TABLE Section 7 PHILOSOPHIE DU LANGAGE PHILOSOPHY OF LANGUAGE SPRACHPHILOSOPHIE - FILOSOFIA DEL LENGUAJE A Puzzle aBout the Illocutionary Aspect of Meaning .......................... 9 J.R. Cameron, England Sprachphilosophie, Semiotik und Semiologie............................................ 11 Peter Engleman, A utriche Chomsky’s Innatism and the Social Nature of L anguage .......................... 19 Janos Kelemen, H ungary The ImpossiBility of Quine’s Indeterminacy T heory ................................ 22 Duncan Macintosh, Canada Are Speaking and Meaning Evaluative A ctiv ities?................................. 26 Alexander Matthews, Zim babwe Examining UmBerto Eco’s Theory of S em iotics....................................... 31 Nicholas J. Moutafakis, USA Frege on Indexicals ............................................................................. 36 Kazuyuki Nomoto, Japan Speech Act Performance and Description ............................................. 42 Audun 0fsti, N orw ay Rorty, Wittgenstein, and the Nature of Intentionality ................................ 47 Douglas B., Rasmussen, USA 872 Section 8 PHILOSOPHIE DES SCIENCES - PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE PHILOSOPHIE DER WISSENSCHAFTEN - FILOSOFIA DE LAS CIENCIAS Humanization of Physics............................................................................. 55 Ivanka Apostolova, Bulgaria Zu Poppers Begriff der W issenschaftstheorie....................................... 58 Nikolaos Avgelis, Grèce Réalisme conceptuel et réalisme épistém ique ........................................ 62 Arturo Carsetti, Italie La Genèse du concept de l’action intégrative du système nerveux. 66 Élie Feuerwerker, Pierre Couillard, Yvon Gauthier, M ontréal ¿Una ética oBjetiva?................................................................................... 69 Jorge Estrella, Chile The Empirical and the Rational in AlBert Einstein’s Work. 74 DP. GriBanoc, USSR Connaissance scientifique et connaissance pré-scientifique : continuité ou rupture? ................................................................................ 78 Maurice Gagnon, Canada Game Theory, Rationality, and Free Will............................................. 82 Malcom Forster, Canada Quanta, Randomness, and E xplanation ....................................................... 86 Martin E. Gerwin, Canada Science, Freedom and Em ancipation .................................................... 92 Peter P. Krischenmann, H olland Notes Toward a Meta-Methodology of Science....................................... 97 Janet A. Kourany, USA Trois oppositions conceptuelles pour différencier des proBlématiques en épistémologie.............................................................. 102 Normand Lacharité, Canada Selection Models and the Darwinian Theory of Natural Selection . 108 ElisaBeth A. Lloyd, USA 873 Kulturwissenschaft und U to p ie ................................................................ 112 H erta N agl-D ocekal, A utriche Eine Materialistische Interpretation des Dings an sic h ........................... 117 Sava Petrov, Bulgarie Necessity and Accident in Scientific Discoveries...................................... 121 V.V. Pilipenko, USSR On the IncommensuraBility of Superseding Physical Theories 124 Azaria Polikarov, Bulgaria The Materialistic Mentalism of R.W. Sperry ....................................... 128 Charles Ripley, Canada Zur philosophischen Relevanz gegenwärtiger physikalischer Grundlagenforschung ....................................................................... 133 U lrich RöseBerg, A llem agne Le Général et le spécifique dans la connaissance sociale .......................... 138 M.N. Roukevitch, URSS Die Wissenschaft als Wert und der Wert der Wissenschaft .... 143 V ladim ir Rum i, Tchécoslovaquie Scientific Method and Creativity in S c ie n c e ............................................ 147 Yu. V. Sachkov, USSR The Concept of Scientific Progress: Logical-Methodological Analysis .................................................... 151 Vadim N. Sadovsky, USSR Tachyons and Causal Theories of S pace-T im e ....................................... 155 John D. Collier and Steven Savitt, Canada Realism and Anti-Realism on the OBservation/Theory Dichotomy. 160 Stuart Silvers, The N etherlands Quelques remarques sur la structure de l’argumentation darwinienne dans l’origine des e sp è c e s ............................................. 163 Olivia* SouBeyran, Canada 874 Section 9 ANTHROPOLOGIE ET PSYCHOLOGIE PHILOSOPHICAL ANTHROPOLOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY PHILOSOPHISCHE ANTHROPOLOGIE UND PHILOSOPHISCHE PSYCHOLOGIE ANTROPOLOGIA Y PSICOLOGIA Gnoseology and Cultural Crisis On the Expansion of Everyday Consciousness................................ 173 N.S. Avtomova, USSR Violence and S o ciaB ility ...................................................................... 