M L B ^ n T - •*u«%ge jjgkes, it MILLBURN. WYC BRANTWOOU. SPRINGFIELD f ■>m£ biH«r«u »> necuuu ,u* Mtll«r *t lb| FRIDAY, JAN. 6, 1933 Mfnburn I*C>«I OffKi* undtr an Act MILLBURN, Nl l.'oogrtM, March I. 1ST*. Price 5 Cent* a g e n t President P roclc m e Chosen 1933 Chairman; Thirty-Day ,y <i r -***• * i & ‘X m i » f 'r- ■ ' W I H i n i D F or Calvin Taxpayers Recommend-Cate; The shoe* of the drill former President Calvin idffe yesterday noon has etrated every section of this; Ttequesf~DelafOn Commend Efficiency country and many other couitj Faimett at Oliver’* tries. After learnina of tragedy. President Hoover is- TW O COMMITTEEMEN TAKE OFFICE Agency Saturday • sued a public proclamation fir- daring a thirty-day wourakg OATH OF OFFICE penoci in fiwtitOFy r»i fn** WHf* a Many cdtripllmehl* have beeh tieth President of the Uifttfl floating around town tor Robert States. IS GIVEN TWO 8. Oliver Jr., motor vehicle II- cenae agent, on the manner In*. Mr Cooltdge, who wag M I which he took care of the young v*mni 0,d last JuI? 4 had army of persona seeking licenses > camglataing of indigesik : J Committeemen Are Not at hU agency Baturdav. i tl,e laM thiw weeks. Ho Unanimous In Naming John V. Dunn declared, 'Mr-I Officers for Year Oliver merlU many compliments J, l an^tesnarUldhad ^turned to hi* tun* Charles R Moore was elected v z . * £ z S* ay “ ! S u “., U ^ h 7 . « « Mass accompanied " j "by ™ hi*'m -c chairman of the Township agency Saturday. Such success- . Harrv b«« h Committee for the cofhlng year ful management the first year, , at the organization meeting not only Indicates even greater “ J j* * - ™ p Monday morning at the Town efficiency neat year, but l O g S p ^ g ! 0 >™p' Hall, and Charles R. Reeve was means that the motor vehicle |J* .^ n u ttw ^ r Vt W ’$ chosen vlee-chatem-n a-jrj* • mm'’“»i “ ihe s z T K ' ; s » * Jn a brief statement to the Township. resit by Mr Ross, she Mr. Oliver look in over *8.000 rpclly t0 hl, a l y Committee and those citizen* Saturday, which hesaid, foinu, h present Committeeman amounted to more than twice. „ th Stephen Barker made hts per­ if anlly sonal position clear In respect the usual receipts Quite a few W' EDGAR A. CLARK CHARLES K. MOORE to the appointments made by from out of town mAnaged ,nd J n lu *d Mm the Committee Mr. Barker said; find the Uttle agency, according * * “1 regret that the Committee Is to reports, and residents of dcad °* heart (allutc not unanimous but I feel that I Short Hills were pleased that! “ ! 1 want my disagreement a matter they did not have to go to MASS MEETING OFFER PETITION Board of Health Meelt of public knowledge I am not Springfield, Livingston or Sum­ is accordance with the appoint­ mit for their plates this year. A To Organize and Appoint ments the chair will make J few did patronise the Summt FAVORS MOVE TO COMMITTEE believe the chair to be acting In agency, presumably because For Work o f This Year what he believes the best in ­ they did not know of the exis­ terests of the Township, but a tence of the local one. At the organisation ueeUiv ^ Further Investigation Point Out Thirteen Possi. gross injustice Is being done In When the state department of the Board of Health ttondi, g f Making New bilities For Township one case ” sent Mr. Oliver 1,100 plates in morning, Charles R Mooe was ssworc t " » . r Mr Moore answered the state­ November, he figured that he j elected president of the Boar ‘ Appointments economies ment by saying that as far as he would not have enough and or- for the coming year and Mitto tj * _ _ _ _ _ •* a.---------- knew “ the differences of opin­ dered 900 more sets. Of this sec-R. SUance. secretary. Thi Boare! ft maa5 meelln. hcld a t' urging that 'the 1933 appro- ion are honest differences ond butch, 600 are already gone|adopted Uic sauu. ru»* (Washington School Friday night prlatlons for proportionate de- Milton R. Silance was reap­ and he contemplates sending order of business ■ 1 19, . too taxpayers adopted a creases” In all departments of pointed township treasurer at a for even more. ! Pr Elwood H Ma.Pher n pr^ ntpd by Frcder- thP Township excepting the salary of $1,600 annually which Commercial licenses went wgs reappointed "owns-.g) Schlerbaum, requesting health and unemployment di- Is a reduction of *500. Mr over pretty well, according to health officer, amt Mr Garde tbe Township Committee to visions, members of the Tix- Barker and’ Willard L Hulls the local agent, and all of the A. Hull, his assist a nl. It Jo$ d’-iay any and all action In payers' Association made thlr- both opposed the appointment, bus plates were dispensed. Trautweller wu*. ippolied fpr.ting Into effect the working