VOLUME XXXII. m\ 51. SOU1WAMKOY. N..I.. SATURDAY, MARCH 29. Price Three Cents. HELEN SCHUYLER , MAY GET STATE AID HOW JAMES KENAH NEAR UNTO DEATfl FOR STEVENS AVENUE ADMITTED PRESIDENT Miss Helen SuhuyU-r, aged nineteen State Road Commissioner Steven WILSON TO HOUSE years, is lying at the point of death, was in this city on Saturday to as | due, ft is said, to her taking a dose certain the value of Stevens avenue of muriatic add about 7 o'clock last as a State road. He was met hv A story has been going the rounds Board of Health Issues Orders that Tuesday night. ward Contract for Cheesequato Councilman E. J. O'Connor and Citj Middlesex County Democratic Com- of the press that James Kenah, of this eity, had attempted to stop Pres- If Gowns Are to be Leased by jJast what caused her to do this rash Creek Bridge Approach to lonra Engineer Mason, who went over the mittee Pass Resolution Advocat- act is not generally known, as her matter in detail. Mr. O'Connor has ident Wilson and his daughter, Miss High School Graduates Said parents are reticent about giving out Sebolt, of New Brunswick—Dela been working energetically to secun ing His Nomination for Gover- Jessie Wilson, "not knowing .them," Information. a State appropriation for the improve from entering the Capitol building on Gowns Must be Fumigated Be- ware River Quarry and Construe nient of the avenue, and the com nils nor—Senator Silzer Opposed — Tuesday after the time for visitors fore Being Worn—Butchers Must j (i"<l'° »''r friend, MISS wnma Rreit- lion Co. Given Bulk of Contracl sioner promised him that the citj Scully Approves of It. was up. Now nothing could be fur- „.„.,.. j nor, who is visiting in this city. Miss should receive an appropriation whicr ther from the truth, as our Jamea Carry Ice Boxes in Wagon. for Stone. knows President Wilson when he Bees Rrchner was in Miss Sclmlyor's room will probably amount lo $10,000. Res- The Middlesex County Democratic and noticed that she lmd some liquid idents of Stevens avenue, have been him just as well as lie does eoma Committee met at New Brunswick Wilson done up in bottles. James has The method of hiring caps and in a glass and on inquiring she was At an adjourned meeting of tlir greatly bothered with the conditior last Saturday, and passed a resolution •gowns by the Board of Kducation for told that it was rochelle salts. Be- imrd of Freeholders held at tinof the street In summer and have pe- justly taken exception to the articlB recommending the nomination of H.as published, and has written to his coirimencement exercises was dis- coming suspicious that it did not look •unity Record Building, New Hruns titioned the city council for Improve- Otto Wittpenn, of Jersey City, as a cussed at a meeting of the Board of like salts, Miss Dreitner went into Ick, Hist Monday afternoon, the con ments several times. The avenue will brother, P. F. Kenab, of this city, (liiberriiitorial candidate. just, how he put it all over the rest Health, held in the City Hall Thurs- the homo of her uncle, where she Is •act for Illling in of roadway leadlnt now hi' paved at the earliest, conven- Tin; iiR'eting w;is both lively and day evening of last week. The prac- staying, and told of her suspicions. the approach of the, new count) ience, and it Is probable that the. eity on this occasion. interesting. Kdwnrd Walker presented He was in tin1 lobby of the House tice was condemned as nnsanilary and Those present immediately became, .lK<> over Chei'Se<|iiak<! creek al council will take up tho mntler at the resolution recommending Mr. Witt- the health -officials have notllied the alarmed, and rushed to Miss Scliuy- organ was awarded lo Conrad Sc- their next mooting. when he noticed a policeman escort- penn to the voters of Middlesex. Sur- ing the President and his daughter Board of Education that if they carry ler's room and there found hnr lying lt, of New Bruimwiek, his bid l«i- Freeholder A, T. Kerr accompanied rogate Daniel \V. Clayton seconded it oat their intentions in the matter, that on her bed in great distress. The ig $r>,S')(i."iii. This is thought to b State Road Commissioner Stevens t< to Hie lobby, but the officer did not in an eloquent speech. Congressman know the President, They could not the caps and gowns must be turned deed had been done. Kinellra were very low bid, considering the ninoiinl I ho draw on the Amboy Bridge, where Scully, County Clerk (lannon, County over to Health Inspector William Par- immediately administered and physic- work to be done. in Inspection WIIH nmdi1 of (lie inotlvi get where they wanted