Page 22·B September 25, 1986 2: (9) Cam' Burnett LSI (28) She a Princes 1:00 9 [8]TodllY 1 (13l rvneee ourt 1281 d ·tlUP e 1llG'})[131CDCS (16)\'aried of Pnwer /40J Double Talk at (j]) (44J Thundercals 6' (9) Slperfriends 8 [28] Andy Griffith f:fi programs , .,. o 24' Pre- m> Io POJ 6!) 13 [40] (;ood ED 11 [441EiJCht Is EnoUKh DIS l60] Wall J)jsne.v f);) ,'-So (28) Plasticman :, ,) m CD (15) The "'Iintstones eekdays :\lorninK Americll DIS24 J50JYou and _\Ie, Kid sents 2:35 DIS~l.J/60J "aried I'roKram~ 5:0fJ o Gf"' [3J .\1 r. Rogers' :\"eiKh m 12 P3] CBS :\lorninK 9:0j m.u J15J Down 10 EHrth AFTER~OON :J:(IO.. '4J (3) Huonwran~ borhood For The Week Of ~ew8 9:30 0 6' (9) Ue,·iorl, Hillbillies o lJt 18J Barnab)' Jones OlE, [8) Quinc~' 12:000 9 /8) II!) ® [10J EI!J 03 ® [9] G.1. Joe ' 9/25/86-10/01/86 fD T [28J;\L\.s.K. m '.12[13JJud,lC't: o I~ [9J And.' Griffith o ro 11 [44/ Transformers m .~ l28J Gomer p) Ie. [40j 'cews mJ (f.Ql (10) Ql @ [40J a!)@ 1101 .\Ia!;{num, P,I. \IOIlNI:;\G l'S:\IC 1iJ OC:(9J Falcon Crest General Hospital m@[13J:\'ews DIS(14 160J Good :\lorninK (It@113J Pulse '>Ius! (8) ;\ficke.v! DIS24 (50JVaried Proj{rams m [13] GuidinK Light aft CID (16J Body Electric j;OO (] 9) .\fore neal People 19® {lS] (fj CI' [151 Varied rm o $) [9JW 11 (44] \'aried 7:30 0 4' (3) Farm Day 9:35 m 7 /15J J Love LuC)· at ,JI_ 128] votrron. Deren. f1i) @ [28) Dlff''rent Strokes 10:000 4 13Jf nstructiona! Pro- ProJ.!,Sms a!)@ [40) Three's Cumpanv Proerams 0<.-6 [9] Hugs Bunny W tL (28) Carol Hurnell der of the L'rriverse f1) 8 128]l'he Jel.!>ons grams , , . at [1J (44) Ghostbusters 5:05 m CD [15) Gilligan's Island OJ ., [15J Ue\erl) Hillbil- aJ J1) [44J Dallas ' a!) o Jt f8J:"lew Crosswl(s @ [3) ® (16) Varied lies 1~ [40] (:ood .'Iorning 12·05m ffi [151 Perr)' :\Iason DIS~ 160J Dumbo's Circus 5:30 o m ;1:3u 0 (9"' 18] Jimm)' SW118xart Amerira (CC) m OC 19]Waltons . :1:05 mCLJ[15JTom&Jerryand Pr0.K!:ams mJ tID (10) .\lurphe.\o' In lhe 12;300 ([) [8J All in the Family o 'U 19]Odd Couple WG1l (44)Adventures of the a!) @l [10~Ryan's Hope Friends I) l§J {9] Transformers Galax}' Rangers .\lorning . 3:30 O@[3] 3-2-1. Contact (CC) lEI (11.l (13j m@[40]Three's eli l7J 115] And)- Griffith OJ@ 113J525,000 Pyntmld d)@[13]f1i)®[28)Varied 9!):'f3 (40)Jim & Tammy DIS(8J(60)Welcome to Pooh (9J Heathcliff Con!P.llnv fD I]l (28)I Dream of Jean" ProLrams m ® m (jj) [44] News Corner ai) Ml [40} Loving at ® [28J Rambo f1i) UlJ [iBJ What"s Happen_ 1:,15 OOO[3]m®/16J Weather nie ing!! ...... 