* | Punjab State Road Sector Project Services for Project Preparatory Studies Public Disclosure Authorized Consultancy for Package III (Phase I) 0 * Final Design Report 0 ~~KASHP,MIRVOANMD El 370 . * wVOL. 8 Public Disclosure Authorized 0 A * K I S T A N VmA A~~~~,. .>'* Public Disclosure Authorized * July 2006--? u, * ~~~~RAJASTHAN , * 07 BCEO I,I ,,SRtPRIVTALMT DFadSDCN SLAT * Environment*-1 P AnKcISheImpact TPAk Ne\rn@w AssessmentDeh - 101 * Volume V (Part A) 0& Public Disclosure Authorized *July 2006 0 * BC EOM BCEOM SOCIETE FRANCAISE D'INGENIERIE JV AARVEE ASSOCIATES ~In association with 0 BCO INI PRVT LIIE-n D OSLAT S.1 acselPr,NwDli-101 0 0 0 0 l v 10 0 0 0 I I0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I0 0 0 0 0_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BCEOMin J withAARVEE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTASSESSMENT (VOLUME V-A). EXECUTIVE SUMMRY July 2006 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A.1 PROJECT BACKGROUND The Government of India has requested the assistance of the World Bank for the improvement and rehabilitation of State Highways, Major District Roads and Other District Roads in the State of Punjab. A Strategic Option Study (SOS), carried out for the Public Works Department (PWD), has prioritised road sections for improvement from the 1698 km of State Highways (SH), Major District Roads (MDR) and Other District Roads (ODR). The major criteria used for selection in SOS are restricted carriageway width and /or pavement conditions which result in capacity constraints for the high volumes of traffic carried by the roads, and also consider the connectivity of the roads. The upgrading works will consist mainly of (a) raising the formation level (b) widening to two lane from the existing intermediate-lane width, (c ) providing paved shoulders in the case of two lane roads and (d) pavement strengthening. Certain road stretches may also require upgrading to four-lane, and provision of drains, service roads, sidewalks, and pedestrian crossings and parking where required. At a few locations, new alignment (by- passes) and/or re-alignment may also be necessary. A.2 PROJECT ROADS The project roads are mainly in the South-East districts of Punjab State connecting major cities Patiala, Malerkotla and Ludhiana. The project roads comprise four different sections namely; 1) Patiala-Sirhind, MDR-31, 2) Kharar-Landran-Banur-Tepla, ODR-4 & 18) Phillaur-Nagar, ODR-5 and 4) Ludhiana-Malerkotla, SH- 11. The project roads total 115 km of priority sections as listed in Table A.1 and shown on the project location map in Figure 1.1 (next page). Table A.1: List of Project Roads S No. Name of the Road Section District Length 1 Patiala - Sirhind, MDR-31 Fategarh Sahib/Patiala 30 km 2 Kharar - Landran - NH-64 (Banur) , ODR 4 Ropar 39 km NH-64 (Banur) -Tepla/Rajgarh, ODR 18 Patiala 3 Phillaur - Nagar (Crossing of Mukundpur-Apra Jalandh 6 km Road), ODR 5 Jalandhar 6 km 4 Ludhiana- Ahmedgarh - Malerkotla, SH-I I Ludhiana/Sangrur 40 km *Total 115 km A.3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Package III of phase I of Punjab State Road Sector Project involves upgrading of 115 km of road with 4 road sections. Patiala-Sirhind section of (30 km) is proposed for pavement rehabilitation. Ludhiana-Malerkotla section (40 km) is proposed to be upgraded from Consultancy Servicesfor Project PreparatoryStudies Package 3 Phase I Page I of 15 Punjab State Road Sector Project FinalDesign Report BCEOI in JPVirjith AARVEE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTASSESSMEVT(VOLUME V-A). EXECUTIVE SUMMARY July 2006 existing two lane carriageway to four lane carriageway. Kharar-Landran section (9.3 kin) is proposed to be upgraded from two lane carriageway to four lane and Landran-Banur-Tepla (30.6km) from the narrow 5.5m intermediate carriageway to full 2 lane with 2.5m wide paved shoulders for 30.6 km. Phillaur- Nagar section (6 km) will be upgraded from 5.5/ 7m carriageway to 7 in carriageway with paved shoulders. All the Project roads, pass through small and large village areas. The project roads fall in Patiala, Fatehgarh Sahib, Jalandhar, Rupnagar, Ludhiana, and Sangrur districts of Punjab State. The envisaged land acquisition for the project is about 30.00 hectares, of which the major area of the land is required for the Gill and Pohir bypasses of the Ludhiana- Malerkotla section. A.4 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF THE PROJECT The detailed design of the project has been closely coordinated with the preparation of this Environmental Impact Assessment Report and the Environmental Management Plans. The EA preparation led to identification of potential negative environmental impacts and their feasible remedial measures (including avoidance, mitigation and enhancements). Based on * these findings Environmental Management Plans (EMPs) have been prepared for the implementation for each construction package. The