FORMERLY HI Fl /STEREO REVIEW StQre JULY 1969 60 CENTS LABORATORY TESTS: TWELVE STEREO PHONO CARTRIDGES COMPOSERS AND THE ZODIAC*BASIC REPERTOIRE UPDATED ;76u 14 84Y 673,1 H 69r 3S/S LO H 9 CLd3S 96C7rib 792 ZWGZ ler500 -TX is the yen Tune it manually. Traditionalists can tune AM and FM stations in the normal way, with Fisher's SW% ultrasmooth flywheel drive. Or by push button. Preset your four favorite FM stations on the miniature dials. After that, tune to any one instantly, at the touch of a button... The station will be locked in electrically, so there'll be no drift. Or by AutoScan :~- Touch one of these two buttons and the next FM station up or down, the dial is automatically tuned in, dead center. Hold down either ' button and all FM stations up or It having to switch mendous sensitivity. (Usable sensitivity down the dial come in, one by one. the stereo mode. 1.7 microvolts.) And it has a highly se- >r -channel speaker lective crystal filter that lets you pull in emote speaker any - weak, distant stations located right next to stronger, local stations. In our tests If you connect a the 500 -TX was able to receive more you'll to able to clear stations than any other receiver or k, or both tracks, tuner, regardless of price. reo speakers with a And speaking of price, that's the best ion itor switch. feature of all. nisher 500 -TX has It costs less than other, less power- le connection of an ful, less versatile, less sensitive receivers. id an extraordinary It's $449.95. (Walnut cabinet, your stereo sound. $22.95. Prices slightly higher in the Far Or by remote control.. ler for details.) West.) With this optional accessory the 500 -TX. (the Fisher RK-30, $9.95) e about the Fisher * 190 watts -t1dB at 8 ohms. Other receivers that claim big power are nearly always you can operate the AutoScan low. rated at 4 ohms. Their power into normal tremendous power 8 -ohm speaker systems is actually less. from your easy chair or bed. 500 -TX offers tre- CIRCLE NO. 26 ON READER SERVICE CARD The 190 -watt Fisl world's mostyen IIII I titl 1 It 88 90 92 94 ¶6 98 100 102 104 106 108 :9 55 93 65 70 80 0IIII] 110 120 140 160 You'll be able to do more things with mono speaker withot Mail this coupon the new Fisher 500 -TX than with any the receiver out of for your free copy of The Fisher Handbook, 1969 other receiver in nistory. Simply use the cent( j edition.This reference guide In addition to being able to choose connection to feed a r to hi-fi and stereo also your favorite FM station manually, or where in your home! includes detailed information on all three ways automatically, the 500 -TX And there's mcr( Fisher components. lets you control speakers throughout stereo tape recorder Fisher Radio Corporation 11-35 45th Road your home. monitor either trac Long Island City,N.Y.111O1 1 You can set up, and control, a center - through both your ste II channel speaker in your main stereo set- special mode/tape n Name up. Plus, you can set up remote stereo And more. The speakers in another room and listen to facilities for the simp Address it just the rernote speakers. Or just the accessory that will ac II City State Zip main stereo system. Or all at the same reverberation effect t( 0207691 11 time. (Ask your Fisher dea Plus, since the 500 -TX delivers an Other features of enormous 190 watts into an 8 -ohm load, There's even mor The Fisher you'll have enough power to feed still an- 500 -TX you should kr other pair of stereo remote speakers. In addition to its PRICFT. SI IGHTLY 111,111 R IN THE EAR WEST. Plus, you can feed a single, remote and versatility, the Do this. Or dothis. Or dothis. Or do this. 14P1 ,,f ccc cc IP'I 6 11/11 11:41101,1 yurlsn2niv'TS "DNII "03 DNIGNIii A:11VMM SEMOG Aq punog State of the art in automatic turntables. Be critical. Motors: 3 types -2 good -1 better The Induction Motor ... most popular, The Synchronous Motor ...correct The Synchro-Lab MoterTbf... perfect least accurate. Most automatic turn- speed, incorrect choice. At first glance speed, perfect ch Ace. A motor that com- tables are built around induction mo- the ideal turntable motes would seem k bines high staring torque and synchro- tors. Some are given special names be the conventional synchronous type nous speed accuracy has obviously (usually describing their pole structure This rotor never "slips' to affect turning been needed. The Garrard Laboratories or starting torque). When well designed accuracy because it is locked it to tEe designed the Synchro-Lab Motor to and manufactured, they have high start- precise 60 -cycle frequency of the power meet these needs, by combining the ad- ing torque ... get the platter up to full supply. Turning speed cannot vary vantages of loth types of motors. This speed quickly ... and are relatively free when