@ 1:10000 Rev P08 P09 P07 P10 P11 METRES 1 3 0 . 0 m m 0 . 0 3 m 1 0 . 1 m 3 0 Revised InterimConditionB Revised InterimConditionB Issued forCP3 Issued forCP3 Fit forhybridbillsubmission Condition B.Code1. 0 .0 . 3 0 0 m 1 13 0 1 3 0 . 0 m 100 0m 0. 13 BEECHWOOD Description 200 .0m 130.0m 130 130.0m 146-S2 CromwellLaneReinstatement 130.0m 130 .0m .0m 130 100 110 120 130 70 80 90 30 40 50 60 147+000 500 29/08/13 21/10/13 28/10/13 29/11/13 17/12/13 Drawn NOR NOR NOR NOR RPH km/h 400 -7.7 117.4 125.1 146+700 m 0 . 0 2 1 Checked 29/08/13 16/10/13 28/10/13 29/11/13 17/12/13 -8.2 117.0 125.2 146+600 MSB GW GW GW G PD L 146-L1 BurtonGreenTunnel = = For Continuation Refer Burton Green 0 To Dr 1 awing C223-CSI-CV-DPP-030-000 . 006 4 North Portal 3 1 Footpath M182 -9.6 116.6 126.2 7 146+500 5 % Con App 1 1 29/08/13 16/10/13 28/10/13 29/11/13 17/12/13 m 3 0 . 3 0 0 3 0 1 . 0 . 0 m 3 m m 0 . PD PD PD PD PD 0 m 3 0 . 0 3 1 1 360km/h m 0 . -9.9 116.3 126.2 146+400 0 3 BURTON 1 Cromwell Lane 1 GREEN 3 0 . 0 m HS2 App North Portal Burton GreenTunnel L=2157.9 -9.0 115.9 124.9 146+300 m .0 0 3 1 1000 -4.1 115.4 119.5 146+200 130.0m 130.0m 130.0m Scale withcaution asdistortioncanoccur. may beusedforlegalorotherofficial purposes. Only anofficialcopyofatitleplan orregisterobtainedfromtheLandRegistry sold orpublishedwithouttheformal permissionofLandRegistry. This materialwaslastupdatedon 2013andmaynotbecopied,distributed, Registry underdelegatedauthority fromtheControllerofHMSO. © CrownCopyrightmaterialisreproduced withthepermissionofLand Ordnance SurveyLicencenumber100049190 © CrownCopyrightanddatabaseright2013.Allrightsreserved. or ifitisissuedinpartincompletelyanyway. the reproductionofthisdocumentafteralteration,amendmentorabbreviation HS2 acceptsnoresponsibilityforanycircumstanceswhicharisefrom 1 3 0 . 0 @ 1:1000 m METRES R=40000.0 -2.4 114.7 117.1 L=515.6 146+100 120.0m Burton GreenTunnel Burton Green 0 +2.1 113.7 111.6 146+000 146-S6 Black W aste W ood Culvert South Portal .0m 130 0m 0. 12 m 145-L2 BlackWasteWoodEmbankment .0 0 2 10 144-L2 Bockenden m 1 0.0 -2.0 112.5 114.5 145+900 13 m Cutting .0 10 20 1 -3.0 111.0 114.0 145+800 146+000 Cromwell Lane m 0 . 0 1 1 m 0 . 0 m 2 0 . 1 0 1 1 m 0 . 0 3 -2.1 109.3 111.4 145+700 1 South Portal Burton GreenTunnel G L L = = = 1 3 -0.2 107.7 107.9 4 145+600 . 