April 1, 2020 * The Amboy Guardian .1 * WWW.AMBOYGUARDIAN.COM * Celebrating Our 9th Anniversary March 30, 2011 - March 30, 2020 • VOL. 10 NO. 1 • 732-896-4446 • P.O. BOX 127 • PERTH AMBOY • NJ • 08862 • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 2020 • Coronavirus Pandemic, Perth Amboy Statement from Mayor Wilda Diaz *Photos by Paul W. Wang Press Release 3/30/20 urged to call the Jewish Renais- to enforce evening curfews. In- Dear Residents, sance Hospital at 732-376-9333 dividuals not adhering to the As our state grapples with the to make an appointment. A pre- stay at home directives of the spread of the Coronavirus, the scription is required to get test- state and local agencies, will be City of Perth Amboy and the Of- ed and there will be no walk-ins issued a citation, unless they es- fice of Emergency Management accepted. This is for the protec- sential employees or traveling is taking every precaution to tion of our healthcare workers, for crucial and necessary items ensure the health and safety of the individuals being tested, and such as food, medical assistance our community. My heart goes for your own protection as well. and prescription drugs. out to all the families that have Your children’s well-being Due to the evolving nature of experienced this virus first-hand is out top priority. As such, all information, residents are en- or that have lost someone be- schools were closed on March couraged to contact the 24/7 NJ cause of it. I ask each of you to 16 until further notice. Free COVID-19 call center at 1-800- think of those families before breakfast, lunch and dinner has 962-1253 for up-to-date infor- leaving your homes, if unneces- been made available to all chil- mation. New Jersey residents sary, so we can help flatten the dren of Perth Amboy thanks to can also call 211 or text NJCO- curve of this contagious virus. the generosity of our communi- VID to 898-211 to receive text Mayor Diaz & Deputy Police Chief Cattano address public concerns I cannot stress this enough. ty partners and the Perth Amboy information and stay informed. Hospital staff are putting their School District. For a complete The state also launched a COV- lives in danger to make sure list of hours, parents and care- ID-19 site with many helpful re- they provide the best care to our takers are encouraged to visit sources and a symptom checker, communities during this global the city’s website for more in- so please visit their site at www. pandemic. It is our responsibil- formation. covid19.nj.gov. ity to adhere to the guidelines Last week, I informed our My team and I have also tried set forth by the CDC and the community that two staff mem- our best to keep our city website State of New Jersey to ensure bers of the Perth Amboy Public as updated as possible. Please their safety. I strongly request School System had tested posi- visit www.PerthAmboyNJ.org your cooperation and adher- tive for COVID-19 and a third for helpful resources for our ence to our emergency orders, staff member was still being -in residents and business owners. as listed on our city website to vestigated. Workers or students While few essential businesses contain the spread of the coro- who may have been in close are allowed to remain open un- navirus and to reduce the loss of contact with the staff mem- der the directives of Governor life across our state. bers have been contacted by Phil Murphy, residents are en- As of today, March 30, 2020, the Middlesex County Health couraged to report any employ- there are 59 confirmed cases of Department as a precaution- ers, organizations, or entities Many businesses are forced to close Perth Amboy residents with the ary measure. We also took the that are violating any part of coronavirus. I know that num- drastic measure of closing all Executive Order 107 by visiting ber sounds alarming but as test- playgrounds. We need to en- www.covid19.nj.gov/violation. ing becomes more available, the sure the safety and well-being In times of crisis, we are re- reporting of COVID-19 cases of our community comes first,minded of our strength and will likely increase and we will and we cannot do that if people courage as a community. As have a closer estimate of how continue to treat this pandemic your mayor, I thank you for many people are infected within like nothing more than a cold. your cooperation so that our our community. Please be ad- We need the residents of Perth office and community partners vised that the Jewish Renais- Amboy to comply with the re- can provide seamless care to the sance Medical Center is open strictions set