
3, 1894. jlOHAYE, TY,MO. Cattle, bulls Rt low �&SON, I., Kansas. �1I1lNE 10. I ,ollng '1 ,OliO rOkCrI,UOO Ie In- �O:d �y-two I . \ due. at 10 ESTABLISHED 1888. l J SIXTEEN TO TWENTY VOL. XXXII, No. 41. f TOPEKA, KANSAS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOb�i� 10,1894. 1 PAGl!lS-.U.OO A YEAH. 110. I TABLE' OF CONTENTS. SWINE. SWINE. CATTLE. � TROTT. Abilene, Kae.":Pedtgreed POland-ChI­ CLOVER LA.WN HERD /D'• Il,I's and Duroo-Jerseys. Also M. B. Turkeys. POLAND-CHINAS. s� SLOPE FARM, PAGE 2-THB STOOX 1l'ITBBBBT.-A Valu­ Llgbt'Brabma. Plymonth Rook, S. Wyandotte ohlok­ Young BOWS' and boar81!oDd ens and R. Pekin du·oks. Of the C.,B. CROSS, Proprietor, Emp.orla, Kas • able Experiment. Our Ex­ Eggs. b.est. Cheap. •4. Hog-Feeding �!���!'�f:. Breeder of pure-bred Herefords. Beau Real 11006 Trade. Kaffir Fodder. Live f���I:H�::'� port Corn IMPROVED CHESTER SWINE-Pure·bred W.N.D. BIRD, EmpOria, Kae. heads the herd. Young bulls and heifers for sale. �lId- Stock Husbandry. OHIOand registered. Stock of all ages and botb sexes Also for Bale, Poland·Chlna swine. Choice bred I line PAGE S-AGBIOULTURAL MATTBRB.-Wheat for nle by H. S. Day. Dwight. MORI. Co., Kae. P. A. PEARSON f the and Wheaten Flour. Don't Sacrifice Your ��:�:r:t��J�f�!c'2���!!� V�:��reFa��J:�lzgi axes, W. the noted' Duohen and Lee strains of N. H. TJlEMANSON, wathena, DonIphan co., Kansal!, .. Lady An Alfalfa Balance-Sheet. Feed­ KInsley, (fOnS Hay. A• Kansae.- Large Poland-China pigs sired oy Breeder of Gentry. Blamarck and General Lee, both Gent.,. ing Wheat. A Good Crop. Early Sisson 11900 S. anu other good boars. Write, b_re_dbo_an._lnse_rv_lo_e. _ {UOOkOM PAUE 4-IBRIGATlON.-Irrigation in West­ to-day. Mention KANSAS FARMIIR. � Poland·China Swlna Ilvld- ern KansaB. All tor ....Ie. Herd headed Jim Jr. j j F. THOMAS. MAPLE CITY, KAS.• breeder of age. b:r l)and:r PAGE 5-Fair Notes. a Free Trade. J • RegIstered �d Royalty Medium, son of SU.IUU'l1nOllII HILL STOCK FJUWJ.nu. IDln. 6-TRB and AND FINE �otel PAGE HOMB CIRcLB.-Com& POLAND-CElINA SWINE POULTRY. G. W. GLICK, ATCHISON, KA.8. Stock for sale MentIon FAUMER In See (poem). A Parable (poem). A Span­ cheap. writing. J. R. KILLOUGH 1& SONS, BreeclI and bae for Bale DalAi. and Batea-topPed iard's Columbus in Central Park. Fam­ 8HORT�HORNS. J'l1- B. Sutton " Richmond, Kansas, Waterloo.! K�klevlngton, Son., Rnlger bert, 0rairJr, Prlnaeu, Gunne, .IACly Jane and cther Troubles. Digestibility of Foods. Kansae. Choice and ily BERKSHIRES.-wm.Farm, Rus.ell. "'ebruary Breede.,. of fublon.6re·t�llIe•• The grand Bate. bulla Water­ Elizabeth's Gloves. Rained Live MiLrch boars for Queen pIgs. Young ready service. Yonng loo Duk. of ShBDDon Hm No. 89879 and I' Lizards. lOWS bred. Good Individuals and oholcest breeding. POLAND-CHINA SWINE Wlnaome Duke 11th 113,137 at head of berd. PAGE 7-TRB YOmTG FoLlts.-The Doll's Cholae :roung bulla for ....Ie now. Vllllto.. weloome. I Adclreu W. L. CHAFFEE. MIma er. Wooing (poem). Tommif Nut (poem). CATTLE AND SWI;NE. .. Stories of Whales. Tom Explains Things to She Was Held Moses and Tiger. Up. J. H. TAYLOR, . CHOICE r���tg���"" pr:.:: PAGEElectricitr.8-EDITORIAL.