecular Cloud, 81, 91, 98, 414, Gemini OB1, 96, 565 446, 495 Lacerta OB1, 110 B1, 60, 81, 176, 257, 446 Lower Centaurus-Crux, 110, 111 NGC 1333, 12, 495 Monoceros OB1, 104, 109 Rosette Molecular Cloud, 63, 66, 67, 72, 109 Monoceros OB2, 109, 117 Sagittarius Molecular Cloud Orion OB1, 109, 110, 114, 567 A/West, 257 Perseus OB2, 107, 109, 110, 567 B2, 135, 733, 754, 758, 760 Sagittarius OB1, 686 Index of Astronomical Objects 837 Scorpius-Centaurus, 102, 110, 567, 676 BD+65◦ 1637, 688, 689, 705, 709 Serpens OB1, 126 BD+65◦ 1638, 688 Trapezium Cluster (Orion Nebula Cluster), 7, Becklin-Neugebauer (BN) object, 9, 138, 416, 420, 552, 577, 583, 616, 620, 687, 149, 455 689, 690, 734 Betelgeuse (α Orionis), 2 Trumpler 10, 110 BP Tauri, 598, 625, 626, 632, 647, 657 Upper Centaurus-Lupus, 110 CI Tauri, 638, 644, 711 Upper Scorpius, 110, 112, 560 Cohen-Schwartz star, 429 Vela OB2, 110 DE Tauri, 611 Open Clusters DF Tauri, 387, 611 α Persei, 118, 614, 615, 672 DG Tauri, 640, 641 Blanco 1, 118 DoAr 21, 637 Collinder 359, 118 DR Tauri, 625, 626, 632, 644, 667 Coma Berenices, 118 EX Lupi, 671 Hyades, 11, 118, 120, 392, 515, 600, 614, FM Tauri, 638, 711 629, 673 Fomalhaut (α PsA), 720, 722 IC 1396, 117 FU Orionis, 668 IC 2391, 118 GG Tauri, 653 IC 2602, 118 Gl 229A, 607 Melotte 227, 118 Gliese 229B, 607 NGC 752, 120 GM Aurigae, 650, 652, 657, 706 NGC 2244, 117 HD 100546, 717, 722, 724 NGC 2451, 118 HD 163296, 716 NGC 4755 (Jewel Box), 119 HE 0107−5240, 765, 777 NGC 6475, 118 HH 34/IRS, 440 NGC 6530, 686 HR 4796A, 676, 719, 720, 722 NGC 6611, 126, 687 HR 5999, 101 Pleiades, 11, 118, 120, 121, 126, 415, 600, IRAS 03282+3035, 446 609, 614, 620, 673 IRAS 04016+2610, 359 Praesepe, 118 IRAS 16293−2422, 394 Ursa Major, 118 IRAS 20126+4104, 535, 544 Optical and Embedded Stars IRc2, 9, 138, 226, 237, 250, 455, 513, 514, β Pictoris, 720, 722, 725 545 Eridani, 677, 678, 720, 724 L1448/mm, 93, 446, 473, 510, 512 η Chamaeleontis, 676 L1551/IRS 5, 444, 447 η Orionis, 114 LkHα 198, 705, 708, 715 σ Orionis, 222 LkHα 220, 690 θ1 Orionis C, 7, 417, 418, 542, 552, 555 LkHα 234, 688, 689, 709, 715 ξ Persei, 141 MWC 349, 547 ζ Orionis, 113, 222, 417 Pistol Star, 734 ζ Puppis, 540, 542, 556 PPl 15, 609 155913−2233, 387 PV Cephei, 440 162814−2427, 389 Rigel (β Orionis), 2 51 Pegasi, 678 RNO 43, 440 AB Aurigae, 693, 705, 708, 711, 715, 717 S Coronae Australis (S CrA), 644 Aldebaran (α Tauri), 11 S Monoceros, 104, 121, 385 AS 353A, 433, 640 S106 IRS4, 96 BD+40◦ 4124, 97, 417, 689 S255/IR, 96 838 Subject Index Sagittarius A∗, 138, 162, 222, 257, 733 Scorpius R5, 106 SR 20, 92 Taurus R1/R2, 106 SR 24, 92 Taurus-Orion R1, 106 SSV 13 (SVS 13), 149, 495, 510 Vela R1, 106 T Tauri, 14, 385, 392, 611 Vela R2, 106 Trapezium, 2, 7, 14, 37, 552 Reflection Nebulae TW Hydrae, 675 NGC 2023, 226 TY Coronae Australis (TY CrA), 390, 391, NGC 7129, 688, 709 395 S106, 96 UX Orionis, 693 UY Aurigae, 393, 654 Stellar Jets and Herbig-Haro Objects V351 Orionis, 