156 BROADCASTING BUSINESS YEAR BOOK 1938 1938 BROADCASTING BUSINESS YEAR BOOK 157 PROMINENT ADVERTISERS IN Prominent Advertisers 1n Australian Broadcasting (Continued.) Moffatt-Virtue Ltd., Sydney: Machin­ Bovril (Aust.) Ltd.: Bovril, 2GZ. AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING Faulding, F. H., Redfern: Perfumery, ery, 2GF, 2GZ. Brockhoffs (N.S.W.) Ltd., Glebe: 4BC. McGrath, John, Sydney: Tractors, Flour, 2HD, 2KO. Femalure Co. (R. B. Walton): Beauty 2DU. Brockhoff, Melbourne : Biscuits, 3A \¥, products, 2CA, 2NZ. Nitrogen Fertilisers, Sydney: Ferti­ 3GZ, 3KZ, 3SR, 3UL, 7BU, 7LA. Analysed by Products Advertised James and Anderson, Sydney: Max lisers, 3SR, GWB. Bushells Ltd., Sydney: Tea and coffee, Factor Cosmetics, 3KZ. Qualcast Pty., Ltd., Melbourne: Lawn 2AD, 2BH, 2CA, 2CH, 2DU, 2GF, Potter and Moore, Sydney : Perfumes, Mowers, 2CH, 4BU, 4TO, GIX, GML. 2GZ, 2HD, 2KO, 2LM, 2NZ, 2PK, 2KO, 3A W, GIX, 6WB, GML. Ronaldson Bros. and Tippett, Sydney : 2RG, 2TM, 3A W , 3BA, 3GL, 3KZ, All the particulars included in this section are derived from information supplied by commercial Ponds Extract Co., International Ltd., Farm machinery, 3UL. 3XY, 4A Y, 4BC, 4TO, 4ZR, 5DN, Cosmetics, 2CH, GIX, GWB. Sachs, E., and Co. : Saxon cream cans, 5KA, 6IX, 6WB, 7BU, 7HO, 7LA. broadcasting stations throughout Australia, and relate to broadcast advertising accounts on the respective Woods, W.E., Ltd., Sydney: Nivea stations during 1937. 4ZR. Celta Pty., Ltd., Sydney : Celta salt, Face Cream, 2AD, 2CH, 2LM. Shearer, David, Pyrmont: Machinery. 2CH, 2HD. Of the 90 commercial stations operating at the beginning of 1938 when a questionnaire was circulated Electrical and Household 2MO, 2TM. Cereal Foods Ltd., Sydney : Crispies, a total of 81 stations returned the questionnaires completed in part or fully. Of these stations 51 supplied Appliances. Waugh and Josephson, St. Peters : 2CH, 2GF, 2HD, 2LM, 2NZ, 2TM, lists of accounts broadcast over their respective stations during 1937 and from those lists the following Tractors, 2MO. 3SR, 3UL, 4A Y, 4MB. A.G.E., Sydney: Electrical goods, 4BC. Wolseley Machinery Co. Ltd., Sydney: Cereal Foods (W.A.) Ltd., Fremantle: compilatioq was made. It must be borne in mind that at least one leading station in Melbourne, three Aladdin Industries Pty., Ltd., Sydney: Machinery, 2GZ, 2NZ. Weeties, 6IX, GML. in Sydney and one in Brisbane did not supply lists of their 1937 accounts. However, as only those accounts Lamps, 2LM, 6WB. Cerebos Ltd., Sydney: Bisto, 3AW, using substantial air time over one station or spreading their allocation over a number of stations have B. G. E ., Sydney: Electrical products, Finance and Banking. 