6 5 3 6 0 0 % . Hall Site Replacement Village . and KenilworthGreenway Realigned FootpathW169 Buildings Tunnel Portal Access Road Tunnel Portal 5 0 110.0m Footpath W169 Footpath W168 50 W169 Diverted Footpath 0m 0. +2.0 106.0 104.0 145+500 12 100.0m m +3.1 104.3 101.2 145+400 0.0 1 11 20.0m 144-L1 BroadwellsWoodEmbankment R=-56000.0 +4.5 102.7 98.2 L=223.6 145+300 Realignment Footpath W168 m .0 0 0 m 1 0.0 11 m 0 . 0 1 +5.9 101.2 95.3 145+200 1 Legends/Notes: .0m 100 .0m +6.9 99.9 93.0 145+100 100 Electricity substation Ecological mitigationpond Depot, station,headhouse Land drainagearea Balancing pond or portalbuilding Tunnel portal 100 144-S4 Broadwells +8.5 98.7 .2 145-S1 Footpath 90 145+000 W ood Culvert W 168 Underpass Footpath W168a Bridge ProfilesindicatedatFRLtoHS2track Note: +6.9 97.4 90.5 R=8220.0 144+900 100.0m L=1167.1 Access HS2 Maintenance +4.7 96.1 91.4 144+800 Footpath W167 145+000 90.0m 90 .0m 9 0.0 +2.6 94.9 92.3 144+700 m m 0 . 0 9 m .0 Underpass Footpath W168 0 0 +1.3 93.6 92.3 144+600 1 m .0 0 9 Replacement floodplainstorage Landscape mitigationplanting (scrub /woodland) Grassland habitatcreation Grassed areas Sustainable placement Wetland habitatcreation Woodland habitatcreation +3.0 92.4 89.4 144+500 0m 0. 10 m 0 . 0 9 .0m -0.4 91.1 91.5 144+400 0 10 100.0m -4.6 89.8 94.4 144+300 143-L2 RoughknowlesWoodCutting m 0 . 0 -7.9 88.6 96.5 144+200 9 143-L1 CrackleyWoodEmbankment L G L Realignment Footpath W167 m 0 = W167 Diverted Footpath . 0 9 = -11.9 87.3 99.2 = 144+100 3 2 1 5 1 . 0 2 7 m 0 . 0 9 . 6 8 0 144-S1 Crackley Lane % -11.4 86.1 97.5 . 144+000 8 Overbridge 100. -10.3 84.8 95.1 143+900 0m Engineering earthworks Rail alignmentformation Public realm Landscape earthworks Borough /Districtboundary development use Returned tosuitable County boundary m 0 . 0 9 0 0 1 . 0 m 1 90.0m 00 .0 -9.5 83.5 93.0 143+800 m 100. 144+000 0m 9 Bridleway W165x 0 Overbridge Crackley Lane .0 m -3.9 82.3 86.2 143+700 Footpath W167 L=547.7 90. 90.0m 0 +1.4 81.0 79.6 143+600 m Scale H1:10000V1:1000 90.0m .0m 143-S2 Crackley 90 +2.5 79.8 77.3 143+500 W ood Culvert Scale 1:10000 Profile Plan 80 .0m 80. -1.9 78.5 80.4 143+400 0m m 0 . 0 143-S1 Bridleway W 164 8 8 0.0 -5.0 77.2 82.2 143+300 m 143-L4 NorthCrackleyCutting Overbridge Hedgerow habitatcreation Existing watercourse Existing publicrightofway Ditches -new PRoW New, divertedorrealigned Main utilityworks (PRoW) Community forumboundary Watercourse diversion 400km/h L Culvert Crackley Wood W165x Diverted Bridleway -7.0 76.0 83.0 = 143+200 3 m 5 0 . 0 8 0 143-L3 CanleyBrookViaduct . 0 m 0 . 0 -7.4 74.7 82.1 143+100 9 142-L2 CrackleyRoadCutting -5.6 73.5 79.1 143+000 m 0 . 