idskrift för lärarutbildning och forskning Journal of Research in Teacher Education nr 2–3 2006 Theme: Sloyd – Tradition in transition Special issue editors: Kajsa Borg & Per-Olof Erixon Tidskrift för lärarutbildning och forskning Nr 2–3/2006 Årgång 13 FAKULTETSNÄMNDEN FÖR LÄRARUTBILDNING THE FACULTY BOard FOR TeacHer EducatiON Tidskrift för lärarutbildning och forskning nr 2–3 2006 årgång 13 Tidskrift för lärarutbildning och forskning (fd Lärarutbildning och forskning i Umeå) ges ut av Fakultetsnämnden för lärarutbildning vid Umeå universitet. Syftet med tidskriften är att skapa ett forum för lärarutbildare och andra didaktiskt intresserade, att ge information och bidra till debatt om frågor som gäller lärarutbildning och forskning. I detta avseende är tidskriften att betrakta som en direkt fortsättning på tidskriften Lärarutbildning och forskning i Umeå. Tidskriften välkomnar även manuskript från personer utanför Umeå universitet. Tidskrift för lärarutbildning och forskning beräknas utkomma med fyra nummer per år. Ansvarig utgivare: Dekanus Björn Åstrand Redaktör: Fil.dr Gun-Marie Frånberg, 090/786 62 05, e-post: [email protected] Bildredaktör: Doktorand Eva Skåreus e-post: [email protected] Redaktionskommitté: Docent Håkan Andersson, Pedagogiska institutionen Professor Åsa Bergenheim, Institutionen för historiska studier Professor Per-Olof Erixon, Institutionen för estetiska ämnen Professor Johan Lithner, Matematiska institutionen Doktorand Eva Skåreus, Institutionen för estetiska ämnen Universitetsadjunkt Ingela Valfridsson, Institutionen för moderna språk Professor Gaby Weiner, Pedagogiskt arbete Redaktionens adress: Tidskrift för lärarutbildning och forskning, Gun-Marie Frånberg, Institutionen för interaktiva medier och lärande, Umeå universitet, 901 87 UMEÅ. Grafisk formgivning: Eva Skåreus och Tomas Sigurdsson, Institutionen för estetiska ämnen Illustratör: Eva Skåreus Original: Print & Media, Umeå universitet Tryckeri: Print & Media, 2006:2001767 Tekniska upplysningar till författarna: Tidskrift för lärarutbildning och forskning framställs och redigeras ur allmänt förekommande Mac- och PC-program. Sänd in manuskript på diskett eller som e-postbilaga. Distribution: Lösnummer kostar 50 kronor + porto (dubbelnummer 80 kronor + porto) och kan beställas från Lärarutbildningens kansli, Umeå universitet, 901 87 UMEÅ. Helårsprenumeration kostar 140 kronor + porto. Pg 1 56 13 – 3, ange Tidskrift för lärarutbildning och forskning i Umeå, konto 600001400, samt avsändare. Använd gärna det förtryckta inbetalningskortet. Tidskriften distribueras gratis till institutioner inom lärarutbildningen i Umeå. Tidskrift för lärarutbildning och forskning är från och med nr 1/1999 utlagd som elektronisk tidskrift på den hemsida som Fakultetsnämnden för lärarutbildning i Umeå har: http://www.educ.umu.se. Förbehåll mot detta måste göras av författaren före publicering. © författarna, illustratörer 4 Contents EDITORIAL ..............................................................................................7 articles Hans Thorbjörnsson Swedish educational sloyd – an international success .......................................10 Kajsa Borg What is sloyd? A question of legitimacy and identity ............................................................. 34 Lars Lindström The multiple uses of portfolio assessment ....................................................... 52 Mia Porko-Hudd Three teaching materials in sloyd – An analysis of the makers’ thoughts behind the visible surface ......................70 Viveca Lindberg Contexts for craft and design within Swedish vocational education: Implications for the content ............................................................................82 Bent Illum Learning in practice – practical wisdom – the dialogue of the process ............106 Ragnar Ohlsson A Practical Mind as an Intellectual Virtue .....................................................128 Kirsten Klæbo & Bodil Svaboe Design and Digital Textile in higher Education: The Impact of Digital Technology on Printed Textile and Surface Design .....136 Marléne Johansson The work in the classroom for sloyd ..............................................................152 Authors ........................................................................................................172 Notes on the submission of manuscripts .......................................................173 Previous issues ..............................................................................................175 5 6 Editorial This special issue of Journal of Teacher Educa- home economics as well as pedagogy and edu- tion concerns Sloyd, Aesthetic Education, Visual cational work. Another problem is that in the Arts and Handicraft. The issue is released in Nordic countries