-Prohibltlon and the tIe. H. ALBERTY, Cberokee, Kae., Registered not­ The of Ar­ County Attorney. Activity M• stein-Friesian cattle, Poland-ChIna and Duroc­ gentina. The Garden City Fair. Prices Jersey .wlne, Rose-comb Brown Leghorns. Stock of all and both sexes for sale. Orders booked now " of lilies Wheat-Feeding. , '4. for pta. and eggs. \ PAGE II-EDlTORlAL.-How Far Apart 'soy Shall Apple Trees be Planted 1 Moment­ STOCK FARM HERD OF THOR­ inb'o ous Experiments. Export Trade ·in Ap­ ASHLANDcnghbred Poland-China hogs. Short-horn cattle DIlle Publishers' The and Plymouth Rock ohlckenB. Boars In service, ples. Paragraphs. Admiral Chip No. 7919 and AbbotWord No. 28351, IA., Commercial eds, Trans-Mississippi Congress. full brother to seco.nd-prlze yenrllng at Worlds Fair. ILnd Publications of United States Department Indlvldual'merlt and gllt-edged pedigree my motto. 'herd and 80llotted. of Agriculture for September.. I".peotlon Of. correspondence •. Co .. K..... �ot·ts. PAGE 10-HoBTIOULTURB. - What 'Is the O.,VanseU MD�toh.; Ate"l""n I nt .¥. Matter With (i)ur Apple Orchardsi 'Tree POULTRY. 11m• Pruning••.. THE APIARY.-Bee Journals. � PAGE ll-IN TRB DAIRy.-Cost cif Ensi- T. FORBES-FINE S. C. BROWN LEG- i lage. The Dairy Cow TeI!t. Dairy Notes. horns. for sale, and sent _ HARRY Eggs safely'packed by About Oleo ••• , YABD. I POUl-TRY Why expreBB to any pnrt of the UnIted Stotes. Addre.s . Don't They Lay1 701 Polk St., Topeka, Kas. PAGE 12-Last Week's Swine Sales. Gos- F B. sip About Stock. DILLE" SONS, EOOERTON, KAS., breeders A• of cboloe B'. P. Rocks, S. L. LIght PAGE l3-TIlE VETERINARlAN •••• Market Wyandottes, Reports. :::���r:::e�gs� �'![rW�at�����ronn :��':.a�:�e� I Standard-Bred for I LANGSHAN, BARRED PLYM­ Trotting Stock ·Sale foaled Hero of PURE-BREDoutb Rock and S. C. B. Leghorn eggs, one dollar RIVERSmE HERD , BIRD-Bay mare. 1884; by Thotn­ red I'"e per thirteen. Address Robert Crow, MIssourI Pa- dale 519. dam by John Brlgbt 666, granddam by Cn­ unr, 01110 Railway Agent, Pomona, Kas. lumbla Chief 881 •. BREEDERS'DIRECTORY. Poland-China GRACE BIRD-Bay lilly. foaled 1891, by Egmont Swine. Chief dam Bird nbove. I.. POULTRY YARDS.-L.E. Plxley.Em­ (2;24).() 10903. Kas breeder of For sale sows bred to farrow In FLORA CIiOCKE'l''l'-Brown mare. fORled 1889; OMIU of four "tuB or Ie.. WCII � �etUd '" tM EUREKAporia, .• Plymoutb RockB, S. Wy­ iule !3eptember and October. Also yonng Col. Crockett dam DarwIn Bruder,' or liz andottes, Bull Cochlns, B. and WhIte B. by (2;29J.() 1I9W, by 687. DWect(Y('JJ for '16 �r wear 111.00 for Leghorns, stock at ressoneble at all and Pekin duoks. Chloks ligUres granddam b:r Harttord Hambletonlnn, great-grend­ . montM; ea<:h additional Itno. 12.60 p.... l/ear. A COJ>II Lanj{shans. M.B.TurkeYB S., tllI!es.Satl.factlonguaranteed. Cor- dam by Fearnaught Hambletonlan. of tM pap.... wUI be .ent to tM adltertil.... during t·'" at'aU tImes. Eggs In season. rer, BLACK COLT-Foaled Domineer conUtwanu of card. 1894; by (2:19J.