7BU, 7HT, 7LA. been extracted for publication in this list, a fairly comprehensive picture of broadcast advertising during 2BE, 2CH, 2GZ. Coleman-Keen (Aust.) Ltd., Redfern : Coleman Quick-Lite Co., Sydney: Amalgamated Cash Orders, Sydney: 1937 has resulted. Cash loans, orders, 3GL. Mustar~;l, 2BH, 2LM, 4BH, 4MB, Lamps, irons, 2GZ, 2LM, 2TM. 4RO, 4TO, GML, 7LA. Everyday Products Ltd., Sydney : Australian Fixed Trust Pty., Ltd., Syd­ ney: Finance, 2KO, 2UE, 2WL. Connell, John and Co., Sydney : Tea, Electrical goods, 2GZ. 2CA, 2GF, 2GZ, 2NZ, 2TM. One purpose of this section is to indicate at a glance from what in­ Hallstroms Pty. Ltd., Willoughby : Re­ Australian Mutual Provident Soc., Confectionery. Sydney: Insurance, 2BE. Defiance Milling Co.: Flour, 4BU. dustries and what sections of commerce broadcast advertising business flows. frigerators, 2TM. Douglass, W. C. Pty., Ltd., Sydney: The station call-signs after each I isted advertiser and product show at Ace Chewing Sweets, Melbourne : Healing, A. G., Ltd., Sydney: Refrig­ Commercial Discounters Pty., Ltd., Sydney: 5KA. Flour and groceries, 2GZ, 2HD, 2KO, least so·me of the stations used, according to information supplied by those Chewing gum, 2CH, 3XY, 5DN, 5KA, erators, 2CH. 2LM, 2TM, 2WL, 4BC. stations. 6IX, 6ML. Moffatt-Virtue, Sydney: Electrolux Commonwealth Bank, Sydney : Loans, 2TM, 3KZ, 4MB, GAM, 6PM. Eck's Aerated Waters, Croydon : Cor­ The 1937 account listings of these 51 stations represent in the aggre­ Allen, A. W . Ltd., Melbourne: Sweets, refrigerators, 2LM, 2NZ. dials, 3AW. 2CH, 2HD. Commonwealth Bank of Australia, gate a substantial number. The total of national accounts entered over Philips Lamps (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., Syd­ Farmer, Geo. Ltd., Melbourne : Hams, the 51 stations reached 2,173, and accounts under the heading of "local Hoadleys (Aust.) Ltd., Melbourne: ney: Lamps, 2CA, 2GZ, 2KO, 2MW, Sydney: Banking service, 6WB. Commonwealth t.oan: Finance, 2DU. GIX, 6ML. expending £100 or more," reach 1,745. Sweets, 2TM, 3XY, 6ML. 3AW , GIX, GML. Fielder, Geo. and Co., Sydney: Flour, Life Savers, · Fitzroy, Melbourne : Pyrox Pty., Ltd., Sydney: Hot water Mutual Life and Citizens Assoc., Syd­ ney: Assurance, GAM, 6PIVI. 2TM. Automobiles, Accessories, etc. 4MB, 4RO, GAM , GIX, 6ML, GWB, Sweets, 3A W, 3XY, 4BH, 4BU, 5KA, systems, head light inserts, 2CH. Fleming and Co., Melbourne: Crea­ 