voltage fluctuates ... when room new synchronous motor reaches the cor- from rumble. But, the rotor of the in- and/or motor temperatures change . rect speed instantly and locks in to the duction motor "slips" in relation to the or when record loads increase. How- 60 -cycle cursent... no matter how the magnetic field and varies the motor's ever, the conventional synchronous mo- power line vdtage varies ... or the tem- speed with changes in power line volt- tor also has its drawbacks. Startirg perature changes . .. or now many rec- age, turntable load and temperature. torque and running power are often tec. ords you play at one time. For the many Under less than ideal conditions, as in low. And, to increase the torque ar_d people whose musical senses are easily your home, these speed changes can power means to increase noise arc distressed by variations in pitch, the raise or lower not just the tempo, but rumble levels ... and involves dispro- Synchro-Lab Motor will be a constant the pitch of your recorded music. portionately high expense. assurance of listening pleasure. There are, of course, other benefits which stem from the Synchro-Lab Motor, notably the elimination of the need for variable controls to obtain proper speed, and of heavy turntables which tend to cause rumble through accelerated wear on the important center bearing over a period of use in your home. The Synchro-Lab Motor powers five Garrards, priced from $59.50 to $129.50 for the SL 95 Automatic Tran- scription Turntable shown above. These units incorporate other Garrard -engineered innovations such as anti -skating compensation; cueing and pause controls; highly advanced, low -mass tonearm systems. Feature -by -feature descriptions of all models are to be found in a com- plimentary Comparator Guide. Let ns send you one. Write Garrard, Dept. AG59, Westbury, N.Y. 11590. World's Finest StFORMERLY HI FI/STEREO REVIEW ereoReview JULY 1969 VOLUME 23 NUMBER 1 THE MUSIC SERIOUS MUSIC-AND ALL THAT JAZZ! A review of a new book by Henry Pleasants DON Fl ECKMAN 34 THE BASIC REPERTOIRE Updatings and Second thoughts for 1960 MART IN BOOKSPAN 38 THE SANG PRIZE FOR MUSIC CRITICISM Winners Eric Salzman and Michael Steinberg discuss their craft 64 STELLAR COMPOSERS AND MUNDANE ASTROLOGY A disquisition on relations between music and the spheres ROBERT OFFERGELD 68 THE PERSISTENCE OF ELVIS Still with us fifteen years later DON H ECKMAN 112 THE EQUIPMENT NEW PRODUCTS A roundup of the latest high-fidelity equipment 18 AUDIO QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Advice on readers' technical problems LARRY KLEIN 22 AUDIO BASICS How Many Speakers? HANS H. FANTEL 28 LABORATORY TESTS OF TWELVE STEREO CARTRIDGES Full reports on current models JULIAN D. HIRSCH AND GLADDEN B. HOUCK 57 INSTALLATION OF THE MONTH "Inspired" Stereo WILLIAM Wol I IM 67 TAPE HORIZONS Live versus Recorded CRAIG SrARK 121 THE REVIEWS BEST RECORDINGS OF TIIE MONTH 75 CLASSICAL 79 ENTERTAINMENT 107 STEREO TAPE 119 THE REGULARS EDITORIALLY SPEAKING WILLIAM ANDERSON 4 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 6 GOING ON RECORD JAM s GOODERIEND 30 INTRODUCING THE STAFF: ERIC SAI.ZMAN JAMES GOODERIEND 104 ADVERTISERS' INDEX; PRODUCT INDEX 124 COVER: PHOTO BY BRUCE PENDLETON: DESIGN BY BORYS I'ATCHOWSKY Copyright ©1.969byZiff -Dads Publishing Comnany.Allrightsreserved.Stereo Review, July,1969, Volume 23, Number I.Published monthly at 3(17 North Michigan Ave., Chicago. Illinois 601101, by Ziff -Davis Publishing Company-also the publishers of Airlinehi:in:teen...tit anti Marketing, Boating. Business & Commercial Aviation. Car and Driver. Cycle. Electronics %%Mild. Flying. Modern Bride. Popular Electronics, Popular Photography, Skiing, Skiing Area News, Skiing Trade News, and Travel illeekly. One year subscription rate for U.S.. U.S. Possess oils anti Canada. 80.1111;all other countries. $7.00. Secord El:1,s postage paid at Chicago. Illinois and at additional mailing offices. Authorized as second class mall by the Post Office Department, Ottawa. Canada. and for paynrent of postage in cash. SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE: Forms 3576 anti till subscription correspondence should be addressed to Stereo Review, Circulation Department. Portland Place. Boulder. Colorado 80302. Please allow atleast sin weeks for change of address. Include your old address. as well as new-enclosing If itossibfe an address label from a recent Issue. .4 --CIRCLE NO. 103 ON READER SERVICE CARD 3 FORMERLYStereo HI FI/STEREO Review REVIEW PUBLISHER PHILLIP T. HEFFERNAN EDITOR WILLIAM ANDERSON MANAGING EDITOR WILLIAM LIVINGSTONE MUSIC EDITOR JAMES GOODFRIEND TECHNICAL EDITOR LARRY KLEIN EDITORIALLY SPEAKING ASSOCIATE EDITOR ROBERT S.
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