0 9 m 0 . X 0 -4.6 72.2 76.8 142+900 8 Bridleway W164Overbridge Realignment BridlewayW164 7 0 -4.6 71.1 75.7 142+800 . 0 m 10+000 Canley BrookViaduct 143+000 m .0 0 -1.2 70.2 71.4 142+700 8 Stopped-up PRoW HS2 Accessroad Noise fencebarrier Rail alignment (e.g. 10+000) Chainage Tunnels externalextent 8 0 . 0 m 80. 0m 7 0 .0 m 7 0 .0 +0.2 69.5 69.3 142+600 142-S4 Crackley ATS m 142-L3 CanleyBrookRetainingWall 7 Canley Brook Realignment of Bridleway W164 0. 0 m R=-56000.0 -6.8 68.9 75.7 L=1030.8 142+500 .0m 142-S3 A429 Kenilworth 70 Road Overbridge .0m 70 7 0 . -10.4 68.6 79.0 142+400 0 m 7 0 . 0 m m 0 . 0 142-S2 Coventry-Leamington Spa 7 HS2 SecurityClassification Creator/Originator -10.9 68.4 79.3 142+300 Rail Overbridge .0m 7 80 0 . 0 m 8 0 . 0 m m 0 . 0 -9.2 68.3 77.5 142+200 142-S6 M illburn Grange Farm 7 Accommodation Overbridge CRACKLEY 80 .0 -5.9 68.5 74.4 142+100 m m 0 . 0 7 Capita SymondsIneco JV Kenilworth Road Realignment ofA429 Access andHS2 Realigned Privatemeansof 8 0 . 0 m 80.0m -3.8 68.9 72.7 142+000 141-L3 DalehouseEmbankment m .0 0 7 INTERNAL 8 0 .0 m -3.9 69.4 73.3 141+900 70.0m Crackley Auto-TransformerStation Pumping Station Coventry-Leamington SpaRailOverbridge A429 KenilworthRoadOverbridge G L Accommodation Overbridge Millburn GrangeFarm = = HS2 Alignment 142+000 -5.4 69.9 75.3 R=-8220.0 141+800 3 L=2537.5 - 8 0. 0 0 1 m Wall Canley BrookRetaining m . .0 4 0 5 7 8 .9 % 7 0.0 -6.5 70.5 77.0 141+700 Ground Level m London, SW1E5DU Bressenden Place, Eland House, Registered office: Registration No.06791686 Registered inEngland Kenilworth Cutting 141-L2 7 0 . 0 -7.2 71.1 78.3 141+600 m 80.0m -3.3 71.6 74.9 141+500 8 0 .0 70.0m m +6.0 71.9 65.9 R=56000.0 141+400 L=577.3 141-S1 Dalehouse Lane Overbridge 70 141-L1 FinhamBrookViaduct .0m Drawing Title Design Stage Zone +1.8 72.0 70.2 141+300 70. 0m 141-L4 FinhamBrookEmbankment 70.0m 0 0 0 + -5.6 72.0 77.6 141+200 0 9 3 2 + m 0 0 . 0 7 m 0 . 0 8 7 0.0m 7 0 . 0 m Chainage 140+300 to146+700 -11.6 71.8 83.4 141+100 140-L1 GlasshouseWoodCutting m 0 . 0 m 7 0 . 0 8 hybrid billsubmission -13.9 71.4 85.3 141+000 140-S3 Footpath Finham BrookViaduct 8 0 . 0 m G K29 Overbridge Access Road New DalehouseFarm (Centenary Way) Footpath K29 L Sheet 38of49 = Country North m 0 . Overbridge Dalehouse Lane = 0 0 9 2 . m 0 . 0 8 Main Line 4 -11.5 70.9 82.4 7 140+900 5 8 % . 14 2 1+000 -9.6 70.5 80.1 140+800 Overbridge Footpath K29 Bypass of A46Kenilworth Online Reinstatement m .0 0 R=56000.0 -8.3 70.0 78.3 140+700 9 L=273.1 .0m 0 8 8 m 0 0 .
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