research is often published in connection to the first international conference the Danish, Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish with the same focus, “Tradition in transition” languages and therefore not available to an in Umeå, May 15-18, 2006. The conference is international public. This issue is an attempt arranged by Umeå University, Sweden and Åbo to present a collection of new research articles Academy University, Vaasa, Finland in coo- within the field. For this purpose a number of peration with UnizonKvarken, the European researchers from the Nordic countries have been Union, the Nordic Forum for Research and invited to present their research, using English Development in Sloyd (NordFo) and Textile as a means of communication. Most of the con- Education and Research in Europe (Texere) and tributors to this special issue will present papers is supported by the Swedish Research Council at the conference. (Vetenskapsrådet). The articles represent different branches within Compared to other academic subject fields, the field and should be looked upon as examples research concerning aesthetic school subjects and of the variety of research that is going on in dif- teacher education for those subjects is a young ferent countries. Thorbjörnson’s article descri- phenomenon and not easily available. One of the bes the exciting story of how the philosophy of problems is that this subject knowledge can be educational Sloyd was spread around the world found within other fields of research, like design, more than 100 years ago. The following article technology, art and craft, vocational education, covers in brief the development of the Swe- 7 Editorial dish Sloyd subject from 1900 to 2000 (Borg). Two articles deal with the field of handicraft. Johansson’s article gives a close-up description One of them focuses on the dialogue between of the activities and communication, verbal and the craftsman and the material (Illum), and the non-verbal, which take place in the Sloyd class- other one describes the environment and the room today. In Lindström’s article, he discusses conditions of handicraft education in secon- whether or not portfolios can contribute to edu- dary schools (Lindberg). Klaebo & Svaboe give cational improvement when assessing aesthetic an example of how digital technology can have subjects. In the next article Ohlsson challenges an impact on textile design, not only as another the dichotomy between theory and practice, by tool, but also how the new technology offers giving examples of how a practical mind might new combinations and opportunities. represent an intellectual virtue. Porko-Hudd’s articles is a summary of a thesis on how the thoughts of the producer of web-based teaching Kajsa Borg & Per-Olof Erixon, materials can affect the teaching material itself. special issue editors. 8 9 Otto Salomon 1849–1907 10 Swedish educational sloyd – an international success Hans Thorbjörnsson How did Swedish school handicraft (’slöjd’ in and books, formed societies and taught handi- Swedish; translated as ’sloyd’ in older English craft at their schools. Educational sloyd and its texts) come to be at the international forefront ideas were demonstrated at large international for a few decades around 1900? exhibitions. This article will discuss in depth how educational sloyd spread from school to During the 1880s, ”Swedish educational sloyd” school and from country to country thanks to was developed. The ideas were mainly based on the efforts of individual, highly dedicated men the Nääs sloyd teacher training college and its and women. leader Otto Salomon, a self-educated teacher of Jewish origins. Salomon called the teach- The Nääs System ing system developed at Nääs ”educational On the estate of Nääs, situated between Goth- sloyd”. The college was financed by Salomon’s enburg and Alingsås, the wealthy Jewish busi- uncle, the merchant and landowner August nessman August Abrahamson (1817–98) ini- Abrahamson. The college gained internatio- tiated a sloyd teacher training college in 1875. nal recognition, and up until the outbreak of His nephew Otto Salomon (1849–1907) led the First World War, over 1500 foreign par- the programme and during the 1880s deve- ticipants (teachers) from over forty countries loped a system for teaching handicraft in ele- arrived to take part in the handicraft courses mentary school. at Nääs. For a few decades, this sloyd teaching method developed into an international educa- Around 1880, many countries were in the tional movement. The various international sup- process of establishing a system of elementary porters held lectures, wrote newspaper articles schools and colleges. Such was the case in eas- 11 Tidskrift för lärarutbildning och forskning,
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