frustration Ambassador presents credence PALIKIR, Pohnpei (FSM INFORMA- Fritz and members of the FSM Congress, President's Cabinet Room at the Capital in TION SERVICE) - FSM President John R. Pohnpei State Lt. Governor Johnny David, Palikir on Nov. 1,1989. Haglelgam calls the occasion "historic" for Pohnpei Speaker Annes Leben and Vice 'Australia honors the FSM again," the both the FSM and Australia as he accepted Speaker Job Micah, FSM national and President said as he accepted the Letters of the credentials for the Australian Ambassa- Pohnpei State cabinet officials and the credence for Ambassador Kenneth Brazel dor to FSM in the presence of the Vice members of the diplomatic corps during a in the presence of the FSM officials and President Hirosi H. Ismael, Speaker Jack formal presentation ceremony held at the (Please see DIPLOMAT, Page 2) THE NATIONAL UNION PEACE • UNITY* LIBERTY AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE PEOPLE OF FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA Volume 10 Palikir, Pohnpei, November, 1989 Number 11 FSM dedicates new capital PALIKIR, Pohnpei (FSM INFORMATION SERVICE) - Thousands cheered as FSM national and state colors were raised alongside 11 other flags from guest countries at the new FSM Capital site to the tune of the national anthem played by the U.S. Navy Band from Guam as President John R. Haglelgam joined other speakers in welcoming ambassadors and representatives of the govern- ments and FSM citizens who have come for the November 3-4 dedication ceremonies of the FSM new capital in Palikir, Sokehs, Pohnpei. The two-day celebration was held in conjunction with the nation-wide celebration of the Third Anni- versary of independence. Speakers congratulated the FSM Government for the new beautiful capital and expounded on "unity" as this year's theme of the Independence Day celebration and commented FSM for its sov- ereignty and self-determination, and praised the new capital complex as a monument, an "histori- cal achievement" during festivities which were broadcast live in four of FSM's main languages via satellite at the rotunda in front of the new Congress Chamber and the Supreme Court Building. The dedication of the $11 million complex on President John R. Haglelgam (Please see CAPITAL, Page 3) 00 OV (Continued from Page 1) members of the diplomatic corps. your development. We are also ready to confident that we will be able to continue to "Your government's gestures of friend- work constructively with you and through assistthe Federated Statesof Micronesia to ship to the FSM and support of diplomatic the South Pacific Forum, the South Pacific assume its rightful place in the community of initiatives have been demonstrated more Commission, the Forum Fisheries Agency nations," said the Ambassador, adding that than once. My State Visit to Australia in and other organisations to promote the he and his wife very much look forward to October last year which was the first state interests of the region; a region of which we the years ahead of them in the Federated visit to any country by a president of the are both inextricably part. States of Micronesia and that "Your spar- FSM, the visit of Foreign Minister Gareth "The role we seek, Mr. President, is one kling lagoon, your coral reef, your open sea, Evans last July to the FSM and the estab- of partnership with the sovereign states of all are aspects of your country with which we lishment of Australia's embassy in Pohnpei the region; it is a role which respects the wish to become familiar; but more than that, are tremendous gestures of friendship equality of independent states; one which we look forward to meeting the people of the which amply demonstrate our mutual com- respects cultural differences and values; Federated States of Micronesia, th$ people o mitment to develop and strengthen the rela- one which demonstrates constructive com- of Truk, of Yap, of Kosrae of Pohnpei....We £• mitment to a region to which Australia at- both very much look forward to working with cr tionship between our two countries," Presi- dent said. taches the highest importance. you, with members of your government and President Haglelgam welcomed Ambas- "We recognize and welcome, Mr. Presi- with members of the broader community to sador Brazel and wife, Loraine, to FSM and dent, the close and extensive ties between promote the interests of our peoples and the adding that he pledged FSM's commitment the Federated State of Micronesia and the valued relationship between our govern- to work with Australian Embassy in the days United States of America. This relationship ment." ahead to develop a close, confident, and will remain crucial to you in responding to Ambassador Brazel also presented to broad-ranging relationship between the your challenges of development. Australia President Haglelgam a letter from Gover- Federated States of Micronesia and Austra- is confident, however, that it will be able to nor-General of Australia, His Excellency Bill lia citing Ambassador's