703 HH 1/2, 429, 430, 439, 442, 453, 509 V351 Orionis, 701 HH 7-11, 495 V410 Tauri, 662, 667 HH 32, 433, 438, 640, 642 V773 Tauri, 395, 635, 714 HH 33, 440 V830 Tauri, 625, 626, 632 HH 34, 432, 437, 440, 442, 473, 475 V1057 Cygni, 668 HH 46/47, 430, 437, 453, 556 V1318 Cygni, 97 HH 88, 440 V1515 Cygni, 668 HH 111, 430, 438, 440, 442, 453 V1686 Cygni, 97 HH 211, 447 Vega (α Lyrae), 676, 721, 722 HH 212, 438, 510 VLA 1, 429, 442 VLA 1, 429 WL 12, 92 Supernova Remnants WSB 18, 395 Cassiopeia A, 564 YY Orionis, 644 Crab Nebula, 563 Quasars Cygnus Loop, 564 3C161, 34 Cygnus Superbubble, 568 IC 443, 565, 569 R Associations Lindblad Ring, 567 Canis Majoris R1, 106, 690 Local Bubble, 567 Cassiopeia R1, 106 Cepheus R1, 106 T Associations Cepheus R2, 106 Chamaeleon I/II/III, 103, 105 Monoceros R1, 106, 107 Lupus, 101, 110, 412, 579 Monoceros R2, 106, 363 NGC 1333, 98 Orion R1/R2, 106, 107, 113 Taurus-Auriga, 14, 97, 98, 100, 105, 110, Perseus R1, 106 411, 579, 617, 672 Scorpius R1, 106 TW Hydrae, 98, 675, 719 Subject Index α-disk models, 343 Artificial viscosity, 377 δ Scuti variables, 704 Associations, stellar, defined, 88 γ-radiation: production in molecular clouds, 185, Asymptotic giant branch, 24 187 Atomic cooling rates, 198 κ-mechanism, 703 Atomic envelope, of clouds: heating and cooling in, Λ-doubling, see hydroxyl 207, see also Atomic hydrogen Atomic hydrogen (HI) Absolute magnitude, defined, 16, 43 21 cm line profiles, 32, 34 Absorption of radiation, 45 as probe of magnetic field, 71 Accretion luminosity, defined, 320 associated with molecular clouds, 66 Accretion shock, 321 clouds, 34, 38 Activation barrier, 136 distribution in the Milky Way, 36 Adsorption of molecules, see dust grains energy levels, 33 Alfvén point, 465 in cold neutral medium, 40 Alfvén velocity, defined, 234 in external galaxies, 34 Alfvén waves, 275 ionization by cosmic rays, 188, 189 damping of, 289, 460 origin of 21 cm emission, 32 influence on stellar winds, 460 photoionization by high-mass stars, 520 torsional, 306 radio recombination lines from, 525 Alfvénic Mach number, defined, 234 scale height in the Milky Way, 40 Ambartsumian, V., 97 shells and supershells of, 567 Ambipolar diffusion, 262 temperature of, 34 during cloud collapse, 299 Atomic oxygen (OI) flux loss during, 282 emission, from stellar jets, 472 time scale for, 284, 286 emission, from T Tauri stars, 641 Ammonia (NH3), 10, 15 far-infrared emission from, 200, 208, 222, as probe of dense cores, 75, 151 520, 709 creation in molecular outflows, 453 fine-structure levels, 198 discovery of in space, 135 in cloud envelopes, 212 inversion transitions, 153, 172, 173 Autoionization of H2, 137 maser emission from, 497 rotational states, 152 Balmer continuum, 625 use in obtaining cloud density and tempera- Balmer series, 32, 36 ture, 171 Band head, of CO emission, 149 Antenna temperature, defined, 799 Barnard, E.
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