forth by the City of residents and workers of Perth for testing of COVID-19. To fa- Perth Amboy. Amboy. cilitate the best use of resourc- I also want to add that we are es, residents are asked to con- increasing our emergency pro- Thank you and God bless you tact their health care provider tective measures with the help all. to asses if they are symptomatic of our local enforcement agency Mayor Wilda Diaz with evidence of a respiratory and the Office of Emergency Masks and Gloves are the new norm infection. If you do not have a Management. The Perth Amboy primary doctor, residents are police department will continue Attention Businesses Open During Pandemic Crisis: Let customers know your services are helping to serve the community. Consider Advertising in the Amboy Guardian. Our rates are reason- able for both print and/or online advertising. Are you hiring? Get the word out! Call Carolyn: 732-896-4446 or Katherine: 732-261-2610 Email the Amboy Guardian: [email protected] A once busy Smith Street now quiet at night Updates on Coronavirus Outbreak: www.perthamboynj.org & www.amboyguardian.com 2. The Amboy Guardian *April 1, 2020 2020 Municipal Budget Does Not Pass; Temporary Budget Adopted 3/25/20 Council Meeting By: Katherine Massopust stated, “We cannot give large was to apply for a grant for the SOUTH AMBOY – After tech- raises to city workers who have Federal Transit Association for nical difficulties on the 3/18/20 been working only one year. We a grant for the year 2020 Pas- Council Meeting, which was also overestimated the tax rev- senger Ferry Grant Programin via audio phone casting, the enue from Woodmont. support of the ongoing efforts South Amboy City Council had B.A. Glenn Skarzynski stated, to construct the Radford Ferry their meeting on 3/25/20 via au- “We did give members Code Terminal Project passed unani- dio conferencing with improved Enforcement increases up to mously. technology. Several of the comparable salaries to sur- Council Comments: Council Members had difficultyrounding towns.” Councilman Brian McLaugh- with the system on 3/25/20 and Higgins then explained that lin thanked everyone who is requested that the meeting be Woodmont currently paid how helping during the coronavirus rescheduled to March 25th. The much they were going to pay. outbreak including the OEM main focus of the 3/25/20 meet- “We realize that last year was and Police Department. ing was to pass the 2020 Munic- inaccurate. Your budget prop- Councilman Thomas Reilly ipal Budget. erly reflects that.” stated, “I was deeply troubled Council President Mickey Councilman Brian McLaugh- by the last meeting – having is- Gross handed the meeting lin stated that the First Aid sues. We can’t have things like over to Gary W. Higgins, CPA, Squad needs a new ambulance. that happen.” RMA, PSA - Managing Com- B.A. Skarzynski stated, Council Vice-President Chris- mittee Partner of Lerch, Vinci “There is money (in the bud- tine Noble stated, “Accidents & Higgins, LLP who performed get) to fund a new ambulance.” happen. I agree with increases the financial auditing services. He stated there is enough for a to salary. I agree we need an Higgins introduced the 2020 down payment on a new am- ambulance. I know it will be Budget which was subject to bulance and when it comes, the passed. Everybody should have review by the Division of Gov- NCIA will fund the rest to cover their questions answered.” ernment Services. the cost. Councilwoman Zusette Dato Higgins stated that the budget McLaughlin then inquired stated, “I agree. No one feels was submitted to Director of about the co-op program re- good about what happened at Revenue and Finance & CFO garding youth to work during the last meeting. I agree with Dan Balka and explained that the summer in the DPW. “There Christine (Noble). We’ll work the CFO replied with a request is no reason it can’t be done.” to resolve it the best we can. Be to the Division of Local Munic- He then stated that some of the kind. I ask we all remember lo- ipal Services gave permission to personnel that was budgeted cal businesses. They need our begin the process of adoption. for he agreed with and some help. Try to have some nor- Higgins stated that the budget he didn’t. “We are counting on malcy. Remember the Census. I is $3000 under the tax cap. PILOT money to be put into the did it and it took me under ten After the public hearing budget. A lot of these are rent- minutes. (which took place via phone als. We have a pandemic. I’ll Council President Mickey conferencing and by B.A.
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