6:00 0 ® [9J MO\'ietone News ai)@(40/ToBeAnnounced DIS~ [60J Adventures of ro (jJ) [44] Varied Programs (l!) [lOjToday's Business 8:00 0 @ (3) Secret Cit}' [60] Welcome to Pooh CITl [44] Happ)' Dan (t01 at [II [44JPerry .,"ason Ozzie and Harriet 0ls9 m W@113) Breakfast He.ltt o ® [9] Bozo Show I:OU 0 ([)[8J Days of Our Lives Corner Again [16JBody Electric 10:05C6 CIJ [15JVaried Programs m (J) [15J Headline News m rn 10:30 [SJSale of the Century m (jJ (9) News . -1:00 0 @ {3J Sesame Street DIS ®.l (60) Donald Duck m ® (28JDennis the Men- tIl ® Presents m ® (28) Zoobilee Zoo (Ii) @ [101 Sall.v Jesv Ra- m>@[10JEID(1])140J All My ICC) at G]) 144] Varied Programs ." phael Children o ® [8] Trapper John, 5:35 m m [15] Leave It to DIS @ [601 .\tickey Mouse W (j] /44) The Flintstones f131 Young and the :\1.0. Beaver DIS (8) (50) Donald Duck OJ' (j}) [131 The New Card III © Club Sharks Restless o ® [9J Ghostbusters 6:15 Q!)@rtOIVariedPrograms Presents m>@ [10] Hart to Hart 8:05 C6 ill [15}I Dream of Jean- Oil cIJ [281 Family Affair . ED [D [44JDIS9 [60] Movie 6:30 0(])[8/ NBC News at Sun- EI!J @ (40) Ryan's Hope 1:05 alW[15J Varied Programs m I1ll [13] m (1]) [40] Hour rise nie 1):000 ® 18JWheel of Fortune 1:30 m@(13J Varied Programs ;\1a!("azine o (j) [9] Jo'aith Twenty 8:30 O@(3)Captain Kangaroo /16) Varied Programs II ® [91Big Valley 2:00 0 ® [8J Another World lID ® [28] He-Man & :\las- (I!) @ [101 ABC News This m rn G!) @ PO] Oprah Winfrey fI) @ /2SJMy Little Pony o (jJ (9) Dick Van Dyke ters of the l"niverse Morning Show em @J [10] a!) @ [40j One ro [Il 144] G.l. Joe m CD (15/ Tom & Jerry and at [ll144) Scooby 000 DIS18/60) Dombo's Circus €II @ [13JPrice Is Right Life to Live DIS ~ [60) :\1ickey Mous~ Friends fD CIJ /28) Hogan's Heroes m @ l13] As the World Club flJ ® [28J Inspector Gadget 8:35 ~ CIJ [751Bewitched a!) @ [40J Fame, Fortune Turns 000 EI!) (j]) (401ABC News This 9:00 II @ 13J Sesame Street 1:0ri m CD (15) Scooby 9> and Rumance [9] Morning (ee) CJ ® IS}Santa Barbara m ® [16J We're Cooking 1:30 0 ® 'l.A.S.K. Gi) (@/10Jai)©) [40] Dona- ED [!l [44] Knot's Landing (13) DlS~ [60] Varied [44] Now ml1ll PBS ED (j]) GoUots 11:30tIl ® (8) Scrabble DISfE) (80) Mouserdse h•• fD @. 28 Bewitched Programs EVENING ., 11 144J eeman Li\c.e Training' <CC) thrice divorced co-owner falls 11 [44] Love Connection 6:00 IiW [3)American GOl'ern- for the ex-husband of one QI ·DIS@[60] MOVIE: 'Sharma ment Survey her business partners. and Beyond' .Monday CJ ® IS}Newswatch m ® [16].European Jour- l1:.JO C (ffil [24) :\lOVIE: 'The m®19/mOO[28JFadsuf nal Bride' (CO 9/29/86 L'fe 10:000 @ {3J Story of English 12:00(Ii) ® (10) a!)