176 George Bozonis, Greece Qu’est-ce que la psychologie?................................................................ 181 Claude M.D. Braun, Canada La masse, c’est l’avenir de l’hom m e .................................................... 187 Johannes Gasser, Suisse Die Bedeutung des Todesphänomens für die philosophische Anthropologie .............................................................................. 193 Peter Kampits, A utriche Paul Ricoeur on Freud: SymBol and the Language of Desire . 198 Thomas R. Koening, USA Proving Unconscious Mental Activity: Concept Formation and Reconstruction in Psychology .......................................................... 203 Donald Levy, USA Heidegger and L a c a n .............................................................................. 207 Angel Medina, USA Language and World View Re-approaching the Whorf H ypothesis.............................................. 214 Mara Miller, USA L’Idée de créer une conception intégrale de l’homme............................... 218 A.G. Myslivtchenko, URSS On Asking a Question ....................................................................... 223 W. Kim Rogers, USA 875 Intériorisation........................................................................................... 227 A. Shalom, Canada Welt und Umwelt des menschlichen Daseins....................................... 233 Shin-ichi Yuasa, Japon Section 10 MÉTAPHYSIQUE - METAPHYSICS METAPHYSIK - METAFISICA Hume and Edwards on ‘Why is There Something Rather Than Nothing?’ ................................................................. 241 Michael B. Burke, USA Realismo metafisico interiorista .................................................... 246 AlBerto Caturelli, Espagne Philo on the God c i Religion .......................................................... 249 Houghton B. Dalrymple, USA APXH in Aristotle’s Metaphysics ................................................... 254 Constantin Georgiadis, Canada Aristotle on the ConvertiBility of One and Being ........................... 259 Edward Halper, USA Re-evaluating Deconstruction ........................................................... 264 Irene E. Harvey, France Max Scheler’s Metaphysics and Theory of Culture .......................... 268 Ted Krasnicki, Canada Philosophy and Myth: A Semiotic Analysis............................................. 274 Jam es JakóB Liszka, USA Le Concept de mythe chez Vincente Ferreira da Silva .......................... 279 Constança Marcondes Cesar, B résil Sur la PossiBilité de faire de la métaphysique aujourd’hui .... 282 Francisco José Martinez Martinez, Espagne A Skeleton Key to the A ctualism o of Giovanni Gentile .... 285 Grace Natoli, USA 876 Some Metaphysical ProBlems in a New L ight........................................... 291 Elena Panova, Bulgaria Metaphysics and A nti-M etaphysics.................................................... 295 Gerhard A. Rauche, S. A Are Epistemology and Metaphysics Identical?...................................... 301 DoBrin Spassov, Bulgaria Métaphysique notionnelle et métaphysique ré e lle ............................... 305 Jan Wolters, Pays-Bas Images of Science and Metaphysics of Physicalism andBiologism ..................................................................................... 310 N.S. Yulina, USSR Section 11 PHILOSOPHIE DE LA RELIGION - PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION RELIGIONSPHILOSOPHIE - FILOSOFIA DE LA RELIGION Religionsphilosophie - zum ProBlem, einer philosophischen Legitimation................................................................. 317 Alexius J. Bucher, BRD Early Indian Buddhism and the Nature of Philosophy .... 322 Shirley Chatalian, N igeria Presence, Religious Experience and C o n v ictio n ................................. 327 Harold A. Durfee, USA Faith — Themes in Wittgenstein and Kierkegaard................................. 331 Michael P. Hodges, USA Thomas Merton’s Imitation of Chuang Tzu ....................................... 337 Cyrus Lee, USA Hume On Miracles: The Coalescence of the A Priori with the A Posteriori Argument ................................................... 340 Michael Philip Levine, USA ÜBer die methodologischen Prinzipien einer möglichen Religionstypologie ........................................................................ 345 Joseph Lukács, Hongrie 877 Interiority and Intellection: Fundaments for a Philosophy of Religion....................................... 349 Alice Ramos, Spain For and Against G o d ........................................................................ 353 Godfrey B. Tangwa, Nigeria Section 12 ÉTHIQUE - ETHICS - ETHIK - ETICA Moral Implications of Coercion.........................................................
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