Vol. 615 Thursday, No. 6 2 March 2006 DI´OSPO´ IREACHTAI´ PARLAIMINTE PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES DA´ IL E´ IREANN TUAIRISC OIFIGIU´ IL—Neamhcheartaithe (OFFICIAL REPORT—Unrevised) Thursday, 2 March 2006. Requests to move Adjournment of Da´il under Standing Order 31 ………………1881 Order of Business ………………………………1883 European Parliament and Council Regulation: Motion …………………1905 European Council Regulation: Motion ………………………1905 European Council Decision: Motion …………………………1906 Competition (Amendment) Bill 2005 [Seanad]: Report Stage (resumed) and Final Stage … … … 1906 Building Control Bill 2005: Second Stage (resumed) ……………………………1929 Referral to Select Committee …………………………1968 Transport Policy: Statements ……………………………1968 Ceisteanna — Questions Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children Priority Questions ……………………………1974 Other Questions ……………………………1987 Adjournment Debate Matters ……………………………2001 Adjournment Debate Voluntary Housing ……………………………2002 Infectious Diseases ……………………………2005 National Gas Network ……………………………2008 Community Employment Schemes ………………………2011 Questions: Written Answers ……………………………2017 1881 1882 DA´ IL E´ IREANN Mr. Gogarty: I seek the adjournment of the Da´il under Standing Order 31 to debate a matter ———— of urgent national importance, namely, the increasing levels of obesity and heart disease in De´ardaoin, 2 Ma´rta 2006. Ireland and the related need to improve urgently Thursday, 2 March 2006. active participation levels in sport by children and adults through tens of millions of additional ———— investment in facilities. This would save the State money in the medium term, as the Minister for Chuaigh an Leas-Cheann Comhairle i gceannas Health and Children will be interested to know, ar 10.30 a.m. because it would result in lower health care costs and increased productivity. I request this debate ———— particularly in light of the reply of the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism to my parliamentary Paidir. question of yesterday, in which he stated that Prayer. 37%, or more than one third, of all sports funding is spent on horses and dogs. I gather the only ———— exercise most people get is walking to the pub or the bookies. This is a scandal and I am Requests to move Adjournment of Da´il under gobsmacked. Standing Order 31. Mr. F. McGrath: Inside information on the An Leas-Cheann Comhairle: Before coming to dogs. the Order of Business, I propose to deal with a number of notices under Standing Order 31. I will Caoimhghı´nO´ Caola´in: I seek the adjournment call on the Deputies in the order in which they of the Da´il under Standing Order 31 to consider submitted their notices to my office. a matter of national importance requiring urgent attention, namely, the study showing a significant Mr. F. McGrath: I seek the adjournment of the level of tuberculosis infection in parts of Dublin Da´il under Standing Order 31 to discuss a matter city; the inadequate hospital treatment provision of national importance and concern, namely, the for tuberculosis patients following the failure to urgent need to assist the families of the Stardust put in place promised inpatient beds and medical fire tragedy in Artane on St. Valentine’s Day, teams in the wake of the grossly irresponsible 1981; the need to hold a fresh inquiry into this closure of the tuberculosis unit at Peamount terrible fire; and the need for all Members of the Hospital, which closure the Government facili- Oireachtas to support the march in Drumcondra tated; and the need for the Ta´naiste and Minister next Saturday and to give the families the for Health and Children to outline the measures maximum advice and support on this matter. she will introduce to address this threat to public health. Dr. Cowley: I seek the adjournment of the Da´il under Standing Order 31 to discuss a matter of Mr. Durkan: I seek the adjournment of the major national importance, namely, the need for Da´il under Standing Order 31 to discuss a matter the Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Chil- of vital national interest, namely, the recent and dren, Deputy Harney, to reconsider her stance on alarming reports of increased incidence of the provision of free health care to an estimated tuberculosis, with particular reference to the 100 women who are desperately ill with hepatitis north inner city; the obvious failure to provide C but who have not tested positive. They have the promised 18-bed unit in St. James’s Hospital, every other manifestation of hepatitis C, they Dublin, on the closure of the specialised unit at received a positive diagnosis of the disease from Peamount Hospital, which had previously catered their consultant hepatologist and desperately expertly for such patients; the need for the need help. I urge the Ta´naiste to intervene. Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Children to clarify why the very effective specialised unit at Mr. J. Higgins: I seek the adjournment of the Peamount Hospital was closed; why, despite Da´il under Standing Order 31 to raise a matter of promises made at the time, no replacement facili- national importance, namely, the use of Shannon ties have been provided and why co-ordinated Airport by the Commander in Chief of the US maintenance and treatment have been discon- armed forces to meet and rally US soldiers tinued; and if the Minister will now indicate her involved under his orders in the criminal occu- intention to directly intervene with a view to pation of Iraq, with cataclysmic consequences for resolution. the Iraqi people; whether the Irish Government had prior knowledge of and authorised this event Mr. Gormley: I seek the adjournment of the and whether it will tax the public purse to pay for Da´il under Standing Order 31 to discuss an issue the security provided for it; and to require the of urgent public importance, namely, the increas- Taoiseach to address the Da´il on this matter. ing levels of tuberculosis in Irish society and the 1883 Order of 2 March 2006. Business 1884 [Mr. Gormley.] Final Stages of the Competition (Amendment) need for the Ta´naiste and Minister for Health and Bill 2005, agreed? Children to ensure that full tuberculosis services be restored at Peamount Hospital; and the need Caoimhghı´nO´ Caola´in: It is not agreed. I am to implement the recommendations of experts conscious that the Report and Final Stages of the such as Dr. Luke Clancy. Bill could conclude before 1.30 p.m. but one must object in principle to the application of a guillo- Mr. Gogarty: Hear, hear. tine. The Competition (Amendment) Bill 2005 is important because it will have a significant effect An Leas-Cheann Comhairle: Having con- on the retail sector. I urge the Government to sidered the matters raised, they are not in order remove the guillotine from the proposal and in accordance with Standing Order 31. allow the debate on the various amendments which have been presented to proceed without Order of Business. restriction. The imposition of a guillotine is The Ta´naiste: It is proposed to take No. 12, unnecessary. In a previous manifestation, the motion re proposed approval by Da´il E´ ireann of Government Chief Whip introduced very few a proposal for a regulation of the European Par- guillotines. That marked his early stage in office. liament and the Council on the law applicable to contractual obligations — Rome 1 — back from Mr. Kitt: We must stop these debates at some committee; No. 13, motion re proposed approval stage. by Da´il E´ ireann of a Council regulation on juris- Caoimhghı´nO´ Caola´in: He is falling into all diction, applicable law, recognition and enforce- the bad habits of his predecessors and colleagues ment of decisions and co-operation in matters on the Government Front Bench who have held relating to maintenance obligations — back from his current position. committee; No. 14, motion re proposed approval by Da´il E´ ireann of a Council decision annexed to Mr. S. Power: That shows the futility of con- the communication from the Commission to the sistency. Council calling on the Council to provide for measures relating to maintenance obligations Caoimhghı´nO´ Caola´in: I urge the Chief Whip taken under Article 65 of the treaty establishing to forgo the employment of this unnecessary the European Community to be governed by the guillotine. procedure laid down in Article 251 of that treaty — back from committee; No. 22, Competition Question, “That the proposal for dealing with (Amendment) Bill 2005 [Seanad] — Report Stage No. 22 be agreed to”, put and declared carried. resumed and Final Stage; No. 24, Building Con- trol Bill 2005 — Second Stage, resumed; and No. An Leas-Cheann Comhairle: Is the proposal 25 — statements on Transport 21. for dealing with No. 25, statements on Transport It is proposed, notwithstanding anything in 21, agreed? Agreed. Standing Orders, that Nos. 12, 13 and 14 shall be decided without debate; the proceedings on Mr. Kenny: I suppose I should start by con- Report and Final Stages of No. 22 shall, if not gratulating the new manager of the Irish football previously concluded, be brought to a conclusion team, Mr. Steve Staunton, on the great start to at 1.30 p.m. by one question which shall be put his new career. from the Chair and which shall, in relation to amendments, include only those set down or Mr. Howlin: Hear, hear. accepted by the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment; the following arrangements Mr. Kenny: Tu´ s maith leath na hoibre. shall apply regarding No. 25: the statements of a Minister or Minister of State and of the main Mr. Timmins: Stan the man. spokespersons for the Fine Gael Party, Labour Party and Technical Group, who shall be called Mr. J. Brady: Is Fine Gael going to give him upon in that order, shall not exceed 15 minutes a run? in each case; the statements of each other member called upon shall not exceed ten minutes Mr.
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