tTE DAILY BANNER, 0REEN0A8TLE, INDIANA, FKIDAi', SEITE.MBKJt 2:!, 1918. ' 500.000 were concentrated across the ing meeting between Chamberlain border. and Hitler had been postponed until Nevertheless, there were many later today in consequence of Cham- 15c BalTj^y, ( HATEAU Show Starts at 6:30 Tonight outbreaks of fighting. Customs berlain's letter. houses and other official buildings Before mak.ng his announcement, ("iinif Bftri) If Vou were attacked by gunfire yesterday. Chambcriiin Mlcphorwad to cabinet Want A Seat— TONIGHT & SATURDAY official sources reported. In many ministers in London. cases Czech officials were kidnaped. Outside the hotel, the British dele- t»IIC WITH n^iuja,, TOM Those seized were taken to Ger- gation car had been waiting 45 min- many Only one waa known to have utes. Police pushed back the restive TMILS O^Tum-i aaoapsrt and returned. ciowd waiting for Chamberlain. The In the Hammern district at Bres- h mor guard before the hotel waa snitz guards and eight soldiers wen- removed, for the time being, and only ciptured and the customs house was two rentrles were posted. KIM The German protocol officer, taken over by German officials and IKilice. In a town near Plan one tcw_-ring, 7-foot tall Oount Von Czech aoldler waa shot. At Lapltz- Halem, strolled nervously back and dorf two Czech soldiers were kidnap- forth in the lobby. 1 ed. In a village near Podersam. Su- Telephone calls to London, Prague TRAIL* deten tlermans occupied the pjilrojil and Paris from the British rooms station but later they were arrested. l>egan jamming trunk lines. In P'an. officials gave up the ra 1- To some observers like myself wno road station to Suikitens but c-uld look back over 20 years of Chap. 14 cf "Dick Tracy" also A Good Comedy Czech roldiers later reoccupied it. such dramatic episodes as this, the At the town of Liebeno. in the s tuaticn resembled slightly the fam- Baket\ Kllilill - ! ::r.t POPCOBN ml PRIZES SAT. Til. .' t. M. Hraunau district, a customs guard ous Incident at Versailles when Pre- w ,.s attacked and some officials were Edent Woodrow Wilson, as an im- :. The Czech commandant, nam- plied threat to allied leaders at the ( •..:.• ., rnment ed .I.ikl. was shot. At a bolder com- ace conference, ordered his ateani- IAST STJ PLANT8 UEBIS1 POISON munity near Nikolsburg. Sudi tens s!iip to stand by in readiness to take leaded by G n Syrovy, onoeyed RIVERSIDE Cal fUP Natures attacked the town with machine him back to the United States. law <<! immunizing or buililing up of i preaented 10 CONSTANCE MOORE the president. guns and threw hand grenades near It was evident tbit German quait- natural r. Ilataat. appllai a Czech school. e.', acros-' the Rhine, were taken ny •The entire i ruzzY-mcin tn planU is well aa to human batngi The cabinet members met Bents surprise. As the British delegation living thi 11 ca connected < ■ ll.uv i 1 IS - at the presidential palace at noon. ' in its movt s. the Germans were EARL HODGINS with the fati tate the pro- coven 9 at the most tarioui They took the oath of allegiance to discussing the possihil ty that today's seasnatlon aaid "In these days :». ■ - x oow have the president and Czechoslovakia. talks might be held on the river, kttu the army. III-: I \>! I IIM-Tla.. become ao toughened that they ai • They were scheduled to draw up a aboard the trim white official yacht i:. aeea In the "FLASH '.Mumy. <,l able to Hilda fumigation. new government platform later to- Hansestaedt Koeln. day, 'two Czechs were wounded and five not move Into Czechoslovakia while The British 'announcement caused hat of the el I'I and nation. CZECH AKM\ IN CHABOE The government announced that customs guards captured. Krlede- negottiti>ns wei« in progress. general consternation as the niws ( Mtnxis an \HU.|.TT| "The ai my w. I merit thi II itHtlimcil I.MMI !•-«* IIMI-I Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain berg Is about eight miles south of spread. maaka, occupied the advanced posts f thi I In evi ry c u* It became apparent this morning of Great Britain in a note from Go- stadt Jaoernlg. There was no doubt that at that with full equipment including gas iki ibly behind the that a definite hitch had occurred in TONIGHT AND] berg had demanded that a pro- According to German reports here. time, the possibility that the con- of the Haglnot Una on Uie Rhine. meat, Ita chl :' the negotiations intended to result in a ion be addressed to the popu- the free corps advance was being re- a settlement of the Czechoslovak ference might encounter a critical SATURDAY II< reel an I motor trucka were b - md the president. 1-' 'i" 'i Hainan lation to ivoid provocation, attacks. 