of the. same city, ifl. the wes^ riding of the. county ampton, and Peterborough and. the, 'Syston. and, pjf Ypr,k, and nprth riding of the,'county of York Peterborough Railways, at or near,, to. the station or one of them. at Peterborough,, in the parish pif Flettonj. in the. 'A branch railway, with all proper works, ap- county of, Huntingdon, and passing froni., in^ proaches, and conveniences connected therewith through, or into the several parishes, townships,, diverging froui th.e said main line at or near Steven- and extra-parochial and other places. following, age, in the parish of Stevenage, in the(county of H,ert or some of them, that is to say, Stiltpjj^ Folkes-. fprd, and to terminate at or n,ear tp, Potter-stree worth, Yaxley, Nprman Cross H^addon, Cft*estertjpn, Bedford, in the parishes of Saint Mary and Sain; Aljlwalton, O.verton Waterville or C.b,errj Ortpn^ John's Bedford, or one of them, in the county of Qverton, Longvijle or Long Orton. with. Bjptol-olt Bedford^; and passing from, in, through or into the Bridge, Farcett, Fletton, Woodstone, and IjStand- several parishes, to,wnships, anijl extra parochial or ground, in the county of Huntingdon: Peterbo- other places following, or some, of them, that is to, rough, Saint Jphn. the. Baptist in, the pity and; say, Stjeyenage, Fisher's Gr?en, T°dd.'s Qxeen, Tit- liberty of Peterbp.rpugh,, in tjhe. cpun.tjy pf. North- more Gireeh, Ipppjjitt.s otheijwisf? Saint Hippplyts, amptph, the precincts of Peterbprough Cathedral,, Little Wymondly, Much Wymondly. otherwise T£ast Field, Newark, Long Thorpe.. o,thjerwisec Grea,t Wymondly, Hitchin parish, Etitchin town- Thorp, Dpgsth.orp otherwise Dodsthpr^pe, Marhplme snip, Langley, Preston, Wals worth, Letchworth, otherwise Marham, Walton,. Werington, (Suhthorpe* Willian, lokleford, and Pirton, in the county of Paston parish, Paston township, in the 9ounty pjF IJertfxprd; R^eppershall, in the counties of Hert- Northampton: Saint Andrew, W.hittlesea. ojtaer-. ford; and, Bedford, or one of them ; Hplywell other- wise Whittlesey, and Saint Mary Whi.ttljesea. other- wise Holwell, Cadwell, Snailsworth,; Shitlington wise Whittlesey, in the cpunty of Carnbridge. otherwise ShiUington, Stpndon, Upper Stondon, A, branch or side railway, with all proper wor;ks,. ^ower Ston'dpn, Lower Gravenhurslj, Upper Gra- approaches, and conveniences, connected ther.ew.ith,. Yenhurst, Carapton, otherwise Campleton, Arlesey, diverging from the said main line, at g. point sputh, otherwise Arlsey, Church End, South. End, Al- o^ the Syston and Peterborough Raifyvay^ ift the. ricksey otherwise Arlsey Bury witty. Lanktony, parish^ of Barnack or Barnpak, in. the county of iJenlow, Henlow End, Clifton, Sheffprd cum Camp- Northampton, and passing thence, in, th^ough^ or -on, Shefiprd T^ojvnship, Sheffordj Hardwick, Chick- into tlje several parishes, townshins, anijL extrarpa- sands, Chicksands Prijory, Clpp, Hill, South Hill, rpchial: or other places following, or some 015 9^6 of; Broom, Stanford, Haynes. otherwise Hawnes, Old, them, that is to say, Barnack otherwise Barnoak, Downey, New. Rowney, Ireland, Warden otherwise Ufford, Ashton with Bainton, Ashton, Bainton, Old, Warden, Deadman's; Cross, Willshamstead- and Pilsgate, in the county of Northampton,, and qtherwise Willhamstead, Willshamst^ad, otherwise. TaJJington, Uffington, Uffington ;Wopd, and Ca^e- Willhamstead, Cotton End Littleworth, Herrings wick, in the parts of Kesteven, in; the county of Lin-^ Green, North y/opd End, ChurcJ>. End," West coin, and, to, terminate by- a jun.Qt.ipn with .the! End, Silver End Cardington, Cardington Cotton. Syston and Peterborough Railway, in ^he. .parish, End, Cardington Cross Harrow.den, East Cpt^ts, of Uffingtpn, in ipie parts.of Jfesteven,, in the:county Ifenlake, Cople, Elstow, Kempston, Willington, of- Lincpln. Saint Mary and Saint Helens Elstow, Bedford A branch or side railway, witib, all' Proper works,, Saint Leonards, Saint John's, Saint' Mary's, Saint approaches, and conveniences connected, ^h.ei;e-\vith, Paul's, Saint- Cuthbert's, Saint Peter's or Sainij diverging from, t^he said main line at a gpint north • Ifeter Martin, in Bedford, Gqldington, and Clap- pf; the Syston and Peterborough,; Railway, in the l^am, in the county, of Bedford. parish of Uffington, in the parts pf KeStey^n, in, the. A hranch railway, with all proper- works, ap- county pf Lincoln, and to terminate % a jupp^on, proaches, and conveniences, connected therewith, with the Syston and Peterboroug^RaiL^ayvin, thfr diverging from the said main line at or. near Buck- parish pf Barnack or Barnpak, ML tie cpunty ol| Jen, in the parish of Buckden, in. the county of Northampton, and passing from, in, tl}rough,u or^ Huntingdon, and to terminate by a junction with, into, the several, parishes, tpwnsljipsj. and extra-pa-, the Ely and Huntingdon Railway, in pr near the rochial or other places following, or some of; them)f parishe.s of. Saint Mary Huntingdon, and Brampton, that, is to. say, Uffingtpn, Uffington W;0pd, Case!-, or one of them, in the said county of Huntingdon, wick, and Tallington, in the parts of/K^esteven, in> and passing from, in, through, or intp the several the county of Lincpln, Barnack otherwise. Barnoak, parishes, tpwn ships, and extra-parochial and. other Ufford, Ashtpn with Baintpn, Ashtpp, Bainton,.and: places following, or some of them, that is to say, Pilsgate, in the county of' Northampton.. Diddington, Bupkden, Offord Cluney, Offord Dar- A branch railway,.with all proper works, ap- qey, Brampton, iGlreat Stukely,. Gpdmanchester, proaches, and conveniences qonne.cted therewith., Huntingdon, All Saints, Saint Mary,, Saint Bene- diverging from the said main line .at, or near. the. dict, Saint John the Baptist,. all. in the town of Glebe Farm, in, the parish of. Fentpnj, in. the; Huntingdon, in the county of IJunt^ngdon, and parts of Ke.stev.en, in the county of Lincoln,, Hartford, in the same'county. and- tp .tprniinate by a junction, wij^i the; Nptr A hranch railway, with allj proper works, apr tingham and Lincoln Railway* near the, crossing^ prpaches, and conveniences connected therewith, )f the Gr.eat. North Rpad, in the, parish, of K^e,!-; diverging, from the said main line at or near Stilton, n, in the qounty of Nottingham, and^ pajsing^ in the parish pf:Stiltpn, in the.c,ounty,pf Hunting- rom, JH, through, .qc.into thg. several, parjsljesi; don,.and? tp terminate by a junction with,the Nprjth- tpw.nships.,. And. extra. parachiaL oc..
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