@ 140JNews /i!j@/10JlB@ /13J Em m @l [13J Cagney & Lacey II) I1ll [13J Simon & Simon @/40INews SEASOl\' PRE:'\.'1JERE Are· Rick and A,J, go undercover m ® (16) Anthropological luctant Cagney and Lacey at an exclusive restaurant to Pen1ectives are assigned to investigate investigate the murder of a at (11J [44JGimme a Break their fellow cops when a food critic. (70 min.) (R), C@124JMOVIE:'The Mag- petty thief claims that a pre- m ® [28J Incredible Hulk t nificent Dope' cinct detective has been steal- m GJ) [44] Secrets of Sue· > [,lS @ [60J MOVIE: 'Toby ing heroin from confiscated cess and_Jhe Koala' drugs. (60 min.) 12:10Iii CD [15j ~ational Geo- M f2O) [59J MOVIE: 'Dusty' W [Il [44J News graphic Explorer S @ [58J MOVIE: 'The Re- C @ 124J JIOVIE: 'Some 12:20HBO(ll) [56] :\10VIE: 'Cease former and the Redhead' Kind of Hero' Fire' 6:05 m CD [15J New Leave It to H80 (ll) 156J:UOVIE: 'Silver· Beaver 12:300 ® [8J Late Night with ado' (CG> I2i!vi..d Letterman 6:30 II @ [3J Nightly Business 10:300 ® 19J News U rID [9J MOVIE: 'Hud' Report mC[) [161 ComputerChron- a!) @I [10] EID©1 [40] ABC J:. g (II [8] NBC News ides Ncws Nightline o ® [9JfD ® (28) Good m [Il (44) I~N :">Jews m ® [28] Voyage to the DAM II Times - DIS~ (60) Danger Bay Rottom of the Sea m ® {151Introduction to M @ [59J .\10VIE: 'The 12;.10S ~ [58J :\10VIE: 'Adven- oBeth Williams and Daniel J. Biology Clairvoyant' tures of a Plumber's :'\late' ravanti reprise their roles as EI!)@ [40J ABC News 11:00D @) [3J Doctor Who 12:.15M@ [59] :\1.0VIE: 'Goodbye ED [44JJeffersons John and Reve Walsh in 6,35 em Q ® [8J Nightwatch Cruel World' WCVr15j Down to Earth m I1ll [13] ~ews 1:00 (Ii) ®J [10J Bizarre "Adam: His Song Contin- 7:00 II @J 13] MacNeil-Lehrer fD ® [28J Twilight Zone ei) (1])140] Special ues," airing MONOAY, SEPT. !'\ewshour W [j) (44] Soap m dJ.l [44] Star Search g (II [8] Jeopardy 29, on NBC. The fact-based DIS @ [60] Adventures of DISC3.ll60J Scheme ofThing 11® [9] Barney ~1iller Ozzie and Harriet 1:10 II) @ (13) MOVIE: 'Viola, drama centers on the con- O!)@ [10J ABC News S @ [58J .YIOVIE: 'Porky's tion of Sarah McDavid' tinuing efforts of the Walshes III (fi) [13} CBS News Re\'enge' (CC) 1:30 0 ® [B}Comedy Tonight 1m CI) [16} Adam Smith's 11:30Q ® 18] Best of Carson to create a national aware- m> ® [10J News :\IIoneyWorld g ®[91 Magnum, P.I. m CID [2S] Rawhide ness of the problem of miss- fD (j) [281Benson (I) @ [13] All 'New Dating U5 C @ [24J !\10VIE: 'Tende Em @ l40\ Entertainment Game Cousins' \Dubbed). \og chUdren. 'toni ht 28 Nt ht Ga.lIer li'"VEN\lSG and the Cruisers' @ [40) Dick Cavett S@[58JMOVJE:'Amerkan 4 f3} American Story ~~:l~ch~~li~Il'd:Jason's lU'J~gy flI/Newswakh Flye ..a" (CC) In Stereo. (9/t!liJClJ(281 Facts or .@(181FromJumpstreet 10:05 fB CD {15J MOVIE: 'Against Life 9:00 U® (3) Cuba--ln the Sha- ,,4.11 Flags' 9/80/86 1I!l@J/10JlB@ /13J Em dow of Doubt 10:306 ® [9J News @[40J News o ® [8]Crime Story PRE- m ® [28J Odd Couple IIi) ® [16] Anthropological MIERE While :rorello's ro [j) [44J INN News Per~ectives crime unit trails a member of 11:00" @ [31 Doctor Who W OJ) [441Gimme-a Break Ray Luca's gang to St.
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