Littleton Center City of Littleton 2255 West Berry Avenue Littleton, CO 80120 Meeting Agenda City Council Tuesday, March 3, 2020 6:30 PM Council Chamber Regular Meeting and Executive Session (Study Session follows) 1. Roll Call 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approval of Agenda 4. Comments / Reports a) City Manager b) City Attorney c) Council Members d) Mayor 5. Citizen Appearances a) Guest Citizens - None b) Scheduled Public Presentations - None 6. Public Comment If you wish to address the city council under Public Comment, please sign-in on the public speaker form before the call to order for this meeting. Each speaker will be limited to three minutes. The city council is not authorized by the Colorado Open Meetings Law to discuss, comment, or take action at the meeting on any issue raised by public comment that is not part of tonight's agenda. The Mayor may refer the matter to the City Manager and/or City Attorney for immediate comment after Public Comment, or staff to obtain additional information and report back to the Council as appropriate. 7. Consent Agenda Items Consent agenda items can be adopted by a simple motion. All ordinances must be read by title prior to a vote on the motion. Any consent agenda item may be removed at the request of a Council Member. City of Littleton Page 1 Printed on 2/28/2020 City Council Meeting Agenda March 3, 2020 a) Ordinance Ordinance 09-2020: An ordinance on first reading amending Ordinance 09-2020 No. 25, series of 2019, known as the Annual Appropriation Bill Attachments: 1. Ordinance No. 09-2020 2. 2019 Encumbrances b) Ordinance Ordinance 10-2020: An ordinance on first reading amending the 2020 10-2020 Littleton Sewer Utility Enterprise budget Attachments: 1. Ordinance No. 10-2020 2. 2019 Encumbrances c) Ordinance Ordinance 11-2020: An ordinance on first reading amending the 2020 11-2020 Littleton Stormwater and Flood Management Utility Enterprise budget Attachments: 1. Ordinance No. 11-2020 2. 2019 Encumbrances d) Ordinance Ordinance 12-2020: An ordinance on first reading amending multiple 12-2020 sections of Title 6 of the Littleton Municipal Code, pertaining to police regulations Attachments: 1. Ordinance No. 12-2020 2. Title 6 Summary Table e) Ordinance Ordinance 07-2020: An ordinance on first reading amending Title 1, 07-2020 Administrative Regulations, of the Littleton Municipal Code Attachments: 1. Ordinance No. 07-2020 2. Title 1 Summary Table f) Ordinance Ordinance 08-2020: An ordinance on first reading amending Title 3, 08-2020 Chapter 14, of the Littleton Municipal code pertaining to adult entertainment establishments Attachments: 1. Ordinance No. 08-2020 2. Title 3 Summary Table g) Ordinance Ordinance 13-2020: An ordinance on first reading amending Title 9, 13-2020 Chapter 1, Sections 1 and 12 of the Littleton Municipal Code pertaining to the Model Traffic Code and traffic violations Attachments: 1. Ordinance No. 13-2020 2. Title 9 Summary Table h) Resolution Resolution 14-2020: Approving an IGA with Colorado Department of 14-2020 Transportation (CDOT) for a Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) study on US-85, between C-470 and I-25/Alameda, including the City of Littleton and provide a financial contribution for the study City of Littleton Page 2 Printed on 2/28/2020 City Council Meeting Agenda March 3, 2020 Attachments: 1. Resolution No. 14-2020 2. CDOT IGA i) Resolution Resolution 17-2020: Authorizing adoption of Comcast’s Customer Service 17-2020 Standards Attachments: 1. Resolution No. 17-2020 2. CCUA Customer Service Standards - FINAL j) Resolution Resolution 16-2020: Entering into an Intergovernmental Agreement 16-2020 terminating the Regional Hazardous Materials Board of Arapahoe/Douglas Counties (“RHMBADC”) Attachments: 1. Resolution No. 16-2020 2. IGA Terminating Board and Intergovernmental Agreement 3. Close Out Letter to Board 4. Accounts Summary as of December, 2019 k) ID# 20-081 Motion to approve authority, board, and commission appointments Attachments: 1. Proposed 2020 ABC appointments l) ID# 20-068 Approval of the February 18, 2020 regular meeting minutes Attachments: 1. 02-18-2020 - CC Minutes - DRAFT 8. General Business - None 9. Ordinances on Second Reading and Public Hearing - None 10. Motion to adjourn to an Executive Session I move to go into Executive Session pursuant to C.R.S. § 24-6-402(4)(a) and Article III, Section 27 of the City Charter for purpose of discussing the purchase, acquisition, lease, transfer or sale of any real or personal property. The public is invited to attend all regular meetings or study sessions of the City Council or any City Board or Commission. Please call 303-795-3780 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting if you believe you will need special assistance or any reasonable accommodation in order to be in attendance at or participate in any such meeting. For any additional information concerning City