8igtej by Czech gendarmerie, cus- check, even a breakdown, loomed III^; reoulatUoned for transport «>f "The minority problem and an agreement demonatratloni and violence, partlcu- officials and "Communists." large. troopi '-rials throughout A!- fraeni In It will oe toms to discuss later means of consolida- NEW 1.1 \ soura larly in mixed-language districts. The sound of firing at Satzdorf Down In the hotel lobby, Gemian ■ace and Lorralna. just in- ting European peace. guests begijn grabbing copies of Uie it was underatood that the orders, Bvei v memhei f the my 1 was audible from here. There was An atmosphere of deep anxiety STPA JAOKRNIO. Cz.clio.-iovakia first afternoon paper, Dcr Mittag;. GRANADAl bnuad during UM night, ware given I machine gun and rifle fire and what pervaded the British delegation at "The Fainllj The«lrf" .Sept. •-•:: UP A battle waa in with its banner line: becauae the government feared that compleie trual . rotlon to his sounded like artillery. its hotel on Peter's Hill, acroaa thv al the village of Satzdorf. "Stalin Rules in .Prague." Kllilill v I I;I h Adidph Hitler might demand the re- •uperlora; must Rhine from Godesberg where Hitler 1W((|f1 near here, between Sudeten free Md I'BI/1 s i in , in signation <»f the new Czechoslovakia By Webb Miller waited. n the fu'i eoips men and Czechs. oihinet becauae It was headed by an i causation thai GODESBERG. Germany, Sept 23. First a motor car was ordered to According to Sudeten sources the SUN, - M0N. TUESDj army general. ■ lecurlty of tl 'UP' Peace negotiations between take Chambenlain across to Hitler's lighting began when Czechs resisted '•• 'lill II "Mini,,, The ai my n u il remiln Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain hotel The car Wilted. Then It was PRAGUE Sept. 23. 'UP' Pram- ready form tnatlon i the advance of free corps men. who , ani| Fuehrer Adolph Hitler reached disclosed that there waa a delay. Learn To Dance denl Bd iiarc Banal anied a procla- all costs, it must be ready c at this time occupy about 150 square j a crisis point today. Something had gone wrong. Tap—Ballet—Ballroom letres <50 square miles of this' A conference act tentatively for Next came a terse official announ. ii<&».7 mation to the inny today, exhorting iously to full Instruction fur all Age* Uatrict this morning waa postponed and cement: it t" that the people uatl ii. Also—Lessons in Singing anil Further free corps men moved In Chamberlain Bent a letter to Hitler "Mr. Chamberlain sent a letter to v pen I on I . forcea for pro- As thi Reading x"',*° ?. tection. Syrovy1 last night. to which he awaited a reply. Herr Hitler this morning, to which m The i lai ■ •! the army is maintain control an I to ke ;> ■»: ! t The Su .ileus reported that five It was believed that Chamberlains it Is underatood Hitler is replying " Sudetens were killed and two wound- letter contained a demand for an lm- Immediately afterword It was Miss Dorothy Dunlap behind the government'! decisions. along Ih.- Sudeti STUDIO The proclamation »«» issued im- (■■ man troops . .-i as ed at Fiiedeberg last night while plicit promise thai Germany would. made known that the proposed morn- PHONE XII w Another \lmir «|m/ lids*! 611 E. Seminary St. STKVKNSON'S KAVORITK STORY WITH \ l.Kl Ml W A NEW TRIUMPH IN BIG-PICTURE ij ENTERTAINMENT! «"'; Eta Kidnaps with a ca ■ feoftaaf WARNER BAXTE! Freddie BARTHOLOMEW ARLEEN WHELAN C. AUBREY IMus: POPEVK CARTOON "I.KT» I'KI.MtKtKE" RORF.RT BENCHI.KV In "Mlsil M Mil MMPUT ( OMMIMTY SINCi (BINti AND I \l i.ll »\'l» ''Hi MW li \ -ill M) TONIGHT AND . and with more smokers SATURDAY | V0NCASTLE every day who find in Chester- '! till II SHtiirdnw field's refreshing mildness and bet- Sa:uiday Midnight-Sunday - Monday Tuesday <•. 'till II Sunday Olnllnee E\erj I"-! •■ ter taste just what they want in a ADOLPHE MENJOU cigarette. ANDREA LEEDS /cJ&~<^ EDGAR 1'iERGEN\,,i // takes good things to make a good "CHARM!" M-CARTHTr product. That's why we use the best GE.ORGi: MURPHY ingredients a cigarette can have A $350,000.00 MOVIE tjl I/. OONTEM I'll TIKI' —mild ripe tobaccos and pure noiumiv III M \I'»"MI cigarette paper—to make Chester- NU I'n-vlewa and Kevlrwa | noM ii v. " "' field the cigarette that smokers I AT LOCAL THEATERS MISS DOT V . to her homi I fro0 say is milder and better-tasting. Yonraaltp see. where lw nf he: dmcW^ The much dlacuaaed film version ol were prem-ni. Ul •••■ Hobtrl I. Stevenaon'a "Kldnappe I," convenih n i "! Thf with Wanier Baxter and Freddie Jarn-y. age « | Hnrlhclomew in the prineipal rules of Rensaeleiu.
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