own words and re- complement, effectively, the contribution Hayden, which conveyed Kenneth William questing him to convey the President's which your relations with the United Slates Brazel's appointment as the Ambassador personal good wishes to their Excellencies of America make to the development of your Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Aus- Governor-General Bill Hayden and Prime country; moreover, Mr. President, we are.. tralia to FSM. Minister Bob Hawke. Ambassador Brazel called the event a "significant milestone in the development of relations" between Australia and the FSM, citing that the commencement of relations at ambassadorial level reflects the positive commitment of the governments of both "our countries to developing close, confi- dent, broad-ranging relationships," and adding that "Australia very much values the spirit of mutual co-operation within which our relationship has flourished." The Ambassador also called the occa- sion a great honor for him, and adding "It is a dual honour to be the first Ambassador of Australia to the Federated States of Micro- nesia and the first resident ambassador to your country." Ambassador Brazel also informed Presi- FIRST FOREIGN RESIDENT AMBASSADOR PRESENTS CREDENCE • Moments be- dent Haglelgam that Australia recognizes fore presenting his credentials to President John R. Haglelgam, Australian Ambassa- dor to FSM, the Honorable Kenneth Brazel, standing, says "It is a dual honour to be the severe constraints to development the first Ambassador of Australia to the Federated States of Micronesia and the first which he and the other Pacific island lead- resident ambassador to your country" during formal presentation ceremony held ers face, and restated what Minister of For- Nov. 1, 1989, in the Cabinet Room at the President's Office. Sitting from right are: eign Affairs and Trade, Senator Gareth Ambassador's wife, Loraine Brazel, Vice President Hirosi H. Ismael (back to camera); President Haglelgam, External Affairs Department Secretary Andon Amaraich who Evans, said during his visit last July, thai was the Master of Ceremonies, and International Affairs Division Administrator Jesse "Australia is ready to be an active partner in Raglmar. Capital (Continued from Page 1) sus nature of the elected Congress 135 acres in Palikir, Sokehs Mu- and is reminiscent of the seating O nicipality, Pohnpei State, in- arrangement of the islands' heredi- z 33 cludes nine one-to-two story tary traditional leaders. r~ concrete buildings that are inter- The Capital complex was de- c connected by covered walk- signed by Architects Hawaii, Ltd., of z ways, and the construction of Honolulu, Hawaii, and was built by o Hanil Development Company, Ltd., z parking areas and driveways, on of South Korea. •m site water and sewage systems, Z The events attracted thousands, O landscaping, electrical distribu- including FSM citizens arriving on C tion systems and 4.5 miles of in State Field trip ships from Yap, Truk 3 road paving from Kolonia to the and Kosrae. Many of these were o- Capital site in Palikir. principal participants in some of the CD The Capital project, which began two-day activities. with a ground-breaking ceremony Citing that the entire nation is by officials of the FSM and Hanil celebrating its Third Anniversary of CO Development Company of Korea on Independence, and that on Novem- February 9, 1987, was originally ber 3, 1986, the FSM regained scheduled for completion in Octo- control of its political destiny after Speaker Jack Fritz ber 1988. 400 year of foreign domination, the commitment to build a strong and The new National Capital Com- President said, "Today should also stable unified nation out of our many plex brings together the past and be the celebration to renew our islands. the present, the traditional and the commitments to remain a unified "The other event of equal national modern, and the separate histories nation with rich and diverse cultures importance which has, for the first and cultures of the four States which and traditions. We should pledge time, brought our leaders and our constitute the Federated States of and rededicate ourselves to the (Continued on Page 6) Micronesia - Yap, Truk, Pohnpei and Kosrae. The shape and color of the roofs of the separate buildings which house the Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches of the Na- tional Government comes from a composite of traditional structures in all the States, but the profile is predominantly Kosraean. The walkway columns and the bases of the buildings are patterned afterthe basaltic crystal "logs" used to build Nan Madol, a 700 year old city of canals on the eastern side of Pohnpei. The exposed ends of the first floor beams are based on the world famous Yapese stone money. The exposed ends of the second floor beams represent the prow of a Trukese canoe. The four large columns in the Congress Chamber stand for the four States unified in one govern- ment.
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