Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC December 1966 Daily Egyptian 1966 12-9-1966 The aiD ly Egyptian, December 09, 1966 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_December1966 Volume 48, Issue 55 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, December 09, 1966." (Dec 1966). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1966 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in December 1966 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Yule Story Is· Read Lord, By Morris P r esident Del1yr e W. Mo rris, now letrest Thou s ur r ounded by me mbe r soft he University Chamber Choir, r ead the Christm as sto ry as wr itte n in L uke II, ve r ses 1-21 , during the an nu a l Th\' servant depart Chri stmas Convocation held T hursday mcnning in [he Ar e na. The progr am featured the In peace ... Univer sit y Symphony, di­ r ected by He r ben Levinson ; the Wo me n's Ensemble and Male Glee Club, dir ected by Raben W. Kin gsbury . and an inte rpret ive r eading of the holiday s eason by Vance Fulke r son. Prior to [he pr ogr a m, P r esident Morris spoke with s tudents and visitors on the west concourse of the ar e na where coffee, cider and donut s MR. AN D MRS . ~.h: LYTE WES LEY !..-l ORRI S we r e served . Opening the progr am was Ande r son's « A Christmas Festival'" perfor med by the symphony, followed by com­ bined cor al, in strumental a nd MORRIS'S HOLIDAY CARD-This is the holiday cord being chu rch doors of Fredda Brilli<:int <l nd the photographed by J ames ~~~l~ ~ ~l d~~ g ing of "Joy To mailed by Pres ident and Mrs . De lyte W. Morris. It is bas ed on Strawser. Interpre tive readings, "The li The P resentation in the Temple, " bas-re lie f s ketch of bronze Pre- Christian Festival of Asp i ra n ts Mu s t F,,-le g~ ~~~\'; a~ :" R il ~~ m:rilt~~ D ~: panment of Anthropology, and ~~ uThe J e wi sh Fest ival of - - -.J Chanukah," p r ep ar e d by h hons "n anuary Kin gsbury fr om Idelsohn' s P e 1111"" . "Cerem onies of Judai sm," were r ead by Fulke r son. -ty Elect' ,,-ons to T hepr esecontr a l gKinroupgsbus cory'smbin aedr- For C,, rangem e nt of " So n g of Galilee" assisted by Walte r EGYPTIAN As a resui( of the ne w city The general elE;ttion for Kelle r at the piano, Vicki ma nager system, twO of The Carbondale mayor a nd fo ur Choate , flute, and Davi d Har­ counc ilme n e lected will ser ve c ity counc ilmen will be held ris , oboe . for two yea r s and the other April IB, 1967, wirh the pr i - The £ymphony perfo rmed Carbondale, Illinois two for four s year s . The (wo m ary to select candidares Tschaikows ky's liThe Nut­ ~c he d u l ed for Fe b. 2B . c rac ker SUite ," followed by Friday, December 9, 1966 ca nd idates r e c e i vi n g the la r gest numbe r of vote s will Volume 48 Number 55 The da te s fo r filing petitio ns " Sus annl," s un g by the Wo m­ se rve the four - year terms . for the prima r ies a re J an. 9 en's Ensel'R ble and featuring In 1969, the second pair of thr ough Ja n. 24 . soloist Be verly Todd. councilmen po sts will be up At Saturday Meeting for e lection again, bu r these White Chri.tma. Unlikely e lections will begi n fo ur-year te rms . The purpose of this Warm Wave~ Rain Approach Board to Hear Report be ing to s tagge r the e lections of half the council me m be r s. The ma yo ra l te rm also wil l All Time Regional Records On Housing Policy be fo ur - yea r s . To run for e i the r offi ce, the Te mpeTatur es in rhe Car ­ Thurs da y morning. the re c­ Th, Sill Board of T rustees lined by Ruffn e r at the 'No ­ c andidate must be a qualified bo nda le area Wednesda y fe ll ord r ainfall for December