() �he VALLEY HERD F'ANCY POLAND-CIlI­ r::f���encs-.aV•w�l:�'M��;w?n @676, dam Flora Crookett above. r, KAWNAS-Of the mostnoted families, bred tor teed· . Emporia, Kae. BLACK COJ,T-Foaled 1800; by Creeco 41J08, dam Establlshed 1868. as well as Bebout's Flora Crockett above. HORSES. Ing qualities fancy poInts. Tecumseh nt head of herd. M. �'. 'I'ntman, Pro­ MAMBRILLE-'CheBlnut lilly, foaled 1891; by Bon­ prietor, HossvllIe. Kunsas. Iface (2;22�) 16635, dam by Abstract 22l1O, granddarn STOCK �'ARM.-Reglstered, Imported by Bob Dldlake 79•• �. MAINS' HERD OF POLAND-CHINAS. PROSPECTand hlgh·grade Clydesdale stallions and mares GUINEA FOWLS-f2 each; eggs,ll per Mares and 1I1l1es stinted to hlgh-brec stulltona and JA.MES for sale cbeap. Terms to suIt purcbaser. Thorough· WHITEthirteen. Ph/mouth Rock (JockeTtlB, 12 each; MAINS. supposed to be ...lth foal. be - - Oskaloosa, Kansas. DAVID bred Short-born cllttle for sale. Two miles weBt of eggs•. 11 per thIrteen. WMte Holland Turkel/B, sa POTTER,· Emporia, KB8. Jellerson Co. Topeka, Sixth .treet rOad. H. W. McAfee, Topeka, each; eggs, t.l por tblrteen. MARK S. SALISBURY, IS, KBB. Independence, Mo. A grnnd lot of early pigs for sale, sired by Monroe's 1'�,� Model U. S. 29938 0.• Tornado CATTLE•. ES. SWINE. 305950., I. X. L KIng and Royal ChIef 30343 0., from SALE WITHOUT RESERVE ! of them and the two Orst . blgbly-bred sows, many eas RED POLI,ED CATTllE AND COTE!- nnmed boars purohl!.Bed direct from Ohlo's best THBl BlNTJ:R.Bl ENGLISHwold Sheep.-Younj{ stock for sale, pure·bloods Thoroughbred D uroc-J ersey H ogs breeders. I pay express on pIgs to August 7. Sows 10. and grades. Your orders sollolted. Address L. K. bred to farrow In tbe fall for sale. Write me for MIDLAND HERD Haseltine, DorcheBter, Green Co., Mo. No. l.took. Safe arrival of all guaran,teed. a�e�::�::;? ��'i!i:ro'!rd!�;c1:tt��'i:'s':l�fr:i���:� OF PURE-BRED tlon to young breeders. Will be sent on receipt of VALLEY HERD OF SHORT-HORNS.­ stamp and address. J. M. STONEBRAKER, Pnnola;.Ill. MISCELLANEOUS. NEOSHOImported Buccaneer at bead. RegIstered bulls, - heifers and cows at bed·rock prices. D. P. Norton, I. Council Grove, Kas. E. M. HOSMER, Live Stock AuctIoneer, Mar:rvllle, Holstein Friesian Cattle STALEY, J• Mo. .,'Ine stock a speCialty. 1 so reepectfully will be sold without r.eserve at EX­ ess Ottawa, Kan8as. licit buslnessnnd W. CHENEY. Nortb Topeka, Kas., breeder of your gunrautee satisfaction. Term. try reasonable, Seoure dates early. POSITION PARK, H• HOLSTEIN-FRIESIAN CATTLE. Farm four miles nortb of town. g�E:&!�:l���sli�� eR. &lAoBrabma eggs. twenty for 11. F. M. WOODS, Mo" November 8, 1894 ICk Live Stock Auctioneer, Lincoln, Neb. Kansas. City, ng. GROVE HERD OF' SHORT·HORNS.­ W. S. Refer to the best breeders In the for whom t,.1 VALLEYFor sale, oholce young bulls and belfers at rea­ ATTEBUR:Y, West. Remember date I For terms, catalogue Prices reasonable and 8S; sonable prices. Cnll on or address Thos. P. BBbst, R088vmo, Kan8as. oorre.pondence and further description write to Is Dover, Kae.
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