University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Las Vegas Gazette, 1880-1886 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 4-10-1886 Las Vegas Daily Gazette, 04-10-1886 J. H. Koogler Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/lv_gazette_news Recommended Citation Koogler, J. H.. "Las Vegas Daily Gazette, 04-10-1886." (1886). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/lv_gazette_news/1099 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Las Vegas Gazette, 1880-1886 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. " . v ... ......... .T. LAS VEGASN. M., SATURDAY MORNING APRIL 10 1886 NO, 238 to Moberly last night for new men to order to that effect. Tb Brother- BT4SXISra 1880. ASSASSINS. fill tbrir placet, and this morning; hood of Engineers i strongly in sym- . i. ; , . - . vuoio sunca nuiu toat city eignteen pathy with the strikers." ?I there BROWNE & MANZANARES CO, swiichmen aod yardmen. They weie noway in which strike - tha at St. DeputyaMarshals at Loulg immediately stt . to work moving Louis be A.Á.&JHISE East St. can controlled?" sir, blockaded freight in the Wabash fío, .... - ..... ., ' none that I know of." Mr. Turner Fire on the Strikers and . - HAY yards aod everything is now moving left for Philadelphia at 4:30 p. m. - r '. --TBI LIVB- -. .' i r:; Kill Six Hen, ; alón as smoothly aa if there hid Mr. Powderly sent the fol'owins; , LAS YEaAS AND SOCORRO, N. M, never been a sttike. dispatch to Hon. A. G. Curtin at REÁLE STATE :: ... TO LOAN OS ... bT, Louis,. April 9. A crowd-o- f Washington : "Urge tba immediate Thrfe ol the Deputy, Xarthslj strikers formed at the deDOt 1 - relay in passage of the resolution to appoint; REAL ESTATE. Killed in Betarnby the JtfetSt.Louaatl:45o'clockthis after- a committee to investigate labor BUSINESS E8TABLI8HKO., HV5 noon, and advanó, d in the direction eo9. INOOKPOKATED, tmprored and Unimproved Property of every , Eoragfld Strlkert, troubles in the southwest. ,The com- financial Aeai ior Capitalists, ls learrtouoa. lo every portuua e M olty of of the railroad yards to stop work by mittee should be at work now; the UtVtiu. the new men employed t oí-r- , Tba public hat a rixht to know who i to f , i c Business Lot to lew, ,,. were met by a tuard yf deputies, who blame in the matter.' Aftrrnding Co. Gramo AtC. aro CsrsR St. Uuslaoe Lots for eat , The OoTfrnor of ordered to . - Illinois Calls them disperse. Ihe mob reading the . Mr. r'owderly vaoAs, - . , BiutneM Hoasee for Sato, - aboé us Kiw araxioo. '' Out rrfu-e- d aud made a rush for the yard h Lou for Lease, the SUte Militia to adi'pat fromj St Louis, an- .. Residence Bob for Salo, - wben the deputies let eled their Win- nouncing tbe killing of AN1 .. 7 Order. f - . sis strikers 'JiPreserTe chesters and fired, killing of , AOS) wood Paying Buumm for Bel, sx the by deput es. j . A BFROtALTT w IN INTESTINO AHI .. j SO alONWT - . Two Large Ranches for Bain Chop, strikers. LOAM fOR EASTBRN CAPI- j Tatlevlng Aidersatea . tV a, County Korp Bought and 8old, , ' St. Louis, April 9.2:40 . m. tanet or whom i ravb a Lare Gold Mines Paring! for Sole, ', ' '. New York, April 9. Distrloi At- UXt or OUHRKBToXDRNTa. - Bribery I New York City- -r The d,rPutyguaids iondd . t .. Fine Faying Silver for Sale, ata at the t ) i kin ' torney Martin" today , General News of Interest LouuvUlu Nashville '. yards, near said Brj.dway, fired into a crowd of Waite has made statements i bave CNUSUAt tACIMTlKS to tbe - which rVB8riATIO( ofTITLES andaTH oROUGM a ca Ar::c. From All Points. three s implicate a great muy men, KNOWLROOR - Lshorlng meaviricscan parchase dproperty aa hundred riaers about 2:30 of tbe PKOPLÍ. enabllns- n of o'o ocle including all of the twenty wo alder- tosaake INVRSTMRNta of all kinds, suchas on aionthly Installment Ineteed of paying rut this alternoon. Five men RANCH, RK men i who. voted for the- - Broadway the purobaie of URANT and C1TT thai which eaa strut ba returned NT. ) and one woman was shot. LOANS C HI "'-- bar-ga- Thre PKOeKRTr.andmaktna for t Jobbers of and "Wholesale Dealers in r: Don't pay rant. Com and look oar la COIfalatESaiORAL- - out-iae- r, al moo were killed and the . woman is irancoi8e. une ans'iiu'ery, TA LHTS to bettor aUVANTAQB toma tbey t'ii on the inatallnwal plan. five ean t supposed be mortally and tour or 'others, iu(.:rexeneliy. for TUBMSfcLVIS. i KNA'C. to wounded. There