teen specific recommendations slating that they believed the There are still a few taxi plates Township veterinary it an pt- machinery, provisions,’ appoint- along the lines of economy In & offices of townshpl clerk and nual salary of $100; Owen B left. mentg and personnel" as au­ petition to the Township Com-1 township treasurer should be Keenan was made plimblnr In­ The mob Saturday "was Jam­ thorized by the adoption D e c- mlttec Monday The r"*"** separated Committeeman spector and Dr Jam’s B. Itf-w- med In like sardines," said Mr. ember 19 of three inter-related pointed out that "in spite af a,Reeve favored the appointment health phy-clar, succeed Oliver, and some even stood ln "’on’ .. ________ •ldlnances. reduction or from 25 to 50 per;"as a saving to the taxpayers" the windows, butbut everybodyeverybody >"* *£•, latf Dr WeUln« ^ The taxpayers protested fur-_ cent In Individual Incomes since j The Committee adbpted a res- from the Township who came in oa® pD^ __ „ . , • her'acttorT by" the” Comm It tec 1929, the Township approprla-1-lotion that they proceed un- the last day was good natured Sta?d commit^e chaJ f,.r a number of reasons The lions for 1932 were 30 per centner the same rules for the order and "took it with a smile " man for lhis >car wtl **■ Co!r' — — — “»* - 35“ »“» ' » • • r a f K S S t t t : •OnfAU“.r“ta <Mnk;. commi‘l,c!mn Barker.“« Saturday," Mr. Olivers opinion ceourunlcal. M M tto-„,M*ittm W »k | “ was that there were so many'“rw a” d- ” rd^ :inc^ ible unfair, unjust and’ may increased governmental c o s t s S^ar as Township auditors. people from out Ofof town who man Clar^ : ‘^ ™ ? Qln S ; Ktvc rise to political favoritism -because of demands from time Chairmen of standing com-, , , came in to get their cars trans- anccs Committee nan Huits fQther prot€gtatlons ^ llme for additional public mlttecs for the year arc as fol- preventable di-eases, but lows: Mr. Moore, streets and taUdft- «"«* were on ,he 8rounds that lwo or Improvements and services." (Please Turn to Page 2.) mliteeman Moore, rnr members of the Committee-they asked "the same policies' sewers: Mr, Reeve, fire protee 4drainage. had been absent when the or- of economy which private busl-,tlon and water supply;^ alliances were passed on first nessmen tn reading and that these two or two ago, 1 (Mark nnllre nroi Schedule Pul ic Meeting On •Petition members had voted against the j charities, and Mr, O Q1 11 measures at the final passage. ling and lights. £ 4) iC 11 _— JkJV cshington School On Thursday,Further reasons, according to (Please Turn to Page 11) the resolution, were that the of- ! lutlon setting the mci for the year, to be pul The Taxi « r* Association ommendatio* rfpc e of one of the memoersmembers of01 - . -2c lb. has scheduled a'public meeting omy, resulting fn,m the com MacCommittee,.. who, favored the Tax List* O ^ For Inspection th^ ™ ary Stanjslaus y Mrs. ___. _________ , mitlee's study of the s it u a t io n .ordinance* expired DecemberDccembe: Thursday at Washington School Thursday, Friday, Saturday appomted clerk w the cob,' to discuss definitely the reso­ These findingsidings will be presented: 81; that ^Innuentlal citizens. and organizations of the Town- of taxes and Miss Mabel E. < |L lution for Township economy to the Board of Education a' was reappointed clerk to UilU* 4o the Township their first meeting following thrphlp had protested; that the du-: The HtUburn Tax. Board ex­ township clerk. tee at Its organization session— Thursday. '* - tics of the township engineer pects to open Its 1933 lists for should be "limited to engineer­ inspection Thursday, Friday Rcynler J. Wortcndyke was meeting Monday. The reasons A letter to ajl members of the appointed Township Counsel to the various savings lndlcat- Taxpayers’ , Association will b( ing problems;" that there Is no and Saturday of next week present need for an assistant from Z o’clock until ten at its succeed Ira C. Moore. ln the taxpayers' recommen- sent out this week, outlining the Albert F. Daly was appointed engineer; that the ordinances do office on the second floor, of wtll be outlined and ex- points to be 'discussed at the building inspector on a half­ , meeting and definitely advising not define adequately the pow­ the Town HaU- Taxpayers ans urged to bring time basis at a salary'of 11.2(H) a Fred Herrlgel Jr„ chairman of 1 the members as to the means of ers and duties of the superln- school committee, of the as-! practicing economy In public along their 1932 tax bills in tlon, will offer definite ree-i affairs - - , (Pleaae Turn to Page J) order to expedite inspection.
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