7BU, 7HO, 7LA, 70T. 6IX, 6ML, 7LA. Sachs, E . and Co. : Stoves, 2LM, 4IP, M.L.C., Sydney: Insurance, 2GZ. Bennett and Wood Pty., Ltd. : Acces­ N.S.W. Mont de Piete, Sydney: Loans, mota, 2CH, 3KZ, 7BU, 7UV. sories, 2WL. Exide Batteries (Aust.) Ltd., Sydney: McNiven's Ice Cream, Camperdown: 4MB, 4RO. Foggitt Jones Pty., Ltd., Sydney: Rex Ice Cream, 2KY. 3GL. Brico Pty., Ltd., Camperdown: Piston Batteries, 2AD, 2GZ, 2KO, 2LM, Standard Telephones and Cables, Syd­ products, 2CH, 2GZ, 2KO, 6IX, 6ML, MacRbbertsons, Melbourne : Sweets, N.S.W. Mont de Piete Co., Sydney: rings, 2GZ, 2NZ, 3SR, 3UL, 4A Y, 2NZ, 3SR, 7LA, 7UV. ney: Electrical appliances, 2MW. GWB. 3A W, 3KZ, 3XY, GIX, 6ML. Wilks, E. F., and Co. Ltd., Sydney: Finance, 2HD. 4BC, 4GR, 5KA, 6AM, 6PM. Impex Ltd., Abfd., Melbourne: Bat­ Foley Bros., Sydney: Butter, 2GZ. teries, 3SR. N.S.W. Fresh Food & Ice Co., Sydney: Electrical goods, 2GZ, 2KO. Rural Bank of N .S.W., Sydney: Bank­ Colman-Keen Ltd., Redfern : Car ing service, 2GZ, 2LM, 2NZ, 2TM. Fowler, D. and J., Perth : Groceries, Masse Batteries Ltd., Sydney: Bat­ Ice Cream, 2GZ. polish, 2GZ. Farm, Station, Gardening State Insurance, Sydney : Insurance, 5KA, GAM, 6IX, GPM , 6WB. teries, 2GF, 2HD, 2WL, 3KZ, 4GR, Nestle and Anglo-Swiss Condensed Dalgety and Co., Sydney: Cars, 2GZ. Equipment, etc. 4GR, 4TO. Guest, T . B. and Co., Melbourne: Bis­ 4MB, 4RO, 6AM, 6IX, 7LA. Milk Co., Sydney: Confectionery, cuits, 3AK. Dunlop Pedriau Rubber Co., Sydney : 2BH, 2GF, 2GZ, 2HD, 2KO, 2NZ, Alfa Laval Separator Co., Sydney: T . and G. Insurance Co. Ltd., Sydney : Tyres and rubber goods, 2GZ, 2HD, Sutherland, A.P.: Exide batteries, Insurance, 2HD, 6ML, 7HO. Groves McVitty and Co., Melbourne : 3UL. 2TM, 2WL, 3GL, 3KZ, 4IP, 4MB, Separators, 2GF. Custard powder, 3SR. 2KO, 2LM, 3KZ, 4BC, 5DN, GIX, 4PM, 4TO, 5DN, 6AM, GML, 6WB, A.R.C. Engineering Co., Sydney: Temperance and General Mutual Life GWB , 7LA. Vesta Batteries, Leichhardt: Bat­ Soc., Sydney: Assurance, 2CH. Gartrell White Ltd., Sydney : Cakes, teries, 4A Y. 7BU, 7HO, HIT, 7LA. Machinery, 2GZ. Ford Co. (Aust.) Ltd., Homebush: 2WL. Widdis Diamond Dry Cells, Mel­ Peters American Delicacy Co., Syd­ Australian Fertilizers, Sydney: Ferti­ Grocery Distributors Pty., Ltd., Mel­ Cars, 3A W, GML. ney: Ice Cream, 2CH, 2HD, 2KO, lizer, 2TM. Food and Groceries. General Motors-Hold ens Ltd. : Cars. bourne: Batteries, 2BH, 2GF, 2GZ, bourne: Groceries, 6ML. 2TM, 2WL, 3SR, 3UL, 4GR, 4MB, 3XY, 6ML, 6PM, 6WB, 7BU, 7HO, Australian Reinforced Concrete Eng. Adams, G. E ., Ltd., Sydney: Cakes, Gibson, J. A. D. and Co., Sydney : Tea, 2GZ, 3SR. 7LA. Co., Sydney : Fencing, 2TM. 4TO. H ardie Trading Co., Sydney : Car 4RO, 4TO, 5DN, GIX, GML, GWB, 2HD, 2UW, 2WL, 7LA. 7BU, 7LA. Small and Co., Stanmore: Sweets, Buzzacott and Co. Ltd., Sydney: Sta­ Anderson, A. W., Sydney : Sausages, Hansens: Junket tablets, 4BU, GMI. polish, 4TO. 2HD. tion supplies, 2GZ. 2MO. Reckitts (Oversea~ Ltd., Redfern : Willard Batteries, Sydney : Batteries, Highfield Tea Co. , Brisbane: Tea, 4RO. 2AD, 2WL. Sydney Confectionery Ltd., Newtown: Cyclone Fence Co., Abfd., Melbourne: Angliss, W. M.. Sydney: Foodstuffs. Honey Board: Honey, 2CH, 2KO, 4BC, Karpol, 2HD, 4A Y, 6ML. Sweets, 2GZ. Fences, 3SR, 3UL. 2BH, 2CH, 2KO, 3AK, 4BC, 5DN, Smith Sons and Rees Pty., Ltd., Syd­ GIX , GWB. 7UV. Bicycles. Wrigleys Ltd., Rosebery: Chewing Dangar, Gedye and Malloch Ltd., Syd­ GAM, 6IX, GML, 6WB, 7BU, 7LA, Hughes, E. Griffith : Salt, 4A Y. ney: Spark plugs, 2CA. ney: Machinery, 2GZ, 2NZ, 2TM. Elliott Bros., Melbourne: Cycles, 2BH. Gum, 2BH, 2CH, 2GZ, 2KO, 2LM, 7QT. Hutton, J . C. Pty., Ltd., Sydney: Stack and Co. , Sydney: Pontiac cars, 2TM, 2WL, 3KZ, 4IP, 4RO, 6AM, Elder Smith and Co., Sydney: Shear­ Apple and Pear Board : Fruit, 2CH, 2WL, 6IX, 6WB. Healing, A. G. Ltd., Sydney : Cycles, Sauce, 3UL. 2CH. 6IX, GWB, 7HT, 7LA. ing plants, 6AM. 4BC. Hodgson and Co. Ltd., Sydney: Ally Studebaker Cars, Sydney: Cars, 6IX, Farmers and Graziers, Sydney: 2TM. Arnott, William, Homebush: Biscui':s , 6ML. Small, Bruce Pty., Ltd., Chippendale: Cosmetics, etc. salmon, 2HD, 2KO, 5KA. Goldsborough Mort, Sydney: Wool­ 2CA 2GZ, 2TM, 7BU, THO. Ireland, J . and Co.: Groceries, 2LM, Robert Ushers and Sons, Sydney : Malvern Star cycles, 2BE, 2BS, Amalgamated Drug and Cosmetic Co .. presses, 2MO. Barnes, J., Sydney : Globex, 2KO, 2TM. Adson car polish, 2GZ. 2CH, 2GZ, 2LM, 3A W , 4BU, 4MB, Pyrmont: Cosmetics, 4BC. Grazcos, Sydney : Machinery, 2GZ. GIX, GML, 6WB. 4BU, 6TX, 6ML. Bourjois Et Cie (Aust.) Ltd., Syd­ Hardie Rubber Co. Ltd., Sydney : Inglis Ltd., Sydney: Tea, 2GZ, 2HD, Batteries, etc. Barnes Bacon Co. Ltd., Sydney: 6IX, GML. Chandler, J .B. and Co. : Diamond bat­ Cleaners and Dyers. ney: Cosmetics, etc., 2HD, 5DN. Garden hose, etc., 2GZ, 2HD, 3SR, Bacon, 2WL. teries, 4ZR. Bush, W. J ., and Co., Sydney: Cos­ 4BC, 5KA, 6AM, GIX. Bengal Chutney Co. : Chutney, 2CH, Joyce Biscuits, Sydney : Biscuits, 2GZ, Brown's, Melbourne: Dry cleaning, metics, etc., 4BC, 6IX, 6ML, 6WB. 2TM. Clyde Engineering Co., Sydney: Bat­ 3SR.
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