EMPs detail the potential negative impacts and list specific mitigation measures that are required to be included and will formn the part of the Contract documents between the Contractor and the Client. A.5 THE STUDY METHODOLOGY Environmental Screening and Scoping Environmental screening exercise of the projects roads were undertaken to determine the major environmental issues and define the scope of work for conducting environmental assessment. As per the recommendation of the Environmental Screening report, detailed Environmental Assessment has been carried out for the project roads. Geographical Boundaries for the project roads were defined as Direct Impact ZoneI and project influence area2 to assess the impacts due to project activities. Roadside features like roadside religious structures, educational institutions, medical amenities, water bodies, etc. on which impacts of road improvement are generally confined up-to ROW, whereas, Direct impact zone especially for roadside trees is limited upto toe line of the proposed road cross section. 2 For identification of impacts of road improvement on the sensitive & nationally/ regionally important environmental features like eco- sensitive areas (reserve forests, national parks, sanctuaries, bio-sphere reserves, sacred groves, protected areas, wetlands, major rivers etc.), cultural heritage & archaeological sites, as well as for defining general environmental setup like topography, climate, air, water & noise quality etc. the project influence area (or the study corridor) has been defined as the area falling within 7 km on either side of the project roads. However, for the roadside features like roadside religious structures, educational institutions, medical amenities, water bodies, roadside trees etc. on which impacts of road improvement are generally confined within few meters of the ROW, the project influence area has been taken as 100 m on either side ofthe project road. Consuiltancy Servicesfor ProjectPreparatory Studies Package 3 PhaseI Page 2 of 15 Puinjab Slate Road Sector Project Final Design Report BCEOVI in JV wiith AARVEE ENVIRONMENTAL IAfPACTASSESSMEN'T (VOLUMfE V-A): EXECUTIVE SUMMARY July 2006 Adopted methodologies for the project pointed out below: * Review Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework * Defining Geographical Boundaries * Surveys for Collection of Baseline Data * Testing and Monitoring * Assembly and Analysis of Data * Environmental Assessment of the Project * Community Consultations * Analysis of Alternatives * Assessment of Potential Impacts * Mitigation and Enhancement Measures Consultancy Services for ProjectPreparatory Studies Paci-age3 PhaseI Page 3 of 15 Punjab State Road Sector Project FinalDesign Report 0 BCEO,t in JVwi'izh AARVEE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTASSESSMENT (VOLUME V-A): EXECUTIVE SUMMARY July 2006 Punjab State Road Sector Project Consultancy Services for Project Preparatory Studies for Package 3 (Phiase I) ANDN KASHMIR -_J *~C ., PAKISTAN * -5- 0'tGUISUR 5 - GURDASSG UR HIMACHAL / ' ts PRADESH 0 * s ( Umlla~J i |I- * II Ii' '- 0 PAKISTAN H - r - * P A0cKAIDO I S T A *;FeR%/j -i -l - , I LU;I-1, *,-"RKPI3 \r'FtROZPURuM BCaao 'h.N -;GRKI ,R X-s' i -:1 3> ; ' -~~~- MUKTSAR *;, l TIlI N l )e -@h *Y .'L ..-... l ; , .- >^r- .Z 00 LegendHARYANA - 01L (t3National Highw.ay iI Sbtle Highn^ay *Olhser Roads P0 _ _ - - - Inlerolational Boulndary Project Roads -under Upgradation for Phase-I (115 kmn) *Stale Boundary Roads under Rehabilitation for Phase-II0I (254 kmn) GR --- ___ District Boundary . Railv,ay Line * i River * Project Location Map . Consultuncy Servicest for Project PreparatoryStudies Package 3 Phase I Page 4 of'15 Punjab State Road Sector Project FinalDesign Report BCEOM in JVwz'zthAARVEE ENV'IRONMENTAL IMPACTASSESSAIEVT(VOLUME Vm-A): EXECUTIVESUMMARY July 2006 A.6 POLICY, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK Review of the existing legislation, institutions and policies relevant to the Environmental Impact Assessment for Puiijab State Road Sector Project at the National and State levels are reviewed and identified the clearance requirement for the project at various stages of the project. The requirement obtaining the clearances for the project at project preparation stages are summarise in below table: Table A2: Clearance Requirement for the Project at Project Preparation Stage Si. Type of Required Applicability to the No. Clearance Description Project Govt. of India 1 EIA Clearance The EIA notification of MoEF (1994, 1997 & 2002) Not Applicable as No From MoEF, states: marginal land Govt of India Environmental Clearance from the MoEF is not Acquisition, no road is required for Highway project relating to improvement passing through ec- work including widening and strengthening of roads if sensitive area and bypass marginal land acquisition along the existing
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