to as the Jan. Chairman 'I'. H. llagerty, A. ('. Streit- itor had gone home for the day, and isen for fumigation before they can ians summoned. The contract for the erection of a power, The present gasolene engine wiilf, William II. lioylan, of New be worn by the graduates. It Is said that she was engaged to concrete bridge over Ihe south branch Is not of Riilllelimt power to turn tho the only way they could get to tho Hrimswick; (Jco. S. Walker, of Perth lloor of the House would IKJ to get A number of local butchers had a young man of this city and on tho of the Itnliwuy river waH awarded tc Irmv, especially when the 'wind t: Amboy; Thomas Reynolds, of Dunel- been requested to attend the meeting afternoon of Tuesday she had receiv- Carman & Smith, oC Mutuchen, their heavy, and th<> inntallat!on of steam the keys. While officers went scurry- Icn; and Mr. Illrner, of Woodbridge, ing to get the keys, James, knowing and discuss methods of handling and ed a note from htm declaring the en- bid of $ I.(1112, being the lowest lower In under consideration. ilso spoke in favor of the resolution. delivering meat during the summer gagement off. Miss Schulyer had been Contriu't l'«r Stone. the fellow who was placing the new Senator Silzer, of. New Brunswick, scats in the House, had the door un- months. afflicted with depressed tapells for The following contracts for the sup- ANOTIIKR GlillAT DAY und HOHS llendrickson and CharlcH R. A. Straub. Carl Straub, Gott- some months past, and it is thought plying of stone delivered on road:* locked before the officers knew how AT Till) HAPTIST CIIIIRCII Anderson, of South River, spoke it was done. He Introduced himself lob Straut), Richard McCloud, James tho letter aggravated her illness and were awarded lo the contractors be- igalnst It. Of the ninny enjoyable treats given to the President, and told him he Monaghan, Stanislaw Kwilinski and to end her troubles committed tho low their bids being the, lowest: The vote was by voice and as re- nt tho Baptist Church, next Sunday, was from New Jersey and Congressman F. Dzieken were present and asked to net. It hns also been said that she Herman Brother, of Roosevelt— orded by Klmer J. McMurtry, the March :IO, will be one of the best. Scully's district, when the President state their views on the matter. Af- left a note biding friends good-bye. Road from Hast Rahway to lOast Rah- secretary, stood fj4 to 3 in favor of Tin* sweet voiced gospel singer, Miss shook his hand and also introduced ter the question had been thoroughly Another rumor is afloat to the effect way county line road $1.25 per ton; the resolution. TJie commlttcemen Susan Schmolze, of Philadelphia, will his daughter. Mr. Kenah says that discussed the members of the Board that she took the acid by mistake. F. R. llpton, of Dnncllen— Iselln Oak liscussed the situation for nearly two In; present all day. Services at 10.30 when he Introduced the policeman, decided to allow them the privilege of But little, hope Is given for her re- Tree road $1.55 per ton; Landing lours. Senator Silzer was the prin- m., 2.30 and 7.HO p. m. Miss who did not know the President, he delivering meat in either of two ways, covery. She is a great sufferer, and Bridge, Mettler's Lane-New Market 'ilial spokesman against the resolu- Sclmmlze sang at the great evangelis- thought the officer would faint, so by having an ice box in the delivery is nt times unconscious. road, $l.(i() a ton; DelawAre River ion and raised the point that the tic meetings recently conducted by astonished was he. Tho news spread wagon or delivering by order. Miss Schuyler's many young friends Quarry and Construction Company, of committee had no right to'endorse Billy Sunday, the former baseball throughout the capital that the Presi- The other local butchers who were are greatly shocked over tho Inci- Rocky Hill—Woodbridge-Iselin road, iny candidatf. [ilayer, at. Wilkcsbarre, Pa. This pos- dent was present and Speaker Clark not present will be informed of the dent, and their hearts are saddened $l.tin per ton; Menlo-Park-lsolin Un- Several members answered back ibly may be the only opportunity came out of his office and escorted action of the board in the matter. Tho thereby. ion County line road, $1.00; Livingston hat when the committee three years be people of South Amboy and near tho party on the House lloor and ex- method will be used between May 15 avenue-Livingston Park road, $1.75; igo endorsed his own candidacy for y residents will have of hearing this plained the seats.
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