is i s sched uled [0 hea r a fin al vember Boa r d meeting. and re gi s te re d voter in the onl y four de grees shan of 7 .07 inches in 1932. repon on housing policy and Included will be new rules s ta re , county and cit y. Thi s the Dec. 7 r ecor d in the a rea, A spokes m a n for {he st andards at it s meeting Sa­ for gr anting perm ission to live means he must have lived in according to Car bo n d a I e Weathe r Bureau in Cair o s aJd tur day. according [ 0 a spokes ­ in un supe rvi sed housing. The Ill inois for at le ast one YE>ar, wearher s tation figures. 1. 61 inches of r a in has fallen man in the Of fice of Student Board will be asked to ta ke the coumy for 90 days and The record high fo r the there in the fi rst eight days A ffairs. action on the 'P roposal s , the the precinc t fo r .10 days . date was 74 degrees in 19 16 . of December, nearl y double The r epent pr E- pa red by sJXJ kesman said. A prima r y e lection wi ll nOI Figur e s from the U. S. tha t a r ea ' s no rm al r 'ainfa ll Ralph W. Ru ffn e r , vice pr es­ The agenda fo r Saturday' s be held if e ight o r fe wer Weather Bure au in Cairo in ­ fo r [he period. ident fo r stud en t and a r ea meeting, to be held at 2 p. m. lX'"r sons fil e for ca ndidac y. dicate th'ar te mperc. tu re s rhe r c He said rhe Mississippi and services, wi ll contain final in the boa rd room of the P r es­ To file , The as pi rant needs a tied !he record high of 71 Ohio Rive r s had not yer be gun r ecommendations on st an ­ ident' s Offi ce on the Carbon­ peTition conra in ing at leasl 25 degrees in 19 16. [Q r ise, but [hat they we re dar d s and rules fu r student dale campus, also lists a names of qualified VOle r s in Ca rbonda le 's low te mper­ expected to begin r isi ng s low­ hous ing which we r e first Out- repor! by Ru ff ner on Inter­ rhe c ity. atun? We dnesda y was a ba lm y ly within the next fe w days . national Service s . A council man's s alary is 5 8 compare d [ 0 a fro s ty e ight e ondi tional A u to Also on the agenda a r e a 2,000 a year , a nd the mayor ' s degrees 16 yea r s ago. Gus Bode r~port on inte r - c ampus trans­ is $2,500. The record high and low Stickers Require jX> rtat ion on the Edwardsville Officials whose term s a re tempe ratu res fo r Ca r bo nda le ca mpu ~ , faculty and per sonnel e xpiring are Mayor D. I31aney on Dec . 8 are 71 in 191B a nd Reissue for W in ter changes , and r eport of gr adu­ Mille r ; and commissioners rhree de grees in 19 17 . ates fo r June and August. (councilmen unde r (he ne w The Car bonda le weather All s tudent s who wer e The boa r d will hold an in­ s ys te m ) Wi lliam E. Eaton, station reco'rded 2.4 2 inc hes of issued conditional parkin g form al meetin g Saturday Frank Kirk , Joseph R. Rags­ rai nfa ll between Sund ay and stickers for the fall te rm onl y mo rn in g, a l un c heon at noon, da le , and Euge ne Ra msey. s hould c heck with the Office and it s annual Christmas of Under gr ad uate Off-Campus Carol dinner and program Sa­ Hous in g and Motor Vehicles Error in Instructions Corrected tur day nighr. to dete r mine their eligibility An e r r or on instr uctions s atisfa ctoril y com ple te the fo r anothe r quarte r. for giving fi na l grades whi ch course. ,\ spokesman said many Stu­ USAF Supports a ppea r s on an information The officials s aid a gr a de de nt s we r e issued conditional s heer arrached [ 0 rhe final e x­ of " W P " o r "WE" can be r egis trations fo r the ir ca r s Research Project am ina tion schedule has been lis te d onl y if the s tude m has pending housing approvals.
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