la a raad before NEW ' . r , 7 - As to the whereabouts future .! The killed are : I'at Bristol, em of the men IOO Bust la besinnlns to look up rap-il. 1.!: :':. CASH WILL ALSO Washington, April 9. Wtos-- names have ea Senator ploye ol tne wa.er works aud been .connected idly. No la tbe time to make iavestme. ta be- Bay too property at tba Tary lowest market Ingalls, by request, intro nota witn this ana r, Hrenaa and Malouey fore price ad vanos too high price. Wa alao ear many apeeutl bargain in ducod a bill t provide for the striker; User Worthing on, a painter; There haa been a marked tmprorament la I believe are in Cana la; Miller is in SO nal estat far below i bal r caaa ralue. a board John Bohman, a water woms laborer, REAI ESTATE durbur th6 paat daya, and of of arbitratioo to Florida and I think Dempsey is there, there la no doubt the oomlnv sprint will wit- notastiiker; Myer hvenmann, r- - r examine and settle differences be- rhi mostc-rtai-il- y ness a sharp In REAL EaTATE.When -- but I should adran 'I in the head and hiu d r, will prob ais; like thoswhomadlnreiaMntalBp.opaTtr will i tween rt'lr.tadi and their employes.' to kn-i- where he is. B RANCH SUPPLIES ab e; Mis. J.ihu Pheiff r, shot thmsn,. I reap a rloh reward Tbe Washington Tcrri t o rv admis yd in .. .. - A.A.&J.H.WISE the back probably una. rsirtno, na not oeoanere uno Tae iDoomln- tide of bat loess Improvement sion bill was then placed before tne and wounded: an oinnlng to b feltend will eau a aeou-In- e w. a this inyes uation begtn, and I am year. Now 1 me ' sen te the- - unknown man thot at the bridg boom the oomlnf th Outfitting Goods, pending question being he for Gernia-r- I Kilning Implements and Materials. a ne crowd no at- t ill railed several to Invest. "A bint to the wise sufflotent." COR. 6TB DOUGLAS' on lur i.usus ptopo e amenament ap.roain. made I I AVE FOR 8AL oneef the best paying - fir.-- months ag i. Delacy,' d believe i tack on the yaids as t n't Opposite too new rown Stone Optra Houaa. limn in g i he light of suffrage in the at run away. A well a.tab lahd maautaoturlng enterprise la reported but were nd-in- g ns to tne others the Torrltory. an be bougnt to an adrantage. proposed new state st y NOTARY PUBLIC. to qualified male his to say, I bel i we that I H V - FOR SAUH on or the best Ousinass - electors. i on the Cahoka bridge on nerc'n theoity, renUog for SO per oent oa LA9 VEGA8. N. N. & all those meo who o id not ; go away r Butler said be would vote near the Louiavil a Nashville arde, lb Inrestment je rin at the yuard-- , when, witnout rigi a1 y will he here when warned. I HAVB F 'R SALE an elegant piece of resi- againxt tne amendment. : l My noneat dence property in aa exoellent neighborhood, appar. prov. conviction lsihattheie I FLDllR,EMl,ffliffl IIoQuaid & 8. nt caton, the d puties paying SS par on the Investment. Lallarr Berk lavored the amend w. re twentv-t- o that cent vol-l- s. lust laldeimen to,"0u 10 le.ele tr ir riües I a business opening foi to ' - : s ment si'OVe in and died two hre :,. vs. i í. r-r- S'í , and us support. mi xd up in ihe bribery business, and 000 thai I absolutely safe, and will pay from ; t i The crowd iminediUe y -- Senator Tell' r har.ly expected some ou aiders, who a a involve to to St oer eenl n the CONTRACTORS ed, in all di ctions, I, ac TO BANUH AND CATTLE INVESTORS, 1 and BUILDERS that the senator , ft om, nmoing and Kentucky cording to tne evidence airead floe for U pay Blasting Powder, Higlv Exulosives, Fuse, Etc1 any the deputies ran over the Ca ok a in hare stocked ranoh aale that wi TIMATE I GIVBN OK wouia nve iniown oirttc e' in our posse sion. I imght add that we a Isrr latenstt o the inreatmeut. Come and i4 PLANS. bridge, holding ihe r rides and flung lnrett-men- u the wav ot the peop'e bc ming citi- nave evidem e or corrupuoa and bri see my list ot gram, r ioh and oattls Tho Boat Majket ''. FmtTCBa TJrHOUTino RkraiHKD zens of the Uiiitrd Ptat s to thei re teat. t hen it was before purohaslna; ltwhare. in th terf'prTfór.'.y.í'. ad Jithat known i.y the ttrik. rs the be y in c nnection with oth r fran I HAB the largest line of rent, improved senator were now in hi own countiy that suaroi i Br-sjiwa- and unimproved property tor sals to be found Al SO GENERAL JOBIING, i chises h nit bat o the rail- very-muo- h ad fled, tha former r, la th elty.
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