meetings, please call the above referenced number. City of Littleton Page 3 Printed on 2/28/2020 Colleen Norton From: CAROL A BRZECZEK Brzeczek Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2020 7:03 PM To: Colleen Norton Cc: Mark Relph; Reid Betzing Subject: Corection CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Colleen‐I misspoke at the meeting tonight and ask that you forward this email to all Councilmembers. Thank you, Carol Brzeczek Councilmembers, Tonight I should have said that it is our legislative rules, not the charter, that defines the types of meetings council can have. My apologies. Carol * Sender and receiver should be mindful that all incoming and outgoing emails may be subject to the Colorado Open Records Act, S 24‐72‐100.1, et seq. 1 Littleton Center City of Littleton 2255 West Berry Avenue Littleton, CO 80120 7(a) Staff Communication File #: Ordinance 09-2020, Version: 1 Agenda Date: 03/03/2020 Subject: Ordinance 09-2020: An ordinance on first reading amending Ordinance No. 25, series of 2019, known as the Annual Appropriation Bill Prepared By: Tiffany Hooten, Finance Department POLICY QUESTION: Does city council support amending the 2020 annual appropriation for the carryover of 2019 encumbered funds? PRESENTATIONS: Staff Presenter(s): Stacey Covington, Budget Analyst and Tiffany Hooten, Finance Director Additional Presenter(s): N/A SUMMARY: During the year, departments issue purchase orders for projects, goods, or services to encumber funds for these projects. There are several projects and/or services that may not be completed in the fiscal year in which they were budgeted, or goods may not have been received by December 31 of the budget year leaving an open purchase order amount at the end of the year. Staff believes it to be of sound financial practice to re-appropriate open purchase orders at the end of each year in the following budget year. PRIOR ACTIONS OR DISCUSSIONS: The list of encumbrances was reviewed at study session held on February 18, 2020. ANALYSIS: Staff Analysis There are 97 open purchase orders or encumbered funds for projects, goods, or services from the 2019 budget that need to be carried over to the 2020 budget for the listed funds below. Each purchase order or encumbrance is associated with a specific project, good, or service that was not completed in the 2019 fiscal year. This ordinance will formally appropriate these funds. A complete list of the open purchase orders for all funds as of December 31, 2019 is attached. General Fund A few noted items in the General Fund are city-wide organization development, revitalization incentive grants, funding towards council goals, transportation design standards, upgrade and/or replacement of telephone system, Trackit 9 system upgrade, and continued replacement of street light poles by Xcel energy. Open Space Fund The Open Space Fund includes two park improvements related to grants awarded in 2019 which will not be completed until 2020. City of Littleton Page 1 of 2 Printed on 2/28/2020 powered by Legistar™ File #: Ordinance 09-2020, Version: 1 Impact Fees Fund The largest project approved in the 2019 budget to be carried into 2020 is $1.6 million that was approved from facility impact fees for improvements to the Littleton Center. This project is currently in process. Capital Projects Fund The Capital Projects Fund includes projects such as building improvements, police records management system, E-911 radio encryption software, street maintenance/improvements, Rio Grande Bridge improvements, Bowles and Federal intersection (TABOR funds), and the Santa Fe PEL. Council Goal, Objective, and/or Guiding Principle An amendment to the 2020 budget is directly related to Goal 1 Envision Littleton and Goal 2 Financial Sustainability by providing the mechanism to fund services provide by the city. It also fully supports all guiding principles. Fiscal Impacts A supplemental budget appropriation is requested in the amount of $6,936,178 for the 2020 annual appropriation. At the end of 2019, funds encumbered for these open purchase orders will be earmarked as part of fund balance. The following funds will be amended: General Fund $ 1,527,486 Conservation Trust Fund $ 95,600 Grants Fund $ 114,750 Open Space Fund $ 1,098,030 Impact Fees Fund $ 1,600,000 Capital Projects Fund $ 2,500,312 Total $ 6,936,178 Alternatives Option 1: Approve amending the 2020 annual appropriation bill to align the expenditures with the budget. Option 2: Do not approve the amendment, which is not in line with sound financial practices. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the amendment to the 2020 annual appropriation bill and setting a public hearing for March 17, 2020. PROPOSED MOTION: I move to approve the ordinance on first reading amending the 2020 annual appropriation bill and to set the second reading and public hearing for March 17, 2020.
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